Showing posts with label separation anxiety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label separation anxiety. Show all posts

April 1, 2015

Separated at Birth.

All my life I've had this feeling that I was somehow incomplete. And now I discover what I've always known to be true: PickleWeasel is my twin.

See how alike we are? (That's me on the right by the way.)

It's an amazing feeling.

Comments are here.

September 6, 2012

My home.

Politics? Not usually something I engage in publically. But since Pauline Marois’ historic victory in the 2012 Québec Provincial Elections, this image has persisted in my mind's eye:

The election campaign, the results, and the fatal shooting at the Parti Québécois celebration rally left me with some lingering thoughts and feelings.
  1. I’m reasonably bilingual and I like it. 
  2. Language issues remain divisive for some folks. But those who speak with violence ne parlent pas pour moi
  3. Although I don’t consider myself a separatist, I love living in Québec. I especially love Montreal, peu importe ma langue maternelle.  
  4. Honestly... I’m no longer certain what it means to me to be Canadian since Harper was elected as Prime Minister. The Canada I loved feels like it's disintegrating.
  5. Some Canadians outside of Québec seem to have a peculiar idea about what it’s like to live here.
  6. The first people that lived in this land spoke neither French nor English. 
The Fleur-de-lys in the drawing is an emblem from the Québec flag. Did you know that “quebec” is originally a Mi’kmaq word? It means “strait”. I live here; it's my home.

August 2, 2011

ESCAPE from the BIG Bed.


After 6 weeks of languishing in the big bed all by myself, me and the 14 year old daughter are headed to England to join the Huz and our two other kids.

I can't wait!!!

When I see them, I'm gonna pretend I'm in one of those movies, running in slow motion, arms outstretched and ready for the hug/spin thingie....

Re-united after a long separation; I know 6 weeks is nothing compared to what some people go through. What are your best re-united stories?

Please share this moment.

July 16, 2011


I was just Skyping with my son, eldest daughter and husband over in England and I started to blubber. I had to end the call and just bawl like a baby.

I miss them so much. But I did this drawing and it made me laugh!

Two and a half more weeks 'til we join them. Until then, I'll be using his t-shirt as a hankie.

Biggest cry baby moment?

Share this moment.

July 5, 2011

The Middle of the BED.

The Huz has been away for one week now and the bed's still too big without him.

When life hands you lemons...

...make Bed-Angels!!

One down, four weeks to go. How do you cope with separation from your spouse?

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January 7, 2011

Letting GO.

My big grownup 16 year old daughter left for the UK last week. She's going to visit her Granny for three weeks, and it's her first big trip all by herself.

We drove her to the airport and off she went.

I'm very proud of her. And I miss her.
