Bush tells CPAC: ‘Prosperity and peace are in the balance’
It’s been more than seven years, but I still laugh when I look back at this classic satirical item from The Onion, in which George W. Bush assured the nation that “our long national nightmare of peace and prosperity is finally over.”
“My fellow Americans,” Bush said (in this fake-news item), “at long last, we have reached the end of the dark period in American history that will come to be known as the Clinton Era, eight long years characterized by unprecedented economic expansion, a sharp decrease in crime, and sustained peace overseas. The time has come to put all of that behind us.”
Of course, this piece, written four days before Bush’s first inaugural, proved to be rather prophetic. But in the meantime, whenever I see or hear references to “peace and prosperity,” I think of The Onion, and the strength and success Bush squandered.
I was reminded of it again this morning, listening to Bush’s speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).
“My energy is up, my spirit is high, and I will finish strong. And in the meantime, we will elect a new President. We’ve had good debates and soon we’ll have a nominee who will carry a conservative banner into this election and beyond. Listen, the stakes in November are high. This is an important election. Prosperity and peace are in the balance.”
Really? Does George W. Bush seriously want to argue that the nation should follow his direction in order to maintain “prosperity and peace”?
Where is this elusive “prosperity and peace”? And why is it hiding so well?
That the president showed up at CPAC at all was a bit of a disappointment. After making an appearance before the 2000 election, Bush has carefully avoided the right-wing event, sending “videotaped greetings” to the unhinged activists and exhibitors who make the annual pilgrimage.
This year, however, Bush and Cheney showed up to pander to the far-right crowd — a first in the 35-year history of the conference.
The president’s speech was unintentionally amusing. A few highlights from my notes:
* Best VP Ever: “I appreciate the fact you invited Vice President Cheney here. He is the best Vice President in history.” Bush did not appear to be kidding.
* Afghanistan: “The first battle in this war against the extremists centered on Afghanistan — the 9/11 attackers had trained and planned in Afghanistan. We believed our military could remove the Taliban from power and that we could help aid the rise of a stable and democratic government. Critics had a different view.” Really? Where were all of these opponents of a military confrontation with Afghanistan?
* Iraq: “There is more work to be done. It takes a while for young democracies to take root — but reconciliation is taking place.” Actually, it’s not. I’d hoped the president would do more to keep up on current events.
* Democracy promotion: “We can have confidence in Iraq’s ultimate success because we believe in the transformative power of freedom. We believe there is an Almighty God. And a gift of that Almighty to every man, woman and child on the face of this Earth is freedom.” Unless these men, women, and children live in Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, or a variety of other dictatorships, in which case Bush isn’t especially concerned with freedom.
* Warrantless searches: “Our ability to monitor the communications of terrorists overseas has helped us gain crucial elements on terrorist cells, and helped keep our country safe. The Protect America Act is working. The problem is that Congress set the law to expire one week from tomorrow. I don’t think the al Qaeda threat is going to expire one week from tomorrow.” Hilarious. It’s almost as if Bush is counting on his right-wing audience to be so confused, he can lie to them with a straight face.
* U.S. public opinion: “We will face other challenges ahead that will require new energy and before long, new leadership. I’m absolutely confident, with your help we will elect a President who shares our principles. As we take on the challenges, we must be guided by the philosophy that has brought us success. Our policies are working. The American people support our points of view. They share our philosophy.” Do you suppose Bush is being willfully ignorant, or is he just confused over how thoroughly the public has rejected everything he stands for?
Just 346 days to go.
“We believed our military could remove the Taliban from power and that we could help aid the rise of a stable and democratic government. Critics had a different view.”
Really? Where were all of these opponents of a military confrontation with Afghanistan?
I dunno, but Bush seems intent on proving them right. I mean, the military removed the Taliban from power, sure, but that whole “stable and democratic government” bit seems to be somewhat elusive. And the Taliban is making a comeback AND threatening uprisings in Pakistan. Maybe because Bush decided to go beat up the guy who threatened his Daddy instead of finishing the job.
So I’d like to know who those critics were, because so far they seem to have gotten it right.
I think we all have to agree with the president when he said, “Peace and prosperity are in the balance.” They are. And fortunately we’ll have Democratic president and congress who will deliver it.
Has anybody seen the commercials for “Dish DVD”? They have an actor who’s supposed to be Bush and it mocks his “mispronounciations”.
I’ve never seen an ad that mocks Bush before. One of many to come, I hope.
The Dish TV dude has his own show someplace. He rags on Bush all the time. I haven’t seen it though. I think it’s on TBS.
The repub-pretending-to-be-dem trolls seem to have found this blog.
Don’t feed them, please.
Y’know kids, as skeptical as I am that Hillary could beat McCain this fall…
…as long as she uses this image
At the beginning/end of every attack ad, she just might pull it off.
Bush will deserve an implicit “thank you” from Obama when he’s 44th…only Bush could have helped create the conditions where the Republicans collapse this badly.
I have to wonder what Bush’s days are like. Does he sit in a room with three other people who laugh with him and tell him what a great leader he is and how funny he is. Is there anyone giving him any kind of reality about the world right now? Just the quote above is enough to make me really question his current state of sanity (not that I haven’t before). I CANNOT WAIT until this horrible presidency is over.
“Don’t feed them, please.” (Shade Tail, #7).
I agree. Except you need to learn how to reach them. DON’T FEED THE TROLLS!!! DON’T FEED THE TROLLS!!!!!! DON’T FEED THE TROLLS!!!!!!!!! DON’T FEED THE TROLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (repeat 500 times at 120 decibels)
Though he would disagree vehemently, Mr. Bush has used some of his most powerful intentions to help pave the road to our democracy’s demise! -Kevo
I understand Kool-Aid was the beverage of choice at the CPAC meeting.
Really – if this is what the GOP is going to run on, they should just pack it up and go home now. I think it’s going to be highly amusing to watch John McCain spin straw into gold – these CPAC people are the hard core conservatives that McCain needs to be on board, but they’re the same people believe what Bush said. How do you cater to them AND get the votes of the moderates and independents?
People who think the Democrats are “divided” over HRC and BO need to consider the dilemma that confronts the GOP and McCain to underdstand what real division is.
I understand that Condi Rice is being pushed as a VP candidate by a couple of CPAC-ers who have set up a 527 to do just that, in the belief that she will allay the fears about McCain that he is not loyal enough to the Bush agenda.
Just think about that one for a minute.
How come we think we are trolls?
We don’t want Clinton in office because she sucks.
We want the war to end.
Why are we trolls?
We are concerned people who actually care about our country, unlike Hitlery supporters who only care about shoving another Clinton down the GOP’s throats.
I’m from the Democrat Party and I spout right-wing talking points. All that Clinton corruption! Vince Foster! Hitlery!
Feed me, Seymour.
Better more Bush years than a different Democrat than mine!!!
Yeah, right.
to # 13.
“Prosperity and peace are in the balance. — GWB”
Holy crap, he’s absolutely right! Now if voters would realize that the Republicans are tilting the balance in the wrong direction, we might get some peace and prosperity.
Vote anti-Republican.
Concerned Democrat, are you a Democratic Hillary Hater, or a Hillary Hater from another party affiliation? Either way, I merely see you as a Hillary Hater, not a fellow American concerned with our nation’s future. -Kevo
I don’t want any more of Bush. I want Obama or McCain.
No more Evil Empires. Bush and Clintons must GO!!! They are both evil, they are both regimes of terror in our nation!!!
“Where is this elusive “prosperity and peace”? And why is it hiding so well?”
It’s being kept safe in an undisclosed location so the Liberal Media can’t tell their terristonazi friends where it is and then they can’t drop a dirty-bomb on it and make the Baby Jeebus cry.
One way to avoid feeding the trolls is to ignore anything written in all capital letters.
You forgot to include “fascists” in there. Or is that implied with the word “liberal”?
Maybe we should ask some of our not-really-concerned-Democrats-but-clueless-tools for a ruling.
Nothing like putting your ignorance in all caps. How pathetic. Are you kidding or what. No republican will win the WH this election… period. No matter who we nominate. After the horrors of Bush and McCain being just more Bush, no republican will win the WH this election. It is a pathetic excuse to keep Hillary from being nominated and it’s a ridiculous notion.
CPAC and the GOP are trying to avoid talking about Bush and his failed policies. Bush makes no pretense about lying. He is totally unconcerned about being called on his lies and exaggerations because he has stopped listening and he knows that no matter what he says he doesn’t have to listen to a contrary opinion. Congress has made sure he faces no consequences for his actions and a majority of Americans are tired of yelling out the truth at this administration and are standing ready to push them all out of office.
“…Our policies are working. The American people support our points of view. They share our philosophy.” …” Points out perfectly how delusional this president is…and he has the full support of the republican party….Only an idiot could believe the American voter will vote for 4 more years of this with John ‘more wars- Iraq forever-permanent tax cuts for the wealthy-no national health care-ignoring global warming-spying on Americans and unregulated executive power” McBush2
He is the best Vice President in history.” Bush did not appear to be kidding.
It’s been said that the Oscar for “best” whatever really goes to the “most”… Most Sound Effects Editing, Most Costume Design, Most Acting, etc. By that logic, Bush is praising Cheney for being the most Vice President in history. He may have a point, notwithstanding John Adams.
Where were all of these opponents of a military confrontation with Afghanistan?
IIRC, Ted Rall and Michael Moore believed that war was all about getting an oil pipeline. More here:
I want Obama or McCain
Have you asked your doctor about Dissassociative Personality Disorder?
It is not comprehensible how anyone could want Obama or McCain, since every single policy they would implement is in polar opposition with each other.
Unless you are secretly David Broder, who does not think policies are important, posting under an assumed name.
Anyway, back to the scheduled programming. . .
No small irony in Bush saying that voting for the Republicans is to protect “peace and prosperity,” since the last administration to actually give us that was Clinton/Gore, and had Gore run on exactly that theme there would never have been a pResident GW Bush in the first place.
Hillary has spent a professional lifetime in public service. She could have made much more money as a self-serving lawyer on Wall Street or in DC. Disagree with her politics, her policies, her programs, her alliances or her marriage. But nothing’s gained by expressing one’s hatred of her except one’s own private emotional release.
Hillary hatred may very well result in a Supreme Court of nine conservative Roman Catholic jurists who despise the Constitution instead of the current five.
Actually, Bush may be right about Cheney being the best VP in history. His presence has allowed Bush to be the worst President in history without being impeached, he has done all of the dirty work – sliming Valerie Plame, for instance, and cozying up to Justice Scalia – for Bush, and he has scared off anyone who would dissent within the administration because they are scared Cheney may actually leap up and eat their trachea while they stand there dissenting.
From Bush’s perspective, that’s some damned fine work.
Man, I need whatever Bush and Cheney have been drinking, because that’s gotta be some good stuff.
I’m still amazed that we let the 2000 election controversy just slide under the carpet.
Sigh indeed.
Obama OR McCain are fine by me. So long as the Evil Empire falls.
And to the person saying she could have made much more in private profession, how about her husband’s sale of pardons, or recent uranium mining deal? do you think hillary would have a $9 mill book if she were just another lawyer?
booo hooo for hillary. you’re just falling for more of her evil lies.
That Onion article makes me sad. We knew at the time what the future held, but we let it happen nonetheless.
Ironically, who is achieving more here? Bush with his tired old preposterous assertions or Steve with his familiar, valid critique?
Wingnuts love Bushspeak; Journalists(incuding bloggers) have to listen to him; Your readership, I suspect, would rather never hear of another Bushsound, unless it is a resignation(or a death rattle). Sorry but my capacity for amusement on this subject has run out.
It’s almost as if Bush is counting on his right-wing audience to be so confused, he can lie to them with a straight face.
Maybe Bush can’t be impeached. But given that probable cause exists, can’t he be subjected to mandatory random drug tests?
I would like to take this time to thank Concerned “Democrat” for reminding us all why lead paint is illegal.
Your service to our nation is noted.
After his most recent post on this thread, Concerned Democrat must be a member of the Democrat Party, as it seems he doesn’t really ascribe to Democratic persuasions. Just noting! -Kevo
BushSpeak, translated: “Prosperity and peace are in the balance because I, Commander Deciderer Guy, broke both the Economy and the Army. That makes me a Neocon God—and I have an unearned Purple Heart to prove it.”
You know, there really needs to be some sort of moratorium on the goddamn stupid nicknames that people come up with for the candidates. You could have the most cogent, insightful, stirring thing to say ever, and then you throw out something like (this one’s popular) “Hitlery”, and my mental image of you reverts to a fucking third-grader with a finger up its nose.
This cuts both ways across the aisle, actually. “Ghouliani”, “McCaint”, etc., are equally stupid. Yes, they deserve to be mocked, but is “Hurr! He has stoopid name! Hurr!” really the best you can come up with?
What that means is that if namecalling is the most incisive and witty thing you can think of, maybe you should just shut the fuck up.
Maybe the peace and prosperity are hiding with the WMD. Under the desk? Behind the curtains? I know they were here just a minute (seven years) ago…
#24, Grumpy, LOL best analysis of the Dick I’ve seen.
#33, sarabeth, mandatory drug testing, really funny. I’d love to see it enacted. We do mandatory testing of pilots, why not the person “guiding” the nation?
“‘I appreciate the fact you invited Vice President Cheney here. He is the best Vice President in history.’ Bush did not appear to be kidding.”
I’m sure George’s dad is feeling the love from that little remark.
Good point, 2Manchu.
What an ingrate.
Yet everyone like zoned out puppets applauded and screamed for their Idol.