In no particular order...
The Stone Roses, The Postal Service, New Order, Band of Horses, Blur, Phoenix, Vampire Weekend, Of Monsters and Men, Social Distortion, Grizzly Bear, Smith Westerns, Stars, Metric, Beach House, Local Natives, Sigur Ros, Modest Mouse, Lou Reed, Beach House, Moby, Violent Femmes, DIIV
Are you fucking kidding me?!
The Stone Roses, The Postal Service, New Order, Band of Horses, Blur, Phoenix, Vampire Weekend, Of Monsters and Men, Social Distortion, Grizzly Bear, Smith Westerns, Stars, Metric, Beach House, Local Natives, Sigur Ros, Modest Mouse, Lou Reed, Beach House, Moby, Violent Femmes, DIIV
Are you fucking kidding me?!