Showing posts with label Sunset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunset. Show all posts

Sunday Snapshot -"One Last Walk On The Beach"

September 9, 2012

Running towards her sister in the sunset BLOG
With the last of the three kids heading out for their first day of school tomorrow, I figured it was now or never.......

Sarah Sun Sand Reflection BLOG
I have not had much time to even begin to sort through my photos from Cape Cod, but made myself sit here this morning to at least finish up some of my favs from our sunset beach session.

Reagan Sun Left Hands at Sides BLOG
As I worked on them, it totally took me back to that evening.

Giggling with my Sis on the beach BLOG
I could almost feel the joy that was radiating from their sweet little faces.

Silhouette of the girls dancing blog
My original intent was to get some posed close up type of portraits.

Running with Ruffles BLOG
But that idea quickly got tossed aside.

Twirling Sarah on the beach BLOG
It became a lifestyle type of shoot and I threw caution to the wind and told them they could go ahead and walk into the water.

after a dunk in the ocean BLOG
Reags wasted no time getting wet and just about completely submerged herself into the water.

Fists Full of Sand BLOG
Their skirts were dripping wet and full of sand.

Reagan Hands In front Looking to the side BLOG
Reags'skirt began to fall down because it was so waterlogged and heavy.

Walk along the waters edge together BLOG
Even though they were quite sandy, they had so much fun that night in the water..... they could not believe I let them go all the way in and they are still talking about it:)

And just in case you are wondering.... the pettiskirts cleaned up beautifully!!! After a wash on the delicate cycle and hanging outside to air dry, they are good as new! If you are looking for one of these fun full skirts go visit Sophia Jane Boutique where she offers them in every color under the sun!

I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday.
We are off to our first Soccer clinic for Sarah and then we will be getting everything ready for her first day of Kindergarten!

Camera: Canon 5d Markiii
Lens: 70-200 f2.8
The settings for the top photo were:
Focal Length 70mm
f 3.5
SS 1/2000
ISO 160

I used the new Florabella Colorplay action set to process these.
Perfect Color with a touch of Ocean Air and Peach.
If you have not checked out Florabella's new action set, you must, they are incredible!

Ni Hao Yall

Make sure you swing by Stef's blog to see more Sunday Snapshots.

Sunday Snapshot - "Beach Lovin' Sisters"

August 26, 2012

Sisters Hugging on the Beach2 BLOG
I know I said I wasn't going to post again until we returned home.....

Reagan Reflection and Sunset BLOG
but I thought I would give everyone a quick sneak preview to our sunset photo shoot on the beach.

Standing in the sunlight BLOG
I haven't spent much time editing, but could not wait to edit just a few.
Trust me when I say there will be many more beach photos to come.
For now I just wanted to share a few of my very favorites!

Today is our last beach day and tomorrow we pack up to head home.
I am feeling a little sad about that, but as they say, all good things must come to an end. We have had a fabulous time and a lot of memories have been made to hold us over until our next trip to the Cape.

Camera: Canon 5d Markiii
Lens: 70-200 f2.8
The settings for the top photo were:
Focal Length 70mm
f 3.5
SS 1/250
ISO 250

The sky absolutely took my breath away as did the gorgeous colors that were reflecting onto the water. I let the girls just do their thing and stood back to capture the sheer joy pasted all over their faces as they frolicked at the waters edge. Well, one of them ended up going all the way in....more on that later:)

I used the new Florabella Colorplay action set to process these. Perfect Color with a touch of Ocean Air and Peach, with Overlay number 17. If you have not checked out Florabella's new action set, you must, they are incredible!

Ni Hao Yall

Make sure you swing by Stef's blog to see more Sunday Snapshots.

Favorite Photo Friday - Sunset

August 24, 2012

Cape Cod Sunset
We are on the Cape and loving the sun, sand, and water.
Total relaxation mode has set in and we are enjoying all of the simple things while soaking up all of the beauty that surrounds us.
It looks like it is going to be another GORGEOUS day up here, so we are heading back to the beach!

This photo was taken as the sun was starting to set the other night.
While Reags was napping on our beach blanket, Sarah made a new little friend.
They were building a sand castle together. Even though this is just a plain old IPhone photo....
I am totally in love with it and it is my favorite photo of the week.

I am going to sign off and probably won't be back to share photos until later next week once we are back home.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

the long road