Showing posts with label Old Fashioned Baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Old Fashioned Baby. Show all posts

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Life of a Daygown

Lest you had the mistaken impression that a daygown is just for a newborn. Jeannie B. asked how big the baby was now, since she is still wearing her Sweet and Simple daygown in the picture I posted yesterday. In my reply I mentioned how her feet used to be way up inside the gown and now they peek out the bottom in her pink tights. I decided to go back and see if I had full length pictures of her wearing the gown more than once.

See there are advantages of taking 47,000 pictures of one small baby! Here she is at 11 days, her lowest weight, 6 weeks and 6 months at her current weight. It still works. It makes me want to go upstairs right now and see if I can size it up a teeny bit and she can wear one for another 6 months.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Closing Out SAGA Convention

The last two days of convention I took classes from Jeannie Baumeister of the Old Fashioned Baby. Saturday's Class was Petticoats for Babies and Toddlers. This is a picture I took recently. Sadly my camera card had a hiccup a I had limited photo capabilities the last few days.( A situation that was remedied before we left for Italy.) As you can see I didn't get much accomplished in class that day. I had entered full-on panic mode over the christnening gown. So I was "one of those students" who marched to my own drummer that day. I was smocking and featherstitching. It was a very useful class. I was listening and learned a lot, just didn't get a chance to execute it while there. I promise to finish it soon.

Saturday night is a highlight of the week, banquet. And while everyone enjoys seeing the new board installed and saying farewell to the outgoing board, what they really want to see are

is their name drawn for the many coveted raffle baskets. Members, businesses and chapters donate baskets each year to be raffled at convention. It is one of the highlights of the week. Unless you are like me and they didn't call your name! Oh well, there is next year.

Sunday's class wrapped the week up again with Jeannie Baumeister with a hand embroidery class called Flower Initials. Very sweet embroidery on a linen hand towel that will be made into a gift for someone.

All in all it was a wonderful week. I learned a lot and had great fun.

But hands down what makes the week for me are the people. It is like one great big slumber party with eating and stitching thrown in. These are just a few of the faces I look forward to seeing each year and this is a fraction of them. Until next fall when I will zip off to California to do it all over again.

Monday, October 4, 2010

A gift of love

The gown is finished and the most beautiful baby in the world has been baptized into God's  family of faith. It is no secret I love a christening gown. I was asked once what item do I still have from childhood that I cherish the most, I immediately answered, "My christening gown." I don't know why and I am sure there is some deep Jungian reason that is beyond my capacity to understand. All that aside, I hold it dear and secretly spirited it from my mother's possession as a teenager and still have it. It hangs in my sewing room. All of my own children were baptized in that gown. Sadly, it is not sturdy enough to withstand another generation's use. The upside of that is, I have the precious opportunity to make a family gown for each of my four children. This is the story of the first of those.

Remember you can click to enlarge the pictures.

Our beautiful mommy holding her baby on the graced occasion of her baptism, October 3, 2010.

It was a gorgeous, crisp fall day, the sun was shining, the leaves were beginning to turn as family and friends gathered to celebrate. And to make it even more special, my husband, an ordained deacon in the Catholic Church was to be the one baptizing this much loved child. God was definitely there in so many ways throughout the day.

All of our children and their significant others were there. My husband always comments when ALL of his children are around the dinner table at one time. I always comment when they are all in the pew at Mass together. We were both happy on Sunday. It is the simple things in life.

I had a heck of a time getting good pictures of the gown on Sunday morning. So I apologize for the pictures not being the best.

The gown is made from silky voile from BessieMary. This is not the most expensive or extravagant fabric but I love it. It is a joy to work with. I love the fact that it keeps its filmy nature after it is washed but yet it sturdy enough to handle the hand embroidery. I lined the bodice with silk organza to give it a bit more oomph to handle the weight of the long skirt.

I used a combination of patterns both by the Old Fashioned Baby. Mommy wanted the skirt of the French Acadian Christening gown and Mimi wanted it smocked, so we combined the skirt with a shortened bodice of the Baby Gowns pattern. 

She wanted to reverse the original sized sequence of the "squares" on the skirt, making the largest one on the bottom. She chose the symbols she wanted used and mentioned "the featherstitching" about a dozen times. So I knew that was something she wanted as well.

The shell used to symbolize Baptism is done in chain stitch, back stitch and shadow work. The flourishes to either side are raised satin stitch. The water drops are padded eyelets.

The grapes and wheat on either side of the shadow work cross are stem stitch, granitos, lazy daisies, shadow work and back stitch. It represents Eucharist.

The monogram is raised satin stitch with shadow work and chain stitch lily of the valley. It was her idea to add the lily of the valley embroidery to the monogram, which coordinated with the lily of the valley maline laces used.  

I had always planned on using this lace and had collected several widths of insertion and edgings over the years. This is one of my favorite laces. I used a combination of three sizes of lace on the lower skirt with two strips of three pin tucks each to represent the Trinity. The shadow work doves in the corner represent Confirmation.

She wanted three-quarter sleeves but not too puffy and large. So I reduced the sleeve width by 3/4." By concentrating the gathering on the lower edge directly below the sleeve header gathers it still puffs nicely. The bottom of the sleeve is finished with lily of the valley beading/edging threaded with silk satin ribbon. Since I knew the beading lace would add length, I used the newborn length for the 3/4 sleeves. I also inserted lace across the sleeve.

The slip is the one from the Baby Gowns pattern also made from the silky voile. Shell hems finish the neck and armholes with lace edging across the bottom. It was nippy yesterday so mommy had a onesie underneath it all. She is styling her first jewelry gifted by a friend.

I made a size 6 months and it fit perfectly. She weighs between 13 and 14 pounds. The gown is a tad over 39 inches long. Mommy wanted long so that is what she got. It was fastened in the back with two sterling silver beauty pins. Ignore the bright blue paci, we switched it out to a plain white one soon after these pictures were taken.

In the spirit of full disclosure I will admit that there is more feather stitching to be added along the bottom of the skirt and on the sleeves. I will do that this week along with her name and date on the back of the lower skirt. My plan is to do that this week before she has her portraits taken.

There are also some things on the gown that I am not completely happy with, but you will notice I did not point them out. She was beautiful, blessed and baptized and that is what matters.

Here she is with her parents and godparents before Mass.

This is why I sew. I also will admit to a tear or two when we first dressed her. It makes a Mimi's heart sing I tell ya! I hope you, faithful readers, are working on something that makes your heart sing as well.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Makes a Mimi's Heart Sing

Our Baby Mommy came over today with little bit and this is what she was wearing. I could have just pinched both of their cheeks. Don't you love the look of that tiny hand trimmed in lace and silk satin ribbons?

I love this gown. It is sewn completely by hand. I posted about just the gown here. It was a convention class from the 2009 SAGA convention. What is even more special about this gown is, it was the project I was working on last Thanksgiving when we first learned of little bit's impending arrival.

I know we are obnoxious fools for this baby, we can't help ourselves. I loved being a mom more than anything in the world, but I love babies! I have been waiting for another baby in the family since our youngest child was no longer a baby.

                    Mr. Magoo                       Popeye!

And not only is she beautiful, but she is entertaining as well. Okay, I'll stop now.

Don't forget to enter the Sew Beautiful Blog tour giveaway. Go here to leave a comment. Winner to be drawn September 15th.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Where's Waldo?

Who is Waldo anyway? Looking for me? This is where you will find me. Now I KNOW this baby has been expected for months, I KNEW she would be needing a gown and the christening is October 3. I COULD have started this gown back in March, but...... I don't operate that way. Just isn't in me. I no longer fight it. I no longer beat myself up over it. No one will get a lick out of me in the next 4 weeks (except for a week of SAGA convention thrown in there.) because I will be right here stitching away.

Here is just a tiny peek. I told our Baby Mommy she wasn't going to see big pictures of work in progress because I want it to have some element of surprise to it. She chose the designs she wanted in the embroidery and the base gown she wanted to use. I was even instructed NO color! Shoot, she even quoted scripture about that whole business of being clothed in a white garment etc. So I will only give you tiny peeks in the coming weeks.

But here is a bigger peek at our princess. She is wearing Old Fashioned Baby's Priscilla's Layette gown shown here. She weighs almost 12# and the gown still fits wonderfully and will for a few more weeks.  She is laying in the floor of Mimi's sewing room while Mommy sews for her. She looks quite happy about it. How cool is that Boppy thing she is laying on? Why didn't they have those when I was having babies? She thinks she is sitting up. Fooled her!

Tomorrow I will finally post pictures of my sewing room.


REMINDER: Sew Beautiful Blog tour giveaway ends soon. Go here to leave a comment.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thar She Sews...Finally

Here is the little girl version of Wally. I forgot to put the bow on her spout. Oh well. It turned out cute. I love this little set. It has become one of my "go-to" baby gifts. The little shirt over the romper is too stinking cute. Our baby is just about 9.5 pounds now and a cloth diaper baby, so it could use a little extra length in the crotch. If it were earlier in the summer I would make the large length  bur keep the small width. The diaper shirt fits great and will for several weeks I think.

The diaper shirt is Spechler-Vogel poly/cotton lined pique and the romper is a lawn. I finished the neck/armhole edges with a shell stitch but you can't see it very well in the pictures. I was in a hurry so the shells are a little larger than normal, but it is okay. It turned out cute but what makes it adorable beyond measure

is the model. She is a paci girl, so getting a good picture without the paci is a challenge.

She is one month old today. Time flies when you are having this much fun.

She also has us all trained very well. This look here happens right before the squeel that signals, "Somebody pick me up.....NOW!"

Don't forget to leave a comment in the Sew Beautiful Blog Tour post to be eligble for the giveaway.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Who says

that whales have to be blue? Just change them to pink and call them Whilemina! I am making two different versions of Old Fashioned Baby Baby's Summer Clothes romper with the sweet diaper shirt. I made "Wally" posted here last spring. I just turned him into a her! I lengthened and curled her eyelashes and may add a bow to her spout. This is for our baby and hopefully tomorrow evening I can stitch on the second one. It is for a baby gift for youngest daughter to give.

Whilemina is done with shadow work using one strand of floss. The waves are stem stitch. The fabric for the diaper shirt is lined poly/cotton pique by Spechler Vogel. Couldn't tell you where I purchased it. I have quite a large piece in my stash and it takes a while to use up on newborn sized things. The floral for the romper is a floral lawn. Our baby mommy doesn't mind ironing.

It was nice to thread a needle and to sit and stitch a spell. It calmed my spirit. I am just now feeling like I can come up for air. Baby mommy is looking great, though she doesn't advise her method of post partum weight loss. Hopefully she will continue to recover and feel even better as the days go by.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Playing Dress Up

This is the Circa 1920 Gown posted here by The Old Fashioned Baby. Mimi loves to play dress up.

Too precious.

I also ask you, faithful reader, for prayers for our baby mommy. She is quite ill and has been hospitalized for a week now. Hence the reason for my absence of late. I have been dividing my time between my daughter's home to help my son in law and the hospital. Enough about me. We all need her well, her baby needs her well and she misses her baby terribly.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A star is born

Now there is the best reason to sew. Having a precious model. Our little model Evamarie, was born yesterday weighing 8# 10oz and 21 inches long. She has the best mommy and daddy. They are so in love. She is wearing her Mimi-made first posted here. This gown is Old Fashioned Baby Antique T-Yoke gown in white Swiss batiste. Her slip is blue Swiss flannel both trimmed with Maline lace.

Here is a full length view. Love her!

And so does her mommy.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Coming Home

Baby's coming home ensemble. I had so much fun doing this. Just the sweetness of it about did me in. How can you go wrong with whisper soft pink, sweet lace and just a touch of embroidery? Pattern is Emma's Smocked Baby Dress. This pattern goes together without a hitch. I love it. I was telling Jeannie at OFB that I want to try and make a bubble version of this little dress I love it so much.

 I love the back as much as the front. Just sweet.

Anyone that knows me, or has attended convention with me, knows I have an extensive collection of mother of pearl buttons, also from Old Fashioned Baby. Jeannie's website does not do justice to number of baby buttons she actually has. Well she has less than she used to because I have a basket full upstairs.

I did a sort of modified version of one of the bonnets from The Christening Bonnet Collection. Both patterns are from The Old Fashioned Baby. Mommy isn't crazy about "fru-fru" bonnets, so this tailored version fits the bill. A tiny bit of embroidery to match the dress bodice finishes it off.

The fabric is Sea Island Diamonds from Bessie Mary. I have a serious love affair with this fabric. I LOVE tone on tone anyway, but the diamonds have a soft sheen to them that is just enough contrast. Plus the more you handle this fabric the softer it gets. It has almost a velvety feel to it after a couple of washings and handling it during stitching and construction. Jan also has it in blue. I may have to have some blue. It might be a bit pricier than you might normally spend on a yard of fabric, $22/yard. can get all four of these pieces from one yard of fabric!! There are even some scraps left. It is 60" wide so it goes a long way.

Of course an obnoxiously possessed Mimi makes a matching hanger. (I know, its a sickness.) Pattern is from Lyn Weeks but there is also one in Australian Smocking and Embroidery Issue #76. The little diaper cover is also from the same issue.

Any proper young lady needs a slip. (Something all three of my girls seem to have forgotten.) The fabric is satin batiste. Again from Bessie Mary. It looks peachy in this picture, in real life it is much pinker and almost a perfect color match for the dress fabric.

I finished the arms and neckline with a shell stitch hem and just a quick touch of embroidery. I did add just a smidge of German Interfacing to the shoulder facings where I stitched the buttonholes. I have better success with my buttonholes in that tiny space when I do that. And of course some mother of pearl slip buttons.

Since the lace, buttons and patterns were in my stash I only spent $30 for this outfit. Not bad if you ask me. She is going to be so pretty in her pink dress.

I'll be home soon with pictures and report of my trip to Avery Island.

Friday, March 5, 2010

A Coming Home Dress


Well a new baby needs a new dress to come "home"; so that is the next project in line.  I am using again a new fabric to me called Sea Island Diamonds in a pale pink. Scrumptious fabric. I got this from Jan again at Bessie Mary. This fabric is a kind of jacquard/damask I guess. It has a subtle woven texture in the diamond pattern and the diamonds have a bit of a sheen to them. Very pretty. Soft, soft pink color. You want the dress to be beautiful, but not so out there that you lose the beautiful baby inside the dress. In my mind this calls for subtle color, smocking ans embroidery. While it may not be the most inexpensive fabric, it only takes a yard for a baby dress. So in the scheme of things, not a large investment. The laces I had in my stash, so in my mind, they are free.

I of course pre-washed my fabric but was still a tad concerned how it would go through the pleater with the woven texture. Don't even try to write me and tell me that pre-washing isn't necessary. I won't listen. After my god daughter's First Communion dress made from Swiss batiste and heirloom laces shrank three inches; no one will be able to convince me again not to pre-wash my fabric. Ever. I digress as usual. 

Back to pleating, it went through that pleater like soft butter. I LOVE my pleater. I have a Super Amanda Jane pleater. I have had it about 12 years now. I love it. So my fabric pleated like it was its job. (Those two extra needles in the pleater serve no purpose other than saving the time to remove them.)

Emma's Smocked Baby Dresses by

I am using a lacy version of this pattern. A new pattern for me. 


Mommy gave me permission for some lace but not over the top. This is a simple fancy band at the bottom. It will have edging attached after the dress is constructed. I was told no vertical lace on the sleeves. Yes ma'am!

For the smocking design I am using the plate provided in the pattern. At least I think I am. I was too lame to walk up the stairs last night and retrieve it. Sooo the smocking is how I remember the plate included in the pattern. Either way I like it. I only used two strands of floss. I wanted a delicate tone on tone look. It was also quick! On a newborn basic yoke it only takes about 5 or 6 rows of smocking. This much was stitched during a one hour episode each of American Idol and Project Runway. So I should finish the smocking today and can move on to the embroidery on the yoke, sleeves and skirt.

First posted at Bessie Mary

I have to give a shout out to Jan of Bessie Mary, the heirloom shop, she has entered blog land. So drop by and pay her a visit at Bessie Mary's blog. Now how in the heck she got 16 stinkin' followers overnight is beyond me, but drop by anyway as she gives you a virtual tour of Charleston. 

Speaking of followers, I noticed that your humble servant here has 99 followers. I will offer a giveaway once we reach 100. Hmmm, what to offer?
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