It is time for Confessional Thursday again. I have been waiting all week for this. By the way, how is it Thursday already?
I confess that I am so thankful and grateful for this blogging community. So many of you reached out to me to make sure I was ok after my vague post on Tuesday and it brightened my day more than you know. So thank you friends!
I confess that we leave to Mexico in a week and I am starting to panic a bit. So much to pack and prep before we go. We have never traveled like this with our girls and I am afraid we are going to forget a lot or not pack the right things.
I confess that I got my hair done Tuesday night and I told my husband I was only going to color my hair and not cut it. I didn't need the cut since my hair is pretty healthy and I used to only cut it every other time. When it came time, I asked for the cut to keep it fresh and healthy. Ugh, I didn't need to spend the extra money.
I confess that I am mad at the government. I finished our taxes and for the first time ever, we owe money. Not a good time Mr. IRS man. How can we pay this year when we added in childcare expenses and some other stuff and not the year prior when we only got to claim our children. SO.NOT.FAIR.
I confess that my go to dinner this week has been avocado toast. We have had lots of evening events this week, so we have been eating separately (but still at home). But each night, I toast my bread, slather on a full avocado and finish it with salt and pepper. Heavenly. My mom used to make this all the time as a snack when we were kids and I still can't get enough of it. The way to my heart is through avocado and coffee.
I confess that I loved how much family time we had last week. We saw my parents and in-laws three times last week. I could get used to that much family time!
I confess that I need some blog ideas for when I am gone. I have a bunch of guest posts coming (thank you friends), but I also want to write some posts beforehand for you all. So what do you want to know about me, hear from me, advice, etc. Send me your ideas please!
I confess that I am dreaming of all the amazing food I will eat in Mexico....Red snapper, pastor tacos, the best egg breakfasts, coconut cream pie, shrimp and/or fish tacos and the list goes on.
I confess that I am in denial that my sweet baby girls turned 15 months on Tuesday. How can that be? And I used to hate when everyone referred to their kids ages in months, but now I do it and I don't care. Oh how times have changed.
Wanna join in on the confessional fun? Grab the button above, head over to Jess' blog, The Newly, and link up.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
My Heart Hurts
So I took a day off from blogging yesterday to gather my thoughts and just have a day to process everything.
Monday started off crazy with a bad commute into work. The snow let up and I was able to have a partially clear drive back to Reno. I had a follow-up post op and my incision and belly are looking really good. My swelling is down, my belly button is in, the numbness is getting better and the pain is lessening each day.
I then ran out to get the girls diapers and yogurt. They were out of both at daycare. Then I treated myself to a facial. I was going to cancel it since I could save the money (and need to, hello taxes), but I have been really stressed lately and Rory told me to keep the appointment.
I came home, cooked dinner and we watched an episode of The Americans (we are two weeks behind). Then we decided to go to bed. It wasn't until we crawled into bed that Rory told me he had some bad news for me. He was going to wait until the morning, but couldn't hold it in any longer.
Horrible thoughts ran through my head, but they weren't even close to what he told me.
Rory's great aunt passed away that afternoon. He found out right after he got home from work and didn't want to ruin the rest of my day.
You know that amazing Mexico trip we are taking in less than two weeks? That was the trip we were going to go visit Rory's great aunt, introduce her to our girls (she sees pictures all the time) and enjoy the Mexican sun.
And now she is gone. Now my girls won't get to meet her, I won't hear her crazy stories or have an afternoon cocktail with her (something we have done on every visit with her out on the deck).
Mare' was an amazing woman. I may have only gotten to spend a few weeks with her in my lifetime, but she has forever made an impression on my life.
Rory's parents were flying out Friday to have a week with Mare (his great aunt) and Conrad before we arrived. They are still going to Mexico come Friday and will spend their time with Conrad, make the necessary arrangements and figure things out. I wasn't sure if we were going to go anymore, but Rory's parents and Conrad still want us to go. It may be our last time to stay in Mare and Conrad's other condo and we want to celebrate Mare. It will still be an amazing Mexico vacation, but there will be a huge piece missing.
So while she may not be my immediate family, her passing has hit me like a ton of bricks. My heart hurts for her and Rory's family.
Rory wrote a FB update and he said it perfectly...
Monday started off crazy with a bad commute into work. The snow let up and I was able to have a partially clear drive back to Reno. I had a follow-up post op and my incision and belly are looking really good. My swelling is down, my belly button is in, the numbness is getting better and the pain is lessening each day.
I then ran out to get the girls diapers and yogurt. They were out of both at daycare. Then I treated myself to a facial. I was going to cancel it since I could save the money (and need to, hello taxes), but I have been really stressed lately and Rory told me to keep the appointment.
I came home, cooked dinner and we watched an episode of The Americans (we are two weeks behind). Then we decided to go to bed. It wasn't until we crawled into bed that Rory told me he had some bad news for me. He was going to wait until the morning, but couldn't hold it in any longer.
Horrible thoughts ran through my head, but they weren't even close to what he told me.
Rory's great aunt passed away that afternoon. He found out right after he got home from work and didn't want to ruin the rest of my day.
You know that amazing Mexico trip we are taking in less than two weeks? That was the trip we were going to go visit Rory's great aunt, introduce her to our girls (she sees pictures all the time) and enjoy the Mexican sun.
And now she is gone. Now my girls won't get to meet her, I won't hear her crazy stories or have an afternoon cocktail with her (something we have done on every visit with her out on the deck).
Mare' was an amazing woman. I may have only gotten to spend a few weeks with her in my lifetime, but she has forever made an impression on my life.
Rory's parents were flying out Friday to have a week with Mare (his great aunt) and Conrad before we arrived. They are still going to Mexico come Friday and will spend their time with Conrad, make the necessary arrangements and figure things out. I wasn't sure if we were going to go anymore, but Rory's parents and Conrad still want us to go. It may be our last time to stay in Mare and Conrad's other condo and we want to celebrate Mare. It will still be an amazing Mexico vacation, but there will be a huge piece missing.
So while she may not be my immediate family, her passing has hit me like a ton of bricks. My heart hurts for her and Rory's family.
Rory wrote a FB update and he said it perfectly...
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Day Off
I am taking the day off from blogging (other than this little blurb) because I found out some news last night that is heartbreaking. I just need a day to process it. I will be back tomorrow.
xoxo, Danielle
xoxo, Danielle
Monday, March 28, 2016
Easter Weekend
Happy belated Easter All! We had a pretty busy weekend and an awful commute into work today, so I am a little behind. Our normal 35 minute commute in took an hour and 45 minutes. Snow, ice, accidents and jack knifed trucks. So forgive me if this is posted a little late.
Thursday afternoon I got a call from daycare saying that Sutton had thrown up, but it wasn't a lot and she didn't seem sick. She had to go home, but could come back the next morning. So we left work early and decided to head to my parents house early since they were going to watch the girls for another dinner we were going to (had a gift certificate for a steakhouse in Tahoe). We all hung out til it was time to head to Tahoe. Dinner was very good and we were able to walk around in the warm weather. We got home around 9 pm and put the girls back to sleep and caught up on a few shows.
Friday morning my in-laws came over to watch the girls so we could head to California. We had to drop my car off at Subaru because my tire wasn't holding any air (nail in it) and my low oil light was coming on. How is this happening with a car that just turned 2? So they repaired the flat, changed the oil and put a oil consumption test on it. I have to come back in 1,200 miles to see if 1/3 or more of the oil was consumed. If so, then a new motor. Ugh.
Anyways, back to heading to California. Rory and I stopped for breakfast to get our energy for the day. Then we went to the Vacaville outlets so Rory could go to J Crew (we don't have a mens one here) and we could shop around a bit more. I only bought a pair of shorts from J Crew (deeply discounted) and a birthday gift that I got a screaming deal on.
Next, we headed to Ikea to look for a dresser for the girls. We ended up getting a dresser and a stool. And when Rory put the stool together on Saturday, there was a missing part and two of the same part. Not so sure how the dresser will go, but we will be taking them back if parts are missing. I didn't want to buy an expensive dresser for the girls since it will get colored on, damaged, dinged, etc., but not sure if Ikea was the best idea.
Since we were in California, we stopped at Chick-fil-A for an early dinner. It was so good and did not disappoint. Been way too long. It makes me want ours to be built ASAP. Get on with it City of Reno. We made one last stop at Ikeda's for a slice of pie and then home to see our lady babies.
Saturday we went to breakfast, picked up my car, went to Target and then came home to work on our taxes. I got them partially done and we still owe money. Ugh. But there are still a few deductions and capital loses to enter. So hopefully we either come out at $0 or get a bit back. I went to the grocery store so I could cook dinner and prep for Easter. We rented Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2 and it was good. Better than Part 1 for sure. So glad to finally watch the last one.
Sunday, we went to breakfast (again) and then came home to make the dip for my parents Easter gathering. The girls took a nap and we watched the storm start to roll in. We gave the girls their Easter baskets and they loved playing with everything in it. Even their new shoes. The Little People carriage was a huge hit. My mom got them Little People for her house and the girls loved it, so I knew this one would be a hit at home.
Around 2 pm, we headed to my parents house with grumpy girls in tow. They slept on the way over, but it wasn't enough for Sutton. She was a bit grumpy for awhile and then had a great time. We ate a bunch of really good food, did an Easter egg hunt, caught up with family, watched some of the tournament and played with the girls. It was a very successful day.
We headed home, put the girls to bed and caught up on more shows. We were all exhausted, but Sutton kept waking up through the night. Hoping tonight is more peaceful and calm. Our commute in was rough, so I am hoping the snow lets up in a couple of hours and it is clear on the way home.
Hope you all had a great Easter weekend!
Linking up with Biana from B Loved Boston.
Thursday afternoon I got a call from daycare saying that Sutton had thrown up, but it wasn't a lot and she didn't seem sick. She had to go home, but could come back the next morning. So we left work early and decided to head to my parents house early since they were going to watch the girls for another dinner we were going to (had a gift certificate for a steakhouse in Tahoe). We all hung out til it was time to head to Tahoe. Dinner was very good and we were able to walk around in the warm weather. We got home around 9 pm and put the girls back to sleep and caught up on a few shows.
Friday morning my in-laws came over to watch the girls so we could head to California. We had to drop my car off at Subaru because my tire wasn't holding any air (nail in it) and my low oil light was coming on. How is this happening with a car that just turned 2? So they repaired the flat, changed the oil and put a oil consumption test on it. I have to come back in 1,200 miles to see if 1/3 or more of the oil was consumed. If so, then a new motor. Ugh.
Anyways, back to heading to California. Rory and I stopped for breakfast to get our energy for the day. Then we went to the Vacaville outlets so Rory could go to J Crew (we don't have a mens one here) and we could shop around a bit more. I only bought a pair of shorts from J Crew (deeply discounted) and a birthday gift that I got a screaming deal on.
Next, we headed to Ikea to look for a dresser for the girls. We ended up getting a dresser and a stool. And when Rory put the stool together on Saturday, there was a missing part and two of the same part. Not so sure how the dresser will go, but we will be taking them back if parts are missing. I didn't want to buy an expensive dresser for the girls since it will get colored on, damaged, dinged, etc., but not sure if Ikea was the best idea.
Since we were in California, we stopped at Chick-fil-A for an early dinner. It was so good and did not disappoint. Been way too long. It makes me want ours to be built ASAP. Get on with it City of Reno. We made one last stop at Ikeda's for a slice of pie and then home to see our lady babies.
Only one fry and nugget box was mine
Razzleberry pie (heaven)
Enjoying their favorite apple cinnamon french toast
Sitting like a boss on Easter
(I have more pictures of their cute Easter dresses to come)
Rash guard swim suit, Frozen water bottle, flip flops and Corduroy Toms
Around 2 pm, we headed to my parents house with grumpy girls in tow. They slept on the way over, but it wasn't enough for Sutton. She was a bit grumpy for awhile and then had a great time. We ate a bunch of really good food, did an Easter egg hunt, caught up with family, watched some of the tournament and played with the girls. It was a very successful day.
We headed home, put the girls to bed and caught up on more shows. We were all exhausted, but Sutton kept waking up through the night. Hoping tonight is more peaceful and calm. Our commute in was rough, so I am hoping the snow lets up in a couple of hours and it is clear on the way home.
Hope you all had a great Easter weekend!
Linking up with Biana from B Loved Boston.
Friday, March 25, 2016
Oh Hello Friday!
Friday is finally here. That means a couple things. First, two weeks until I have my feet in the sand in Mexico. Second, it is time for the usual Friday link up with April and Karli.
One. This week we celebrated MY VERY best friends birthday. My husbands birthday. Wednesday was his actual birthday. He took the day off of work and I took my girls to daycare so he could have a day to himself. He went snowboarding, hung out with our pup and got away from it all. Then after work, I gifted him a beer cap Nevada map, some candies from Sugarfina (black licorice, espresso caramels and single malt scotch cordials) and a Golden State Warriors shirt. Then my in-laws came over to watch the girls and I took him to Feast for dinner. I would say it was a pretty good day for Rory. So again, Happy Birthday my love!
Two. I am dying to have a custom bikini made from a local shop, Strange Bikinis (check out their IG). I feel like after my surgery and everything I have been through the last year that I NEED this. So do I save? Ask for it for my birthday? Hope my husband reads this and he and my girls want to give it to me for Mother's Day? Decisions.
One. This week we celebrated MY VERY best friends birthday. My husbands birthday. Wednesday was his actual birthday. He took the day off of work and I took my girls to daycare so he could have a day to himself. He went snowboarding, hung out with our pup and got away from it all. Then after work, I gifted him a beer cap Nevada map, some candies from Sugarfina (black licorice, espresso caramels and single malt scotch cordials) and a Golden State Warriors shirt. Then my in-laws came over to watch the girls and I took him to Feast for dinner. I would say it was a pretty good day for Rory. So again, Happy Birthday my love!
Two. I am dying to have a custom bikini made from a local shop, Strange Bikinis (check out their IG). I feel like after my surgery and everything I have been through the last year that I NEED this. So do I save? Ask for it for my birthday? Hope my husband reads this and he and my girls want to give it to me for Mother's Day? Decisions.
Three. Today I am running off to California with Rory to get our girls a new dresser, use some gift cards we stocked up and most importantly having Chick-fil-A. I have been craving and needing Chick-fil-A for months and I am finally going to enjoy it this afternoon. Stoked doesn't even cover it. I never thought I would get this pumped for fast food, but here I am. Call me Chick-fil-A crazy.
Four. Car issues are the worst. Thursday while driving to work my tire pressure gauge went off. It seemed weird considering I aired up my tires the day before because one was looking low. I inflated them to 36 psi, drove home, to dinner and again to work. So we had to stop, check the pressure and the back tire was at 27 psi. We filled it up and checked for a nail and went on our way. Then my low engine oil light came on about 5 miles later. I checked my oil once I got to work and it is lower, but not that low. So now my car is at the shop getting the tire looked at, an oil change (even though I don't need one yet) and they are going to run a test on the car to see if my car is burning oil too fast. Ugh. Car problems are the worst. Please don't let it be too bad. It will be covered under warranty, but the car is just two years old (last week).
Five. And your weekly photo dump.
Five. And your weekly photo dump.
Caught this sweetheart snuggled with her blankets
Caught my other angel snuggled up too.
3 1/2 weeks post surgery
Thursday, March 24, 2016
I Confess
It's time for another Confessional Thursday. And don't worry, this one won't be so bitchy/a downer. Wanna join in? Write your confessions, grab the button below and link up with Jess here.
I confess that I have been wanting to ask if anyone wants to do a guest post when I am gone in Mexico and/or Israel (April 8th - 22nd), but I am afraid no one will want to. I am afraid my blog isn't BIG enough or GOOD enough for that yet.
I confess that last night out with my husband was much needed. I needed to reconnect with him. After having surgery and recovering from it, we have just been going through the motions. We needed time to talk (not about the girls), laugh, steal a kiss and just be husband and wife instead of mommy and daddy.
I confess that I can't stand when someone wears a gallon of perfume day in and day out. When I can tell you walked through the halls, were just in the bathroom or are walking my way, you need to lay off the perfume. I have an older lady at work who does this and I gag every time I come near her. She is so sweet, but the perfume is awful.
I confess that I may have listened to Can't Feel My Face by The Weeknd about 10 times yesterday. It reminds me of my Wingo nights and my girls weekend last weekend. And I may have danced to it every time at my desk.
I confess that I am loving House of Cards so much more this year. I am only through 5 episodes, but it has been so much better. I can't wait for the finale. I heard it was so good. Please no spoilers.
I confess that I bought myself some candy when I bought some for Rory's birthday and I have been secretly eating it since the day it was delivered. Champagne gummy bears are my new jam.
I confess that I feel like a mom failure. I have a post partially written about my girls party, but I just haven't loaded my photos onto my computer to complete it. And their party was almost 3 months ago. Ugh. I need to get it done because it was such an amazing and fun party. It will be coming. I promise. I will get it done.
I confess that I have been wanting to ask if anyone wants to do a guest post when I am gone in Mexico and/or Israel (April 8th - 22nd), but I am afraid no one will want to. I am afraid my blog isn't BIG enough or GOOD enough for that yet.
I confess that last night out with my husband was much needed. I needed to reconnect with him. After having surgery and recovering from it, we have just been going through the motions. We needed time to talk (not about the girls), laugh, steal a kiss and just be husband and wife instead of mommy and daddy.
I confess that I can't stand when someone wears a gallon of perfume day in and day out. When I can tell you walked through the halls, were just in the bathroom or are walking my way, you need to lay off the perfume. I have an older lady at work who does this and I gag every time I come near her. She is so sweet, but the perfume is awful.
I confess that I may have listened to Can't Feel My Face by The Weeknd about 10 times yesterday. It reminds me of my Wingo nights and my girls weekend last weekend. And I may have danced to it every time at my desk.
I confess that I am loving House of Cards so much more this year. I am only through 5 episodes, but it has been so much better. I can't wait for the finale. I heard it was so good. Please no spoilers.
I confess that I bought myself some candy when I bought some for Rory's birthday and I have been secretly eating it since the day it was delivered. Champagne gummy bears are my new jam.
I confess that I feel like a mom failure. I have a post partially written about my girls party, but I just haven't loaded my photos onto my computer to complete it. And their party was almost 3 months ago. Ugh. I need to get it done because it was such an amazing and fun party. It will be coming. I promise. I will get it done.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Liebster Award
First, I have to give a shout out to MY person. Happy Birthday to my husband, baby daddy, best friend, partner in crime and love of my life! I can't wait to celebrate with you tonight. Enjoy your day off snowboarding and doing Rory things. I love you. (he will get his proper post on Friday) And also a special Happy Birthday to Jess (from Secrets of a Stay at Home Mom)!
Jennifer over at Jenuine Happiness nominated me for a Liebster Award. The purpose of a Liebster Award is to nominate bloggers (with less than 1,000 followers ) that you love to read, in order to help showcase the writing you enjoy within the blogging community. After starting this post, Leslie at This is for Keeps and Jessica from Secrets of a Stay at Home Mom also nominated me for this award. So thank you ladies.
Jennifer is an amazing mom, writer and cancer survivor. I love taking a peek into her life with her son Ben, her husband Andy and her dog, Otis. Leslie has the cutest daughter Mila whom I love watching grow up. She writes about all the things I can't wait to do with my girls. Jessica and I have become great friends through blogging. I found her blog when reading helmet stories since my girls had helmets and Emmy had a doc band. We bonded over that and became quick friends. Please check out these ladies blogs. They are simply amazing.
They each gave me 11 questions to answer about myself, so I am going to answer some from each...
My Nominees:
Jennifer over at Jenuine Happiness nominated me for a Liebster Award. The purpose of a Liebster Award is to nominate bloggers (with less than 1,000 followers ) that you love to read, in order to help showcase the writing you enjoy within the blogging community. After starting this post, Leslie at This is for Keeps and Jessica from Secrets of a Stay at Home Mom also nominated me for this award. So thank you ladies.
Jennifer is an amazing mom, writer and cancer survivor. I love taking a peek into her life with her son Ben, her husband Andy and her dog, Otis. Leslie has the cutest daughter Mila whom I love watching grow up. She writes about all the things I can't wait to do with my girls. Jessica and I have become great friends through blogging. I found her blog when reading helmet stories since my girls had helmets and Emmy had a doc band. We bonded over that and became quick friends. Please check out these ladies blogs. They are simply amazing.
They each gave me 11 questions to answer about myself, so I am going to answer some from each...
What is your favorite part about blogging?
I love getting to know other woman who share the same passion for writing as I do. I have made some amazing friends through this blogging community and I am forever grateful for that.
What would your perfect day entail?
Sleeping in until 8 am without any interruptions, going out to breakfast with my family and then heading up to Lake Tahoe to enjoy a beach day. Once we were done, I would want to head back down to town and enjoy a huge Italian dinner complete with wine. Then after I snuggled my babies to sleep, I could relax with my husband before falling asleep and having another night of interrupted sleep.
If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
Europe. I want to take at least a month to travel through Europe eating, sightseeing and taking in the culture.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a doctor.
What's your favorite meal?
Easy. Spaghetti with meat sauce. I have loved it since I was a child and still love it to this day.
Tell me about your pets, if you have any.
I have the best chiweenie (chihuahua and dachshund) there ever was and his name is Walter. We adopted Walter in June 2012 and he has left a lasting impression in our hearts. When we started searching for a dog, we knew we wanted to adopt. We searched for about 6 months and I wanted every dog. Rory was more picky. We went to Truckee for an adoption event and we were scouting Clifford. But when we arrived, he was nowhere to be found. I got bummed that he had been adopted. But he hadn't. He was inside because he was chilly. So we went to see him, fell instantly in love with him, he cuddled Rory while I filled out paperwork and we sealed the deal with a walk. We changed his name to Walter and he has been ours ever since. He was about 5 - 6 months old when we got him.
What was the last thing you ordered online?
Gifts for Rory!!
What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas. I love the lights, the traditions and spending time with my family.
What show can't you miss?
The Bachelor because I don't want people to spoil it. Grey's Anatomy because I am a die hard fan. Even though this season hasn't been the best. And Pretty Little Liars. Yep. I love that show and I am sort of embarrassed to tell you all that.
If you could have dinner with one person (dead or alive) who would it be, and why?
Non-famous: My grandfather because he died when I was 6 years old, but I idolized him. I still remember visiting him and I want to tell him about my life and what has happened since he left us. Famous: Ryan Gosling. I just want to stare at him the entire time. Sorry, not sorry.
My Nominees:
Jessica at Little Bits of Joy
Lynn at Dispositive Motion
Melanie at Mel's Empty Journal
Jen at nutcaseinpoint
Hannah at My Delicious Adventure
My 11 Questions for You:
What is your guilty pleasure show?
What is your least favorite food?
Where was your best vacation?
Where did your blog name come from?
If you could have dinner with one person (dead or alive) who would it be, and why?
What is your favorite movie?
What is one thing you learned from blogging?
What was your first dance song when you got married?
What is your favorite dessert?
How did you come up with your children's name(s)?
What is your favorite sports team(s)?
Where did your blog name come from?
If you could have dinner with one person (dead or alive) who would it be, and why?
What is your favorite movie?
What is one thing you learned from blogging?
What was your first dance song when you got married?
What is your favorite dessert?
How did you come up with your children's name(s)?
What is your favorite sports team(s)?
Thank the Blogger that nominated you in your post and link back to their site.
Display the Liebster Award logo on your blog.
Answer 11 questions from the Blogger that nominated you.
Tell your readers 11 random facts about you.
Nominate 5-11 Bloggers with less than 1000 followers for the Liebster Awards.
Ask your nominees to answer 11 questions.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
My 10 Favorite Travels
First, I wanted to give Jess from Little Bits of Joy a shout out today. She was on Living for Naptime's podcast yesterday (here) and she rocked it. She writes some of the most open and honest posts and of course her Bachelor recaps are the best. She gave me a sweet shout out and I can't thank her enough. #mysoulsister
It's another link up with Karli for 10 on Tuesday. This week I am bringing you my 10 Favorite Places I Have Traveled.
I love traveling, and with my job, I have seen some pretty amazing places. Now onto my 10 Favorite Places I Have Traveled in no particular order.
Costa Rica
In 2012, Rory and I went to Guanacaste, Costa Rica (for fun). I had always heard amazing things about Costa Rica and after some research, we decided that Guanacaste had more outdoorsy things to do instead of San Jose which is more busy and touristy.
We spent 11 amazing days right outside of Tamarindo. We rented a car so we could travel the whole upper area. We went to see the volcanoes, hike to a waterfall, horseback riding, walks on the beach, plenty of drinking, beach time, snorkeling off a catamaran and so much more.
Melbourne, Australia
It's another link up with Karli for 10 on Tuesday. This week I am bringing you my 10 Favorite Places I Have Traveled.
I love traveling, and with my job, I have seen some pretty amazing places. Now onto my 10 Favorite Places I Have Traveled in no particular order.
Costa Rica
In 2012, Rory and I went to Guanacaste, Costa Rica (for fun). I had always heard amazing things about Costa Rica and after some research, we decided that Guanacaste had more outdoorsy things to do instead of San Jose which is more busy and touristy.
We spent 11 amazing days right outside of Tamarindo. We rented a car so we could travel the whole upper area. We went to see the volcanoes, hike to a waterfall, horseback riding, walks on the beach, plenty of drinking, beach time, snorkeling off a catamaran and so much more.
Lola's, a favorite restaurant that you walk to in the middle of nowhere.
Alaskan Cruise
In 2009, I went on a cruise to Alaska. We started off in Seattle and made our way through Ketchikan, Skagway, Juneau and Prince Rupert, Canada. It was my first and only cruise I have ever been on, but it was amazing. We went over the week of my birthday, so I was able to be spoiled just a bit more. We did excursions on each of our stops except Prince Rupert. We went zip lining (highly recommend in Alaska), to a lumberjack tournament, a huge crab feed and lots of shopping. Definitely take a cruise to Alaska.
I went to Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne, Australia for work. It has always been on my bucket list and it did not disappoint. The food is just ok, but the sights and beauty can't be beat. When you visit Sydney, take a bus to Bondi Beach. They have amazing graffiti art, cute shops and lots of surfers. Plus there are a ton of people in the water, so less likely you will be bitten by a shark. Yes, I constantly think of sharks when in the ocean. So afraid.
Bondi Beach
Kauai, Hawaii
London, England
One of my many helpings of beignets
LSU's Mike the Tiger

New York City
Another place I had always wanted to visit was New York City. I have had a love for NYC since watching Friends and Sex and the City. I have been several times for work now, and it never disappoints. It makes me want to visit over and over again. My sister-in-law used to live there, so she would show me all the best places to eat and visit. There is so much to do in NYC that I always have jam packed evenings there. My first visit was during Christmas time and this is a must on any travelers list. Macy's, Rockefeller Center, Radio City Music Hall, Times Square, and the list goes on for the typical touristy things to do.

Kauai, Hawaii
For our honeymoon, we went to Kauai. We were told that it was a beautiful green island full of outdoorsy things to do. We went golfing twice, hiking, driving the entire island, atv riding, Waimea Canyon, swimming in a waterfall, shopping and eating our way through the island. You can read about my trip here, here and here.
London, England
Back in 2008, I went to London for work. I went with one other co-worker and traveled all around England on the train. We went to Birmingham, Cambridge, Nottingham, Manchester and a few other places. We saw so many castles and the beauty of England. You must do all the normal touristy things (Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Big Ben, etc.), but I would skip the London Eye. It was too expensive for the 30 minute ride.
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
It's no secret that I love PV. We have been going for years. My husband's great aunt lives in PV and she has an extra condo that she rents out on VRBO. We try to go every other year in March or April. PV is clean, beautiful, not dangerous like other Mexico cities and full of adventure. We have gone on the atvs, zip lining, on a catamaran, to other islands (Yelapa), bus rides up north to other cities and so much more. You can spend an entire day walking the Malecon, visiting shops, going into historic buildings and swimming in the ocean. I wrote about our last trip here.
View from our condo
Miami, Florida
I went to Miami for work and loved it. Well most of it. I stayed in the South Beach Miami area and Ft. Lauderdale. Every morning I was able to get up and take a run on the beach. Heaven and not something I experience everyday. The weather was perfect, the ocean was crisp and I can definitely see the appeal in living in Florida.
Atlanta, Savannah and Saint Simons Island, Georgia
I have been to Georgia a few times for work and I love it there. From fast paced Atlanta to the sweet country feel in Savannah, it is a great state. I was first introduced to Macallan 25 in Atlanta, had one of the best meals of my life at the Pink House and amazing bbq at Southern Soul Barbecue in Saint Simons Island.
Seriously the best sauce ever for bbq.
New Orleans, Louisiana
In 2014, I took a trip to New Orleans for work. I was pregnant and it was one of my last work travel trips. I made the most of it and ate my way through New Orleans. I loved the culture there. So many voodoo shops, Bourbon Street, LSU (a short drive away), Cafe Du Monde, cajun food and seafood. New Orleans stole my heart from the beginning and I can't wait to return. I may have went to Cafe Du Monde twice in one day and again the next morning. My pregnant self couldn't get enough of the the beignets. Heaven.
BBQ oystersOne of my many helpings of beignets
LSU's Mike the Tiger

Monday, March 21, 2016
Wine Weekending
Monday has hit me like a ton of bricks. My weekend went by in a flash and now I am sitting here drinking about a gallon of coffee to make it through my day. But that means that this weekend was a good one.
Friday started out pretty rough. On weekdays, we bring the girls into our room to feed them their bottle, cuddle and start the day out nicely. Friday was different though. After their bottles, Sutton threw up all over our bed, herself and Rory. Nice warm awakening. After changing Sutton and Avery and removing the bedding, we were getting ready to leave to work. And that is when Avery threw up in her car seat. Not a good start to the morning. So we cleaned that up and I headed to work while Rory stayed home with the girls. (I don't have as much time off as he does).
I worked, picked up lunch and headed home to take care of my girls while Rory went to an appointment. They seemed to be doing pretty well, so once Rory got home, we took them for a walk to enjoy the nice day.
Avery threw up twice and Sutton five times over the course of the day. It was a rough day, but we made it through. Once the girls were asleep, we had dinner and another puke clean up/bath that evening. We didn't sleep very well because we were worried every time one of the babies started coughing that they would throw up. They were so happy throughout the day and only got sick when coughing. We weren't sure if it was cough induced or they got sick from another baby at daycare.
Saturday morning we got up bright and early to head to breakfast. We were worried one of the girls would get sick, but they never did after Friday. My parents came over after breakfast to watch the girls, so I could leave on my girls weekend and Rory could go golfing. I was a bit worried about my ladies, but they did so well.
I met the girls at a friends house and we headed out to Auburn, CA. It was a quick hour and a half drive to Auburn, where we freshened up, loaded into the limo and headed to our first stop, Naggiar Vineyards and Winery.
We tasted wines, took a lot of pictures and had a picnic outside.
Friday started out pretty rough. On weekdays, we bring the girls into our room to feed them their bottle, cuddle and start the day out nicely. Friday was different though. After their bottles, Sutton threw up all over our bed, herself and Rory. Nice warm awakening. After changing Sutton and Avery and removing the bedding, we were getting ready to leave to work. And that is when Avery threw up in her car seat. Not a good start to the morning. So we cleaned that up and I headed to work while Rory stayed home with the girls. (I don't have as much time off as he does).
I worked, picked up lunch and headed home to take care of my girls while Rory went to an appointment. They seemed to be doing pretty well, so once Rory got home, we took them for a walk to enjoy the nice day.
Avery threw up twice and Sutton five times over the course of the day. It was a rough day, but we made it through. Once the girls were asleep, we had dinner and another puke clean up/bath that evening. We didn't sleep very well because we were worried every time one of the babies started coughing that they would throw up. They were so happy throughout the day and only got sick when coughing. We weren't sure if it was cough induced or they got sick from another baby at daycare.
Saturday morning we got up bright and early to head to breakfast. We were worried one of the girls would get sick, but they never did after Friday. My parents came over after breakfast to watch the girls, so I could leave on my girls weekend and Rory could go golfing. I was a bit worried about my ladies, but they did so well.
I met the girls at a friends house and we headed out to Auburn, CA. It was a quick hour and a half drive to Auburn, where we freshened up, loaded into the limo and headed to our first stop, Naggiar Vineyards and Winery.
We tasted wines, took a lot of pictures and had a picnic outside.
The Birthday Girl, Stacey
Check out that view! It was such a great winery and the best way to kick off our day. I didn't buy any wines from here, but we all shared a bottle of the Rose' after tasting.
Next, we headed off to Fawnridge Winery.
I didn't get too many photos here as we were too busy tasting and buying wines. I fell in love with their Old Vine Zin and bought two bottles. So good. They had a red port with a truffle tasting that was to die for. But you need that truffle and they were quite expensive. Plus they had amazing snacks and a little shopping to do.
Our last stop was Vina Castellano. We tasted wines in a cave and then had another small picnic outside. I bought one bottle of wine here and enjoyed soaking in the sunshine with my best friends.
After wine tasting, we headed back to Cari's parents house to prep for dinner. Carole made an amazing chicken picata and salad dinner followed by homemade cheesecake. So good. I could have eaten plateful after plateful. We had more drinks (surprising) and then relaxed in the hot tub for about two hours. We may have had the neighbors come over and yell at us for being too loud. We were celebrating lady.
We crashed, all woke up a little hungover and had another amazing breakfast prepared by Carole. Breakfast enchiladas and fried eggs. We headed back to Reno around 10 am. But when we came to the freeway, we eyed Ikeda's and knew we had to make a quick stop. We all grabbed a couple slices of their pie, drinks and other yummy items.
We got back into Reno around 12:30 and I headed home to see my girls, husband and an injured pup. While I was away, Walter was barking at our neighbors dog and running along the fence over and over again. While he did this, he caught a stick in between his paws and he cut it open. Pretty badly too. So Walter had the cone of shame and a bandaged foot.
We spent the rest of the day calming down cranky babies, running to the grocery story (twice) and prepping for the week ahead. Oh and enjoying our slices of heaven.
How was your weekend?
I didn't get too many photos here as we were too busy tasting and buying wines. I fell in love with their Old Vine Zin and bought two bottles. So good. They had a red port with a truffle tasting that was to die for. But you need that truffle and they were quite expensive. Plus they had amazing snacks and a little shopping to do.
Our last stop was Vina Castellano. We tasted wines in a cave and then had another small picnic outside. I bought one bottle of wine here and enjoyed soaking in the sunshine with my best friends.
After wine tasting, we headed back to Cari's parents house to prep for dinner. Carole made an amazing chicken picata and salad dinner followed by homemade cheesecake. So good. I could have eaten plateful after plateful. We had more drinks (surprising) and then relaxed in the hot tub for about two hours. We may have had the neighbors come over and yell at us for being too loud. We were celebrating lady.
We crashed, all woke up a little hungover and had another amazing breakfast prepared by Carole. Breakfast enchiladas and fried eggs. We headed back to Reno around 10 am. But when we came to the freeway, we eyed Ikeda's and knew we had to make a quick stop. We all grabbed a couple slices of their pie, drinks and other yummy items.
We got back into Reno around 12:30 and I headed home to see my girls, husband and an injured pup. While I was away, Walter was barking at our neighbors dog and running along the fence over and over again. While he did this, he caught a stick in between his paws and he cut it open. Pretty badly too. So Walter had the cone of shame and a bandaged foot.
We spent the rest of the day calming down cranky babies, running to the grocery story (twice) and prepping for the week ahead. Oh and enjoying our slices of heaven.
How was your weekend?
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