September 25, 2003


� Via Tubagooba, the coolest thing ever seen on the internet -- an original 1966 Melbourne street directory. Draw lines between all the places I lived and it forms a pentangle, for some reason.

� Virginia Postrel asks a damn good question.

� He moved from New York to Sydney, from blogspot to blogspot pro, from blogspot pro to some other thing, and now James Morrow has moved again.

� Either Wesley Clark is lying or Michael Moore is. Brian Carnell reports, you decide.

� Scroll down a little for some old school Hamas stylin�.

� �I�m returnin� that Noam Chomsky video you made me rent from you. I only watched like six minutes of it so I guess I should get like at least a partial refund.�

� Old Man Parker celebrates his 93rd birthday. �The umpiring life has been kind to me,� he reflects.

Posted by Tim Blair at September 25, 2003 10:40 AM

Either Wesley Clark is lying or Michael Moore is.

c. Both.

Posted by: Brendan at September 25, 2003 at 03:36 PM

Love the maps.
Back when Fitzroy was a slum and had a footy team!

Posted by: Pedro the Ignorant at September 25, 2003 at 07:23 PM

Draw lines between all the places I lived and it forms a pentangle, for some reason.

How is that different from a pentagon? See, I just knew you were in cahoots with the neocon imperialist American military-industrial complex!

Posted by: David Perron at September 26, 2003 at 04:05 AM

I love how Pat *made* Roast Beef *rent* a Noam Chomsky video belonging to Pat, when it was obvious Roast Beef did not even want to watch it for free. It's really incredible how much Onstad hates Pat -- other than being kind of stuffy, Pat hasn't really ever done anything so bad ... that we've seen. Instead, all the other characters are always bitching about the terrible things Pat always does. It's really a brilliant way to destroy the reputation of a character.

Posted by: Ken Layne at September 26, 2003 at 09:15 AM

And here is the most perfect example of Pat not really doing anything at all -- beyond taking abuse from Ray & Beef. And yet, Pat comes out looking like a jerk. Incredible.

Posted by: Ken Layne at September 26, 2003 at 09:21 AM

bins in hotels are small to keep them in line with the soaps, shampoo and conditioners...LOL and the main reason....they're cheap!

Posted by: David at September 26, 2003 at 03:45 PM

Who uses the bins in hotels?

Hell, you trying to do the cleaners out of a job?

Pizza boxes around the bed. Pizza slices in the bed. Beer bottles on any horizontal surface. Whisky bottles same. Cigarettes stubbed on the tables. Chicken bones in the spa. Newpapers tossed behind the chairs. Tissues where they fall. Piano out the window into the pool below.

That leaves the bin to serve as an ice bucket.

Posted by: room service please at September 26, 2003 at 07:14 PM