November 26, 2003


Racism ruins the brain. As proof, here�s Jemaah Islamiah spiritual leader Abu Bakar Bashir:

Bashir's sermon said "the satanic group which is undermining Islam and trying to destroy it, on this day is led by the US Government which is exploited by the Zionist Jews.

"The US Government and its lackeys have become the lackeys of Zionist Jews and extreme Christians."

Always with the lackeys. Use of the word -- whether you�re railing about a "crack down on the working class resistance in the face of super-exploitation by imperialism and their local lackeys", countering the "myth of ethical capitalism propagated by the owning class and their lackeys", or telling "the criminal Bush and his lackeys that the cars of death will not be limited to Baghdad" -- identifies the speaker as damaged.

(Brain link courtesy of Zsa Zsa. Welcome back, collaborator.)

Posted by Tim Blair at November 26, 2003 02:07 AM

TO: Tim
RE: Abu...

"Bashir's sermon said "the satanic group which is undermining Islam and trying to destroy it, on this day is led by the US Government which is exploited by the Zionist Jews." -- Abu Bakar Bashir



[When they claim they are describing their enemy, they are actually describing themselves.]

Posted by: Chuck Pelto at November 26, 2003 at 02:26 AM

You just don't hear the word "lackeys" enough these days. I used to love the Commies "running dog imperialist lackey" stuff.

Posted by: Donnah at November 26, 2003 at 04:16 AM

'cars of death' - Got my bets on the Corvair & Pinto.

Posted by: Roger Bournival at November 26, 2003 at 04:46 AM

Amazing what we lackeys can do. We can even imagine we aren't lackeys at all.

Guess that means we're delusional lackeys.

Lackeys of the world, UNITE!!

Posted by: Chris Josephson at November 26, 2003 at 06:24 AM

Lackeys? Oh come on now. Who hasn't at one time or another misplaced their car keys? But they turn up eventually. Nothing to get hostile about.

Are you aware of the proper names for groups of things? A "pod" of whales or a "bevy" of quail, that sort of thing. Well the correct usage for lackys is a "lacktate" of lackeys.

Posted by: Charles at November 26, 2003 at 07:44 AM

Lackeys? Oh come on now. Who hasn't at one time or another misplaced their car keys? But they turn up eventually. Nothing to get hostile about.

Are you aware of the proper names for groups of things? A "pod" of whales or a "bevy" of quail, that sort of thing. Well the correct usage for lackys is a "lacktate" of lackeys.

Posted by: Charles at November 26, 2003 at 07:44 AM

Lackeys! I must have more lackeys, dammit! Used to work for a guy named Lackey, and yes he caught hell over it ;)

Posted by: JSAllison at November 26, 2003 at 08:07 AM

I must admit that since the fall of the USSR, I have pined for the old cliches which the comms used to trot out as a substitute for original thought. Who talks about proletarians these days?

However,the Chinese branch of the party is still mangling English: I particularly like "spitists" - those who promote separation from the Motherland of Taiwan or Tibet.

Posted by: Freddyboy at November 26, 2003 at 10:03 AM

Damn, that should be "splitists".

Posted by: Freddyboy at November 26, 2003 at 10:05 AM

Am I the only person who can't help reading "Jemaah Islamiah" as "Aunt Jemima"? It's really annoying.

Posted by: Dave S. at November 26, 2003 at 04:07 PM