Showing posts with label social science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social science. Show all posts

Friday, 31 January 2025

UNIT 1 - The rivers of Spain

Hello, hello!
Now that we know all the mountain ranges of Spain, we're moving on to determining the most important rivers in our country.

The rivers of Spain. Social Science year 6

This is the information we've talked about in class:

Also, here you have the map with the watersheds of Spain:

Source: SM Publishing

Here you have some flashcards to practice locating the different rivers in Spain:

Mapa de los principales ríos de España en inglés
Map with the main rivers of Spain

Here you also have the names of the most important rivers we're learning about in Spanish:

I hope you find these useful!
Bye, bye, butterflies!

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Unit 1 - Spain's Relief

Hello, hello!
In Social Science we've started learning about the main relief features of our country. Here you have some study units and games to practise even more!

Spain's relief. Social Science year 6

Juego para aprender sobre el relieve de España

Juego para aprender sobre el relieve de España

Juego para aprender sobre el relieve de España

Juego para aprender sobre el relieve de España

Juego y recurso de estudio del relieve de España en inglés

I hope you find these useful!
Bye, bye, butterflies! 🦋

Monday, 7 November 2022

Unit 1 - Landscapes of Spain

Hello, hello!
Last, but not least, we've learned about the landscapes of Spain.

The landscapes of Spain. Social Science year 6.

You can access to the Study Unit above, and see the mind map we created today next:

Mind map about the landscapes of Spain

Here you also have some games to practice the content thanks to your friend D.B!

Bye, bye, butterflies!🦋

Friday, 28 October 2022

UNIT 1 - Climates in Spain

Hello, hello!
We're finally finishing this Social Science unit, and now we're learning about the Climates in Spain.

Some games for you to practice (as requested by your friend C):

Now let's play a Plickers game:

Also, we're interpreting climate graphs. Here you have some tools to do it:



I hope you find these useful!
Bye, bye, butterflies!🦋

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Unit 1 - Coastal relief of Spain

Hello, hello!
In Social Science we've talked about the Coastal Relief of Spain. Here you'll find a mind map and some interactive maps to learn this better.

Study unit of the coasts of Spain. Social Science year 6

Juegos para identificar las costas, islas y demás accidentes geográficos costeros
Juegos para identificar las costas, islas y demás accidentes geográficos costeros
Juego para identificar islas, mares, cabos, golfos, etc. En castellano
Juego para identificar islas, mares, cabos, golfos, etc. En castellano
I hope you find these useful!
Bye, bye, butterflies! 🦋

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Unit 1 - Water changes Earth's relief

Hello, hello!
Today we're learning more about rivers and other masses of water:

We have added some terms to the unit such as:

  • Meanders
  • Erosion
  • Deposition
  • Delta
Parts of a river. Year 6

You can watch these videos to learn some more about water and how it changes the Earth's relief:

These are other ways in which water can  change the Earth's relief:

I hope you find these useful!
Bye, bye, butterflies! 🦋