Showing posts with label BLWwithChubbyCheeksChu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BLWwithChubbyCheeksChu. Show all posts

Friday, July 13, 2018

Baby Friendly Rice Cooker Chicken Rice

This rice cooker chicken rice was highly recommended by Angie. I tried it and we loved it. I cooked a soup to go with it as well as long bean eggs.

Adriel loves soup and he is seen using the B.Box cup here. It has a straw that is stuck to the side of the cup and handles for the cup for independent drinking of soup (: 

Anyway, this recipe is easy, takes about 15 minutes to prepare given that the rice cooker does the rest of the work. I'd rate it a difficulty level 2 out of 5. 

Baby Friendly Rice Cooker Chicken Rice
This recipe serves 2 - 3 pax

1 cup rice
1 bulb garlic
2 - 3 chicken legs
sesame oil
2 pandan leaves, knotted
stock (3 cups for the low GI rice I used, 1.5 cups or a little lesser for Jasmine rice)

1. Washed rice thrice. 
2. Smash 1 bulb of garlic (8 to 10 pcs) and remove skin and base
3. Added stock and pandan leaves. 
4. Added a drizzle of sesame oil.
5. Cook as per white rice function.
6. Serve and enjoy! 

The soup I cooked together with lunch (:

A simple long bean egg (: 

Baby Friendly 1 Pan Udon

I love 1 pan dishes and here is a rendition I love! 

It takes about 20 minutes to prepare and I'd rate it a difficulty level 2 out of 5.

Baby Friendly 1 Pan Udon
This recipe feeds 2-3 pax

 200g Ground beef
4 -5 pieces of da bai cai, sliced
1/2 packet white button mushroom, sliced
1 carrot, sliced, 
1 packet Enoki mushroom
 1 egg, fried in sheet form
1/2 broccoli 
 1 piece udon (frozen from don don donki) or 1 to 2 packs of regular udon
  Tesco's garlic bread spices (salt free) or any dried herbs you like
garlic powder 
black pepper 
olive oil

1. Fry egg with some olive oil in a sheet form and slice
2. In the hot pan with olive oil,  fry mushroom till softened. 
3. Add minced beef. Season with herbs, garlic powder and black pepper.
4. Add in all vegetables and Enoki mushroom, stir fry and cook for 4 mins.
5. Add in udon and cook for time required in package. 
6. Season with black pepper, herbs and garlic powder.
7. Serve. 

Baby Friendly Creamy Pasta

This recipe was highly raved by mama Angie in the BLW group that I'm in. Original recipe is from Mother Queen Z. The sauce is really creamy but it was well liked by hubby. It was okay for Adriel but way too creamy for my liking. Then again, you may like it so here I am to share it (:

This recipe takes 30 minutes to prepare and I'd rate it a difficulty level 3 out of 5. 

Baby Friendly Creamy Pasta
This recipe feeds 2 - 3 pax

6oz fresh milk
10g plain flour
20g grated cheese
10g cream cheese
50g broccoli, cut into bite sized portions
1 carrot, sliced
1 stalk of celery, sliced
Olive oil
cooked pasta, enough for 2-3 pax
garlic powder
dried herb of choice (oregano, rosemary all work)

1. Cook olive oil, milk and flour on low heat till it thickens.
2. Add in cheeses and mix well.  
3. Add in garlic powder and dried herb.
4. Add in veggie and reduce heat. Enable vegetables to cook through. You may choose to boil/steam it beforehand too.
5. Add in pasta and serve.
6. Enjoy! 

Baby Friendly Salmon Fried Rice

Adriel loves rice. His first try of this salmon fried rice had him having 3 servings non stop cos he just loved it so much! (: I love adding lots of ingredients to it so here's my rendition.

I'd rate it a difficulty level 2 out of 5 and it takes about 30 mins to prepare, given that rice has already been cooked.

Baby Friendly Salmon Fried Rice Recipe
Serves 3 - 4

1 cup rice, cooked and cooled (I prefer overnight rice but if that is a concern for you, cook it, cool it, refrigerate it for a few hours and use it. Overnight rice seems to be tastier for fried rice!)
200g salmon, diced
1/2 corn, diced
4 - 5 pieces of long bean, diced
1/2 box white button mushroom, diced
1 carrot, diced
6 prawns, diced (optional)
4 eggs
Olive oil
black pepper
garlic powder (optional)

1. Heat up olive oil in pan. 
2. Stir fry mushroom till softened.
3. Add in all corn, long bean, carrot and prawns and stir fry.
4. Add rice and stir fry, breaking rice up.
5. Mix eggs and pour evenly into rice.
6. Stir fry, ensuring that rice is coated as evenly as possible.
7. Add salmon. Fry. Season with black pepper. Add garlic powder if you fancy. I LOVE GARLIC POWDER (: 
8. Enjoy! 

Adriel sure loves his fried rice! (: 

Baby Friendly Waffles

These waffles are easy to whip up and freeze really well. I do not use sugar but use banana to sweeten it instead. You can even add blueberries to make blueberry waffles! Yum! They're crunchy on the outside yet soft and fluffy on the inside. 

This recipe takes about 30 minutes to whip up 1 batch of them.. I'd rate them a difficulty level 3 out of 5. 

Baby Friendly Waffles
1 ripe banana
160g cake flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 egg separated + 1 egg white 
250ml fresh milk
3 tbsp oil
1/2 tsp cinammon 
1 tbsp vanilla bean paste

1. Mix dry ingredients together. 
2. Add banana, egg yolk, milk, oil & vanilla bean paste in. 
3. Whisk up egg whites till stiff peaks are formed. 
4. Fold in egg whites into yolk batter in 3 additions. 
5. Cook as per waffle machine's instructions. I did about 4 mins each.

NOTE: This has a very faint sweetness to it so feel free to add 1 more banana, replacing 20 to 30ml milk or add a few tbsp of castor sugar if you'd like to sweeten it..

Baby Friendly Veggie & Mushroom (Creamy) Risotto

I've been away for too long! I have not been baking much but I've been cooking quite a bit for the family. Here are a few baby friendly recipes I'd love to share! Here's a risotto I love to cook that has got Adriel's heart. It allows me to add lots of veggie that he sometimes would not eat otherwise.

It requires constant stirring when cooking so be ready to stir for a good 20 mins or so but the results are so worth the effort (: I'd rate it a difficulty level 3 out of 5 and it takes about 40 mins in all to prepare and cook.

Veggie & Mushroom (Creamy) Risotto Recipe 
Serves 4

1 onion (yellow)
1 carrot
5 to 8 white button mushrooms 
1/2 pack Shinmeiji mushroom 
1 stalk celery
1/2 broccoli
1.25 cup Arborio rice
Stock (about 700ml to 1 litre)
1 tbsp butter 
Olive oil
cooking cream (If you like the creamy version)

NOTE: You can add any veggie you like. I did cauliflowers and pumpkins too and they tasted great.

1, Chop up everything into small pieces. 
2. Add butter to pan. Melt the butter and cook on medium heat.
3. Stir fry onions till translucent. Put in all vegetables except broccoli and stir fry for a few minutes.
4. Add in rice. Stir fry for 2 mins. 
5. Add in 1 ladle of warm/hot stock. Crank heat down to low. 
6. Stir. And stir! And stir!
7. Stir till liquid does not run down the middle when you run your spatula through the middle of pan. 8. Add in next ladle of stock. Do it in many additions. Stir, dry and repeat. 
9. 0 mins into cooking, add broccoli. 
10. Takes about 20 mins. Taste rice for doneness. Add cream in place of stock in the last 5 mins of cooking if you like a creamy risotto. You can also add some freshly grated Parmesan cheese if you'd like. 
11. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Baby-led Weaning with #Chubbycheekschu

When Adriel turned about 6 months old, it was time for him to be introduced to food. I chose baby led weaning for many reasons and we started when he turned 6 months old (corrected age). He was born about 3 weeks early. 

The beauty of baby led weaning enables a child to learn to chew before swallowing as opposed to traditional weaning of purees which teaches a child to swallow. It promotes exploration and encourages a child to eat till they are full. Sure it looks scary, fancy a 6 month old child biting chunks of food! SOLID FOOD! A child is encouraged to eat what the parents eat. Parents model eating habits for the baby. As such, it is also a good opportunity for parents to eat healthily. 

Gagging and choking are the scariest part of BLW. Adriel gagged a fair bit in the initial stages. It's been 2 weeks but he's not exactly eating yet. He nibbles, sucks and plays around with the texture of the food but does not consume much (yet!). 

With BLW, I aim to have him learn to be independent. I do not want him to be fed while watching programmes on an electronic gadget (sorry to parents who do!) or having to force feed him. As it is, feeding him milk showed the hubby and I how he hates to be forced. He even refused milk for a good period after we force fed him post op. The last thing I want is for him to be forced fed. 

This excited mama got a lot of stuff for our BLW journey! 

We started with breakfast on a Sunday morning. Steamed Japanese pumpkin, sweet potato and broccoli. 

Food for this introductory stage is generally cut into finger sized pieces, easy to grab and should be soft enough to be mashed when held between fingers. 

Our food vs his.

Food allergies can occur at any point of time. Even to something you have eaten for years. With that, I did not stick to the 1 food item 3 day rule. Of course, I observe and watch out for signs of sensitivity and allergy to food. 

This was our very first meal! He gagged. Gosh, were we frightened. Adriel did work it out though, he spat out the large chunk he took.. along with some milk XD But it was all good. 

Pretty messy affair!

That night, he figured out that he could get food! He got some cucumber (washed in hot water) while we had dinner at Putien.

I try to cook as healthily as possible. No processed food. No additional salt. No additional sugar. This lil' fella is a good supervisor! 

He likes bell peppers. This was stir fried pasta.

He had baby teethers!

The gagging for this was scary!

We had BLW lunch (I prepped from home) when we met my sis.

I had fun digging out all my lunchboxes to play!

As the days passed, he showed more interest in food. And had fun even though he didn't actually consume much. Here he is with wholemeal bread.


His favourite broccoli! 

And it shows! He would usually refused his meds and force feeding him meds was one of the most dreaded tasks of all. He snatched my syringe and attempted to feed himself meds! I am so proud of my lil' boy. 

Not everything tickles his fancy. Avocado were not really his thing.

He did enjoy beef a lot. LIKE A LOT. I grilled it till it was well done and he sucked on the juices. It was the longest I've seen him feed on a food item! 

Bananas, he likes them! 
Baked potatoes at Lenas!

Grillled veg! 

He just likes his beef.

Got this knife from Amazon to help texture some of his food so that it is easier for him to grip them!

Eating at Miam Miam, impressing his yeye and ah ma! 

He is on task most of the time.. but at times, he gets distracted! Like grabbing my chair..

We had fun at Swensens! 

He liked mashed potatoes! I dabbed some on his fingers and he licked them.

We made quite a mess! Of course, I clean up! 


He really liked his steamed chicken! 

I cannot wait till he actually starts eating XD though the exploratory stage can take a while. I'm just glad to be eating healthier cos of him. 

Here are some of his meals so far.

A couple of things to note when it comes to BLW.

Babies under the age of 1 SHOULD NOT be given honey due to the possibility of botulism.  There should be minimal salt & sugar. Otherwise, the concept is that they pretty much eat what we eat! 

Will update again! 

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