Thoughts from last night (none / 0) (#75)
by coast on Tue Jul 26, 2016 at 06:14:52 PM EST
I had to put aside Newsroom for the night because the Bernie show was too compelling.

Watched Cory thru Bernie (only part as I fell asleep)and here are a few thoughts -

Cory - tried too hard to emulate Barack's convention speech.  I didn't get the same "this guy will be president some day" feeling that I got after watching Barack's speech.

Michelle - class as always and a very good speech.  Would have enjoyed hearing a dig such as "don't worry if you miss some of my speech because I have a feeling you'll hear it again somewhere".

Elizabeth - I guess its more of a substance things that draws the left to her because I didn't find her charismatic at all.

Bernie - well he was Bernie.  Like I said, I fell asleep after he hit on tuition for all....who make less than $125K.

A few questions on some of the points made -

Is Warren, and I guess the Democratic Party in general, against all bankruptcy laws or just against a Republican utilizing them?  Bankruptcy laws serve a vital purpose in our economy.  I would love to hear an argument against them.

Is $125K the new threshold for being considered the evil upper class.  The bar keeps changing - in the wrong direction - so its rather hard to keep up.  Explain why a family in say Valdosta, GA making $124K (GA can confirm that is  huge salary for that area) is more deserving of assistance than a family in New York City making $175K with three kids.  By instituting a threshold you have created another have v have nots.

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