Jennifer over at Jenuine Happiness nominated me for a Liebster Award. The purpose of a Liebster Award is to nominate bloggers (with less than 1,000 followers ) that you love to read, in order to help showcase the writing you enjoy within the blogging community. After starting this post, Leslie at This is for Keeps and Jessica from Secrets of a Stay at Home Mom also nominated me for this award. So thank you ladies.
Jennifer is an amazing mom, writer and cancer survivor. I love taking a peek into her life with her son Ben, her husband Andy and her dog, Otis. Leslie has the cutest daughter Mila whom I love watching grow up. She writes about all the things I can't wait to do with my girls. Jessica and I have become great friends through blogging. I found her blog when reading helmet stories since my girls had helmets and Emmy had a doc band. We bonded over that and became quick friends. Please check out these ladies blogs. They are simply amazing.
They each gave me 11 questions to answer about myself, so I am going to answer some from each...
What is your favorite part about blogging?
I love getting to know other woman who share the same passion for writing as I do. I have made some amazing friends through this blogging community and I am forever grateful for that.
What would your perfect day entail?
Sleeping in until 8 am without any interruptions, going out to breakfast with my family and then heading up to Lake Tahoe to enjoy a beach day. Once we were done, I would want to head back down to town and enjoy a huge Italian dinner complete with wine. Then after I snuggled my babies to sleep, I could relax with my husband before falling asleep and having another night of interrupted sleep.
If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
Europe. I want to take at least a month to travel through Europe eating, sightseeing and taking in the culture.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a doctor.
What's your favorite meal?
Easy. Spaghetti with meat sauce. I have loved it since I was a child and still love it to this day.
Tell me about your pets, if you have any.
I have the best chiweenie (chihuahua and dachshund) there ever was and his name is Walter. We adopted Walter in June 2012 and he has left a lasting impression in our hearts. When we started searching for a dog, we knew we wanted to adopt. We searched for about 6 months and I wanted every dog. Rory was more picky. We went to Truckee for an adoption event and we were scouting Clifford. But when we arrived, he was nowhere to be found. I got bummed that he had been adopted. But he hadn't. He was inside because he was chilly. So we went to see him, fell instantly in love with him, he cuddled Rory while I filled out paperwork and we sealed the deal with a walk. We changed his name to Walter and he has been ours ever since. He was about 5 - 6 months old when we got him.
What was the last thing you ordered online?
Gifts for Rory!!
What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas. I love the lights, the traditions and spending time with my family.
What show can't you miss?
The Bachelor because I don't want people to spoil it. Grey's Anatomy because I am a die hard fan. Even though this season hasn't been the best. And Pretty Little Liars. Yep. I love that show and I am sort of embarrassed to tell you all that.
If you could have dinner with one person (dead or alive) who would it be, and why?
Non-famous: My grandfather because he died when I was 6 years old, but I idolized him. I still remember visiting him and I want to tell him about my life and what has happened since he left us. Famous: Ryan Gosling. I just want to stare at him the entire time. Sorry, not sorry.
My Nominees:
Jessica at Little Bits of Joy
Lynn at Dispositive Motion
Melanie at Mel's Empty Journal
Jen at nutcaseinpoint
Hannah at My Delicious Adventure
My 11 Questions for You:
What is your guilty pleasure show?
What is your least favorite food?
Where was your best vacation?
Where did your blog name come from?
If you could have dinner with one person (dead or alive) who would it be, and why?
What is your favorite movie?
What is one thing you learned from blogging?
What was your first dance song when you got married?
What is your favorite dessert?
How did you come up with your children's name(s)?
What is your favorite sports team(s)?
Where did your blog name come from?
If you could have dinner with one person (dead or alive) who would it be, and why?
What is your favorite movie?
What is one thing you learned from blogging?
What was your first dance song when you got married?
What is your favorite dessert?
How did you come up with your children's name(s)?
What is your favorite sports team(s)?
Thank the Blogger that nominated you in your post and link back to their site.
Display the Liebster Award logo on your blog.
Answer 11 questions from the Blogger that nominated you.
Tell your readers 11 random facts about you.
Nominate 5-11 Bloggers with less than 1000 followers for the Liebster Awards.
Ask your nominees to answer 11 questions.