Showing posts with label green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label green. Show all posts

November 5, 2015

Sunny Ways: Blinking in the Light.

On October 19th my country elected a new government and a new leader. The old leader was bad for most of the country; he favoured the rich over everyone else, he did not care about the planet, he put all our eggs in one fragile basket and he was secretive until the end. This last bit worried me; we never knew what he was up to. In fact, we weren't even sure he'd actually resigned as Prime Minister of Canada until yesterday when Justin Trudeau and his promising new cabinet were sworn in.

The last ten years have seen a slow and steady dimming, so incrementally slow that you hardly noticed until one day you realized you had to squint to see across the room. The oxygen had thinned and you couldn't breathe or stretch out. People became suspicious of one another and lashed out in the darkness. We were choking. Four more years would have cemented fear and division as a way of life.

So I've been cautious about celebrating. Is Stephen Harper really gone? Is it safe to come out?

My vote went to the Green Party. I knew they wouldn't win, but I wanted my voice to count with the roughly 600,000 other Green Canadians. Our collective verdure might help push a greener agenda no matter who got elected. I did not vote for Justin Trudeau, but I'm glad he's there. Watching him move forward, I kind of feel like he's my little brother; I'm proud of him. 

We'll be keeping an eye on him. For now, it's so good to finally bask in the light of hope after a long decade of darkness.

Comments are here.

March 17, 2015


Happy St. Patrick's Day.

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I've been green herehere and here, thanks to my friends: Kathy Slamen Photography, Body painting  Alex Hansen, Hair & make-up Naita Ratycz, jewelry and hair accessory by Serafina, vintage gown courtesy private collection of Nancy Marrelli.

Comments are here.

April 15, 2013


Somehow, cartoons just don't feel right I'm hoping to cheer you up with these pictures of me from when I was green.

I hope that you will be okay.

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I've been green here and here thanks to my friends: Kathy Slamen Photography, Body painting  Alex Hansen, Hair & make-up Naita Ratycz, jewelry and hair accessory by Serafina, vintage gown courtesy private collection of Nancy Marrelli.

October 31, 2012

Pickle Weasel HALLOWEEN.

Last Halloween I went GREEN. Like for realz; I was painted green and photographed by Kathy Slamen.

This year? Pickle Weasel stole my costume. *pouts*

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. What's the best costume EVAR?

December 24, 2011

GREEN Christmas - Top 10 Funniest.

1. Grinch it. Bully a small dog into helping you steal Christmas only to give it back at the last minute. Sounds fun right?  You don't hafta wear pants and your heart will grow three sizes.

2. Envy. Simply covet thy neighbour's gifts!

3. Greenback. Buy a winning lottery ticket, for a change.

4. Zombie.  That dude you kissed under the mistletoe is now gnawing on your shoulder.

5. Nausea. Too much rich food will make you green around the gills.

6. Practical Presents. Wine probably fits into this category. It's not exactly environmental, but hey, it's wine. As The Huz says, "wouldn't you rather give your money to a family run vineyard than a big pharmaceutical company?"

7. Orion Slave Girls. They make a nice holiday treat....if you're into alien sex. Uh, I mean sects.

8. Last Minute Green Gift. You get a surprise visit from Aunt Mildred, and she's got gifts for the whole family. But you have no gift for her! Uh-oh....better sneak into the bathroom with your laptop and get her a Kiva Gift Card to loan $25 to third world entrepreneur.

9. Noob it. Enjoy the green sensation of learning something new.

10. Make-up! Get your fabulous friends to paint you green and take pictures.

Got any more?

Kathy Slamen Photography, Body painting  Alex Hansen, Hair & make-up Naita Ratycz, jewelry and hair accessory by Serafina, vintage gown courtesy private collection of Nancy Marrelli.

October 30, 2011

GREEN Hallowe'en.

I always wanted to be green.

Ever since seeing that green alien in Star Trek.

Oops, no, I meant this green alien in Star Trek...

My friend Kathy (AKA @HelloPhotoKitty) is so talented.

I just love the light she gets...

...and I feel really comfortable with her.

Some subjects are a photographer's muse....but I think Kathy is my muse.

What are you dressing up as?

A safe Hallowe'en to you I wish.
Forget not your teeth to brush.
In Yoda-speak to comment you must.

Kathy Slamen Photography, Body painting  Alex Hansen, Hair & make-up Naita Ratycz.

Trick or Treat.

April 22, 2011

What do you really need EVERY day?

There's only one earth people; and there's no place else to go. Everything you buy comes from the earth - from your iPhone, to your Starbucks latte in the disposable cup, to the t-shirt collection in the back of your closet. When you go to buy something new, ask yourself if you really need it. Buy less stuff and buy second-hand.

I challenge you to live without one thing that you don't really need, over the next week. I wonder how many of you will comment here....

Happy Earth Day.


April 20, 2011

Think About YOUR Footprint.

YIKES. Earth DAY is just two days away!

Here's a little something from my kids site. Whether you have kids or not, you should play this game. It's pretty simple and fairly humorous.

It scratches lightly at the surface of many eco-footprint issues...not least of which is "how much stuff do I really need?"

How did you score on the Earth-O-meter - Happy or UNhappy?

Share for Earth DAY!

April 6, 2011

How YOUR KID Can Be AWESOME On April 22nd.

Here's a story that starts with drawings and ends with animation.

This is me a few years ago. Pretty bad, huh? I was down cuz I had a fantastic animation idea for kids but no matter how many grants I wrote, I couldn't find the money to produce it. Anyone who has ever written a grant knows how the Paper Monster tries to blow you away.

But I didn't give up!

I eventually found some money and kicked in a healthy chunk from our savings. Everyone helped with the production - my co-creator @RosieEmery, my husband, and even our kids provided the voices. We had fun working on it because we truly believed in the idea. We knew that young children learn best when they're having fun and this series of eight little films would have them smiling and learning earth friendly stuff.

We called it "The Little Earth Charter".

April 22nd is EARTH DAY. If your kid is in primary school, chances are their class is doing something for Earth Day. If your son or daughter brings this DVD to their class anytime around Earth Day, they'll be sharing the Earth friendly energy with all their classmates.

Behold the Awesome!

How much does the Awesome cost? Only $12.99.
Where can I buy this Awesome? CLICK!
What age group is this for? Preschool to 8 year olds.
Here's the first of eight videos.

So go and get your kid's Awesome. And I'll include a free "Earth2Rosie" postcard, while quantities last! Remember, this animation is for the kids.
