Mercedes Benz Solar Paint
'It turns sunlight into electricity, just like any solar power converter - you spray it on.' - Larry Niven, 1995.
(re: Larry Niven, 12/5/2024 ) |
Hybrid Wind Solar Devices
'...the combined Wind-Suncatcher, like a spray of tulips mounted fanwise.' - Simpson Stokes, 1937.
(re: Simpson Stokes, 10/27/2024 ) |
REALLY Remote Control Excavators
'It takes over a second for the signal to get to the Moon...' - Pournelle and Niven, 1981
(re: Pournelle and Niven, 9/15/2024 ) |
AI Enhances Images Your Brain Sees
'I could have sworn the psychomat showed pictures almost as sharp and detailed as reality itself' - Stanley Weinbaum, 1935.
(re: Stanley G. Weinbaum, 3/12/2024 ) |
Deflector Plasma Screen For Drones ala Star Wars
'If the enemy persists in attacking or even intensifies their power, the density of the plasma in space will suddenly increase, causing it to reflect most of the incoming energy like a mirror.'
(re: EE 'Doc' Smith, 3/8/2024 ) |
Wearable Energy Harvester
'... he had tightened the chest to gain maximum pumping action from the motion of breathing.' Frank Herbert, 1965.
(re: Frank Herbert, 11/23/2023 ) |
3D Printing In Mid-Air
'It makes drawings in the air...' - Murray Leinster, 1945.
(re: Murray Leinster, 7/15/2023 ) |
Seeing Two Seconds Into The Future
'...not a record of what you did just now but what will go on here in the next half hour.' - Philip K. Dick, 1964.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 6/15/2023 ) |
Liberty Lifter X-Plane From DARPA
'...the tremendous speed that the Jupiter was turning up under the thrust of her twenty-four screws whirling on the shafts of twelve powerful motors.' - Ed Earl Repp, 1929.
(re: Ed Earl Repp, 2/15/2023 ) |
Fusion Power Breakthrough?
'The prospect of enough D-N beryllium to make fusion power really cheap...' - Gerald Vance, 1956.
(re: Gerald Vance, 12/15/2022 ) |
Cyborg Eye Flashlight Lights Up The Room
'Foyle pressed a tooth with his tongue and the peripheral cells of his retina were excited into emitting a soft light.' - Alfred Bester, 1956.
(re: Alfred Bester, 10/17/2022 ) |
VToonify Video Manicuring Program
'The program raced up the screen one scan line at a time, subtly smoothing, deleting and coloring.' - Bruce Sterling, 1985.
(re: Bruce Sterling, 9/27/2022 ) |
Vortex Rings Of Light
'He pressed the release button, and from the inch-wide muzzle a stream of blue-glowing rings sprang...'
(re: John W. Campbell, 5/29/2022 ) |
Quantum Sensing Searchlight Maps The Interior Of The Earth
'...a powerful ray... which would penetrate down into the earth, passing through all substances which it met in its way, and illuminating and disclosing everything through which it passed.' - Frank Stockton, 1897.
(re: Frank Stockton, 2/25/2022 ) |
Prufrock-1 Tunnel Maker Arrives In Vegas
'There was no reason why such shells should not be constructed for the express purpose of making tunnels.' - Frank Stockton, 1897.
(re: Frank Stockton, 2/11/2022 ) |
Taihang Solar Farm Accurately Pictured In 1911
'The entire expanse, twenty kilometers square, was covered ... the photo-electric elements which transformed the solar heat direct into electric energy.' - Hugo Gernsback, 1911.
(re: Hugo Gernsback, 11/1/2021 ) |
Ingenious Engineer Creates DIY Feeding Robot
'Waldo flexed and extended his fingers gently; the two pairs of waldoes in the screen followed in exact, simultaneous parallelism.' - Robert Heinlein, 1942.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 9/17/2021 ) |
Sci-Fi Organic Technology
'This latter is a sharp -whoof- almost a thunderclap...' - Gary Shockley, 1984.
(re: Gary Shockley, 2/21/2021 ) |
NDB Nuclear Waste Battery Lasts A Lifetime
'Trillions of units of power could be compressed thus into an inch-square cube of what looked like blue-white ice.' - Edmond Hamilton, 1940.
(re: Edmond Hamilton, 8/15/2020 ) |
Stratuscent Electronic Nose
'It's picking up diphenyl compounds and tetra hydrocarbons.' - Michael Crichton, 1985.
(re: Michael Crichton, 1/28/2020 ) |
Seabreacher, H.G. Winter's 1932 Torpoon
'Ken lay full-length in the padded body compartment, his feet resting on the controlling bars of the directional planes, hands on the torpoon's engine levers.' - HG Winters, 1939.
(re: HG Winters, 3/25/2019 ) |
Phil Nuyttnn's City Under The Sea
''Under the lower roof there was no water, but a clear and luminous atmosphere...' - Andre Laurie, 1895.
(re: Andre Laurie, 9/23/2018 ) |
Skin Electronics 3D Printed
'June's body is a tracery of lambent lines, like some arcane capillary circuitry...' - Paul Di Filippo, 1985
(re: Paul Di Filippo, 5/27/2018 ) |
Wink To Magnify View
Hopefully upgrade will be less than six million dollar man paid.
(re: Various, 3/14/2017 ) |
Duoskin Control Tattoo
'Three rows of four colored dots appeared on the heel of my left hand.'- John Varley, 1992.
(re: John Varley, 9/23/2016 ) |
Samsung's Smart Ring
'Crayn glanced at his finger watch...' HB Fyfe, 1951.
(re: HB Fyfe, 8/30/2016 ) |
Festo's AquaJellies 2.0
'It was a chemotactic artificial jellyfish designed to slither into undersea vents...' - Rucker/Sterling, 1994.
(re: Rucker/Sterling, 7/26/2016 ) |
Solar Plane Circles The Globe
'Tropism-like pursuit of the sun across the sky as they recharged their batteries...' - Roger Zelazny
(re: Roger Zelazny, 7/3/2016 ) |
Autonomous Tractor Harvest-Ready
'[He] dropped the handles of the plough that was plugged into the robomule...' - Harry Harrison, 1965.
(re: Harry Harrison, 4/6/2016 ) |
Skin Sensor Signals Brain
'Which permitted it to gauge to an ounce the amount of pressure necessary...' - Roger Zelazny, 1966.
(re: Roger Zelazny, 10/19/2015 ) |
Zoom Contact Lenses
'You've got DreamTime technology in contact lenses?'- Niven and Barnes, 1992.
(re: Niven and Barnes, 3/27/2015 ) |
iSkin On-Body Touch Sensors
'Three rows of four colored dots appeared on the heel of my left hand.'- John Varley, 1992.
(re: John Varley, 3/5/2015 ) |
3D Printing Your Winter Reality
'It makes drawings in the air following drawings it scans with photo-cells...'- Murray Leinster, 1945.
(re: Murray Leinster, 2/9/2014 ) |
Control Your Dog Remotely
Your mutt will handle like a neodog with this advanced hardware and software.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 9/22/2013 ) |
Peel And Stick Thin Film Solar Cells
'It turns sunlight into electricity, just like any solar power converter, but you spray it on.'- Larry Niven, 1995.
(re: Larry Niven, 4/24/2013 ) |
Telescopes With Liquid Mirrors Go Mainstream
'The bowl contained mercury. As the container spun on its perfectly balanced axis, centrifugal force caused the mercury to spread...'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1934.
(re: Raymond Z. Gallun, 1/21/2013 ) |
Real-Time 3D Electron Microscopy
Clever device lets researchers use those red/blue 3D glasses they picked up at the local theater...
(re: Robert Cromie, 5/5/2012 ) |
Open Source Tricorder
'Insufficient facts always invite danger.' - Mr. Spock
(re: Gene Roddenberry, 4/1/2012 ) |
Fracking Causes Ohio Earthquakes
Another report that blames fracking for earthquakes in areas that are typically free of naturally-occurring quakes.
(re: Various, 3/8/2012 ) |
T-Rays And Tricorders
Amazing miniaturization could lead to science-fictional devices.
(re: Gene Roddenberry, 1/23/2012 ) |
Throw This Panoramic Ball Camera!
Let's hope that it proves possible to manufacture this camera at a price at which we can afford it.
(re: Robert Silverberg, 10/26/2011 ) |
See People Through Walls
You (and your imaginative proxies, sf writers) have been trying to see through walls for a long time.
(re: John W. Campbell, 10/18/2011 ) |
Shape-Changing Metal Antenna
Once the skin is ruptured, the metal flows extremely quickly – in a few milliseconds.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 7/31/2011 ) |
Russian ATM Knows When You Lie
This ATM knows more about you than you might think; oh, and be sure to stick to the truth.
(re: William Gibson, 6/8/2011 ) |
Quick-Charging Batteries Needed For Vehicles
3D films made by coating a surface with self-assembled nanoscale spheres may hold the answer to fast 'fill-ups' at vehicle recharging stations.
(re: Philip Jose Farmer, 3/23/2011 ) |
'Air Laser' Long-Range Sensor
The stronger signal should also allow for detection of much smaller concentrations of airborne contaminants.
(re: Gene Roddenbaerry, 1/28/2011 ) |
Fracking Earthquakes
Oil companies pump a dense slurry into the rocks far under a town, hoping to create fractures to release natural gas. What could go wrong?
(re: Various, 12/20/2010 ) |
Biofuel From Algae
Can we improve the ability of algae to produce material we need? Should we?
(re: Hal Clement, 7/27/2010 ) |
Terahertz Remote Sensing Detectors
See through walls, containers and clothes from hundreds of feet away - and identify the unique signature of different substances.
(re: E.E. 'Doc' Smith, 7/12/2010 ) |
Sand Pirates In Indonesia
Slowly, the natural features of our solar system disappear, thanks to the Better Building Conglomerates.
(re: Alfred Bester, 3/28/2010 ) |
Scanner Could Let You 'Rip' Books
If this device could be commercialized, you could 'rip' a book like you can rip a CD, digitizing its contents for easy storage on your computer.
(re: Vernor Vinge, 3/19/2010 ) |
Earthquake Machine Simulator Video
Is research at UC Davis more precise than research done at MGM studios over thirty-five years ago? You be the judge.
(re: Various, 2/23/2010 ) |
Laser Fusion Test Successful
Successful test at National Ignition Facility shows that laser-plasma interactions may not be a problem in the pursuit of thermonuclear fusion.
(re: Robert A. Metzger, 2/13/2010 ) |
Bose Ride System Smooths Your Ride
Yes, you'll ride the spaceways - uh, roads - in much greater comfort with a highly technological seat.
(re: John W. Campbell, 1/30/2010 ) |
Europa May Support Life
Is there life on Europa? SF author Arthur C. Clarke popularized the idea in a book and a subsequent movie. There is a liquid ocean - but is there enough oxygen?
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 10/15/2009 ) |
Self-Healing Circuits For Cellphones?
This may just help alleviate one of the most terrible feelings you can have in modern times - the way you feel when you drop your cellphone or other expensive digital device.
(re: Various, 9/11/2009 ) |
Laser Cooling Big Chill
SF movie goers and comic book fans alike have long been used to the idea of super-fast cooling. Scientists now put the big chill on.
(re: George Lucas, 9/4/2009 ) |
Spray-On Nano-Ink Solar Cells
Solar cells in a convenient spray can? Not impossible, say University of Texas researchers.
(re: Larry Niven, 8/25/2009 ) |
Geoengineering To Mitigate Climate Change
This policy statement focuses on large-scale efforts to geoengineer the climate system to counteract the consequences of increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
(re: John Jacob Astor IV, 7/23/2009 ) |
Cleaning Up Chernobyl With Beets
Another interesting scheme to try to cut the amount of time that tens of thousands of kilometers of countryside must lay fallow due to radioactive fallout.
(re: Gregory Benford, 6/28/2009 ) |
Saser - Sonic Equivalent Of Laser
It appears that this is the first working prototype of a device long theorized; it is the first device to produce coherent sound waves in the terahertz frequency range
(re: Gene Roddenberry, 6/19/2009 ) |
Flame Jet Drill To Bore 10 Miles Into Our Planet
Didn't I see this done from orbit in the last Star Trek movie? Take a look a the video of a prototype device that can drill quickly and efficiently in search of geothermal power.
(re: Gene Roddenberry, 6/14/2009 ) |
RF Cochlea Chip 'Seashell Radio'
This unique device draws on the marvelous human ear for its capabilities, which can be described as a 'universal or cognitive radio' much faster than any existing RF spectrum analyzer.
(re: Ray Bradbury, 6/4/2009 ) |
Water Purity Detection In Real Time
'Will someone try chaumurky tonight - poison in the drink?' Not if Professor Katzir has anything to say about it.
(re: Frank Herbert, 5/22/2009 ) |
Brush Up On Star Trek Tech Made Real
So much Star Trek technology has been brought into being - at least partly - that I'm wondering what new worlds are left to conquer, technologywise, in the new Star Trek movie.
(re: Gene Roddenberry, 5/7/2009 ) |
Flexpeaker Paper Thin Speakers
Can you imagine a movie poster - that plays the movie soundtrack - right off the surface of the flat paper movie poster? Well, get to work on it. With video.
(re: Larry Niven, 4/28/2009 ) |
Power Generating Shoe Instructions
Don't let the power from walking go to waste - start gathering up that energy now with these DIY parasitic power harvesting shoes.
(re: Frank Herbert, 4/27/2009 ) |
Face Mining Star Trek For Kirk, 7-Eleven For You
Face mining and facial recognition are getting some real face time with their fans on the Internet. Take a look at what Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition has been up to.
(re: Joseph E. Kelleam, 4/26/2009 ) |
Conductive Bodypaint Skin Circuitry
Why carry a cell phone or other electronic device when you can be the device? Also makes electronics prototyping easier.
(re: Various, 4/19/2009 ) |
Arm Swing Authentication For Mobile Phones
A unique bit of biometric data you didn't even know you had will authenticate users of mobile devices. Just don't stand near people opening their phones.
(re: Douglas Adams, 4/17/2009 ) |
SolarEn To Sell Satellite Solar Power
This idea has been kicked around by sf authors for several generations. Has the time for SBSP (space-based solar power) finally come?
(re: Clifford Simak, 4/15/2009 ) |
Carbon Nanotube Muscles
This technology provides an amazing increase in force per unit area of standard (i.e., human) muscles.
(re: HG Wells, 3/22/2009 ) |
Eye Of God Found - But No Mote
In the Niven and Pournelle novel, a similar sight inspired the founding of the Church of Him. Himmists, take note.
(re: Niven and Pournelle, 2/27/2009 ) |
Kindle 2 Reads Aloud, As SF Writers Predicted
The idea of a mechanized 'book reader' or 'news reader' has been around for more than 100 years; take a look at the imaginative works of five sf writers.
(re: Stanislaw Lem, 2/13/2009 ) |
That's Mr. Gasification, Not Mr. Fusion
Take a look at a cool video showing a real-life version of a car that runs on miscellaneous bits of trash. Just like in the movies. Almost.
(re: Various, 1/6/2009 ) |
Choking On Our Own Waste Heat
Interesting speculation by two UK professors; even if we solve global warming due to greenhouse gases, this problem still exists.
(re: Larry Niven, 12/1/2008 ) |
Machine Prints Lights In Sheets
Even though these won't fit in any of those 20 billion light sockets, sheets of light are worth looking at.
(re: Isaac Asimov, 10/14/2008 ) |
Element Four Watermill Needs No Droid
These devices keep adding features. Soon, you'll be saying 'What I really need is a droid that understands the binary language of moisture vaporators.'
(re: George Lucas, 9/29/2008 ) |
LHC 'Malfunction' No Accident?
Interesting alternate explanation for the problems that have temporarily halted the onward march of particle physics.
(re: John Cramer, 9/25/2008 ) |
Intel Wireless Power Transmission
Wireless transmission of power inflamed the imaginations of early twentieth century sf writers; Intel appears to have improved the efficiency of a basic technique.
(re: John W. Campbell, 8/22/2008 ) |
Solar-Hydrogen House Is Energy Independent
This story about America's first solar-hydrogen residence is still good; the owner is energy-independent in a way that most of us can only envy.
(re: Clifford Simak, 8/6/2008 ) |
Volcanoes To Be Harnessed For Power
Now that oil-fired power is getting more expensive, it's time to put our boots and spurs on, and tame a real power source - volcanoes!
(re: Carl Binder, 7/31/2008 ) |
Microwave Drill Heats And Pokes
Interesting development is a new twist on a basic requirement; drilling holes through different kinds of materials.
(re: Frank Herbert, 7/14/2008 ) |
Massive Balls In Fact And Fiction
For some reason, enormous (and, often, spinning) spheres form a kind of focal point for science fiction movies. I don't know why that is.
(re: Various, 6/25/2008 ) |
GINGER Moon Radar Benefits Miners On Earth
Very neat technology transfer from ESA's space program helps keep Canadian miners safer by detecting hidden cracks in the roofs of mines.
(re: Larry Niven, 6/22/2008 ) |
Acoustic Cloak Research Turns Practical
Creating sonically invisible pillars in concert halls would probably confuse the dickens out of bats, but music lovers would like it.
(re: Various, 6/13/2008 ) |
Sociable Garbabge Can Robot
This little trash can robot prototype may remind you of an upcoming Pixar film - or a Bruce Sterling novel from twenty years ago.
(re: Bruce Sterling, 3/11/2008 ) |
Use Roads As Solar Energy Collectors
Interesting system started out as a study on how to make roads more sustainable, with less maintenance. Passive solar heating is a bonus (other examples also covered).
(re: Various, 1/2/2008 ) |
Virtual Fence To Be Tested This Month
A virtual barrier between the US and Mexico is being tested; the glitches that stopped this Boeing product from being complete last summer have been fixed.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 10/21/2007 ) |
Could Lightning Power Generators?
If this works, I'm going to festoon my house with lightning rods, and then sell the power back to DTE.
(re: Steven Spielberg, 10/16/2007 ) |
The Thinking Man's Wheelchair
A remarkable development for the disabled, this idea was derided as mere science fiction in 1966.
(re: Gene Roddenberry, 9/7/2007 ) |
Max Water By Max Whisson
Dr. Max Whisson is back with more information about his Max Water invention to provide potable water to everyone.
(re: , 6/5/2007 ) |
Your Scrap Copper Future
I've seen this science-fictional future before; where's my personal smelter now that I need one?
(re: John Brunner, 4/4/2007 ) |
Robot Parking In Fact and In Fiction
Okay, George Jetson had a car that folded into a briefcase; but you can take your car to NYC and have the robot garage park it for you in real life.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 2/3/2007 ) |
Use Google To Search The Heavens
Google has once again allied themselves with a spectacular scientific project - have they bitten off more data than they can chew?
(re: Neal Stephenson, 1/8/2007 ) |
Desktop Nanofactory Video
Excellent visualization of how it might work; not really news, but worth watching.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 1/4/2007 ) |
SunTracker One Brings The Sun Inside
Very cool device to bring a significant amount of light inside your house or building regardless of the sun's direction.
(re: Ray Bradbury, 10/27/2006 ) |
HAL-5 Exoskeleton To Carry Mountain Climber
Exoskeletons helped humans raised in microgravity over come Earth's gravity in a 1968 novel; now they help people overcome gravity on Earth in real life.
(re: Fritz Leiber, 4/4/2006 ) |
NASA Strategy For Urban Heat island NYC
NASA has strategies to help small urban heat islands like NYC. Who can help a species with a 'planet' heat island? Larry Niven, that's who.
(re: Larry Niven, 2/9/2006 ) |
Ratheon Swimmer Denial
Divers beware; Raytheon has your (pulse and frequency) number.
(re: Roger Zelazny, 1/12/2006 ) |
Algae To Clean Atmosphere
Atmospheric cleansing by means of carefully selected algae has been suggested before.
(re: Niven and Pournelle, 1/12/2006 ) |
USB Memory 'Swiss'
Karen Traviss thinks about the USB Memory Swiss Army knife a year in advance of the press release.
(re: Karen Traviss, 12/30/2005 ) |
Lower Limit For Nanobot Size Discovered
Scientists and science fiction writers must accept new limits to imagination, thanks to a remarkable first-ever measurement.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 9/25/2005 ) |
Light Captured In A Crystal
Normally speedy light stopped for a full second in a crystal by Australian researchers.
(re: Bob Shaw, 9/17/2005 ) |
Tanaka Auto Door
You may be wondering what is so great about a door that opens only just enough to let a person come in or out... besides being cool.
(re: Jules Verne, 8/21/2005 ) |
NextFest 2005 - Festival Of Technovelgy
Yes, you read that right - technovelgy, ideas and inventions straight from science fiction books and movies. NextFest is a science fiction-lovers dream come true.
(re: Various, 6/24/2005 ) |
3D Holographic Images And Heinlein's Stereovision Tank
Harold Garner and his research team have used a gel-filled tank and a Texas Instruments Digital Light Processing (DLP) Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) to generate dynamic three-dimensional views from holograms.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 6/21/2005 ) |
Breathe Like A Fish Thanks To Alan Bodner
Alan Izhar-Bodner, an Israeli inventor, has developed a way for divers to breathe underwater without cumbersome oxygen tanks. His apparatus makes use of the air that is dissolved in water, just like fish do.
(re: Various, 6/1/2005 ) |
Flexible Fabric Speakers Are Coming
A Korean research firm has announced that it has developed a technology for the mass production of sound speakers that are as flexible as fabric.
(re: Bruce Sterling, 5/1/2005 ) |
New Phase Of Ice May Exist
A new phase of ice may exist at temperatures between 4 degrees Kelvin to 50 degrees Kelvin, at high pressures, according to researchers at the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center.
(re: Kurt Vonnegut, 4/20/2005 ) |
RepRap: Self-Replicating Rapid Prototyping
A self-replicating, rapid prototyping machine developed at the University of Bath in England could transform the nature of manufacturing. People could produce everyday household objects in their own homes and put them together.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 3/25/2005 ) |
Niven's 'Black Power' Now Available In Infrared
A team lead by University of Toronto scientist Ted Sargent has created a sprayable plastic composite that could harvest as much as thirty percent of the solar power that strikes a surface.
(re: Larry Niven, 1/10/2005 ) |
Afroditikrassa World View LED Cluster Lamp
Industrial design consultants Afroditikrassa have created a virutally weightless lighting fixture called 'world view.' It's pretty close to Frank Herbert's suspensor lamp from Dune.
(re: Frank Herbert, 11/12/2004 ) |
Data Mining In Three Dimensions
Graphical representation of information is not new; the first graphs appeared in the late eighteenth century. More recently, Sandia National Laboratories has created a data mining and visualization software suite that is able to accept information fr
(re: William Gibson, 7/12/2004 ) |
Printing RFID Tags With Magic Ink
Security technology like RFID devices, barcodes and smart cards are going to be smaller, more flexible and easier to manufacture responsibly thanks to a metal printing technology developed by QinetiQ Metal Printing.
(re: Larry Niven/Steven Barnes, 7/7/2004 ) |
Super-Photons Used For Good, Not Evil
Super-photons may be able to provide a way to encode yet more information on CDs; more powerful computers and higher data security may also be possible. This is not your father's Thessian super-proton technology.
(re: John W. Campbell, 5/19/2004 ) |
Talking Washing Machines Are More Accessible
New washing machines are starting to look, well, more modern, with LCD displays and smooth, easy-to-clean panels. Unfortunately, that makes appliances much more difficult to use for people with vision problems, who would prefer large knobs.
(re: William Gibson, 5/18/2004 ) |
Global Water Crisis
An excellent article from The Scientist provides excellent details about the global water crisis, and some possible solutions.
(re: Frank Herbert, 5/11/2004 ) |
Tunnel Boring Machine B6 For Sale
580 tonne boring machine used to dig the Eurotunnel on sale now - perfect ornament for the garden.
(re: Jerry Pournelle, 4/6/2004 ) |
NASA Debates Terraforming Mars
NASA will hold a formal debate on terraforming Mars tomorrow night at its third Astrobiology Science Conference.
(re: Larry Niven, 3/29/2004 ) |
Extreme 2003: Hydrothermal Vent Grind
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is hosting students from around the world on a 23-day research expedition to the Pacific Ocean floor: Extreme 2003 - To the Depths of Discovery.
(re: Peter Watts, 12/8/2003 ) |
Bush Signs Nanotech R&D Act
At 2:10 P.M. EST this afternoon, President Bush is scheduled to sign the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act into law.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 12/3/2003 ) |