Device Name |
Book/Story |
Author |
Date |
Saddle A comfortable riding saddle - minus the horse. |
The Big Front Yard |
Simak |
1959 |
Saga You become a part of the great adventures of history. |
The City and the Stars |
Clarke |
1956 |
SAL 9000 Successor to the HAL 9000. |
2010: Odyssey Two |
Clarke |
1982 |
Salamander Name given to the fire trucks of the future, which carry kerosene rather than water, and are used to burn houses. |
Fahrenheit 451 |
Bradbury |
1953 |
Sales Robot (Robot Salesman) Fully automated robots giving untiring, incessant sales pitches to customers. |
Sales Pitch |
Dick |
1954 |
Sand Ship A wind-powered vehicle in the desert. |
The Martian Chronicles |
Bradbury |
1950 |
Sandbenders A highly customized computer system; the opposite of a box from Gateway or Dell. |
Idoru |
Gibson |
1996 |
Sandcrawler A very large mobile home, used by jawas on the deserts of Tatooine. |
Star Wars |
Lucas |
1976 |
Sandsnork A device like a snorkel that would provide air to a tent buried by a sand storm. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Sandtrout Glove A living glove, formed of live creatures. |
Children of Dune |
Herbert |
1976 |
Sand-Yacht (Land Schooner) A vehicle that used wind power upon its sails to move on the land. |
Cry Hope, Cry Fury! |
Ballard |
1966 |
San-Ray Projector Device produces a habit-forming, nerve-tingling ray that clouds the mind. |
Hell Ship of Space |
Kummer, Jr. |
1940 |
Sapho Juice Unique substance enhanced the cognitive performance of Mentats. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Sapience The ability of a species to think, to reason with discernment and wisdom. |
The Planet Entity |
Johnson (w/C.A. Smith) |
1931 |
Sargasso Asteroid A planetoid built from natural rock and the salvaged wreckage of space craft. |
The Stars My Destination |
Bester |
1956 |
Sargasso of Space A "dead area" in which the gravitational fields of the planets are cancelled out. |
The Sargasso of Space |
Hamilton |
1931 |
Satellite Ion Cannon Orbiting station armed with a particle beam weapon, used for surgical tactical strikes. |
Command and Conquer |
Games |
1995 |
Satellite Photography for Surveillance Use of pictures taken from near Earth orbit for reconnaissance in a military operation. |
The Prince of Space |
Williamson |
1931 |
Satellite Search and Destroy Destroying satellites in orbit. |
The Shockwave Rider |
Brunner |
1975 |
Scanner Palm A document scanner implanted in the palm of the hand. |
Hammond |
2007 |
Scanning-Disk Telescope A telescope which uses a television-like monitor instead of an eyepiece. |
The Power Planet |
Leinster |
1931 |
Scarab Robot Flying Insect A tiny flying robotic machine, used for surveillance. |
The Scarab |
Gallun |
1936 |
Sceneshifter An automated display device that produced random pictorial presentations. |
Last of the Masters |
Dick |
1954 |
Scent-Organ A device that output specified odors. |
Brave New World |
Huxley |
1932 |
SchoolBook A standard-issue laptop computer for school use. |
Little Brother |
Doctorow |
2008 |
Schrieber Analyzer Superior automatic air testing - for the discriminating space traveler. |
Diabologic |
Russell |
1955 |
Schrön Loop Small data storage device; a USB chip that stores terabytes. |
Hyperion |
Simmons |
1989 |
Science Chair Grown from your DNA for extra comfort. |
Titanium Noir |
Harkaway |
2023 |
Scientific Reincarnation Technology to allow a person to transfer themselves to a new, healthy body. |
Lord of Light |
Zelazny |
1967 |
Scientifiction Writing that combines science and fiction. |
Thought Transmission on Mars |
Gernsback |
1916 |
Scooter Biotechnology working to bring you a better solar system - a creepy crawly created to do terraforming work on Jupiter's moon. |
Against Infinity |
Benford |
1983 |
Scop Protein grown in bacteria-filled vats. |
Islands in the Net |
Sterling |
1988 |
Scout-Base Artificial sphere functions as a frontier outpost. |
Diabologic |
Russell |
1955 |
Scramble Suit A superthin membrane upon which are projected the characteristics of a million different people, it confers instant anonymity. |
A Scanner Darkly |
Dick |
1977 |
Screamer An acoustic weapon. |
The Stainless Steel Rat's Revenge |
Harrison |
1970 |
Screening Software Rules-based software trained to eliminate spam email. |
The Moat |
Egan |
1991 |
Screensaver (Inventor of) Screen savers are used to prevent phosphor burnout in CRTs, and to provide restful entertainment on computer screens. |
Stranger in a Strange Land |
Heinlein |
1961 |
Scrith The material used to build Ringworld; has remarkable tensile strength |
Ringworld |
Niven |
1970 |
Sculpted Teeth Go beyond teeth whitening to shaped teeth - for a more modern smile. |
Mona Lisa Overdrive |
Gibson |
1988 |
Scuttle-bot An all-purpose surveillance robot that climbed rather than flew. |
Hella |
Gerrold |
2020 |
Sea Robot An enormous robot able to function in the ocean. |
The Metal Monster (Jarvis) |
Jarvis |
1943 |
Sealingsilk Transparent and flexible material, even against hard vacuum in space. |
The Beat Cluster |
Leiber |
1961 |
Search Beams Penetrating rays that disclose the contents of rooms, ships, etc. |
Slaves of Mercury |
Schachner |
1932 |
Search-Bug An exploratory robot. |
Autofac |
Dick |
1955 |
Seashell Radio (Thimble Radios) Small radios that fit into the ears like hearing aids or ear buds. |
Fahrenheit 451 |
Bradbury |
1953 |
Security Guard Robot (Sentry Robot) A robot that takes the place of a security guard in an office environment. |
Runaway |
Crichton |
1985 |
Security Restraint Field A force field that restricts personal movement. |
Between Planets |
Heinlein |
1951 |
Seed Bomb A tiny explosive that can be embedded under the skin. |
Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said |
Dick |
1974 |
Seeder Ramship A spacecraft designed to travel from one star system to another , terrafoming worlds for use. |
Rammer |
Niven |
1991 |
Seetee Blinker A marker of contraterrene matter (antimatter) asteroids, to aid in interplanetary navigation. |
Collision Orbit |
Williamson |
1942 |
Selectacol A device that automates the interior design process, providing a choice of color schemes for a roomful of furniture. |
The Godmakers |
Herbert |
1972 |
Selected Melanin Boosting The only way to get a designer tan. |
Neuromancer |
Gibson |
1984 |
Selective Electric Eye A facial recognition device. |
Exiles of the Moon |
Schachner (w. AL Zagat) |
1931 |
Selective Television A special kind of 'television' that let the user choose any scene around the world. |
The Challenge of Atlantis |
Burks |
1938 |
Selector Card Pneumatic delivery of book films by using a mechanical form of data storage; selector cards - probably punch cards. |
The Puppet Masters |
Heinlein |
1951 |
Selektrogel An over-the-counter gel to choose the sex of a child at conception. |
And All The Stars A Stage |
Blish |
1971 |
Selenium Photo-Electric Televisor A specialized photo-electric cell. |
A Daring Trip To Mars |
Valier |
1931 |
Seleno-Cosmo-Tel Device to automatically avoid asteroids or other bodies. |
A Race Through Time |
Wandrei |
1933 |
Self-Adjusting Furniture Automatic adjustment for a perfect fit. |
Time Quarry |
Simak |
1950 |
Self-Assembling Robots Robots with the capacity to assemble themselves from components, and then switch themselves on. |
The Witches of Karres |
Schmitz |
1966 |
Self-Aware Robot A robot that thinks and reasons for itself. |
Rex |
Vincent |
1934 |
Self-Charging Robot A robot that is able to autonomously find an electrical outlet and plug itself in to recharge. |
Callahan and the Wheelies |
Barr |
1960 |
Self-Cleaning Autonomous Car An automatic vehicle that keeps itself clean. |
Sally |
Asimov |
1953 |
Self-Cleaning Gym Suit Removes the source of odor. |
Oryx and Crake |
Atwood |
2003 |
Self-Guided Rocket Bullets A rifle made for airless environments shoots rocket bullets. |
The Planet Strappers |
Gallun |
1961 |
Self-Guided Tractors A farm vehicle that drives itself. |
At the Bottom of a Hole |
Niven |
1966 |
Self-Healing Building A building that responds to stresses or cracks in walls by healing the damaged portion. |
The Thousand Dreams of Stellavista |
Ballard |
1962 |
Self-Igniter A self-lighting cigarette. |
The Howling Bounders |
Vance |
1949 |
Self-Lighting Cigarette A cigarette with a matchhead built in. |
Methuselah's Children |
Heinlein |
1941 |
Self-Maintaining Circuit Monitoring and Repair A computer that monitors itself for repair. |
Gramp and his Dog |
Quattrocchi |
1952 |
Self-Opening Box Don't show this to Apple. |
Child's Play |
Tenn |
1947 |
Self-Powered Broom A broom for use in small apartments that cleans under its own power. |
Ubik |
Dick |
1969 |
Self-Propelled Road Mine A small, lightweight mine able to travel at highway speeds; guides itself to a marked target. |
Runaway |
Crichton |
1985 |
Self-Propelled Space Suit A vacuum suit with a means of propelling itself built in. |
The Cavern of the Shining Pool |
Zagat |
1937 |
Self-Propulsive Space Suit A space suit outfitted with its own means of movement. |
The Bluff of the Hawk |
Gilmore |
1932 |
Self-Repairing Robot A mechanism that can detect faults in itself and repair them. |
Accidental Flight |
Wallace |
1952 |
Self-Satisfied Door A door that is much more satisfied with its functionality than it has any right to be. |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy |
Adams |
1979 |
Self-Sealing Plastic Transparent sheeting with a layer of material that would flow to staunch tiny leaks. |
Asteroid of Fear |
Gallun |
1951 |
Self-Selling Robot A robot that sells itself. |
Sales Pitch |
Dick |
1954 |
Self-Service Cafeteria Food on demand. |
The Mechanical Monarch |
Tubb |
1958 |
Self-Sufficient House A single family residence that required no surrounding infrastructure. |
Childhood's End |
Clarke |
1953 |
Self-Sustaining Nuclear Reaction An 'atomic fire' is started that consumes all matter in reach! |
Atomic Fire |
Gallun |
1931 |
Self-Sustaining Space Craft A spacecraft ecosystem. |
The Prince of Space |
Williamson |
1931 |
Semi-Conducting Graphite-Gel Computer brain structured like animal brain. |
Callahan and the Wheelies |
Barr |
1960 |
Semisentient Plastic A durable coating that protects and preserves objects. |
Ring |
Baxter |
1994 |
Semuta A combination of a specific drug and music, which penetrated to the deepest levels of consciousness. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Sensitive Robot Fingers Special sensory capabilities of robotic appendages. |
The Exile of Time |
Cummings |
1931 |
Senso-Cells Sensors that recorded personal characteristics of the owners of a house, to better serve their needs. |
The Thousand Dreams of Stellavista |
Ballard |
1962 |
Sensor Arm An extendable multipurpose sensor cluster. |
Star Wars |
Lucas |
1976 |
Sensory Skinsuit A form-fitting garment with sensory connections. |
Dream Park |
Niven (w/S. Barnes) |
1981 |
Sensory-Syrynx A complex musical instrument. |
Nova |
Delany |
1968 |
Sentient Econometrics Use of artificial intelligence in economic forecasting. |
Alpha Centauri |
Meier |
1999 |
Sentient Room A room constructed entirely of flesh, dominated by the personality of a geisha. |
Schismatrix |
Sterling |
1985 |
Sentry Trees A set of trees that will allow only those with the safe signal to pass. |
The Houses of Iszm |
Vance |
1954 |
Separated At Birth Database Missing persons database uses similarity to famous people. |
Virtual Light |
Gibson |
1993 |
Service Drones Small flying construction and repair robots. |
The Two Faces of Tomorrow |
Hogan |
1979 |
Serving Robot A non-humanoid robot designed to serve. |
Space Viking |
Piper |
1962 |
Servok An 'automatic' or clock-set mechanism to perform simple tasks. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Seven Vane Starship A faster-than-light ship with seven vanes of energy controlled by human nervous systems. |
Nova |
Delany |
1968 |
Shadow People Alien knowledge leads to alien results - for humans. |
Way Station |
Simak |
1963 |
Shadow Square An enormous blind that orbits a star. |
Ringworld |
Niven |
1970 |
Shadow Square Wire Very fine, very light, very strong wire. |
Ringworld |
Niven |
1970 |
Shari A multipurpose net worn as clothing. |
Sacred Martian Pig (Idris' Pig) |
St. Clair |
1949 |
Shatter-Gun A hand-held device that literally scrambles the brains of the victim. |
The Houses of Iszm |
Vance |
1954 |
Sheem Spider Robot A robotic spider. |
The Witches of Karres |
Schmitz |
1966 |
Sheep Dip Isolator A non-lethal malodorant weapon. |
The Zap Gun |
Dick |
1965 |
Sheep's Lozenge The nutritious portion of an entire sheep, in one pill. |
The Fatal Curiosity, or, A Hundred Years Hence |
Payn |
1877 |
Shere Destroys cells so that memory cannot be deduced from the cells of the person even in death. |
Heretics of Dune |
Herbert |
1984 |
Sherman A sex robot. |
Millennium |
Varley |
1983 |
Shield Early name for a defensive force field. |
Skylark Three |
Smith |
1930 |
Shiftsuit A form of adaptive camouflage gear. |
Matadora |
Perry |
1986 |
Shigawire A very fine wire, used as a recording medium (among other things). |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Ship Hull Thermobatteries Solar activated and charged batteries built into the hull of a spacecraft. |
The Ethical Equations |
Leinster |
1945 |
Ship Pushes Moon Altering the course of a small moon by pushing on it with a rocket motor. |
Buck Rogers, 2430 AD |
Nowlan (w/D. Calkins) |
1929 |
Ship That Swims Under Water (Submarine) A Ship that could swim under Water. |
The Description of a New World, Called The Blazing-World |
Cavendish |
1666 |
Shipboard Medical Treatment An elaborate system to guard against infection in returning space explorers. |
Contagion |
MacLean |
1950 |
Ship's Artificial Gravity A very early mention of the term. |
Buck Rogers, 2430 AD |
Nowlan (w/D. Calkins) |
1929 |
Ship's Magnetic Plates (Magnetic Mooring) Keeps a mining ship attached to the surface of an asteroid. |
Asteroid of Gold |
Simak |
1932 |
Ships Propelled By Light Pressure Space ships that use light pressure from a distant source for propulsion |
The Comet Doom |
Hamilton |
1929 |
Ship's Telescope A large telescope built into the main axis of the ship. |
A Daring Trip To Mars |
Valier |
1931 |
Ships With Legs Space ships with mechanical limbs for walking the Earth. |
Buck Rogers, 2430 AD |
Nowlan (w/D. Calkins) |
1929 |
Shipstone A lot of power in a small, manufactured package. |
Friday |
Heinlein |
1982 |
Shock Hammock Special netting oriented for pilots in high gee spacecraft. |
Habit |
del Rey |
1939 |
Shock-Absorbing Seats Perfect for the many gravities of acceleration upon take-off. |
Evans of the Earth-Guard |
Hamilton |
1930 |
Shock-Rod Knock out stick. |
Mechanocracy |
Breuer |
1932 |
Shoggoths Bioengineered creatures, able to change shape, created for labor. |
At the Mountains of Madness |
Lovecraft |
1936 |
Short-Wave Surgical Knife A means of performing an internal cut without breaking the skin. |
Boomerang (A Great Deal of Power) |
Russell |
1953 |
Shovel-Handed Digging Machines Huge multi-legged machines used to dig and manipulate earth. |
The Onslaught From Venus |
Phillips |
1929 |
Shuttle A space craft that travels point to point in space. |
Stars are Styx |
Sturgeon |
1950 |
Shuttle Ship A spacecraft that could take off from a planet, rendezvous with an object in orbit, and fly back to the surface like a glider. |
Between Planets |
Heinlein |
1951 |
Shuttlecraft A small spaceship designed for short journeys. |
Star Trek |
Unknown |
1967 |
Sick Stick Baton that induces vomiting upon contact. |
Minority Report (Movie) |
Spielberg |
2002 |
Sideglance Robe A dress that is invisible or opaque, depending on how you look at it. |
The Trouble With Bubbles |
Dick |
1953 |
Sietch A cave warren designed to protect a tribal community, with a population of thousands, with its own water supply in an endless desert. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Sigfrid von Shrink An automated therapist. |
Gateway |
Pohl |
1970 |
Sights Sunglasses-mounted crosshairs (you'll need one with your skull gun). |
The Diamond Age |
Stephenson |
1995 |
Signal Skin Natural communication form for this species; skin that can spell out text. |
The Algebraist |
Banks |
2004 |
Silencer-Padding Robots need to have special padding on the bottoms of their lower limbs, so they don't clank as they walk. |
Robot Unwanted |
Keyes |
1952 |
Silica Sphere (Dyson sphere) An enclosed environment, excavated on Mars, and then placed into the heavens (it's Phobos) |
Lost City of Mars |
Vincent |
1934 |
Silk-Metal A very tough fabric. |
The Worlds of Tomorrow |
Wellman |
1940 |
Silksteel Material that has high tensile strength as well as high flexibility. |
Alpha Centauri |
Meier |
1999 |
Simicolor Artificial coloring for the body. |
This Immortal |
Zelazny |
1965 |
Simple Organisms Do Math Insects show unusual signs of intelligence. |
Mr. Meek Plays Polo |
Simak |
1944 |
SimStim Stimulation of the brain and nervous system of one person using a recording (or live broadcast) of another person's experience. |
Neuromancer |
Gibson |
1984 |
Simulacrum (Sim) An autonomous construct that is a perfect likeness to a human person. |
Clans of the Alphane Moon |
Dick |
1964 |
Simulacrum Window A 'window' that provides a realistic outdoor view in an interior room. |
Tunnel in the Sky |
Heinlein |
1955 |
Simulogs (Simulated Playmates) Computer-generated playmates. |
The Age of The Pussyfoot |
Brunner |
1966 |
SIN (Single Identification Number) |
Mona Lisa Overdrive |
Gibson |
1988 |
Sinclair Molecule Chain A monofilament fiber, used for strength. |
A Gift From Earth |
Niven |
1968 |
Single Seat Scooter A self-service monocycle. |
The Star King |
Vance |
1964 |
Single Sheet Molecule A counterfeit-proof way to output unique documents. |
Dorsai! |
Dickson |
1960 |
Single Vehicle Tunnel A small diameter tunnel that accepts a single vehicle to a single destination. |
Foundation |
Asimov |
1951 |
Singleship A spacecraft designed for use by one person. |
Death by Ecstasy |
Niven |
1969 |
Singularity In science, a condition in which spacetime breaks down; in society, a technological advance causes social conditions to break down. |
All The Time In The World |
Clarke |
1952 |
Sintered Armorgel A substance that is flexible when moved slowly, but which hardens upon external impact. |
Snow Crash |
Stephenson |
1992 |
Skew-Flip Turnover Used halfway to the destination by torch ships to slow for one's destination. |
Have Space Suit - Will Travel |
Heinlein |
1958 |
Skimmer Low-flying, hovering vehicle. |
Lost Ulysses |
Bade |
1949 |
Skin Computer A computer that looks like a tattoo, on a stretchable base. |
Mariposa |
Bear |
2009 |
Skin Suit A very tight-fighting spacesuit, or disguise. |
Dinosaur Beach |
Laumer |
1971 |
Skin Toning Using artificial means to effect a temporary change in skin color. |
The Star King |
Vance |
1964 |
Skinsuit Wearable artificial, full-body skin. |
Millennium |
Varley |
1983 |
Skintight Specialized space suit for low atmospheric pressure environments like Mars. |
War Dogs |
Bear |
2014 |
Skip-Glide A means of using the atmosphere to delicately slow a space craft during re-entry. |
The Planet Strappers |
Gallun |
1961 |
Skitter A small passenger vehicle, for two beings, which uses a steering bar. It is parked in a structure that parks and releases vehicles automatically. |
The Dosadi Experiment |
Herbert |
1977 |
Skrode A small mobile platform designed for a legless race. |
A Fire Upon The Deep |
Vinge |
1992 |
Skull Alarm Implanted wakeup call. |
Millennium |
Varley |
1983 |
Skull Bug A small electronic device implanted in the cranium at birth; used for monitoring and control. |
The Computer Connection |
Bester |
1974 |
Skullgun A pistol that is concealed in your cranium. |
The Diamond Age |
Stephenson |
1995 |
Sky Ceiling Ceilings that consist of large screens, on which are presented images of the sky. |
Return from the Stars |
Lem |
1961 |
Skyball Remote-controlled UAV. |
A Day For Damnation |
Gerrold |
1985 |
Sky-Bike A human-powered floating bicycle built for use in lunar sports. |
The Last Theorem |
Clarke (w/Pohl) |
2008 |
Skycar A personal means of transportation that flies. |
Prima Donna 1980 |
Brown |
1931 |
Skycycle A flying Harley; motorcycle of the skies. |
Handicap |
Niven |
1967 |
Skydozer Small spacecraft used to remove orbital debris. |
A Little Further Up The Fox... |
Ewing |
1987 |
Sky-Eye A football-sized flying surveillance device. |
The Diamond Age |
Stephenson |
1995 |
Skyhook Part dirigible, part plane. |
West of Honor |
Pournelle |
1976 |
Sky-Scoot A patch of antigravity foil used for flying. |
Dying of the Light |
Martin |
1977 |
Slamhound An automated assassination device with a keen sense of smell. |
Count Zero |
Gibson |
1986 |
Slaver Disintegrator Sometimes used as a digging tool. |
Ringworld |
Niven |
1970 |
Slaver Stasis Field A force field that protects everything inside it by creating a space in which time is suspended. |
Ringworld |
Niven |
1970 |
Slaver Sunflowers Plants evolved to reflect light to burn natural enemies. |
World of Ptavvs |
Niven |
1965 |
Sleep Destroying Field Causes lack of sleep. |
Biddiver |
Sturgeon |
1941 |
Sleep Generator An automated way to impose sleep on the brain. |
2001: A Space Odyssey |
Clarke |
1968 |
Sleep Machine A device guaranteeing a good night's sleep. |
Short Trip to Nowhere |
Williams |
1965 |
Sleep Pod A special place for snoozing. |
Mantis |
Boyce |
1967 |
Sleep Set (Sleep Headset) An electronic device for inducing deep sleep. |
Ringworld |
Niven |
1970 |
Sleep Surrogate Pharmaceutical designed to make up for lost sleep. |
Methuselah's Children |
Heinlein |
1941 |
Sleep Tube A short, cylindrical living space. |
Solstice |
Kelly |
1985 |
Sleep-Inducer A device that electronically imposes sleep on a human being. |
Sunjammer |
Clarke |
1963 |
Sleeping Plates A pair of plates that nullify gravity for the being(s) sleeping between them. Is null gravity the answer to your sleep problems? |
Neutron Star |
Niven |
1966 |
Sleepshop A quiet place to die. |
Logan's Run |
Nolan (w/G.C. Johnson) |
1967 |
Sleeve Communicator An electronic device controller built into clothing. |
First Contact |
Leinster |
1945 |
Sleeve Watch Temporary watch imprinted on the sleeve of a chosen garment. |
Dream Park |
Niven (w/S. Barnes) |
1981 |
Slide Rule w/Radio Attachment Slide rule communicates results immediately with computer. |
Mission to the Stars |
van Vogt |
1955 |
Slidewalk A moving sidewalk; a conveyor belt for people. |
Sanity |
Leiber |
1944 |
Slideway A slidewalk, or moving walkway, that moves people forward. |
Beyond This Horizon |
Heinlein |
1942 |
Sliver Gun A firearm that shoots fine darts. |
The Unreliable Perfumist |
St. Clair |
1953 |
Sloth Pill A medication to induce a kind of somnolence like short-term hibernation; used in air travel. |
The Breach |
Hill |
2020 |
Slow Glass (Scenedow) A window made of Bose-Einstein Condensate that slows light to a snail's pace. |
Light of Other Days |
Shaw |
1968 |
Slow Glass Rod A transparent glass rod that makes light travel so slowly that it can trap light within its depths. |
The Exhalted |
de Camp |
1940 |
Slow Gun Device shoots slow projectiles that use neurotoxin. |
Singularity Sky |
Stross |
2003 |
Slow Pellet Stunner A projectile device that throws darts in a manner calculated to get past a force shield. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Slowboat Slower than lightspeed spacecraft used for interstellar colonization. |
Protector |
Niven |
1973 |
Slowboat An interstellar craft carrying people. |
The Ethics of Madness |
Niven |
1967 |
Slug An underwater "barge", consisting of a giant tube for transporting oil. |
Dragon in the Sea |
Herbert |
1956 |
Smart Bike A motorcycle with sophisticated systems for steering and balance. |
Distraction |
Sterling |
1998 |
Smart Bullet Really a tiny missile capable of identifying and following a person. |
Runaway |
Crichton |
1985 |
Smart Contact Lenses Contact lenses that have a built-in computer display. |
Fast Times At Fairmont High |
Vinge |
2001 |
Smart Dust Very tiny computers. |
The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age |
Lem |
1965 |
Smart Gel Intelligent paste made of neurons; spread upon a substrate for computing. |
Starfish |
Watts |
1999 |
Smart Lanes Roadways that monitored, directed and controlled traffic. |
Nanotime |
Kosko |
1987 |
Smart Paper A very slim thin-film transistor display. |
The Diamond Age |
Stephenson |
1995 |
Smart Piston Spokes A car that uses a set of pistons that feels and reacts to the surface to move around. |
Heavy Weather |
Sterling |
1994 |
Smart Pizza Box A container with microprocessor-based data processing capabilities built-in to the box. |
Snow Crash |
Stephenson |
1992 |
Smart Rope Long 'rope' consisting of a variety of intertwined cables with different properties; controlled with special glove interface. |
Heavy Weather |
Sterling |
1994 |
Smart Tag A piece of graffiti, or a small sticker tag, that could survive being placed on walls designed to be self-cleaning. |
All Tomorrow's Parties |
Gibson |
1999 |
Smart Wallpaper Wallpaper that can sense your mood and provide an appropriate color scheme. |
Oryx and Crake |
Atwood |
2003 |
Smartcab An automated taxicab, fully self-driving, that can be summoned from a portable device. |
Cyberpunk! |
Bethke |
1983 |
Smartcoral Reef An artificial coral reef that pulls water in for use in large communities. |
The Diamond Age |
Stephenson |
1995 |
Smarter People Having Fewer Children The original argument that less suitable human pairs are having proportionally more children. |
The Marching Morons |
Kornbluth |
1951 |
Smartwheels Special "wheels" that are actually sets of spokes that telescope to be as long as they need to be for a smooth ride. |
Snow Crash |
Stephenson |
1992 |
Smoke Filter Allows grizzled spacemen to smoke in space ships. |
Misfit |
Heinlein |
1939 |
Smoke Jets (Air Leak Detection) A means of determining the location of air leaks in a building built on an airless moon. |
The Great Dome of Mercury |
Zagat |
1932 |
Smother-Charge Molecularly-gimmicked explosive. |
My Name is Legion |
Zelazny |
1976 |
Snake Boring Truck A long thin truck like a snake, with a boring tip. |
Breakfast at Twilight |
Dick |
1954 |
Snake Contact Lens A pair of contact lenses designed to make you appear to have slit pupils, like a snake's. |
All Tomorrow's Parties |
Gibson |
1999 |
Sniffer Robot A small robot that gathers odors from a crime scene for analysis. |
Runaway |
Crichton |
1985 |
Sniggertrance The state of a person receiving a call mediated by a Taprisiot; interiorized consciousness accompanied by spastic, jerking body movements. |
Whipping Star |
Herbert |
1969 |
Sobriety Ray A ray of a particular wavelength and intensity, that conferred instant sobriety on those it shone upon. |
The Twonky |
Padgett |
1942 |
Sodaluminum Lightweight and tough! |
Exiles of the Moon |
Schachner (w. AL Zagat) |
1931 |
Soft Speaker A device that sends a tightly-controlled beam of sound. |
The Exhalted |
de Camp |
1940 |
Soft Weapon A device that changes its shape to alter its function. |
The Soft Weapon |
Niven |
1967 |
Softlight Personality erasure via laser imprinted subliminal commands. |
Softlight Sins |
Hamilton |
1997 |
Sol Familiar name for our own sun. |
Out of Void |
Stone |
1929 |
Solar Beam Obtaining solar power by means of a direct connection with the sun. |
The Long Way |
Smith |
1944 |
Solar Car A car the energy for which comes from the sun. |
The Man Who Bought Mars |
Cross |
1941 |
Solar Electric Paint - Black Power A black-colored paint that can be sprayed on, making any surface a solar power generator. |
The Woman in Del Rey Crater |
Niven |
1995 |
Solar Energy Beam A solar energy plant on Mercury provides power for projects all over the solar system. |
Masquerade |
Simak |
1941 |
Solar Engine A space ship that gets it motive power from the rays of the sun. |
A Matter of Size |
Bates |
1934 |
Solar Flare System Space-based parabolic reflector that focuses light for destructive purposes. |
Mobile Suit Gundam |
Tomino |
1979 |
Solar Power Apparatus An ingenious device to gather solar energy, melt water, power a turbine and get hydrogen and oxygen fuel from ice. |
A Daring Trip To Mars |
Valier |
1931 |
Solar Power Generation A very early description of the use of solar powered 'farms' for generating electrical power on a large scale. |
A Journey In Other Worlds |
Astor IV |
1894 |
Solar Power Screen Absorb all solar energy, and emit electrical energy. |
Let There Be Light |
Monroe |
1940 |
Solar Radiant Energy Weapon The device absorbs solar rays and then emits a powerful, coherent ray. |
The Weapon |
Gallun |
1936 |
Solar Reception Screen A device for converting sunlight to electricity |
The Roads Must Roll |
Heinlein |
1940 |
Solar Sail (Light Sail) A form of propulsion for spacecraft; a sheet of lightweight material reflects light from the sun or other light source. |
Sail 25 (Gateway to Strangeness) |
Vance |
1962 |
Solar Station A satellite that gathers solar energy in space and then beams it to Earth (or other planetary surface). |
Reason |
Asimov |
1941 |
Solar Station Switch Room A power station for the entire solar system. |
Doom Over Venus |
Hamilton |
1940 |
Solar Updraft Tower A renewable-energy scheme that generates power from air movement inside a tall chimney. |
Shortstack |
Richmond |
1964 |
Solar Yacht A space craft whose motive power is light pressure on a solar sail. |
Sunjammer |
Clarke |
1963 |
Solar Yacht Periscope A device used in the small cabin of a solar yacht. |
Sunjammer |
Clarke |
1963 |
Solar-Heat Condenser A device that concentrates solar power across many devices. |
The Conquest of the Moon |
Grousset |
1889 |
Solar-Powered Aircraft A plane powered entirely by solar energy. |
The Black Star Passes |
Campbell |
1930 |
Solar-Powered Ball An autonomous round toy that powers itself. |
Dawn of the Demigods |
Gallun |
1954 |
Solar-Powered Electric Helicopter An electric helicopter, with sun cells. |
Into the Meteorite Orbit |
Kelly |
1933 |
Solar-Powered Electric Runabout A vehicle powered from the sun. |
Let There Be Light |
Monroe |
1940 |
Solar-powered Prefab House A pre-built house that can live off the grid. |
Ring Around the Sun |
Simak |
1952 |
Solar-Powered Robot A robot powered by sunlight. |
Rust |
Kelleam |
1939 |
Solar-Powered UAV An unmanned aerial vehicle that is entirely solar-powered. |
Changeling |
Zelazny |
1980 |
Soletta An array of solar sail mirrors that focus light onto a planetary surface for power. |
Green Mars |
Robinson |
1995 |
Solid Power A concentrated form of easily accessed energy to supply any need. |
Revolt on the Tenth World |
Hamilton |
1940 |
Solido Abbr. for solidograph; a device that produced a solid three dimensional image. |
Chance of a Lifetime |
Lesser |
1956 |
Sol-Ido The universal language of interplanetary travelers. |
Water-Bound World |
Vincent |
1932 |
Solido Projector Projects 3-dimensional images. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Solidograph Long distance projection of three-dimensional images. |
Gather, Darkness! |
Leiber |
1943 |
Solidograph-Projector A device that projected a 3D image of objects or a person. |
Police Operation |
Piper |
1948 |
Sonabarrier A type of energy fence, used to keep birds away from particular areas. |
The Dosadi Experiment |
Herbert |
1977 |
Sonar Pistol A device that divers can use to find seabottom and objects in extremely dark or murky water. |
Starfish |
Watts |
1999 |
Sonic Curtain (Sound Lock) An undersea sound curtain that keeps larger animals out. |
My Name is Legion |
Zelazny |
1976 |
Sonic Fold Force field that guides air around an air vehicle. |
Ringworld |
Niven |
1970 |
Sono-Induction Coils A public address system consisting of buried coils. |
The Shining One |
Schachner |
1937 |
Sonomagnetic Fabric Cloth that gathers sound energy. |
Earth |
Brin |
1990 |
Soot-Extractor Nostril Plugs (Antisoot Plugs) A small device worn to filter industrial pollutants out of breathing air. |
The Space Merchants |
Pohl (w/CM Kornbluth) |
1952 |
Sound Analysis Improving language teaching by showing the waveform of a spoken word or phrase, and comparing it to standard speech. |
Assignment in Eternity |
Heinlein |
1953 |
Sound Deadener Device that acts to damp excessive noise produced by different species. |
Ringworld |
Niven |
1970 |
Sound Nullifier A barrier to sound; the cancellation of sound waves. |
Prima Donna 1980 |
Brown |
1931 |
Sounding Projectile Provides a way to tell whether there’s a soldid surface on a cloudy planet. |
Mad Robot |
Gallun |
1936 |
Sound-Killing Air Fluid A means to eliminate all of the noise made by machines in a city, leaving the voices of human beings. |
The Noise Killer |
McNeill |
1930 |
Sound-Transposing Machine A device that scans a printed page and reads it out loud. |
The Lost Language |
Keller |
1934 |
Sours The odor created in enclosed space environments due to the need for bacilli for healthy soil. |
Schismatrix |
Sterling |
1985 |
Space Ark A very large ship used to transport a large group of people. |
Decision Illogical |
Wilkinson |
1948 |
Space Armor Armored space suits for use in vacuum. |
Cities in Flight |
Blish |
1957 |
Space Beacon An ordinary sun is transformed into a beacon for use by spacecraft when in hyperspace. |
Troubled Star |
Smith |
1952 |
Space Bubble (Bubb) An inflatable spacecraft. |
The Planet Strappers |
Gallun |
1961 |
Space Buoy A marker in space. |
Crashing Suns |
Hamilton |
1928 |
Space Bursts When space itself inflates and eventually blows up. |
When Space Burst |
Hamilton |
1937 |
Space Cadet A young person training to be a spaceman. |
Sunward Flight |
Zagat |
1943 |
Space Capsule A minimal space craft. |
Space Capsule |
James |
1954 |
Space Charts A pictorial representation of suns in space. |
After World's End |
Williamson |
1939 |
Space Craft A ship that travels through the airless void of space. |
Night-Thing |
Allen |
1929 |
Space Craft Rope Ladder Equipment used for debarking from a space craft. |
Diabologic |
Russell |
1955 |
Space Dock Like a port for spacecraft; they can deliver their passengers and cargo. |
Diamond Planetoid |
Giles |
1937 |
Space Elevator (Orbital Tower) A physical link between a point on the surface of the Earth and a satellite in geosynchronous orbit. |
The Fountains of Paradise |
Clarke |
1978 |
Space Fleet A group of mighty ships capable of space travel - and fighting. |
Through the Meteors |
Morrow |
1930 |
Space Flight Simulator Very early description of a way to practice flying in space while still on Earth. |
Space Tug |
Leinster |
1953 |
Space Force That branch of the military with a presence outside the atmosphere. |
Wandl, The Invader |
Cummings |
1932 |
Space Freighter A large spacecraft used for heavy cargo; can lift off from the Earth or other planets. |
The Space Rover |
Sloat |
1932 |
Space Laboratory A specialized space station, for scientific research. |
Crystalized Thought |
Schachner |
1937 |
Space Lawyer (Sky-Lawyer) A lawyer with special knowledge of space law. |
Jurisdiction |
Schachner |
1941 |
Space Legs The ability to walk under high gee acceleration on a space ship. |
Flight of the Typhoon |
Kruse |
1936 |
Space Liner A large, passenger-carrying space ship. |
On Board the Martian Liner |
Breuer |
1931 |
Space Lock An airlock on a spacecraft. |
The Black Star Passes |
Campbell |
1930 |
Space Madness The monotony of space travel could drive you crazy. |
A Daring Trip To Mars |
Valier |
1931 |
Space Marine A space-based military force, or members of such a force. |
Captain Brink of the Space Marines |
Olsen |
1932 |
Space Men Beings who travel and work in space. |
The Exiles of Venus |
Vanny |
1931 |
Space Mittens Protect your hands in space. |
Space Flotsam |
Gallun |
1934 |
Space Navy Spacefaring professional soldiers. |
Pirates of Space |
Barry |
1931 |
Space Overalls Light-duty space suit. |
Lost Rocket |
Wellman |
1941 |
Space Phobia When astronauts have had enough. |
Let 'em Breathe Space! |
del Rey |
1953 |
Space Pirate Space ships taken against their will. |
Evans of the Earth-Guard |
Hamilton |
1930 |
Space Placers Miners who use placer mining techniques adapted from Earth geology. |
The Day We Celebrate |
Bond |
1941 |
Space Platform The Space Platform for Checking Aggression is a military orbital weapons platform. |
The Morning of the Day They Did It |
White |
1950 |
Space Rush The Outer Space equivalent of the gold rush. |
Jurisdiction |
Schachner |
1941 |
Space Sailing Using the solar wind to propel a space vessel. |
The World, The Flesh And The Devil |
Bernal |
1929 |
Space Scurvy (Kenoalgia) A wasting disease of space travel. |
Sacred Martian Pig (Idris' Pig) |
St. Clair |
1949 |
Space Ship Starting Track A sloped track to assist a space ship taking off. |
The Shot Into Infinity |
Gail |
1929 |
Space Shuttle A space-going vessel for trips from the surface of a planet to a ship in orbit, and back. |
Hell Ship of Space |
Kummer, Jr. |
1940 |
Space Socks Protective garments for the lower extremities. |
Lost Rocket |
Wellman |
1941 |
Space Station A base of operations in space, typically in orbit around a larger body. |
Backlash |
Williamson |
1941 |
Space Station One Describes an early space station similar to the International Space Station, that grew over time by accretion. |
The Sands of Mars |
Clarke |
1951 |
Space Suit Special protective gear worn as protection in space. |
The Emperor of the Stars |
Schachner (w. AL Zagat) |
1931 |
Space Suit Helmet Rearview Mirror Having a way to easily see behind you while wearing a spacesuit. |
Have Space Suit - Will Travel |
Heinlein |
1958 |
Space Tanned A tan acquired by being exposed to sunlight while outside the atmosphere. |
Methuselah's Children |
Heinlein |
1941 |
Space Tramp An old, slow spacecraft. |
The Invisible World |
Repp |
1940 |
Space Transfer Station An orbiting space station primarily used as a stepping-off point from Earth. |
Between Planets |
Heinlein |
1951 |
Space Travel Human movement through outer space. |
A Baby on Neptune |
Harris (w/MJ Breuer) |
1929 |
Space Tug A small vessel used to maneuver other ships. |
Murder on the Asteroid |
Binder |
1933 |
Space Tugs Early use of familiar ocean vehicle in space. |
Describe a Circle |
Russell |
1942 |
Space Tunnel An enclosed gang plank extended between space ships. |
The Man Who Bought Mars |
Cross |
1941 |
Space Wagon A space vehicle without a cabin, used for short-range towing. |
Space Tug |
Leinster |
1953 |
Space Walk Standard term for moving through the void of space. |
Moon Heaven |
Passante |
1939 |
Space Warp The very fabric of space-time. |
Redmask of the Outlands |
Schachner |
1934 |
Space Weakness Early description of what happens to the human body in zero gravity. |
Space Tug |
Leinster |
1953 |
Space Weather Map A map that details hazardous space conditions. |
The Storm |
van Vogt |
1943 |
Space-Armor Special shielding worn against rays and explosives. |
Revolt of the Star Men |
Gallun |
1932 |
Space-Beacon Device used to guide a space craft into finding an inhabited planet or colony on a planet. |
Exploration Team |
Leinster |
1956 |
Spaceboat Runabout for outer space. |
Waves of Compulsion |
Gallun |
1932 |
Space-Boat A small space-worthy craft for use in emergencies. |
Revolt of the Star Men |
Gallun |
1932 |
Space-Boat (Rocket Boat) Small craft designed for descent and then take-off from a planetary surface. |
Exploration Team |
Leinster |
1956 |
Space-Boots Special footgear for spacemen. |
The Passing of Ku Sui |
Gilmore |
1932 |
Space-Burned Analogous to sun-burned. |
Collision Orbit |
Williamson |
1942 |
Space-Contraction Drive Slip through endless interstellar space by making the distance smaller. |
After World's End |
Williamson |
1939 |
Space-Court The place of judgement for crimes committed in interstellar space. |
Murder in the Void |
Hamilton |
1938 |
Spacecraft Ejection Seat An ejection seat for spacecraft, to be used in the event of problems during launch. |
Space Tug |
Leinster |
1953 |
Spacecraft Invisibility Electronics A means of rendering a spacecraft invisible to detection by electromagnetic means. |
One Against The Legion |
Williamson |
1939 |
Spacecraft Landing Wings A means of cutting speed from orbit, then landing. |
Vandals from the Moon |
Marius |
1928 |
Spacedog Experienced hands on space ships. |
A Question of Salvage |
Jameson |
1939 |
Space-Dory A small spacecraft sometimes used as a life boat. |
Asteroid Justice |
Thiessen |
1947 |
Space-Drive A means of providing propulsion for a spacecraft. |
Invaders From The Infinite |
Campbell |
1932 |
Spacefaring A nation or people who explore and trade in space. |
Citizen of the Galaxy |
Heinlein |
1957 |
Spacegram Telegrams of the space lanes. |
An Adventure on Eros |
Haggard |
1931 |
Space-Helmet A 'fishbowl-style' head covering for space explorers. |
The Sargasso of Space |
Hamilton |
1931 |
Spacehound An experienced spaceman. |
Spacehounds of IPC |
Smith |
1931 |
Spacehound (Beast) Oddly canine, telepathic beast digs in asteroids for metal. |
Beast of Space |
Hardart |
1941 |
Space-Lanes Well-traveled routes through outer space. |
Crashing Suns |
Hamilton |
1928 |
Spacelanes Traffic Jam Fanciful description of commuters in space. |
Sales Pitch |
Dick |
1954 |
Space-Liner A passenger ship in space. |
Twelve Hours To Live |
Williamson |
1931 |
Space-Phone A device for communicating with space ships, both ship-to-ship and ground-to-ship. |
The Message From Space |
Speaker |
1930 |
Spaceplane (Clarke-class) An inexpensively powered flight to low earth orbit. |
A Quantum Murder |
Hamilton |
1998 |
Spaceport A location on the surface of a planet used for launching vehicles into space. |
The Birth of a New Republic |
Breuer (w/J. Williamson) |
1930 |
Space-Post A trading post in space. |
Episode On Dhee Minor |
Walton |
1939 |
Space-Sailor A spaceman; someone who makes his living by voyaging in space. |
The Star-Roamers |
Hamilton |
1933 |
Space-ship A space-going vessel. |
A Journey In Other Worlds |
Astor IV |
1894 |
Spaceship Garden A fully-enclosed garden on a spaceship producing edible foodstuffs. |
The Heritage of the Earth |
Aldinger |
1932 |
Space-Sick Uneasiness associated with space travel. |
Ralph 124c 41 + |
Gernsback |
1911 |
Space-Sphere A bubble of reality. |
When Space Burst |
Hamilton |
1937 |
Space-Split Access to other dimensions provided by splitting space itself. |
The Star of Life |
Hamilton |
1947 |
Space-Suit Rockets Attached rockets allow movement in zero-gee space. |
Into the Meteorite Orbit |
Kelly |
1933 |
Spacesuit Testing A device and method for testing spacesuits. |
The Shot Into Infinity |
Gail |
1929 |
Space-Tanned The characteristic darkening of the men of the spaceways. |
Slaves of Mercury |
Hammond |
1932 |
Space-Tent A small, portable air-tight structure used on the lunar surface. |
The Lunar Chrysalis |
Gallun |
1931 |
Spacewalk Going outside your space craft for a short time. |
Edison's Conquest of Mars |
Serviss |
1898 |
Space-Walker Tall cylinder with a window at eye-level, and pincer-claws controlled by the wearer. |
The Universe Wreckers |
Hamilton |
1930 |
Spaceward Lunar Hemisphere Another name for the lunar far side. |
Dawn of the Demigods |
Gallun |
1954 |
Spacewarp Drive A means of faster-than-light travel. |
What Mad Universe |
Brown |
1949 |
Spaceways A set route though space. |
Shambleau |
Moore |
1933 |
Space-Weather Men Predictors of the 'weather' in space. |
Revenge of the Robots |
Chandler |
1952 |
Spaceyacht Interplanetary spacecraft for the well-to-do. |
The Sargasso of Space |
Hamilton |
1931 |
Spark Plug (Systematician) A person who draws information from diverse areas of knowledge. |
Dream Thief |
Lawhead |
1983 |
Sparkers A device used to deliver small amounts of electric current to chirpsithra, who use it for the same reason humans use alcohol. |
Niven's Laws |
Niven |
1984 |
Spatial-Postal Card Mail from home - that hungry soldiers can also eat. |
Bill the Galactic Hero |
Harrison |
1965 |
Speaker Chips Integrated circuit chips placed in books; they could read the book and advertise it. |
Darwin's Children |
Bear |
2003 |
Speakwrite A dictation machine that also transcribes the speech into typed words. |
1984 (Nineteen Eighty-Four) |
Orwell |
1948 |
Specialized Prosthetic Arm A set of prosthetics that provide different functionality in place of missing arm. |
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress |
Heinlein |
1966 |
Specific Gene Weapon An organic or inorganic weapon aimed at a specific genetic population. |
The Mannichon Solution |
Shaw |
1967 |
Specimen Track A means for transporting laboratory specimens from one workstation to another in an automated lab. |
Darwin's Children |
Bear |
2003 |
Spectro-Flash Analysis Device for determining the content of meteorites. |
Salvage in Space |
Williamson |
1933 |
Spectroscopic Robot Converter Accepted the return of soft x-ray radiation, and translated it into Fraunhofer spectra. |
Diamond Planetoid |
Giles |
1937 |
Spectrumoscope Provides sight directly to the brain-cells of the sightless. |
Flamingo: A Drama of A.D. 1950 |
Heller |
1930 |
Speed Belt (Ribbon Conveyor) A great moving belt carrying people between cities. |
Slaves of Mercury |
Schachner |
1932 |
Speedcap Short for speed capsule (?); sometimes, going ballistic is the fastest way to get there. |
Millennium |
Varley |
1983 |
Speedtalk A constructed language that uses a single sound to stand for a word, achieving great improvements in communication speed. |
Assignment in Eternity |
Heinlein |
1953 |
Spetsdöd A unique gun that is part of the shooter. |
The Man Who Never Missed |
Perry |
1985 |
Spex (Spexware) Video glasses with computer assistance. |
Deep Eddy |
Sterling |
1993 |
Spherical Tires Tires that are shaped like balls, rather than like squat cylinders. |
The Death's Head Meteor |
Jones |
1930 |
Spice (Melange) The spice must flow. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Spider A robotic device that both extruded cable and climbed along it; a space construction robot. |
The Web Between the Worlds |
Sheffield |
1979 |
Spider (Robotic Insects) Scuttling insect robots. |
Runaway |
Crichton |
1985 |
Spider Robot A mechanism in the form of a spider. |
The Mystery of Element 117 |
Smith |
1949 |
Spider Space Elevator Test Vehicle A robotic testing device for the cables of a space elevator. |
The Fountains of Paradise |
Clarke |
1978 |
Spider Tripod Robot Three-legged alien robot. |
Rendezvous With Rama |
Clarke |
1972 |
Spindizzy A device that made use of a relationship between electron spin, electromagnetism and gravity allowed any object to leave the Earth's surface. |
Cities in Flight |
Blish |
1957 |
Spine-Clamp A device that constrains the movements of convicted criminals. |
Anathem |
Stephenson |
2008 |
Spinner Ship Pinwheel rockets created centrifugal forces like gravity. |
Buck Rogers, 2430 AD |
Nowlan (w/D. Calkins) |
1929 |
Spinnerettes A device that will unspool a nanowire filament and then pull it back in. |
The Fountains of Paradise |
Clarke |
1978 |
Spinning Mill for Veins (Artificial Organs) The manufacture of artificial organs, digestive tract, veins - body parts. |
R.U.R. |
Capek |
1920 |
Spinning Pressurized Drum Put a spin on just a part of a space station. |
Between Planets |
Heinlein |
1951 |
Splashdown The use of water as a medium for landing one's space ship in. |
From the Earth to the Moon |
Verne |
1867 |
Spook A drink that comes unflavored in a container; twist the cap to add flavor. |
Noon |
1998 |
SPOOKS A live-action role playing (LARP) game that lets ordinary people play at being secret agents. |
Halting State |
Stross |
2007 |
Spotcast A new form of one-to-many communication. |
The Little Things |
Kuttner |
1946 |
Spotlight of Heat (Orbital Microwaves) Using an orbiting satellite microwave array to heat a specific portion of a planetary surface. |
Fallen Angels |
Niven w/Pournelle, Flynn |
1991 |
Spot-Wavex Scrambler Provides a more personalized experience of television, by letting the announcers talk to you personally. |
Fahrenheit 451 |
Bradbury |
1953 |
Spray-Foam Blouse Clothing that is sprayed on fresh. |
Galactic Pot-Healer |
Dick |
1969 |
Spray-On Clothing Body coverings from a spray can. |
Return from the Stars |
Lem |
1961 |
Spray-On Clothing Web A 'web' clothing foundation that can be sprayed on and then molded by a couturier. |
Abercrombie Station |
Vance |
1952 |
Spray-On Gloves Fashionable evening gloves that are sprayed onto the hand and arm. |
Abercrombie Station |
Vance |
1952 |
Spray-on Surgical Gloves Effective glove for surgeons that is skin tight. |
Altered Carbon |
Morgan |
2003 |
Sprayrock Special compound that can be sprayed onto a surface, that hardens into rock. |
Pushing Ice |
Reynolds |
2005 |
Spring-Rifle Projectile weapon designed to be resistant to countermeasures. |
Dorsai! |
Dickson |
1960 |
Sprung-Samser Treatment A medical treatment to extend human life. |
This Immortal |
Zelazny |
1965 |
Spy Beam A surveillance device that projects energy into a room, revealing conversation taking place. |
Foundation |
Asimov |
1951 |
Spy Ray Goggles A form of radiation that can penetrate walls to allow the user to 'see' what is happening on the other side. |
Triplanetary |
Smith |
1934 |
Spy-Eyes Tiny robotic surveillance devices fly using propellers. |
Manners of the Age |
Fyfe |
1952 |
Squeaker Used to search out radium in asteroids. |
Beast of Space |
Hardart |
1941 |
Squib A simple form of ground transportation. |
Our Friends From Frolix 8 |
Dick |
1970 |
SSA Machine A machine that compares two people for compatibility; it sees sub specie aeternitatis, literally 'under the aspect of eternity' or outside of time. |
Galactic Pot-Healer |
Dick |
1969 |
Stage Balloon A regular means of conveyance, like a train or carriage. |
The Mummy! A Tale of the Twenty-Second Century |
Loudon |
1828 |
Standish A beam weapon of frightful intensity. |
Triplanetary |
Smith |
1934 |
Star Base An installation or station at an important interstellar location. |
Star Base X |
Williams |
1944 |
Star Drive The propulsion unit for an interstellar space craft. |
Genius |
Anderson |
1948 |
Star Machine A device that serves as a boost to psychokinetic powers of mind, enabling paranormals to send their awareness to distant planets. |
Time is the Simplest Thing |
Simak |
1961 |
Star Stone (Speicus) An artificial intelligence shaped like a rock, which can communicate with living organisms telepathically. |
Doorways in the Sand |
Zelazny |
1976 |
Star Travel Undertaking a journey between the stars. |
Forgotten World |
Hamilton |
1946 |
Stardrive Propulsion method that quickly brings a ship's speed to nearly that of light. |
Childhood's End |
Clarke |
1953 |
Star-Globe (3D Map) A celestial star map, done in three dimensions. |
Pi in the Sky |
Brown |
1945 |
Star-Globe (Ship) A spherical spacecraft. |
Brother Worlds |
Gallun |
1951 |
Starlight Sail (Light Sail) A light sail capable of sailing between solar systems. |
The Lady Who Sailed The Soul |
Smith |
1960 |
Starship A vehicle for space travel. |
War in Space |
Quiex |
1926 |
Starways The well-traveled paths from star to star. |
Blood of the Moon |
Cummings |
1936 |
Starwisp An small interstellar probe using a light-sail for propulsion. |
Accelerando |
Stross |
2005 |
Stasis (Cold Sleep, Hibernation) Hibernation for human beings, lasting for many years. |
The Door Into Summer |
Heinlein |
1956 |
Stasis Box A space entirely enclosed by a Slaver stasis field, in which time does not pass. |
There is a Tide |
Niven |
1968 |
Stasis Field Energy field which prevents time from passing inside the field walls; no time passes, nobody gets hurt. |
Beyond This Horizon |
Heinlein |
1942 |
Static Field A defense against a spy beam. |
Foundation |
Asimov |
1951 |
Static House A house that was once fully psychotropic and malleable, but which had been frozen in one configuration. |
The Thousand Dreams of Stellavista |
Ballard |
1962 |
Stationary Automatic Blaster An automated defensive blaster. |
Red Planet |
Heinlein |
1949 |
Stationary Sidewalk A sidewalk that is fixed permanently in one location; not a sliding walkway. |
Exiles of the Moon |
Schachner (w. AL Zagat) |
1931 |
Stealth House A home that is entirely sealed, leading to toxic buildup. |
Virtual Light |
Gibson |
1993 |
Steam Horse A remarkable mechanical beast. |
Le Monde Tel Qu'il Sera (The World As It Shall Be) |
Souvestre |
1846 |
Steam Man A mechanical robot powered by steam. |
The Steam Man of the Prairies |
Ellis |
1868 |
Steam Rifle A gun that propels projectiles with steam. |
Omnivore |
Anthony |
1968 |
Steam-Propelled Moving Houses Otherwise ordinary residences that move from place to place, powered by steam. |
The Mummy! A Tale of the Twenty-Second Century |
Loudon |
1828 |
Steel Drugs A name for recreational chemicals that were entirely synthetic. |
Islands in the Net |
Sterling |
1988 |
Steel Teeth Artificial teeth welded to the bone. |
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch |
Dick |
1965 |
Steel Tentacle Flexible robotic steel limbs that can both support a vehicle and grasp objects. |
The War of the Worlds |
Wells |
1898 |
Steel Tortoise An all-terrain vehicle, grandfather to the four-wheeler. |
Coventry |
Heinlein |
1940 |
Steel-Lined Space Boots In combination with a magnetized floor, allows the user to walk in zero gravity. |
Roamer of the Stars |
Wilson |
1938 |
Steelonium A remarkable kind of steel that did not rust or corrode. |
Ralph 124c 41 + |
Gernsback |
1911 |
Steering a Star Steering a star, altering its path, taking it to a new location. |
Crashing Suns |
Hamilton |
1928 |
Steering Shot Pistol The simplest way to move in space, where every action has an equal and opposite reaction. |
The Shot Into Infinity |
Gail |
1929 |
Stellar Analog Computers Special systems used to calculate safe "jumps" for interstellar trips. |
The Lady Was A Tramp |
Sharon |
1957 |
Stellarimeter Used by space navigators. |
Babel-17 |
Delany |
1966 |
Stellene A tough, transparent material used to make domes or even spacecraft. |
The Planet Strappers |
Gallun |
1961 |
Stepping Discs Open air teleportation pads. |
Ringworld |
Niven |
1970 |
Stereo Tank A receiver for three-dimensional televised images. |
Stranger in a Strange Land |
Heinlein |
1961 |
Stereoscopic Vernier and Cube A means of photographing in depth. |
Sinister Barrier |
Russell |
1939 |
Stereovision Tank Three dimensional mass media (the grandson of television). |
Stranger in a Strange Land |
Heinlein |
1961 |
Sterile Seeds Seeds that are bioengineered to grow, but not to produce fertile seeds. |
The Calorie Man |
Bacigalupi |
2005 |
Stick-Tight A general term for surveillance devices that will follow a subject and record speech or video. |
The Star King |
Vance |
1964 |
Stiletto Beam A beam of molten metal, projected electromagnetically. |
Earthlight |
Clarke |
1955 |
Stillsuit It covers almost the entire body, provides cooling and ensures that almost no moisture is lost. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Stillsuit Desert Boots Special boots that offered parasitic power harvesting. |
Dune Messiah |
Herbert |
1969 |
Stilltent A small, sealable enclosure which reclaimed moisture from the breath of occupants. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Stilt-Legged Chairs (Walking Chairs) An alien conveyance. |
Vandals from the Moon |
Marius |
1928 |
Stim-Crib A cradle that provides virtual reality experiences to tiny tots. |
Natulife |
Brin |
1994 |
Stimic A musical instrument consisting of three flutelike tubes equipped with plungers; thumb and forefinger squeeze a bag to force air across the mouthpieces. |
The Moon Moth |
Vance |
1976 |
Stimsuit An elastic suit worn to decrease the effects of micro-gravity in space. |
Heavy Time |
Cherryh |
1991 |
Stimtab A drug designed to keep the user awake and alert for long periods. |
The Forever War |
Haldeman |
1974 |
Stone Burner Atomic weapon which burrows deep into a planet; its radiation also attacks selected nerve tissues. |
Dune Messiah |
Herbert |
1969 |
Stopper Bubble Device that halts time within its boundaries. |
Red Lightning |
Varley |
2006 |
Storer-Gulls Wings Recreational aid for lunar colonists; lightweight wings for cave flying. |
The Menace From Earth |
Heinlein |
1957 |
Straightening the Earth's Poles By means of a suitable force, push the Earth until the planet's axis of rotation is perpendicular to the ecliptic. |
The Purchase of the North Pole (Topsy Turvy) |
Verne |
1889 |
Strakh The prestige or social prominence which serves as a medium of exchange on the planet Sirene. |
The Moon Moth |
Vance |
1976 |
Stratocar A vehicle intended for use in traveling through the upper atmosphere. |
The Cavern of the Shining Pool |
Zagat |
1937 |
Stratoplane An airplane that flies up to the edge of the atmosphere. |
Colossus |
Wandrei |
1934 |
Stratospheric Traffic Bad traffic at every level. |
The Great God Awto |
Smith |
1940 |
Stratovideo (Television Plane) An aircraft with studios that continuously broadcast line-of-sight television. |
The Morning of the Day They Did It |
White |
1950 |
Stratoyacht A privately-owned pleasure craft capable of attaining orbit. |
Sunward Flight |
Zagat |
1943 |
Street Slides A means of moving a spot on the road to different places, by means of machinery under the ground. |
Mrs. Maberly: Or, The World as it Will be |
Author |
1836 |
Structural Scanning Essentially, a whole-object camera, that would take a detailed picture of the structure of an object. |
Assassin |
Hogan |
1978 |
Stun Pistol A hand-held device that causes unconsciousness. |
Foundation and Empire |
Asimov |
1952 |
Stunner A non-lethal weapon; typically used like a firearm but only renders its victim unconscious. |
Fire-Power |
Gottesman |
1941 |
Stunwand |
Hellstrom's Hive |
Herbert |
1972 |
Sub-Atlantic Tube A tunnel under the ocean; the shortest distance between the two points. |
Ralph 124c 41 + |
Gernsback |
1911 |
Sub-C Of ships, older models that travel at speeds below that of light. |
The Impossible Planet |
Dick |
1953 |
Subcutaneous Overlay An implanted chip that provides a continuous drug experience for months. |
The Mountain in the Sea |
Naylor |
2022 |
Subdermal Microchannels A means of personal adornment; think of day glow tattoos. |
Stone Lives |
Di Filippo |
1985 |
Sub-Etha Sens-O-Matic A device which senses passing spacecraft; essential tool of interstellar hitchhikers |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy |
Adams |
1979 |
Sub-Etheric Below the level at which ordinary light is propagated. |
Legion of Time |
Williamson |
1938 |
Subjunctivisor Projects a possible future, based on your own impressions. |
The Worlds of If |
Weinbaum |
1935 |
Subliminal Billboards Enormous outdoor billboards that are totally blank - or are they? |
The Subliminal Man |
Ballard |
1963 |
Submarine Tube A means of transport between Europe and North America via underwater tubes. |
An Express of the Future |
Verne |
1895 |
Sub-microscopic Medical Robots Tiny robots travel the bloodstream, killing bacteria. |
These Savage Futurians |
High |
1967 |
Subphoton Search Ray A special ray beam that penetrates into hidden bunkers; images are caught on special film cameras. |
The Shining One |
Schachner |
1937 |
Sub-Space A dimension or a transmission medium other than our own, which allows faster-than-light communication or movement. |
Crystallized Thought |
Schachner |
1937 |
Substance D An addictive, psychoactive drug. |
A Scanner Darkly |
Dick |
1977 |
Subtle Knife A knife able to cut through any material, and even cut through into different worlds. |
The Subtle Knife (His Dark Materials, Book 2 |
Pullman |
1997 |
Subvocal Input Device Attached sensors read nerve signals to determine what the user will say next. |
Earth |
Brin |
1990 |
Suction Mail Tube An evacuated tube system carrying mail to residences. |
The Illustrated Man |
Bradbury |
1951 |
Suicide Tooth A false tooth containing poison. |
Lies, Inc. |
Dick |
1964 |
Suit Designer |
Mona Lisa Overdrive |
Gibson |
1988 |
Suitcase Airplane A diminutive, collapsible, two-passenger biplane. |
Suitcase Airplanes |
Skinner |
1929 |
Suit-Phone A means of wireless communication between individuals dressed in space suits. |
The Sargasso of Space |
Hamilton |
1931 |
Suit-Radio A means of communication between two individuals clad in space suits. |
The Long Way |
Smith |
1944 |
Suit-Shield Fabric A kind of mesh fabric that could absorb energy bolts. |
The Golden Man |
Dick |
1954 |
Sun Dome Used on Venus to give relief from the endless rain. |
The Illustrated Man |
Bradbury |
1951 |
Sun Goggles Lenses darken in spots to block the brightness of alien suns. |
Grendel |
Niven |
1968 |
Sun Plant (Solar Motor) A huge system of mirrors collects light and focuses it on a boiler for energy. |
The Lotus-Engine |
Gallun |
1940 |
Sun-Engine A device that absorbs solar rays for power. |
Valley of Lost Souls |
Binder |
1939 |
Sunlight Blocker A roughly circular field which denies sunlight to an area of a planet. |
Childhood's End |
Clarke |
1953 |
Sunparlor A vast esplanade enclosed in glass, to permit sunbathing without leaving an immense building. |
The Cubic City |
Tucker, D.D. |
1929 |
Sunpower Screen A solar cell array used to provide power for a vehicle. |
Coventry |
Heinlein |
1940 |
Sun-Powered Ionic Drive Motor A rocket propulsion system that takes solar energy to power an ion drive. |
The Planet Strappers |
Gallun |
1961 |
Sun-Quilt A colorful fabric with a silvered backing used to shield the interior of a living-globe from excessive sunlight. |
The Beat Cluster |
Leiber |
1961 |
Sunray Tank A device that stores sunlight itself for use as an energy source. |
Warlord of Mars |
Burroughs |
1914 |
Sun-Room On a planet-wide city, the only way to get some sun without going to the roof. |
Foundation |
Asimov |
1951 |
Sunshade-Photocell Collector A fanciful design for a device that gathers solar energy. |
Earth |
Brin |
1990 |
Sunshades Sunglasses that darken and lighten based on ambient lighting. |
This Immortal |
Zelazny |
1965 |
Sunship A space craft powered entirely by the sun. |
The Prince of Space |
Williamson |
1931 |
Sun-Telephone Receives transmissions from the sun itself. |
In the Deep of Time |
Lathrop |
1897 |
Sun-Tube A slicing ray of death! |
Slaves of Mercury |
Schachner |
1932 |
Sunward The direction leading toward the center of the solar system. |
The Space Rover |
Sloat |
1932 |
Superacid Smart acids that could be created to ignore particular compounds and dissolve others. |
Nanotime |
Kosko |
1987 |
Superconductor of Heat A light metal that accepts heat applied to its surface, and then dissipates the energy throughout the material, leaving the temperature of the material unchanged. |
The Mote in God's Eye |
Niven (w/J. Pournelle) |
1974 |
Superluminal Faster than the speed of light. |
Patterns of Chaos |
Kapp |
1972 |
Super-Photon Three photons in one. |
Invaders From The Infinite |
Campbell |
1932 |
Superscraper Buildings that are hundreds of stories tall. |
New York 2140 |
Robinson |
2017 |
Supertank An air-cushioned armored combat vehicle powered by a fusion generator. |
Hammer's Slammers |
Drake |
1979 |
Supervision Robot (Squid) A wheeled device with tentacular grasping limbs. |
Paradise and Iron |
Breuer |
1930 |
Supervisor Robot A robot that watches over and gives orders to other robots. |
Manners of the Age |
Fyfe |
1952 |
Super-Weapon A generic term for an advanced destructive device or technology. |
Robot Nemesis |
Smith |
1939 |
Supralight Drive A propulsion system that allows a spacecraft to travel faster than light. |
Star Wars |
Lucas |
1976 |
Surface Car A specialized vehicle for traveling on a planetary surface. |
Satellite Five |
Barnes |
1938 |
Surface Slider A small, lightweight craft. |
The Star King |
Vance |
1964 |
Surgical Hand A specialized robotic hand used for surgery. |
Clans of the Alphane Moon |
Dick |
1964 |
Surgical Homeostatic Unit An autonomous surgical robot, able to drill into the body and perform surgery. |
Now Wait For Last Year |
Dick |
1966 |
Surrogate Skin False skin that is sprayed onto damaged areas. |
The Puppet Masters |
Heinlein |
1951 |
Surta A base material for synthetic food. |
The Great Dome of Mercury |
Zagat |
1932 |
Survey Craft Light duty ship for use in atmosphere, to explore planets. |
The Rull |
van Vogt |
1948 |
Survival Bubble (Beach Ball) Simplest possible space survival pod. |
Footfall |
Niven (w/J. Pournelle) |
1985 |
Suspended Animation (Frigorific Process) Very early reference to cryogenic storage. |
The Senator's Daughter |
Mitchell |
1879 |
Suspensine Slows biological functions enough to survive in airless space - for a time. |
Duel on Syrtis |
Anderson |
1951 |
Suspensor An energy field that can nullify gravity for small objects. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Suspensor Chair A chair that suspends itself above the floor. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Suspensor Lamp A lamp that will float in mid-air, and will stay where you put it. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Sustained Atomic Reaction The idea that a sustained reaction could lead to an atomic explosion. |
The World Set Free |
Wells |
1914 |
Sven Sven is an artificially intelligent computer detective. |
The Turing Option |
Harrison |
1992 |
Sweep Field Pulls in interplanetary matter for space ship propulsion. |
Methuselah's Children |
Heinlein |
1941 |
Swibble An artificially evolved telepathic metazoan-based mind control device. |
Service Call |
Dick |
1955 |
Swimming Tubes Used to connect buildings for use by amphibious species. |
The Dosadi Experiment |
Herbert |
1977 |
Swiss A small piece of personal gear that combines a great many items in a single device. |
City of Pearl |
Traviss |
2004 |
Symb A symbiont life form that provides its human with life-giving energy. |
The Ophiuchi Hotline |
Varley |
1977 |
Sympathetic Block A way to keep certain mental contents from being spoken or revealed. |
The Stars My Destination |
Bester |
1956 |
Synapsis-Coils Human-like storage for computers. |
Last of the Masters |
Dick |
1954 |
Synchrophased Power Beams Focuses energy beams from multiple planets on the same object. |
Propagandist |
Leinster |
1947 |
Syn-Cof Synthetic coffee. |
Cantata 140 |
Dick |
1964 |
Synthesist A person who did nothing but make cross-references between one field and another. |
Stand on Zanzibar |
Brunner |
1968 |
Synthespian A synthetic media personality. |
Idoru |
Gibson |
1996 |
Synthetic Babies A means of gestating eggs to term is found. |
A Biological Experiment |
Keller |
1928 |
Synthetic Flesh Provides robots with realistic coverings, not just plastic. |
Super-Toys Last All Summer Long |
Aldiss |
1969 |
Synthetic Flesh Material resembles human flesh, handy for disguises. |
The Amazon Fights Again |
Ayre |
1940 |
Synthetic Food Edible food for humans, grown in the laboratory. |
Unto Us A Child Is Born |
Keller |
1933 |
Synthetic Food Dispenser A machine that could make whatever food you wanted from basic elements. |
Twilight |
Campbell |
1934 |
Synthetic Food Factories Food production without soil. |
The Revolt of the Machines |
Schachner (w. AL Zagat) |
1931 |
Synthetic Intellect A device for providing a robot with intelligence. |
Mad Robot |
Gallun |
1936 |
Synthetic Intellect A machine mind, created and improved by more primitive machine minds. |
The Machine That Thought |
Callahan |
1939 |
Synthetic Life Living animals made from scratch using inorganic elements. |
Synthetic |
Cloukey |
1930 |
Synthetic Milk Milk made without cows. |
Autofac |
Dick |
1955 |
Synthetic Personality A artificial identity, a legal fiction of a person. |
If This Goes On... |
Heinlein |
1940 |
Synthetic Sleeve An artificial body, into which a person can be downloaded. |
Altered Carbon |
Morgan |
2003 |
Synthetic Spider Silk Artificial fabric thread as strong as steel. |
Misfit |
Heinlein |
1939 |
Synthetic Voice Artificial human speech. |
The Amazon Fights Again |
Ayre |
1940 |
Synthetigrav General term for any of the fields produced by synthetic gravity devices. |
Agent of Vega |
Schmitz |
1949 |
Synthimeat (Crop Protein) A more general name for synthetic meat |
Lazarus |
St. Clair |
1955 |
Synthite Food Compact food for space travelers. |
Planet of Eternal Night |
Campbell |
1939 |
Synthony A musical performance by robots. |
The Music Master |
Wallace |
1953 |
Syntho-Steak Artificially produced meat. |
Farmer in the Sky |
Heinlein |
1950 |
Syrup Sac A device used to provide an efficient source of nutrition to Meks, servants of the aristocrats of Earth. |
The Last Castle |
Vance |
1967 |