Showing posts with label mommy-love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mommy-love. Show all posts

August 28, 2013

Back to school.

My youngest child is thirteen years old and going into Grade 8. He wasn't too stressed about today being the first day back to school. The boy asked me to walk him "halfway" there.

I decided to take the dog with us.

And he was off...

I watched him until he disappeared, half hoping he would turn to wave. He didn't.

Motherhood? It's all about letting go. You gotta keep cutting that umbilical cord, over and over and over. I'm so glad I brought the dog with me.

June 24, 2011

The FirstBORN Graduates.

Ticking off the milestones, in this case, the 17 year old daughter's High School Graduation Ceremony. I was sitting in the auditorium, with all the other parents. The students started filing in. My camera was all charged up and ready. Then it wouldn't turn on. I realized I wasn't going to get any photos of the entire event.

I admit I sobbed like a big baby, which I would have done anyway. My mascara didn't stand a chance....

Good thing I know how to draw.

She got her diploma and an Award in Current Events. She also had the recognition of her peers for math, since she organized study groups and helped many other students to learn math. My heart is bursting and I'm so proud of my girl!

What milestones have your little ones passed?

Share this moment.

May 25, 2011


* * * * *


There is more to this story but I've removed it from the blog for now.

MotherHOOD has been expanded and published as a book, and you can purchase it on CreateSpace or Amazon. Thanks for reading and stay tooned.
VOTY Honoree

This post was selected for the 2012 BlogHer "Voices of the Year" in the visual category. 

April 19, 2011

My First TatTOON.

This is a story of mommy-love.

It all started back in September with this contest. The winner was Angela AKA @mommyamc and her prize was to be featured in my cartoon along with the LumberJACK. If you watch the animation, you'll hear the LumberJACK song (well, a version of it, anyway). Angela's five year old son Aaron could not get enough of the song and prolly drove his mom nuts singing it.

Aaron became my Number 1 Fan. Meaning I had to draw him as a LumberJACK! Wearing LumberJACK pyjamas to be precise.

Angela said her son loved the drawing and that it looked just like him. She decided she wanted to get the Aaron drawing done as a tattoo. She's as lovely a person as you're ever likely to find on twitter and she respectfully asked my permission first. To which I replied, "Really? WOW. Cool!"

The tat was done by her cousin Brian who does them for fun and family.

Aaron's elder brother Austin took pics of the entire event and now that it's healed a bit, his aunt took this fantastic photo.

I teared up when I saw it. Yep....mommy-love.

Apparently Aaron is super proud to be drawn on his mom's shoulder; he tells everyone about it and Angela's getting lots of compliments on this TatTOON.

What's the funnest tattoo you've ever seen? I do have one myself, but you will never guess where, so don't even try.

Share the mommy-love.