So, in the end no objection was registered (5.00 / 5) (#14)
by Peter G on Mon Jan 06, 2025 at 04:08:49 PM EST
although it must be noted that the Electoral College reforms enacted after 2021 make lodging objections must harder. Not even by the Colorado representatives, even though there was a full, adversarial trial in a Colorado court that resulted in a finding that Tr*mp had encouraged and thus "engaged in" an insurrection that disqualified him permanently from the presidency. That finding was affirmed, both factually and legally, by the Colorado Supreme Court, before being rather unconvincingly overturned by SCOTUS.

Unconvincingly or not, ... (none / 0) (#17)
by Donald from Hawaii on Tue Jan 07, 2025 at 03:02:14 PM EST
... it WAS nevertheless overturned. It is what it is. So fasten your seat belts, Peter, because it's going to be a rough flight. It's already been a bitter lesson for institutionalists such as you and me. Over the last nine years, we've learned that legal institutions we've long respected - the U.S. Supreme Court, our federal judiciary and the Dept. of Justice - are only as robust, good and competent as the people who've been entrusted to manage them, and that the system doesn't function optimally when those same people decide to place their thumbs on the scales.

And as I write this, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon has blocked the public release of Special Counsel Jack Smith's final report because of course she would, it's an entirely logical outcome for someone who's got her head so thoroughly shoved up her Lord God Creamsicle's a$$ that their tongues are entwined on the back end. This shamelessly incompetent woman - and make no mistake, this IS as slavishly corrupt a judicial action as they come - would have no business serving on a county water commission, never mind being worthy of a lifetime appointment to the federal bench.

Karma has finally caught up to the United States, and our country is getting the leader and government it deserves. That we will survive the next four years, I've no doubt. But I also believe we will emerge on the other side of this experience as a nation very much diminished in both our standing and our moral stature on the world stage, with our allies and friends having concluded that we are a vain and arrogant people who can neither be relied upon to stand by them, nor trusted to do the right thing.



Sorry if I was not clear, but (5.00 / 1) (#22)
by Peter G on Tue Jan 07, 2025 at 03:45:57 PM EST
the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Colorado XIV/3 decision on purely procedural grounds - that it was up to Congress, not individual states, to find a presidential candidate disqualified for having engaged in insurrection. The Supremes did not overturn either the factual or the legal determination about the nature of Tr*mp's conduct or its constitutional implications.

Agreed. The justices didn't do that. (5.00 / 2) (#29)
by Donald from Hawaii on Wed Jan 08, 2025 at 01:06:58 AM EST
Rather, what they DID do was magically divine an unstated provision requiring prior congressional authorization to enforce Amendment XIV, Section 3, which somehow went completely undetected by the rest of us mere mortals for the better part of 156 years.

Further, I would note the distinct lack of written record regarding any such legislative intent as divined by SCOTUS in any of the congressional minutes or journals from 1866, when Congress approved Amendment XIV and Secretary of State William Seward transmitted it to the states for their ratification.

Now, I'm no attorney, but I do know U.S. history and I do know how to read the law, thanks to my experience writing it for the Hawaii state legislature. The original intent of Amendment XIV, Section 3 was to specifically bar former Confederates who engaged in insurrection against the United States and our Constitution from ever again holding elective and appointive public office at the local, state, territorial (Arizona and New Mexico weren't granted statehood until 1912) and federal levels.

Therefore, I'd say it was pretty clear that Congress intended and indeed, depended upon state, territorial and local jurisdictions to enforce Amendment XIV, Section 3. Further, that particular congressional intent was still apparent in September 2022 and March 2024, for reasons discussed below.

In January 2021, Otero County (NM) Commissioner Couy Griffin, the founder of Cowboys for Trump, traveled to Washington D.C. to attend Donald Trump's Jan. 6 rally on the National Mall, whereupon he then joined the mob, marched to the Capitol and engaged in insurrection. He was found guilty of criminal trespass in a federal bench trial in Washington on March 22, 2022. Pursuant to Amendment XIV, Section 3, he was then removed from his job as county commissioner by New Mexico District Judge Francis Mathew on Sept, 6, 2022, specifically citing the defendant's insurrectionary actions as due cause.

The U.S. Supreme Court's convoluted reasoning in Anderson v. Trump certainly didn't save Griffin. In fact, after the New Mexico Supreme Court upheld Mathews' ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court on March 18, 2024 declined to even hear Griffin's appeal and let the original decision stand, which means that Couy Griffin is now forever barred from holding public office for life, unless both chambers of Congress specifically decide otherwise by respective two-thirds majorities.

The late humanitarian Jane Addams once observed that the essence of immorality is our tendency to make exceptions of ourselves. I'd expound on that and offer that legally, immorality can be defined as the creation and upholding of a double standard of applicability for the exact same law, which is what the U.S. Supreme Court did by first exempting Donald Trump from being subject to disqualification under Article XIV, Section 3, only to then allow Couy Griffin's DQ to stand under the same constitutional provision.

And that's why I called Chief Justice Roberts and his MAGA colleagues corrupt - and I'll further add, corrupt beyond any reasonable hope of redemption. I stand by that opinion.



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