People walking to work on South Wabash got an impromptu crash course in bird watching on Wednesday. A gorgeous and rather large hawk was perched on the ledge of the Jewel building. At one point the police were tending to the scene (not sure why) and later in the morning regular citizens were directing people not to get to close to the hawk (again not sure why).
The picture below was shot on our cell phone (so pardon the quality):

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(Hat Tip: ND!)
Probably waiting for his daily chicken bone feast
Probably sick and/or injured.
The police were there because someone flagged them down hoping they could contact an animal rescue "place" to be sure the Hawk was safe. I think it was very nice of the guy!
Police should have been tending to the lady pissing on the building around the corner. The lady appeared to be "normal" and not homeless, just "pissed off" for some reason. Just pathetic.
Chicago Bird Collision Monitors ( were called and they called the Field Museum. A Field Museum employee captured the bird(a juvenile Cooper's Hawk) and then turned it over to CBCM, who took it to a raptor rehab to be checked out for injuries. So far as I know, it was stunned but fine and will be (or already has been) released. The most likely scenario is that it was chasing prey and banged into the window.
Chicago Bird Collision Monitors ( were called and they called the Field Museum. A Field Museum employee captured the bird(a juvenile Cooper's Hawk) and then turned it over to CBCM, who took it to a raptor rehab to be checked out for injuries. So far as I know, it was stunned but fine and will be (or already has been) released. The most likely scenario is that it was chasing prey and banged into the window.
Had to be injured. That's not normal behavior.
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