R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril VII

(Images by Gothicrow, used with permission)

“Does something amuse you?’ asked Uncle Montague.
‘I was merely reminding myself, Uncle, that I am getting too old to be so easily frightened by stories.’
‘Really?’ said Uncle Montague with a worrying degree of doubt in his voice. ‘You think there is an age at which you might become immune to fear?”
― Chris Priestley, Uncle Montague’s Tales of Terror

Fear is an interesting thing. When it comes from real danger or the weights and cares of this world then it is something to be despised, overcome, beaten. But when it comes to stories it can be quite delicious to embrace fear. In ‘real life’ we may shy away, or run screaming, from that creaking on the staircase or that dread evil settling upon the land. In the world of stories we will go into that darkened hallway; we will open that forbidden door; we will investigate things that go bump in the night; we will walk through the graveyard at the witching hour on the night of the full moon.

As Autumn arrives upon this hemisphere, a beautiful melancholy settles itself over the world. Daylight fades as the darkness descends earlier each night. Nature beds down to rest and the last flashes of gorgeous color give way to the monochrome shades of winter. There is a wistful scent upon the air and the mood generated by this time of year turns my thoughts toward the mysterious, towards stories with gothic undertones, towards darkened streets and death and the men and women sent to detect those who do these dastardly deeds. Stop the alliteration!!!

Seven years ago that mood birthed R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril, or R.I.P. for short, a participatory event wherein we the people spend however little, or much, time we want over the months of September and October imbibing all things ghastly and ghostly.

The purpose of R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril VII is to enjoy books and movies/television that could be classified (by you) as:

Dark Fantasy.
Or anything sufficiently moody that shares a kinship with the above.

I have removed the word “challenge” from this event because it has never really fit. “Challenge” was the lingo back when I first discovered book blogs thus its previous addition to the reading events I host. While I don’t have any personal grudge against folks challenging themselves to read a certain number of books, or books outside their comfort zone, this event is primarily about the great pleasure that can be found in embracing this type of fiction/non-fiction during this season of the year.

There are two simple goals for R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril VII

1. Have fun reading.
2. Share that fun with others.

As I do each and every year, there are multiple levels of participation (Perils) that allow you to be a part of R.I.P. VII without adding the burden of another commitment to your already busy lives. There is even a one book only option for those who feel that this sort of reading is not their cup of tea (or who have many other commitments) but want to participate all the same.

R.I.P. VII officially runs from September 1st through October 31st. But lets go ahead and break the rules. Lets start today!!!

Multiple perils await you. You can participate in just one, or participate in them all.

Peril the First:

Read four books, any length, that you feel fit (the very broad definitions) of R.I.P. literature. It could be King or Conan Doyle, Penny or Poe, Chandler or Collins, Lovecraft or Leroux…or anyone in between.

Peril the Second:

Read two books of any length that you believe fit within the R.I.P. categories.

Peril the Third or, the One Book Only option:

We all want you to participate. This Peril involves imbibing just one R.I.P.ping read.

Peril of the Short Story:

I am a big fan of short stories and my desire for them is perhaps no greater than in Autumn. I see Poe and Lovecraft in my future for sure, and some Angela Carter. You can read short stories any time during the challenge. When I can, I like to read short stories over the weekend and post about them around that time. Feel free to do this however you want, but if you review short stories on your site, please link to those reviews on the Review Site.

Peril on the Screen:

This is for those of us that like to watch suitably scary, eerie, mysterious gothic fare during this time of year. It may be something on the small screen or large. It might be a television show, like Dark Shadows or Midsomer Murders, or your favorite film. If you are so inclined, please post links to any R.I.P.-related viewing you do on to the Review Site as well.

Peril of the Group Read:

This Peril was added last year and was a lot of fun. As a new twist this year I am getting others in on the act. We will be doing two group reads during R.I.P. VII, one in September and one in October. The September Group Read selection is:

The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters.

This group read is being hosted by Heather and Andi of The Estella Society. All the details and the sign up can be found here. They also created the fun banner picture above. Love the little skull and crossbones background.

As a quick preview though:

We’ve decided to keep this loosey-goosey. It starts September 1st, just as RIP starts. We’ll meet up here, to discuss around the halfway point, on September 10th, and end on the 17th. The book may look long, but I promise, it’s a quick read if you can get into it. And honestly, I don’t see how you can’t get into it. The audiobook is read by Simon Vance. I’ve already listened to some of it and can tell, it’s going to be a stellar listen. So download it, plug in, crack open that spine and join us starting September 1st.

I’m signing up, I hope you consider doing so as well.

The second R.I.P. Group Read will begin October 1st and it is:

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

This one will be hosted by me along with help from a few others and details and a sign up will be posted at a later date. This is a wonderful book to read or to listen to on audio (narrated by the author) and I wanted to get the word out now in case you wanted to join in and needed time to track it down.

Both of these will be great, moody reads dripping with just the right atmosphere for R.I.P.

As always there is a R.I.P. Review Site for you to post links to any book or screen posts you do related to this event. Please post links there if you have them throughout the next two months as we would love to come visit you on your site. The Review Site can be found here, and also by clicking on the image to in my sidebar to the right.

I want to send out a HUGE thanks to the newest artist to join the ranks of R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril, Donna of Gothicrow. Follow the link to her site to find many, many more amazing images. I’ll be doing a giveaway of some of her artwork during R.I.P. VII, so stay tuned for that. As always I’ve created a couple of different banners for you to use. Should you need another size, please let me know.

All that is left to do now is to sign up and join us! If you decide to do a post about this event on your blog, please link to it when you sign up below. It is not necessary to post about this event, or even to have a blog, to participate, however. I do hope you will join us this year. I cannot believe this is the 7th year!!! And I’m more excited than ever. Thank you in advance for your enthusiastic participation.

280 thoughts on “R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril VII”

    1. We just might need to do that Kristen. Its been a couple of years since I’ve listened to the audio and I’m really looking forward to a re-read.

      Can’t wait to see the photo of your RIP stacks!!!

      1. I’ve read once and listened once so far. I can’t wait to revisit the story yet again though. As we all know, Gaiman has something new for you on each reread!

  1. I’M SO EXCITED. I haven’t participated since RIP IV (life just always got in the way), but this year it will be a PRIORITY. I can’t wait to get started. I’m working on my list now… 🙂 I’m also excited to have an excuse to finally buy The Graveyard Book!

    1. Awesome Lu, welcome back! Wonderful to have you. And any excuse to buy The Graveyard Book is a good one, I hope you’ll love it.

    1. You are certainly having the most dramatic start to RIP where you are, Chris, lol! Be safe and get some good reading done by candelight. 🙂

      1. Finished up Shadow Show by candlelight today and it’s one of the best anthologies I’ve ever read! Great way to start RIP 🙂

        1. So great to hear! And while I wish the reading by candelight wasn’t because of your circumstances I am still thrilled by the idea of it.

  2. I was lying in wait for you to announce this. I subscribe to most blogs now via email (there is a slight delay in receiving posts) so I was stalking Google Reader for your post. When I saw it, I literally squealed out loud! Thanks for hosting again. It fits in nicely with all the scary events I’m hosting this Fall. 🙂

    1. I thought I felt someone watching me. Kept looking over my shoulder. 🙂 Glad it wasn’t too delayed. I have my settings for email subscribers set to email them right away when I post, although I still think there is a few minutes delay.

      You are most welcome, thank you for your excitement (it is matched by me, believe me) and thanks for joining in again.

  3. I’ve been eagerly anticipating this too. Glad you got it up early as I’m busy from tomorrow and wouldn’t have time to post. So, thank you. 🙂 My post is up.

    1. I was originally planning on it going up Wed morning, but once I got it done Tuesday evening I knew I just had to throw it out there.

      Great to have you back for RIP. Hope your busy day is not too busy.

    1. Welcome back! Thanks so much for coming back to RIP this year. I’m glad it is finally time to start and hope that everything you imbibe this year is a delight.

  4. Hooray! It’s time to “be one with RIP”. :o)

    I have my post up. I have to say each time you do RIP I think of the first one I ever joined . (I believe it was your second year). I had noooooooo idea what to read. I never read detectives/ murders/ nor vampires nor anything scary. I still remember the first book I ever read for RIP “Gil’s All Fright Diner”! But here I am 6 yrs later loving Gothic Mysteries ..who knew? lol

    I”m glad you are up and running yet another year.. I hope it goes on for years to come! Happy RIP Carl & Mary!

    1. Yes it is!

      I don’t mind you repeating that every time either, it is nice to look back and be reminded of the history of this thing. You are one of the bright spots, a convert to wonderful literature, and you read more of those chunkster treasures than I do so you are a true RIP ambassador.

  5. Is it crazy that I’ve been looking forward to this event all year?! Last year was the first time I participated and I had such a good time. There are some books I’ve been putting off so I could read them for RIP VII. And one of those books is The Graveyard Book! I’ve been trying to convince my daughter to let me read it aloud to her but she thinks it looks too scary. Maybe if I show her this blog post about the RIP event and the group read it might convince her.

    1. If so you are in with a bunch of other crazies, Sarah, myself included. 🙂 The beginning of The Graveyard Book is a bit dark, but not from a scary creatures point of view, just scary humans, and I don’t think it is too scary after that. But I also know kids and adults have a wide range of what creeps them out so I don’t know what to say other than that it is a wonderful story to read aloud and I hope she lets you do it.

  6. I have no idea why I am so doggone excited every time I see your post announcing the RIP season! It’s definitely the hope of the cooler weather, dark nights, and all the creepy books I have an excuse to read more of! Love it. Oh, and I dig the artwork every year! Will be putting my post together today!

    1. August just drags for me every year because I cannot wait until it ends so I can get the RIP announcement up and running. I’ve of course been in the RIP reading mood for weeks thanks to my obsession with Louise Penny, so I’m even more excited that the time has finally caught up with my mood and that RIP is here.

  7. Ha! just spotted your comment on my Goodreads review of The Island of Doctor Moreau and had to come over and see if RIP had begun or if you were waiting just a few days longer. Glad to see you’re breaking the rules 🙂
    Count me in.

    1. No way I could wait any longer Fence. It is just too close and I had to give in and get us started now.

  8. I am so geeked about this Carl! thanks for hosting this again, and signing on such fantastic artists. now to draw together a list from all those titles I’ve been saving.

    1. Me too, L. Thank you for joining in. I was so thankful Donna said “yes” when I shot her the request last week.

  9. I’m so excited to start reading! I’ve been saving up books for RIP for a while now, and I might have overdone it a wee bit. 😛

    1. You’ve joined the right club, Grace! I know I’ll never get to all the books I’ve been thinking about for these two months. Especially since I’ve already been hijacked by the Louise Penny books and I still have 2.5 of those to read and I can’t put them down!

    1. I had no idea, Sue. It seems like you’ve been one of the gang forever. Welcome to RIP, so glad you are joining in this year! 🙂

  10. I love this time of year and this “challenge” for lack of a better word! I’m not talking about it on my blog this year, but I have a list of about 15 books that I hope to tackle over the next two months! 😀

    1. Yeah, I know. I’m still calling it “challenge” in my head. It is hard not to. Just trying to get away from the stigma that sometimes keeps people from participating and missing out on all the fun.

      I hope you do manage to tackle your list, that would be cool to see.

  11. Hooray! I’ve been watching for this opening post. Lovely writing about autumn–it definitely makes me want to dive into the creepy and the mysterious.

    1. Thanks Cheryl. I so wish the weather was cooperating right now. But we’re getting close, so I’m not going to complain or wish the time away.

    1. Aww, thanks Lorren. It is people like you who make it so special so thanks for coming in on it again. 🙂

  12. Alright, I’m joining this party!

    I plan on doing the Neil Gaiman read. This will be my very first Gaiman book so I’m looking forward to it.

    I just added “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children” to my waiting list for my Kindle through the library. Hopefully I won’t have to wait long.

    1. Looking forward to talking to you about The Graveyard Book. Its a good one. Miss Peregrine is too. Hopefully it will have the pix with it on the Kindle as it might not be as fun to read without the creepy pictures.

      1. Just checked Amazon and I see several saying the pictures and note were not very readable. I think I’ll just grab a hard copy from the library.

  13. Yaaaaay, I knew it would be up any day, very exciting. I have already put books aside just for RIP but it is my choice of genre anyway but some are just perfect for your event.

    I like that it is all for fun and not a Challenge, great change.

    I will do my post tomorrow. Love the art work, every year they are amazing.

    1. Yes, it definitely needs to be all about fun. I’d hate to ruin my favorite time of year by hosting some high pressure thing. Look forward to seeing what you’ve set aside for this and thanks again for joining in.

  14. You know throughout the year I come across books and think, oh that will be a good RIP read! And put them on lists and then I start anticipating sometime time in July and now here it is! woo! I can’t believe it is number 7! Now I have to go through my long list of possible and create a short list. All part of the fun. Thanks so much Carl for keeping this going!

    1. I’m the same way anymore. I end up skipping some books during other times of the year because I know they will just feel right in Sept/Oct.

  15. Hi Carl
    Ha, so excited. Have been eagerly awaiting this and storing books like a squirrel stores nuts (don’t think I’m going to get through them all but I’ll give it a go. It’s not like I need an excuse to read this type of book but it doesn’t hurt to have one and this plus the time of the year. Love it. Plus it’s my first R.I.P.
    Lynn 😀

    1. Your first RIP, yay!!! Great to have you joining with us Lynn. I don’t need any excuse either, but I love that this event allows us all to share this passion with each other.

  16. hee! yeah I’m in! aiming for Peril the First. hoping to have better luck than I did with the Once Upon a Time challenge at which I failed abysmally… and I got a box full of books the other day from Bargain Bookcloseouts that perfectly fit the bill for R.I.P reading.

    1. I hope you do as well, especially since you got a “box full” of books! Sometimes I wish I could manage a book a day during this challenge. I might make some small dent in the list that way. 🙂

    1. Thanks Brenna. I didn’t really do much other than pick some great work from a creative artist. I’m so glad she said ‘yes’. Glad I can count you in again this year, thanks!

  17. This is the first time I participate and I’m already exited. I just started a Noir Novella that I think would make the cut, but I have a bunch of books waiting for an event like this!

    1. Oh yes, that would definitely make the cut. Thanks for joining in and welcome! Hope you enjoy R.I.P.! 🙂

  18. Yay! I’m so glad! I have a very rough list in my head of what I want to read, but I’ll formalize it and post it, and then sign up. I’m so excited! I also have a HUGE Netflix list of movies I want to watch, but I’m a big chicken, so I might not watch any…

    I do have Miss Peregrine’s Home for Unusual Children (or whatever its title is), and Gone Girl, so I’m off to a good start…

    1. I do too, Daphne. And despite already reading some mysteries my list just gets longer every day. And it will only get worse as I see what everyone reads and watches, lol!

      I never get to all the movies I want to watch either, but I’ll embrace that delicious fear and work some of them in.

      Miss Peregrine is great. Really enjoyed that one.

  19. My favorite time of year! Love the art work, great choice. I already read my first book in anticipation of the launch, Ghost on Black Mountain. Review will be up soon.

    1. Me too. The months from Sept through Dec. are just a magical time of year to me. Thanks, I’m glad Donna agreed to the use of her art.

      Look forward to your review!

  20. Well, it will be my usual thing: I’ll read a thing or two, post what I post, try to stay in touch with what you and others are posting.

    My iMac is acting up, so my on-line presence has been for a day or two and will continue to be spotty at best. I have an older version of Mac OS X and I fear it may be time to strip and load the latest version, something I” have the Apple Store do and just pay the $$. Way easier.

    1. That sounds great Richard, glad you are taking part. Sorry about the computer. Always annoying to have computer/connection issues.

      1. Woese yet, it looks like I’ll have to strip the hard drive and reload with a newer version of Mac OS-X, which I’ll then have to learn and set up, then reload all my applications, utilities and files. It will likely take days whether I have the Apple people do it (most $$ option) or try to do it myself (most hair pulling option). I expect to go off line completely for nearly a week!

        1. That really and truly sucks, Richard. I am so sorry. The good news is that you have a house full of amazing books, so the time offline can be well spent.

  21. Yay–I’ve been looking forward to this. I’ll have to think about which books I am going to read–I have a couple in mind, but I always like browsing a little before choosing. And I think I’ll have to read short stories again this year, too. Maybe will even listen to the Gaiman book–I’ll be posting my choices soon! I’ve read along with RIP every year–now if the weather would just cooperate! 🙂 (Too hot still for my tastes…).

    1. Yes, lets do something about this weather! Ugh!

      I look forward to seeing what you choose. I always get good ideas from your site. Thanks for joining with us every year, I do really appreciate it and enjoy you being a part of this blogging community, especially as you were the one, through your posts and your links, that introduced me to the book blogging community.

      1. That’s so cool to hear–I am always happy to know something I wrote about might have introduced another reader to the book blogging community! I thoroughly enjoy being part of it, too!

        1. It is fun. There was a time where for many months your blog roll was my daily routine.

    1. Great Mel! I read…or should say ‘devoured’…The Graveyard Book when it first came out, then quickly bought the audio and listened to it a couple of more times. Its been a few years now since my last read/listen and so it is time.

  22. Yay! I had so much fun participating last year. I think I’m going to try for the group read of The Graveyard Book and 4 RIPping reads.

    1. So glad you are considering the group read of The Graveyard Book. We’ll have fun with it and it is such a great book.

    1. I hope you can as well, would love to have you read it with us.

  23. Yay! I was just thinking the other day that it was nearly time for the RIP announcement!

    Now I just need to get my list together and then read completely different books!

    1. LOL, isn’t that the truth! I do the same thing for pretty much every challenge/reading event. I love making the lists, but getting to them is a much harder prospect.

  24. I love how you can’t wait to start it a few days early every year! As always, this is one event I can’t skip and I’m so happy you are doing it again this year, Carl. I’ll be signing up shortly once I’ve done my post:)

    1. It took a SUPREME amount of patience to not start it even earlier this year, lol! Especially when I started reading Jim Butcher and then Louise Penny. I’ve been imbibing for weeks and wanted to get everyone else imbibing too!

      I’m happy you are joining us once again, look forward to your sign up post. Thanks!

  25. I still can’t believe it’s already time for this! That said, it IS my favorite challenge – any excuse to read scary books 🙂 I’ll be doing Peril the First and probably Peril on the Screen – I’ve already read (and recently re-read, alas) both group perils.

    1. Yes, it is rather surprising and unbelievable that we are days away from September 1st. I hope you’ll pop in and share some thoughts on both of our group reads as we discuss them. And thanks for joining in!

  26. Thanks so much, Carl, and those who help out with the group reads. This is an event I look forward to all year. I hope to join in on The Graveyard Book group read.

    1. You are welcome, Gavin. Thank you too as you are a part of what makes this special. I hope you do join us for The Graveyard Book. Have you read it?

      1. I read it when it was first published and have wanted to read it again. Along with the Sandman series and “The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains”, it is a favorite of mine.

        1. I haven’t read that short story yet. I’ve been waiting, impatiently, for Neil to release another collection of short stories as there have to be enough out there now to collect them in a book.

  27. This is a brilliant idea, sign me up!
    I just finished reading The Graveyard Book a while ago, and I’ve been contemplating getting the audiobook. This will be fun. 😀

    Oh, and Carl? Do graphic novels/comics count if they are perilous enough?

    1. Thanks Tanya! I have had lots of inspiration from other bloggers over years, especially those participating in this shindig. 🙂

      You should definitely get the audio book of The Graveyard Book. Neil’s reading of it is lovely.

      Yes on the graphic novels. I’ve read and re-read Hellboy many times during R.I.P. over the years.

    1. I’ve been fortunate to have very generous artists to work with over the years doing this.

      Glad you are excited because I am too!

  28. RIP always looks like so much fun, but in the past I haven’t really had any Perilous books on hand. This year, it just so happens that I was planning to read a bunch anyway – so I’m going to join in! Yay!

    1. That is wonderful, welcome Alita! I’m so glad it worked out for you to join us this year. Look forward to seeing what perilous books are waiting for you.

  29. Woo hoo! Last year was my first time participating and I loved it. Maybe this time I’ll fit in some Sherlock Holmes, maybe some King or Wilkie Collins. Thank you for hosting this each year!

    1. I’d like to fit some Holmes in as well. And one of these days I’ll work Collins in too, but I’m not even going to try to kid myself that this will be the year.

      Thanks so much for coming back, glad the fun last year brought you in again.

    1. I’ve got a mental list that is getting so big, Chris, that it is making my head swell. 🙂

  30. I love all the artwork for RIP! and you couldn’t have picked a better group read than Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book.

    Not sure how much time i’ll have to participate. . . but thanks to the links list above I just found a ton more bookblogs to explore! 😀

    1. Thanks, Andrea. And I agree, The Graveyard Book will be so perfect for this year’s group read.

      And I completely understand, you’ve got a lot on your plate.

    1. Great, Stephanie! Thanks so much for joining in. I hope you have a wonderful time.

  31. I’m a first-timmer.

    Love this idea and anything that will fuel my campfire story telling abilities. Brroooohahahaaaa

    1. Ah yes, the campfire stories are fun. Speaking of which, if you haven’t read Chris Priestley’s 3 YA books: Uncle Montague’s Tales of Terror, Tales of Terror from the Black Ship, and Tales of Terror from the Tunnel’s Mouth) I would highly recommend them. They are perfect campfire stories. Deliciously creepy. And I have in fact read some of these short stories to my wife and daughter around the campfire.

  32. I’ve been looking forward to this all summer! I don’t have a blog, but I’ve been reading along for the past two years and will join again this year. Autumn is my favourite time of year and RIP-reading my favourite kind of reading.

    1. I’m glad you are joining us again and are not letting not having a blog stand in your way! After all, this is a reading event, not a blogging one, 🙂 I’ve been excited about it all summer as well.

  33. I just got back to town so I haven’t posted my official entry for this event yet, but you know I’m in. I’ve been planning for this since it ended last year. And this time I won’t be in the middle of a major move. Also, my library has a copy of the Graveyard book. How awesome is that? You keep introducing me to so many “new” authors. I love it!

    1. That is VERY awesome, TBM, because I so want you to read that book with us. Welcome back, and thanks for joining in again!

      1. I’m looking forward to it! My only problem is I want to start now. But I’m waiting for the group. I don’t want to ruin the experience, like I did with Mistborn. That was an awesome series.

  34. Thanks yet again, for this incredible dose of Autumn Joy!!!

    And I do hope you and Mary and Tori have a delicious, delightful season full of all the best fall has to offer!!!

    1. You are always very welcome Debi! I hope the whole family has a fun time with it again this year and I wish the same wishes back for all of you! 🙂

  35. Carl,

    Thanks so much for hosting this! Definitely my favorite “challenge” of the year. Honestly, I think it’s the only one I finish with additional titles at the end. So much fun.


    1. You are so welcome Beth. I generally do my best on this one as well. It isn’t always guaranteed that I will get much reading done despite hosting these, but I generally manage to do a lot for R.I.P.

  36. I am a bit slow this year, but I am in as always. 🙂 Hopefully I will read some things. My August reading month was basically non-existent!

    1. Well here’s hoping you make up for it in September and October! 🙂

  37. This is my first year participating, and I am already excited. No better way to spend the fall than curled up with a creepy book.

    1. Great Cory, welcome!!! I am right there with you, this is indeed one of the most wonderful ways to spend fall days…and nights. I plan on doing a lot of that over the next few months. So glad to have you joining in.

    1. Terrific! Thanks Mervi. I’m not read to wish away September, but I’m also very excited about a re-read of The Graveyard Book. Glad you are joining us for that.

  38. Only late because I’ve spent two days trying to find time to finish my post. It’s up now! And looking forward to the group read of The Graveyard Book!

    1. You still beat September 1st, so you are technically early, lol! I’m making my way through all the sign up posts, but it is taking awhile. Well worth the time though. Thanks for joining in.

  39. Thanks for hosting this again! This will be my third time participating. I’ve had fun making my list and am now trying to decide what to read first!

    1. You are welcome Helen, thanks for being a part of it for the last 3 years. That is awesome! I know just what you mean, even when I’m reading I have other books whispering to me to stop ignoring them.

  40. As always, I’m super excited. Long live R.I.P!! 🙂 I’m doing Peril the Second this year and Peril of the Short Story.

    1. Terrific Chay! Thanks for your excitement and participation.

  41. I’m so excited. Life may get in the way a little bit this time around, but I couldn’t resist the temptation to sign up. I listed a pool of books as I’m not very good at sticking to strictly planned lists. I’m definitely planning on joining you and Kailana for the Graveyard Book.

    1. I’m glad you gave in to the temptation, Iris. And even if life gets in the way I hope you thoroughly enjoy what reading you can get done during the event.

  42. I’m signing up for Peril the First — I’m already committed to three books that fit the challenge for my library’s reading groups! Since I run the group, I get to have final say on the books, and I’m quite mercenary and always pick books I want to read. (It’s like a library superpower).

    LOVE the new artwork — the b&w image reminds me of Edward Gorey. Perfect.

    1. That is perfect, I’m glad everything worked out that way for you Karen. Use those library superpowers! And after all, you are using them to encourage reading, so in all you are using them for good!

  43. This is my first time participating as a new blogger. I love this kind of atmosphere. I’m already planning to read Dracula in October, and Turn of the Screw by Henry James. I just need to decide my level of participation…I love movies too! 🙂 Thank you for this event!

    1. Terrific, welcome Missy, both to blogging and to R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril. I hope you enjoy both tremendously.

      Dracula is far and away my favorite novel, and October is the perfect time to read it. I started Turn of the Screw late last year and then set it aside and need to get back to it and start it over again this year.

  44. Ah yes. It is time. It’s as if the fairy godfather heard my pleas and obliged. I can read only from my manifesto list, but I’ve got plenty to keep me occupied. My pool:

    1. Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, by Jane Austen & Seth Graham Green
    2. The Twelve, by Justin Cronin
    3. The Stand, by Stephen King
    4. B.P.R.D. Plague of Frogs Vol. 2, by Mignola et. al.
    5. The Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft
    6. Mr. Monster, by Dan Wells
    7. The Walking Dead Volume 14

    Who knows how many I’ll read. I confess that I’ve already started P&P&Z and read a few Lovecraft stories. Happy RIP, Carl!

    1. That manifesto list is a great one Logan! I ended up not getting to any Lovecraft last year and I need to remedy that this year. I also didn’t read any Mignola and that too needs to be changed. Thanks for participating again.

    2. I loved The Stand back when I read many years ago. In fact I read it two weeks before the actual date listed in the book for the “beginning” event which made it extra creepy when the actual date rolled around two weeks later. Great book.

  45. My favorite part is seeing what everyone else is reading! I LOVE this time of year! Thanks for hosting this once again Carl! Such fun 🙂

    1. I love that too, Samantha, despite what it does to my piles of unread books. Thanks for taking part.

  46. I was so excited to see this “not-challenge” 🙂

    These books are right up my alley, and this is my first RIP! I am really excited about the group reads, and I can’t resist joining in even though it will put a severe cramp in my Gone With the Wind Read-a-long challenge (that one is nearly 50 hrs on audio!). My library has both books on Audio CD, and I just requested them. I’ve always wanted to read The Graveyard Book, so this is a good opportunity. I’ve never heard of The Little Stranger, but I’m a fan of anything creepy!

    I have a question about the Peril on the Screen. Do we need to link up reviews to what we watch?

    Thanks so much for hosting RIP, and I’m looking forward to seeing what else everyone is reading and adding to my TBR list 🙂

    1. Wonderful to have you taking part for your first time, Darlene. Thank you so much for joining us despite your other commitments. 50 hrs?!?! Wow!!!

      So far I’m really loving The Little Stranger. It is building slowly but I like that in this kind of book. And I dearly love The Graveyard Book, and it is an even bigger delight on audio.

      You don’t NEED to link up reviews to what you watch, no, but you can if you end up doing a post on them. Or you can leave a comment here or over on the review site in the comments and/or just talk about it in a wrap up post at the end if you do one.

      1. Thanks, Carl. I’m not going to write a separate review for what I watch, but I’ll list everything in my wrap-up post and comment there.

  47. I was planning to listen to The Graveyard Book last year for MX3, but ran out of time, so I;m excited for the group read. I assume it’s OK for me to do the audiobook version.

    1. Oh definitely yes, Bob. I’m probably going to do the audio version myself. I enjoy it so much.

  48. Just heard about this on The Guilded Earlobe! Will probably only manage the one-book option, but may jump in on The Graveyard Book, too. Already listened to The Little Stranger, and it was excellent!

    1. Awesome! Great to have you. The Graveyard Book on audio is outstanding and I’m glad to hear that about The Little Stranger. I’m enjoying reading it very much.

    1. I’m happy to be of service, Joy, and even happier that you are back with us again this year. I hope you have a great time with whatever you choose to imbibe this time. 🙂

    1. Great Lisa, thank you so much for joining us. I love finding out what everyone is planning to read and actually does read. I’ve found so many marvelous books that way.

  49. I’ve never heard of this event before – but I’m all signed up and I’ve already got stuck into my first read! I love reading (and watching) some spooky books to get me into the autumn, Halloween-y mood. It just seems the right time for it, somehow, and as soon as the first leaves start to fall and the nights draw in I start craving some supernatural reading! Looking forward to a great two months… *turns transparent and floats away* 🙂

    1. I’m so happy that you found out about us, Ellie, and decided to join in. I too am looking forward to a couple of magically eerie months and I hope you find some wonderfully creepy things to read and watch.

  50. I am so happy to have discovered this reading event! I adore this time of year and I am so excited to participate in this and I am ready to get into the Autumn/Halloween spirit!!!

    1. I am happy you did as well, Victoria. Thanks so much for joining in. I hope you have a terrific time over the next two months.

  51. Always looking forward to this challenge! I’ve compiled my provisional reading list today. I’m all set and raring to go!

  52. So excited! This will be my first year participating. I’ve been saving books for this event. I’ll definitely be reading Dracula and probably The Woman in Black. I’m joining in with the Estella Society’s readalong of The Little Stranger, too. Thanks so much for hosting. I’m hoping to put up my post in the next couple of days.

    1. Welcome Kristi, it is fantastic to have you joining in on your first R.I.P. event. All of your choices sound perfect. I am over the moon about Dracula. Love that book so much. And thus far I am really digging The Little Stranger.

  53. Thank you, as always for hosting my favorite reading challenge of the year. I hope I will be able to participate as much as I want to, but I haven’t had a good reading year, what with all the upheaval of a move and a new job and a string of meh books. I’m hoping your challenge will help me out of my slump. Plus, you gave me the great idea of putting the reading challenge together with a new hobby: soap making. I plan to make a soap inspired by each book I actually read, so here is hoping I can read all five that I want to.

    1. And thank you as always, Dana, for taking part. It means a lot to me to see returning faces, believe me. I’ve had a weird off and on again reading year myself, without your good reasons for it. I’ll cross my fingers that R.I.P. will be a slump-breaker for you. 🙂

      That soap idea sounds great. I do hope you’ll link to those posts (if you do any) on the review site as well.

  54. Hi Carl V.! I just signed up for the event. This is my first time to participate and I’m very excited!

    1. Welcome, Joon Ann! Wonderful to have you joining us for the first time. I hope it is a great experience for you and I’m thrilled to have you.

  55. Has anyone suggest using a hashtag on Twitter as a way to follow each other’s progress?

    Maybe something like #RIP7?

    It’s not being used at all.

      1. I’ve been using the #RIPVII hashtag all along so there are some posts up using that. Either one is fine by me.

  56. After seeing fellow book-bloggers participate in R.I.P. for years, I finally signed up last year, and I did the reading, but neglected the interactive aspect of the challenge.

    This morning, I woke to an email from an author asking me to review his paranormal novel, and I thought, “Wow, I should actually commit to R.I.P. this year!”

    And so I have.

    1. So glad you decided to join in again, MissMeliss. And what a great way to start off R.I.P.! 🙂 Welcome back!

  57. My first time participating, I’m pretty sure I want to try for Peril the First and Peril on the Screen. I haven’t made a reading list yet, but with The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead (ya vampire fiction), Busman’s Holiday by Dorothy L. Sayers (mystery classic), The Passage by Justin Cronin (more vampires), The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater and a bunch of other books that seem to fit the genre criteria quite well on my To Read-list, I should be all set.

    I don’t really like horror movies, but may be able to watch some mystery/thriller/suspense things.

    1. Great to have you in for the first time, Malin! 🙂 I haven’t read much Sayers, but I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read. You sound like you’ve got a nice list already pulled together, so dive in and enjoy!

      1. Thank you, my list has now changed somewhat, after I looked through my bookshelves and found various things that have lingered on my TBR list for a bit too long. Pretty sure the final line-up (as well as a possible “listen-along” to The Graveyard Book in October, and, if I find the time, watching season 3 of The Vampire Diaries and blogging my impressions), will be:
        Dreaming of Amelia by Jaclyn Moriarty (published as The Ghosts of Ashbury High in the US)
        The Stress of Her Regard by Tim Powers
        The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater (love her books)
        Busman’s Honeymoon by Dorothy L. Sayers (yes, I got the title wrong last time.)

        I just need to blog my summer backlog, then I can start posting the reviews. 🙂

  58. Hi Carl – I just signed up, and linked to my post over at my blog. What fun!! Hurray!! My favourite challenge of the year! I am thinking about the read-along, I will let you know. I have the book, it’s more if I can commit – it’s still a challenging time in my life. Now to go look at all the lists…..that’s part of the fun! Thanks so much for hosting this again, Carl. It really is one of the delights of the blog world.

    1. Great, Susan! Wonderful to have you taking part in number 7! I can understand if you cannot join us for the group reads. Just have fun however you can (and yes, the list-gazing is a HUGE part of that fun).

  59. I made a blog post today about two super quick reads you can check off your list and set the tone for the next two months: “The Gashlycrumb Tinies” and “Coraline.” Don’t be distracted that they’re in a children’s genre; I promise adults will enjoy them, too. Plus you can knock out “Gashlycrumb” in minutes. It feels great to check something off a list! More about reading, books, etc. on my blog at http:/rainb0h.wordpress.com. Glad to be a part of this. Carl, I’m a former, rehabbed Op4-er. 😉

    1. Great choices, RainbOh. Really great ones. And yes, they are fantastic for adults and kids. I’m glad you are taking part with us!

  60. I too am very excited about joining in on this event. I have added a post with some of that beautiful artwork at my blog.

    1. Thanks TracyK, I’m glad you are joining in with us. Isn’t the artwork great? I was so happy Donna agree to let us use it. Wonderful stuff!

  61. ordered The Graveyard book

    finished my first book today. Beautiful Sacrifice by Elizabeth Lowell. Not your usual spooky novel. Romantic Suspense but the lead male is looking for Maya artifacts being used for human sacrifice. Based around the 2012 end of the world. The lead female is smart, beautiful and Maya royalty.

    Scary enough to count, sexy enough to read at night

    1. Terrific, Gina. Thanks and welcome to R.I.P. VII. Congrats on already knocking out one book. Glad you’ll be joining us for The Graveyard Book!

    1. I’m glad you are back, Michelle. Thanks and have a great R.I.P.!!!

  62. I’ve posted my list of books I’ll be pulling from, loaded Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book onto my MP3 player and have already read my first ghost story this weekend–am ready to go! 🙂

    1. Ah, terrific Danielle. So wonderful to have you taking part with us. You’ll enjoy the audio version of The Graveyard Book. Neil’s narration is fantastic.

  63. Hello! This will be my first time participating in RIP (even though I’ve been checking in and getting great book recommendations for years) and I am so excited!

    1. Thanks for joining in with us this year, Bri! Thrilled you’ve been finding some good reads for years, as that is one of the great joys of doing these events, and am even more thrilled you will be doing it with us this year.

    1. It has for me as well, Tammy. And since fall never lasts long enough for me, stealing a few extra weeks for it works just right.

  64. Count me in! Woohoo! This is, I think, at least my fourth time participating. I don’t have a blog, so I can’t “officially” sign up, but never fear I’ll be devouring at least four RIP type books…and probably be watching some scary movies too. Despite the fact that it’s 90 degrees out (in Montana!), it now feels like fall. 🙂

    1. You are definitely in, Jen. Welcome back for another round of creepiness!!! You are as official as everyone else in your sign up, no blogs required.

    1. Great to have you in for the first time, Jennifer! Thanks for coming along with us on this two-month journey into all things dark and mysterious! 🙂

  65. I’m excited to jump into R.I.P VII! I’m going to be reading The Passage, Chris F Holm’s Dark Harvest and The Wrong Goodbye, and Jonathan Howard’s Katya’s World, at least. I’m also going to re-watch some of the classic Universal Horror films with my son in October.

    1. I look forward to reading your thoughts on those, Mikel. Welcome to R.I.P. VII!!! And those are such fun films, I hope you and your son enjoy them.

  66. I’m aiming for more than four books, some short stories, 13 films, and at least one of the read-a-longs. So far, I’ve begun The Woman in White and I’ve pulled a bunch of others (including the Sarah Waters’ novel, which it looks like the others have already begun reading) off the shelves. Thanks, again, for hosting such a terrific event!

    1. Wow! those are some big goals. I wish you all the best in your imbibing. I’m hoping to get some great stuff worked in as well.

  67. Just discovered RIP for the first time. Seems like the perfect opportunity to take The Woman in White from the TBR shelf and score off another of my resolutions. And then, depending on how that goes, who knows?

    1. I have that one on my shelves and it is popular every year for R.I.P. I’ve got to get to it at some point. Welcome Seamus and thanks for taking part.

  68. I’m going to be insanely busy, so I’m only going to join with one book: Patricia Highsmith’s “The Talented Mr Ripley”. Looking forward to it!

    1. Oh, I imagine that one is intense, Bettina. The film adaptation sure was. Glad you are joining in with us.

  69. “Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children” only $1.99 for #kindle! Reading now. Great deal.

  70. Seven years!!! I can’t believe it. Well count me in for a 7th year my friend. I’m going to use the pool method method for my reading choices.

    Book choices:
    Grave Peril by Jim Butcher
    A Trick of Light by Louise Penny
    A Prince Valiant story I picked up from Mark Shultz this past spring at Spectrum Live.
    Moon Called by Patricia Briggs
    Summer Knight by Jim Butcher
    The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
    American Gods by Neil Gaiman
    Grave Witch by Tamara Price

    A Women in Black movie ( I have actually just watched this recently and I loved it. )
    Sherlock Holmes season two
    Elementary – New series on CBS
    Fringe Season three ( I probably won’t get to it BUT I really want to sometime, someday!!! )

    What a great time of year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I know, it is crazy, isn’t it? I’m so glad you are with me yet again. I’m assuming you meant A Fatal Grace for your Louise Penny as I know you aren’t going to skip ahead to book 7 of the series. 🙂 You’ll enjoy Sherlock, especially that first episode of season two. I too want to get back to Fringe some day and watch it. Jerry and Cameron talk about it once in awhile at the shop. I too would like to read Briggs sometime, give her a try like we did with Butcher last year.

  71. This is my first ever book book challenge – I’m quite excited and not sure what to expect. I’ve got Hillary Mantel’s “Beyond Black” and will read a Lovecraft, a Poe and sill find something else. Judy

    1. Well welcome Judy! I haven’t heard of Mantell but will be looking it up, and your other choices sound great as well!

  72. It’s here again! I have always loved this time of year–the start of school, sewing school dresses with my mother, the change of weather, the October winds–and now RIP! Let’s get reading!

    1. Ah, such good memories Deb! Lets get reading indeed! I’ve enjoyed these first couple weeks of RIP 7 tremendously and am already lamenting what I won’t get to, lol!

  73. Hi!
    I’ve started a german bookblog not so long ago.
    But as I also love reading english novels, I will really enjoy this competition. 🙂

  74. I haven’t decided what books I’ll include yet…but I’m sure I’ll be reading at least 4 creepy books! 🙂

    1. That is such a big part of the fun, Rachel, isn’t it? Choosing the books. Love seeing what others read during this event. Great to have you on board.

  75. As if I could miss my regular autumn RIP experience! Delighted that you are running it again and I’m looking forward to pulling together a list to read. Once I have finished devouring the Three Pines series that is! 🙂

    1. Peta!!! I’m delighted you are taking part again. That is what I’ve been doing, devouring Penny’s books. I just finished book 7 last night and started book 8, the most current. Sadly then I’ll be forced to leave the village of three pines for awhile. Sigh.

  76. I did a short review of “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.” You can catch it on my blog at rainb0h.wordpress.com. (That’s a zero in rainb0h.) I also blogged about the next two books on my list and a TV show I’ve added for #RIPVII fun. Please stop by and share your thoughts. If you’ve read (or are watching) what I’m reviewing, I would love your thoughts. I’m currently reading “A Discovery of Witches,” the first book in the “All Souls Trilogy.”

    1. Forgot to mention (it’s in the blog) but if you have a Kindle, make sure you sign up for Kindle Daily Deals. I didn’t realize it at the time, but that’s how I got “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children” on sale for $1.99. In addition to the $3.99 and less books Kindle store always has, they do book deals of the day and frequently have good books on sale for one day for $1.99. Sign up and maybe you’ll nab a book you’ve been wanting and get a great deal, too.

  77. Well, it took me a bit to get a post up, but I’m joining in again this year! Really in the mood for some seasonal reads…

    1. Ah, you still have plenty of time to revel in RIP though. Welcome back Amanda!

  78. I’ve just got back from a holiday and spotted this while catching up on my blog feed – definitely keen to take part, particularly as I’ve already read two or three that fit the bill while I was away! Will get a post up in the next day or two!


    1. Perfect Marie, you are ahead of the game. Wonderful to have you in.

  79. So happy to be doing this again! I love it. I’ve been saving up RIP books all year and I’m thrilled to be finally digging into them. It cracked me up to see The Little Stranger as a RIP readalong book as I had independently decided to read it for RIP myself. Now I’ll have company. Thanks for hosting this fun event. It is one of the highlights of the blogging/reading year.

    1. I’m happy you are back, Jenners! Glad you are joining us for The Little Stranger. I’ve been wanting to read it for awhile so it worked out perfectly that they chose that book.

    1. Thanks, that is so much appreciated. I’m sorry you are picking up at least one book and diving in with us but I appreciate this all the same.

  80. I’m in! I read RIP books all the time no matter the season (now I wish I saved some for this event)! I have a copy of Gaiman’s Neverwhere and I’m reading a James Herbert chunkster at the moment which is really good so far. Thanks for hosting this event.

    1. Hello Delia! Glad you are in with us and have no doubt you have and will find plenty of other great RIP reads during these two months.

  81. Yay! Thanks again for hosting and/or rounding us all up. I’ve posted my tentative reading list over at mine. Happy reading to you.

    1. You are so welcome, Kate. thank you for taking part again and happy reading to you and all the other participants.

  82. Hey Carl, Thanks for hosting this reading event. I’m so psyched that I decided to do it this year and am especially looking forward to The Graveyard Book Read Along. I had SO much fun doing the Neverwhere Read Along last spring.

    1. Christine,

      I agree! I had a great time with the Neverwhere read. The funny thing is, I assigned the reading chunks and Carl’s questions to a couple of my students. They subverted my plan by reading the book straight through. They said they couldn’t help themselves. I imagine the same thing may happen with The Graveyard Book.

        1. You are welcome Christine! Glad you are joining in RIP for the first time. We are going to have a good time with The Graveyard Book and I’m happy to see you joining us for that.

  83. How’d I miss this all these years?
    This is my favorite book and movie genre!!

    I’m joining and doing:
    Peril The Third
    Peril Of The Short Story
    Peril On The Screen

    Thanks for hosting!

    1. I don’t know Vicki, but I’m glad you found us now and are diving right into the peril! Welcome!

      1. I get very verbose, Angie, lol, so I’m not surprised you missed it the first time. So great to have you.

  84. This looks like so much fun! I naturally gravitate to the RIP stuff already so it will be fun to see what everyone else is reading.
    I will be doing Peril The First and probably the group read along of The Graveyard Book. It is a good excuse to reread it. 🙂

  85. I almost missed it! But I spotted the book of Edgar Allen Poe short stories by the door of the spare bedroom and something clicked….

    So I’ll be participating in the Peril of the Short Story this year.

    Thanks for hosting us again this year.

  86. Hey Carl,
    Just wondering if there will be a R.I.P this year so I can organize a bit my reading pile for the next couple of months 🙂

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