Showing posts with label Import. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Import. Show all posts

Monday, February 16, 2015

CRICUT: What's new in Design Space 2 - Part 5 - Uploading SVG's

Whilst the main focus of the 2.0 update is to address the speed, reliability and performance of Design Space, there has been one feature added that should make everyone who uses SVG files very happy!

Currently SVG's don't import into Design Space at the size they were designed. Not only that, each piece of the design comes in at the incorrect size. Eg. the image below is from the Luxury Handbags svg from SVG Currently when I upload all the layers for the file they import at 2.4" in height. I then have to refer to the PDF that comes with the handbag kit and adjust the size of each piece individually so they cut at the correct size.

Well, in many cases that is about to change!

Depending on how the SVG has been designed (or which program it has been designed in) some files are now being imported into Design Space at their correct size and in proportion to each other.  This is certainly true for the files from SVG

Using the same kit as above here is how the layers appear when I import them.

All the layers are their current size and in proportion to each other! No need to resize anything. Just import, choose your paper and cut!

Not all SVG's are created equal though! I have tested files from 12 different svg sellers. Most worked (or were very close) but four didn't.

Admittedly, I only tried one or two files from each seller. The ones that did import correctly were:

Birds Cards
Lori Whitlock
Miss Kate Cuttables
Omar's Awesome SVG's
SVG Cuts
Treasure Box Designs
Willowdown Lane

The ones that didn't work for me were:

Cre8ive Cutz
Jessica Weible Designs
SVG Attic

I'll be trying these (and more) again once the update is live!

Happy crafting!  ♥

This website and its posts may contain affiliate links. If you purchase a product using the link I may receive a small commission.

I only participate in affiliate programs for products that I use and love.

Using the link is totally optional! If you don't wish to purchase through the link, you can go directly to the website and purchase from their shop. Please note there is no price difference to you between using the affiliate link and purchasing direct from the website.

Any commission I receive is used to offset the costs of maintaining this website (domain fees etc) and file/photo storage fees for files that I share with my readers. It also goes towards the cost of giveaways and postage at Cricut Lovers Guide to Design Space Facebook group. 

I have affiliates with, MightyDeals and InLinkz ♥

Thursday, November 13, 2014

CRICUT: Importing a JPG image into Design Space

Here's a quick tutorial on importing a JPG file into Design Space.

1. Log into your Design space account and at a new canvas click the Upload Image button

2. Click anywhere on the Basic Upload box

3. Click the Continue to Step 3 button

4. Click on the Browse button

5. Locate the file on your computer, select it and click Open

6. The image will appear in the preview screen. Click on one of the upload options then click the Continue to Step 2 button.

(This image is a very clean one with just one colour so the Simple Image upload works perfectly.)

7. Next you need to remove the white background from the image. Click on the Magic Wand tool then click on all of the white areas around the image. Make sure you also click inside each of the letters such as a, e, g to remove the background from there too.

Once you've done that your image will look like this.

This image is a screen shot from another program (possibly Silhouette Studio) and it has the dimension info around it. We need to remove that at well.

8. Click on the Eraser tool, left click on the screen and drag your mouse over the lines to erase them. You can change the size of the eraser if necessary.

When that's done the image looks like this.

9. Click the Continue to Step 3 button.

If you see any stray lines or marks on your image you can click the Back button to return to the previous screen.

10. Click in the check box marked 'Preserve original image within shape. Recommended for printing' to uncheck it.

You should only leave that box checked if you are going to be using Print then Cut with this image. If you're only going to be cutting this image unchecking that box automatically sets all the layers to Cut layers. 

11. When that box is unchecked the preview will look like this.

(You can still use the Back button to return to the previous screen if your image doesn't look just right...)

When you're happy with the design click the Save Image button

 The image appears in the list of Uploaded images. 

12. Click on your image to select it then click the Insert Images button.

The image appears on your mat ready for you to resize and cut!

Note... if there is a PNG version of your image available, you should use that instead. PNG's already have a transparent background which means you don't have to go to the trouble of removing it. ☺

Happy crafting!  ♥

This website and its posts may contain affiliate links. If you purchase a product using the link I may receive a small commission.

I only participate in affiliate programs for products that I use and love.

Using the link is totally optional. If you don't wish to purchase through the link, you can go directly to and purchase from their shop. Please note there is no price difference to you between using the affiliate link and purchasing direct from :)

Any commission I receive is used to offset the costs of maintaining this website (domain fees etc) and file/photo storage fees for files that I share with my readers. 

I have affiliates with and InLinkz ♥

Sunday, April 20, 2014

CRICUT: Design Space - Importing a SVG file

Having trouble importing SVG files into Design Space? Hopefully this will help.

Most SVG files import easily into Design Space. However files from MyScrapChick currently import with black blobs around them. There's extra work that needs to be done in Inkscape to cut those files successfully. I'm not aware if/when that problem is going to be fixed, but I do know the owner of MyScrapChick is aware of the problem.

On to the tutorial!! Here's the process from purchase to being ready to cut.

I'm using the awesome Easter file from SVG Cuts.

1. From the SVG Cuts website, click on the image for the file you want to purchase.


Monday, February 3, 2014

CRICUT - CCR - Importing Design Studio and Gypsy files into CCR

Originally posted on my old Design Studio blog - January 6, 2012

Do you have a lot of Design Studio and/or Gypsy files that you would like to use in CCR? Well, here's how you go about importing them.

1. Importing Gypsy files into CCR
(This is for files that you or someone else have created using the Gypsy.)
  • Make sure CCR is not running. (You'll get a debug error message if you have CCR running and will have to select Abort then close CCR.)
  • Connect your Gypsy to your computer with the Gypsy USB cord
  • Power on the Gypsy
  • Open Cricut Sync

  • When your Gypsy has connected and has checked for updates click the OK button. (If your Gypsy hasn't been updated for a while you may want to do the updates first although you should be able to skip that process and proceed with the file transfer.)


You will see a list of the files on your Gypsy

Next you need to transfer your Gypsy file to your computer. 
  • Open Windows Explorer and select a location for your file 
The default location for Cricut files is C:/Documents/Cricut/Projects but you can select any location on your computer, even the Desktop. I'll be using the default Projects folder.
  • Click the middle right hand button at the top right of the Windows Explorer screen to make that window smaller

Next, position the Windows Explorer and the Cricut Sync windows so you can see both on the screen

  • Scroll through the list on the Cricut Sync window and locate the file you want to transfer to your computer
  • Highlight the file you want to transfer then click and drag it over to the Windows Explorer screen.

You should see a symbol a bit like this as you move your cursor over the Windows Explorer screen.

  • When you have your mouse positioned over the Explorer window release the mouse button. Your Gypsy file will be copied to your computer and will show up in the list of files.

  • Check and make sure the file size isn't 0KB. If it does appear as 0KB the file won't import into CCR. If that's the case repeat the process above
2. Now you need to import your file into CCR.
  • Exit out of Cricut Sync
  • Disconnect your Gypsy from your computer (or power it off)
  • Open CCR and login to your account
  • When you are at the Projects screen click the Import button

  • Navigate to the folder you copied your Gypsy file to

  • Click the file and press Open
The file will appear at the top of your Projects list

  • Single click the file to select it and press the Open button (or double click next to the file name)
The file will appear on your CCR mat.

You will notice that the orientation of the file is different to how it appeared on your Gypsy. That's because the mat arrow on the Gypsy is on the left

Whereas the mat arrow on the CCR mat is at the top.

You can either leave your objects as they are or you can use the Rotate feature in the Shape Properties menu and rotate your objects 270°. 

In the design above I would change my mat size to 12x12 before rotating the objects then change it back to 6x12 if I'm cutting it out on the Personal or the Create.
  • To change the mat size select the Options Menu
  • From the Project tab change the default machine to the Expression 
  • Change the Mat size to 12x12
You may also find that your objects will be grouped. 
  • To make any changes to individual objects select the group by clicking anywhere on one of the objects then click the Ungroup button on the toolbar.

That's it for importing Gypsy files. Now onto Design Studio files.

3. Importing Design Studio files into CCR
Currently, if you have the full version of Design Studio you can save your DS files as Gypsy files. If you haven't done that before here's how you go about it:
  • With your file open in DS select File, Save As

  • Highlight and delete everything inside the File name box

  • Type in a new file name. (It can be the same as the Gypsy file or something different)
  • Click on the Save as type box

  • Select Gypsy files (*.gypsy)
  • Click the Save button

  • Select File, Close. (You can leave DS open if you want. Just make sure the file is closed.)

  • Once you have your DS file saved as a Gypsy file follow the instructions above to import the file into CCR.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

CRICUT: Importing .ccr and .gypsy files into Cricut Craft Room

I can’t believe I haven’t done a tutorial on this by now….. Better late than never I suppose…
Importing .ccr files and .gypsy files into CCR are done the same way…

First you’ll need to download/save the file to your computer. I’m using a file from my Facebook group but the steps are basically the same regardless of where the file resides.

  • Click on the Facebook groups title then click on the Files option

  •  Click on the Download button next to the file you want to save

  • Make sure the Save File option is selected and click OK

  •  Select the location of where you want to save the file.
You can save it to your Desktop, to your Downloads directory or to a specific directory of your choice. I created and save my files to My Document/Cricut/Projects 

  • Once your file has been saved open Cricut Craft Room
  • Click the My Projects icon on the toolbar

  • Click the Import button

  • Locate the file that you saved to your computer and click Open

The file will be imported and will appear at the top of your list of Projects

  • Highlight the file and click Open

The file will open ready for you to edit/cut

Note: If you have trouble importing a file into CCR it may be because the file size is too big.
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