Total weight gain: +30 pounds (which is what I gained with Alli, and 5 pounds more than I gained with Lila)
Maternity clothes: Yes definitely. My maternity clothes are definitely getting really short, especially the tank tops! I am getting so tired of wearing the same five things over and over again. I've definitely switched my shopping this past month to clothes that I can wear to nurse in as well as be comfortable in after the birth.
Stretch marks: Just the old ones on my chest that have popped up again.
Sleep: I'm still sleeping really well and only find myself getting up once during the night. I am still super tired in the afternoon, so I've been taking advantage of naptime and I usually sleep myself unless I have a ton of editing to do.
Best moment of this week: I started my weekly doctor's appointments and cervical checks, so it was great to hear that things are progressing already. I was also told to start thinking about an induction if I wanted one, so that's fun too!
Food cravings: Still about the same., but I've started to want sweets a little more this past month (chocolate chip cookies are like heaven)..lots of salty foods: Nachos, pickles, doritos, cheetos, Coca Cola, greek yogurt, and spinach dip with Wheat Thins. I've also wanted tons of fruit this time, which was different than with both girls.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No :) It was a great month with no sickness, but I'm so uncomfortable that it's not that much of a trade off.
Have you started to show yet: I think I'm huge (and so does Josh), but strangers always tell me how small I am for 36 weeks. I am a little bigger than I was with the girls at this stage, but I think it just looks that way because he is so low and all out in front. I still cannot believe that we are less than 4 weeks away from meeting this little guy!
Gender: BOY!!! Grant Joshua Gentry and his closet is growing by the day :)
Labor signs: The lovely Braxton Hicks started around 18 weeks, and I've been getting them almost every time I move here lately. I am also dilated 1cm and 50% effaced.
Belly button in or out: In, but it looks like an outie underneath my shirts because it's so flat.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on...hopefully I'll never need to take it off
Happy or moody most of the time: A little bit of both...of course, I still have my moments
You look good! You are nothing, but belly!!! I think when Grant arrives I will start to freak out since I'm about 5 weeks behind you. :)