December 12, 2003


Rain has interrupted the cricket, so, just for fun, I�ve been deleting all of Miranda Divide�s comments. Let�s see if this pushes MD beyond her previous rage peak:

You guys are utter filth. May the lot of you rot in hell. You are fat, bloated and fucked, rotting with smugness. I hope the shit you people peddle returns to you in spades. Enjoy your ignorant lives. Wallow in them. You'll die like everyone else and i hope its in a very lonely place.

Miranda is so cool. Ex-England captain Nasser Hussein has been a little Divide-ish himself lately, though possibly with some reason. Tony the Teacher adds Nasser to the list.

UPDATE. Jack writes:

Miranda must be really getting under your horrible, scaly reptilian skin skin if you decided to delete his posts, 'just for fun' as you say in your usual 'I'm a sewer creature lurking under the skin of a nice guy' routine.

I tend to use my nice-guy skin for daytrips and such. But the horrible, scaly reptilian skin (or �skin skin�, if you prefer) is just perfect for loafing around in my palatial sewer house. Nothing beats being multi-skinned.

Posted by Tim Blair at December 12, 2003 03:32 PM

Ah well, we may be fucked, but it's thanks to our side and not to the bleeding-brain lefties that the Iraqi people are finally truly unfucked, for the first time in decades if not eons.

Posted by: Mike G at December 12, 2003 at 03:37 PM

I don't aspire to unfuckedness, I'll stay wallowed in my fuckedmire.

Posted by: Tony.T at December 12, 2003 at 03:44 PM

Am I still on a Yellow Card for taking to Miranda?

Posted by: Razor at December 12, 2003 at 03:58 PM

I find Miranda to be one of the less entertaining trolls. For sheer unhinged abusiveness Crock of Tim is the thinking mans troll.

Posted by: Ross at December 12, 2003 at 04:03 PM

I have to admit that Bon Scott used to be my favorite. At least he had a sense of humour if no sense of reality.

Posted by: Todd at December 12, 2003 at 04:05 PM

That the!!! Who the hell is Amanda Divide??? I mean, even the NAME is preposterous! Is she/him/it a word generator program from "The Aussie University of Strange Walking"? (Advanced degrees offered in Bomb Building and Underwater Basket Weaving).

Now I have heard that due to so many sheep in your land, that they are now allowed to vote, maybe to write and all that. Is A.D. a ruminant?
I'm serious, since we have ewes just like this in the USA. Baaa! Get out the blue-veined cheese as they say. Is Divide 'cheesey'? God help us. Ruined salads. Oh! and the guys always pick the ugly ones (being guys).

Posted by: Gerry at December 12, 2003 at 04:21 PM

I still can't figure out what is wrong with being "fat, bloated and fucked".

Posted by: Charles at December 12, 2003 at 04:24 PM

I am immovable in my oft-stated belief that Miranda Divide is Margo Kingston in drag, and the sacred passage above only bolsters my faith. The unhinged muttering! The clever subversion of grammatical norms! Swoon!

Posted by: reg at December 12, 2003 at 04:48 PM

I ran Miranda's screed through the retard translator and got this:

You guys can't be silenced by hysterical abuse shouted at you. I'm terrified such dissent might spread from the blogs and begin to influence mainstream media commentators as it has in America and disturb the cosy little leftwing media-elite converstaion here in Australia. I hate you, I fear you, I am utterly powerless to silence you or stop others reading you. I hope your lives are miserable as mine but I am dimly though bitterly aware that cheerful, euntrepeneurial types tend to do alot better than bitter, statist parasites. I take some comfort in the fact that you, like me will eventually die. It's not much, but it's all I've got.

I ran Gerry's comment though too but it broke the machine.

Posted by: Amos at December 12, 2003 at 06:54 PM

But baiting trolls is such fun - we get to contrast ourselves against their dark, empty and lonely lives,

Troll-bait, troll-bait, yummy yummy troll-bait!
Troll-bait, troll-bait, eat it up, yum!!!!!
Troll-bait, troll-bait, yummy yummy troll-bait!
Troll-bait, troll-bait, eat it up, yum!!!!!

Posted by: Russell at December 12, 2003 at 08:03 PM

"your horrible, scaly reptilian skin skin"

Tim! They have penetrated our disguises! We must destroy them all before they figure out The Plan! (BTW -- "skin skin?")

Posted by: Andrea Harris at December 12, 2003 at 09:32 PM

andrea, it may be a play on 'not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin'

or 'chitty-chitty-bang-bang'

i'm not sure

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at December 12, 2003 at 10:12 PM

Tim's skin is so thick it's got a skin on it.

Which is healthy in us reptilian sewer-lurking types.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at December 12, 2003 at 10:21 PM

Muliritheran is a chucker, and the one of the few people who ever had the guts to call him, Ross Emerson, has been hounded out of the game, libelled and attacked for his courage.

Right up there with Hansie, Muli, you cheat.

Posted by: Pedro the Ignorant at December 13, 2003 at 12:01 AM

How good are those Aussies aye? I'm off to the Test match tomorrow to see Ricky Ponting bring up his 200.

Posted by: Scott Wickstein at December 13, 2003 at 12:13 AM

What's a chucker?

Posted by: Doc at December 13, 2003 at 12:36 AM

What's a chucker?

Posted by: Doc at December 13, 2003 at 12:36 AM

Push post only once. Got it.

Posted by: Doc at December 13, 2003 at 12:37 AM

I am immovable in my oft-stated belief that Miranda Divide is Margo Kingston in drag...

Reg, you are sooo high. Margo can't write nearly that well. Or spell.

I'm assuming "Miranda" is a play on the name of Australian columnist Miranda Devine, but I'm afraid his joke is too devilishly subtle for the likes of me.

Posted by: Angie Schultz at December 13, 2003 at 01:35 AM


You dare interrupt my swooning crush with logic? To paraphrase Miranda:

May the logic that you pedal come back to you with a spade through the spokes. Wallow in your superior intellect and knowledge of apostrophe usage!

I am unmoved. And high, yes.

Posted by: reg at December 13, 2003 at 01:54 AM

I think Amos' retard translator results should be moved up to main page. Priceless.

Posted by: Rez at December 13, 2003 at 02:52 AM

Miranda Divide
Maureen Down

Okay, that's just weird.

Posted by: BH at December 13, 2003 at 05:38 AM

er, Dowd

Posted by: BH at December 13, 2003 at 05:38 AM

I dunno. I think that the best anti-left propaganda I've ever seen in my life is Miranda Divide. Heck, I think she could be used to frighten children.

"Study hard, Billy, or when you grow up you'll be even less coherent than Miranda Divide!"

Posted by: John Nowak at December 13, 2003 at 06:11 AM

I wish Tim would restore the phrase �journalist, commentator, & oppressor� to his masthead. Deny it though he will, he has not quite earned the third (& most valuable) prong in that trident (his deletion &, it seems, preletion of Divide�s posts being mere pest control), but the thought & aspiration do count, & add to the delights of the place.

Posted by: ForNow at December 13, 2003 at 07:15 AM

"I find Miranda to be one of the less entertaining trolls. For sheer unhinged abusiveness Crock of Tim is the thinking mans troll."

"I still can't figure out what is wrong with being "fat, bloated and fucked".

been laughing all day at those. Have a good weekend, or whatever the fuck time it is down there.

Posted by: matt at December 13, 2003 at 07:49 AM

G'day Doc

re: Chucker

In cricket you have to bowl the ball not throw it. If your arm exhibits an illegal motion during your delivery you are a "chucker".

Posted by: Russell at December 13, 2003 at 12:27 PM

AMOS translates Miranda: "I'm terrified such dissent might spread from the blogs and begin to influence mainstream media commentators as it has in America and disturb the cosy little leftwing media-elite converstaion here in Australia."

Well, I'd like to see how many callous jokes made at the expense of chil ...

NOTE: Miranda has more to say on this subject, but I've sewn her mouth shut.

-- Tim

Posted by: Miranda Divide at December 13, 2003 at 12:28 PM

That's awful crude for a girl. I suspect "Miranda" has some confusion with gender issues. "Miranda's" dropping by is sorta like an serial version of The Adventures of Miranda Divide, Queen of the Desert

Posted by: Cap'n Kangaroo at December 14, 2003 at 01:57 AM

For those who missed it before he censored it: I said I bet jokes about children being brutalised in detention will go down really well as ice breakers at the Sydney Institute, the think tank that Blair graced to attack on the ABC after they sacked his show. It's a right-wing think tank, but is full of the types of proper conservatives that would prefer look the other way, rather than make jokes about children being driven to self harm by the Australian government's policy.

I can only assume Tim has no children, nor any interest in seeing them treated with care and respect.

Posted by: Miranda Divide at December 14, 2003 at 09:58 AM