TonyRB (Cyberant) has been suggesting
we add
these to the archive. Though not 1:1 size helmets, the Riddell ad Master
Replicas "Scaled" or "Mini"
Helmets are really quite wonderful reproductions of the screen-used
helmets albeit at just 45% of actual size. Given the reasonable costs of
these little chappies it's just a darn shame that no one's been able to
officially produce anything close to these in realism at the full 100%
So we'll start off with the Riddell range, with the MR lower down the
page. Riddell came to the market with these great little collectibles a
few years back, but stopped production around 2003/4 just as Master
Replicas picked up on the "scaled prop" license. In producing its scaled
helmet range, MR purchased Riddell's moulds for its range - hence
they are in may respects the same.
In 2008, Gentle Giant will continue the range, having picked up on MR's
moulds - most of which came originally from Riddell! |
Riddell's Mini Helmets |
We took these in the Garden the other day and the lighting's just
right. Not only do these little beasties look good on the outside, most of
them also have internal detailing making them look pretty fantastic. |
The Luke X-Wing looks great (perhaps a bit too clean),
and C-3PO's light up when you walk past! |
The ROTJ Stormtrooper is the rarest with prices
currently fetching $150 on ebay, and Boba's not far behind. Both are
finished really well and feature some great internal detailing. |
The ROTJ Vader's nice and you can pull the whole thing
apart for the "Reveal" look. |
Riddell only ever produced five Star Wars
helmet which is a darn shame since a Tie Pilot, ATAT Driver, Tusken
Raider, Royal Guard and Biker Scout would have I am sure looked similarly
brilliant. Most of the range were flogged off cheap at discount toy stores
with only the Stormtrooper and Boba fetching a premium. I can only presume
Riddell backed off, licked it wounds and went back to producing American
Football and Baseball helmets. Now that's a shame!
Master Replicas Scaled Helmet Range

So in 2005/6 MR picked up on the
Lucasfilm license, adding "Scaled" props and helmets to their range. Rather
than reinventing the wheel, MR bought Riddell's moulds and apart from a
revised "MR-style" stand, many of these are effectively the same great .45
scale Riddell mini helmets. Fist off lets get the "Riddell" ones out of
the way, and the Vader, Luke X-Wing, Boba and RotJ Stormtrooper are like for
like the same as the Riddell's, apart from the revised MR stand. Pics
courtesy of Luke S, BenObi70 and Chuck. |


Below our favourite Mandalorian
looks great. The weathering's slightly different from the Riddell but
otherwise its the same helmet - the Boba and Trooper pics thanks to Chuck. |

MR's Return of the Jedi inspired
Stormtrooper below was especially well received since the Riddell one was VERY
hard to find and at times fetched over $100 on eBay. |
So looking at the "new" scaled
helmets MR was able to produce, the Wedge Antilles Celebration 4 Conference
Exclusive was a rather nice helmet. Yes I know its just a repaint of the
Luke X-Wing, but it IS a really nice repaint! Thanks to Orlando for
these shots. |


Again, following MR's penchant for
"getting the best of their moulds", they produced a colour variation
to the Stormtrooper, giving us a Expanded Universe Shadow Trooper top go
along side their full 1:1 scale helmet - love the chrome lenses!. |

Above a nice shot from Msmjr2003 of
his scaled Shadow and below thanks to Chuck for his. |

This was the "30th Anniversary
Convention Exclusive" here in the UK, but was produced in big enough
numbers to ensure that there should be enough of these around to meet
demand. |

Okay, so what about something
REALLY new I hear you ask? Well to be fair to them they produced a superb
scaled Clone, and in most part reproduced the same range of helmets that
they did for the 1:1 scale collection (featured here) |

So lets take a closer look at them
separately, 501st Legion Clone Helmet, Standard Clone and finally Commander Gree. These great clone pics and the group shot top the MR section
courtesy of QQb. |



...and in the photo below, the side
view shows just how accurate this helmet is. |

Like the Riddell range the MR
scaled helmets really are cool mini replicas
and having access to the original digital files has really paid off as
they've produced what appears to be a perfect scale model of the original CG
version. To illustrate this, QQb's produced this really great comparison
shot of the 1:1 MR next to the 1:0.45 scale. |

MR also produced other exclusives in this range including the
Shock Trooper for the UK market, thanks to Darth Fetty for these pics. |


..and Darth Fetty's also given us a
good photo of the insides showing the detail - very similar to the
Stormtrooper. |

Finally the Utapau Shadow Clone
Trooper - again there were plans to do a 1:1 full scale version of this but
it never happened as MR ran out of time. However the scale helmet is still
do for release and is
down as a Razors Edge Collectibles exclusive due end of Jan. Thanks to Yodasnews for this
picture. |

Below a shot from Spudmanski of his Utapau Clone, the last
of the MR Scaled Helmets. |

...and finally from Spudmanski a
shot showing all the MR Clones together. |

So........ why no TIE?
Customised Riddell's
These shots are from Uber Fett who's produced his own
Jango Fett for the base Riddell Boba Fett helmet, which I think is rather
excellent. Maybe this is the best way
forward, If licensees wont produce the helmets the fans want, then perhaps
we should do it ourselves! |
I'm really starting to like these Riddell
Helmets, especially these excellent bespoke versions. Here's another, this
one by Steve from Richie's Armor who did for Garick Hagon (played
soon-to-be-dead Biggs in ANH). Steve did a great job on this and presented to
Garick at Dragon con in 2001. |
...and here's a shot of the helmet along with a signed
photo from Biggs himself. |

Update Jan 2010 - here are
some excellent MR mini customs from Cyril |

Starting off with some custom paint
jobs he's also added some great weathering to the following two..... |

...and with the next a very
impressive Commander Cody..... |

...and also a Commander Bly with
flip-up Binocs - these are really great and a cool inside into what MR
could have done..... |

Following on from Cyril's great
work we've also had
some shots of some more superb custom mini's, this time from Wondergarage. Note that these
are fan-made mini replicas and not licensed products - so you wont see these
in stores! |

For those of you out there
collecting the (near) half scale helmets they've gone and produced a number
of new scaled helmets neatly dove-tailing in with the Riddell and MR range.
Good to see therefore that they've gone for the TIE helmet and it's every
bit as good as the Riddell was going to be - in fact probably better as
they've added the breathing pipes! |


So it really is a very nice sculpt
and will sit very nicely alongside the MR/Riddell range. We're assuming
these are the exact same scale as the licensed pieces so it'll be nice to
see a side by side if anyone out there has already bought these.
Next up the AT-AT - infinitely they've gone for the white finish although
we've told them that the originals were in fact light grey so they're going
to do that as well! |


That AT-AT looks superb - and we
just love the cutesy side hangers. Next is the biker scout and again we're
very impressed with the sculpt - remember since this is just 0.45 scale its
not like they were able to full scale Don Post helmet so these have all been
bespoke sculpts. |


What's especially pleasing is that
they even have the stands and plaques so should fit nicely alongside the
Riddell and MR mini helmets. Following on from Return of the Jedi's Biker
Scout is the Imperial Guard, which looks to have precisely the right
proportions. |


Lastly (for now) is the Clone
Trooper from Attack of the Clones. Not sure if the proportions of this are
quite as good as the others but again its a really nice addition. |


We've not had a chance to see these
mini-helmets in person so can only go on the photographs we've received.
However, looking at these shots (and assuming the product despatched are as
good as these ones), then mini-fans are in for a treat. |
Finally for now, Paul K
sent us this photo of a slightly modified MR Scaled helmet - based on a
(very) simple customisation to an MR scaled 501st trooper helmet, to change
it to a Jet Trooper as seen in Star Wars Battlefront II. He
I first removed the lens/visor which is held in by 2 small Philips
screws and a bit of glue. Getting the screws out is a very fiddly job, but
once these are out you need to press the visor from the outside to break
the contact with the spots of glue; mine was quite easy, but others may
have more glue so it needs to be done carefully.

With the visor out I used it as a template to cut the green mirrored
window film sample I bought on Ebay for 99p, this was set inside the
helmet and the visor put back into position, check the film is positioned
correctly, do the screws up lightly and job done. There is a groove around
the visor which fits over a lip in visor opening of the helmet, so you
don't want to do the screws up tight as it will wrinkle the film as it is
pressed into the groove.