Ignorance Can Leave an Awful Bruise
I never set out for Too Poppy to be a music review blog, but when something trips my trigger I feel the urge to share it. Here are just two I've neglected sharing for too long now with more coming soon!
The stellar third album from the Minneapolis singer-songwriter. Definite Beatley / Brit Invasion vibe, particularly on the first few tracks, yet tempered with an edgy folksiness you might hear on a Jon Auer solo release. A macabre delight set to the cheeriest of tunage.
Amazon.com MP3
Highest recommended tracks: Violet!, Dillinger Eyes, Lazy Bones
Official Site
Chicago-based power pop trio - need I say more? As a music lover who spent my formative years in Chicagoland at the height of Material Issue's brilliance I must say more and to do so I will employ several Too Poppy approved adjectives: catchy, crunchy, rollicking! GGG delivers catchy three-minute gems filled with crunchy guitars that will leave you rollicking. I gotta believe they put on a helluva live show. This is a must listen for fans of The Replacements and even Nirvana who occasionally lust for pure pop amid the din. The album comes in a bit long at 18 songs and would have made an incredible 10-song, 30-minute album, but kudos for ambition, boys.
Amazon.com MP3
Highest recommended tracks: Lullaby, The Sorry Song, Baby You're a Star
Official Site