I want to pray more often, but I get overwhelmed by my list of things to pray about! And if there are too many things to pray for, I find I can't make it through the entire list each time - so things get left off or forgotten regularly.
This year, my one-word focus is Diligence, so I want to be diligent in my prayer-time too. I need a way to split up what I pray for each day {I've seen others do this}. I can still pray for any timely needs, but my general prayers for the day will have a focus that's listed out.
But then I have to remember where I put the list and find it before I pray each time {because my memory just ain't what it used to be}! I need something catchy and easy to remember. I finally came up with a list I like and have been using. All I have to do is remember what day it is - and I easily remember the day's focus!
I thought I would share it with you since it's helped me. I even made a picture in case you want to use the same idea! Feel free to pin it if you like it. :)
I just put the basics on the pic, but you get the idea. Obviously Friday Friends & Fam could include cousins, aunts, pets, and more. And Tuesday True Love might involve praying for a future spouse if you're not married. The focus for each day is general enough for you to fit in your own items.
What helps you with your prayer time?
This post linked to:
~ WFMW at We Are THAT Family
~ Thriving Thursday at Serving Joyfully
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I hope you are all having a wonderful week so far! Have a blessed day friends!