May 29, 2003


Still no fresh garbage in The Mirror from John Pilger since April 5. Maybe he�s sulking over this reader Q&A with fellow Mirror columnist Sue Carroll:

Q: Your opinion of John Pilger please.

A: Dickhead. Next question?

Posted by Tim Blair at May 29, 2003 02:40 AM

Pretty spot-on, where Pilger is concerned. She does discredit herself, unfortunately, by characterizing Peter Arnett as a sort of political martyr, expelled by the intolerant Americans and unable to find a forum anywhere but Britain. Puh-leeze!

Posted by: Harry at May 29, 2003 at 03:02 AM


Posted by: mark at May 29, 2003 at 05:37 AM

Wouldn't care to read Pilger's school records;the possibility of death by laughing too much occurs to one. Perusing the c.v.s of ABC airheads, on the other hand, would be a tedius excerise but the stuff of nightmares.

Posted by: d at May 29, 2003 at 09:21 AM

Strange that you didn't quote the very next question:

Q: How did you come to work at a publication that also employs columnists such as John Pilger?
Glenn Suarez

A: I'd like to say I was here first, but of course I wasn't. Mr Pilger is a veteran Mirror journalist who wrote for the paper in the seventies and eighties. (Spiritually I suspect he's stuck in that time warp) However,I live in a democracy and work for a democratic newspaper - no-one is forced to agree with Pilger or me.

And then there's:

Q: How can you stand to work for a publication biased against a justifiable war in Iraq?
Diana Black

A: The whole point of a free press is diversity of opinion. And believe me, I'm very proud to work for The Daily Mirror where no views are suppressed.

So, although she doesn't like Pilger, she respects his right to a point of view. Unlike you.

And as for whether Pilger still works for the Mirror - well, it's a running joke but you could use your skills from when you used to work on newspapers and...

...ask them.

Posted by: Bon Scott at May 29, 2003 at 10:32 AM

"So, although she doesn't like Pilger, she respects his right to a point of view. Unlike you."

Eh? Respecting Pilger's right to a point of view doesn't entail giving up one's own right to point out that he's mentally incompetent and should be flipping burgers somewhere.

Posted by: Harry at May 29, 2003 at 10:49 AM

She already said he's a dickhead. What more do you want?

Posted by: Bon Scott at May 29, 2003 at 11:51 AM

Earth to Scotty:

Has it escaped your attention that you're telling us this in a comments box provided by the owner of the site?

I respect your right to a point of view, and here's mine on that view: Fellatious!

It's a joke, you heavy metal gunner of death.

Posted by: Preston Whip at May 29, 2003 at 11:58 AM

No it hasn't - we see everything up here in rock and roll heaven.

I just think Tim's obsession with Pilger is overwrought, obsessive and - therefore - amusing.

Posted by: Bon Scott at May 29, 2003 at 12:41 PM

Well, enjoy the ride while it lasts. The Pilgersaurus may have submerged for a long bout of algae-chewing.

Posted by: Harry at May 29, 2003 at 02:13 PM

Blast, Henry, I spluttered scotch over the screen.

Posted by: d at May 29, 2003 at 02:43 PM


Obsession? Overwrought? A tad hyperbolic, no?

Pilger puveys left-wing fantasy for simpletons; to pillory him is to provide a public service. Keep 'em coming Tim.

Posted by: ZsaZsa at May 29, 2003 at 08:52 PM

Truly brevity is the soul of wit...

Posted by: Steve at May 30, 2003 at 10:08 PM