Our company:

We are an internationally operating trading agency with independent distributors for all kind of products. Our goal is to provide a benefit for our whole environment. Our main focus is on industrial business. Nevertheless, we are constantly looking out for business opportunities in all kind of fields. Developing businesses in other areas using our good network within the production industry could be an enormous benefit for our partners in order to gain market shares and make a good profit. At the end of the day our target is, that everybody is satisfied. The producer, the consumer and the distributer. We would like to work with you as a partner. A partner with whom we could realize great business opportunities. This is what we aim for. Therefore, responsibility has the highest value in our company. Through transparent business activities, we want to build long lasting business relations. And become a trustful and loyal partner of your company.

Our Vision:

  • Selling the best products through the best people.

Our Mission:

  • Generating values for all our partners through commercial activities.
  • Creating possibilities for people around the world.
  • With our activities we contribute to a better future.

Our Values:

  • We handle our assignments properly.
  • We provide our partners with the best possible service.
  • We act professional and responsible.
  • We keep our targets in focus.
  • We built trust through collaboration.
  • We act out of conviction.
  • We respect our environment.

Our Commitment:

  • Tech Agency stands for fair business for everybody.