Update an existing canvas


Method access

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Content types

  • Rate limits

    Tier 3
  • Arguments

    Required arguments

    Authentication token bearing required scopes. Tokens should be passed as an HTTP Authorization header or alternatively, as a POST parameter.


    Encoded ID of the canvas


    List of changes to apply on the specified canvas

    [{"operation":"insert_before","document_content":{"type":"markdown","markdown":"Example content"},"section_id":"temp:C:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"}]

    Usage info

    This method is used to edit an existing canvas that the actor has write access to.

    Different operations may be used to target different kinds of edits to a canvas. Sections may be deleted or replaced. New content can be added to the beginning or end of a canvas, or inserted relative to an existing section.

    Formatting the changes argument

    The changes argument is an array of objects that provide instructions on how to edit the canvas. Each element in the changes array contains two properties: operation and document_content.


    The operation property is a string that can be any of the following:

    • insert_after
    • insert_before
    • insert_at_start
    • insert_at_end
    • replace
    • delete

    Using insert_after and insert_before requires also providing a section_id and document_content. These updates are made relative to a section of the canvas, hence the required section_id. For details on how to find a section_id, refer to the canvases.sections.lookup method.

    Alternatively, information can be added to the beginning or the end of the canvas using insert_at_start or insert_at_end, respectively. Using these operations requires providing a document_content argument.

    Using the replace operation also requires providing a document_content argument. You can optionally specify a section_id or omit it to replace the entire canvas.

    Using the delete operation requires providing a section_id, and you can only delete a section with this method. To delete an entire canvas, use the canvases.delete method instead. Once a canvas is deleted, there is no way to get it back.

    Document content

    You might recognize document_content from the canvases.create method; it works the same.

    The following formatting elements are supported in the document_content object:

    • bold
    • bulleted lists
    • checklist
    • canvas unfurl
    • code block
    • code span
    • divider (horizontal rule)
    • emojis—standard and custom
    • file unfurls
    • hard line break
    • headings h1-h3
    • italic
    • link (in line)
    • link reference
    • message unfurl
    • ordered lists
    • paragraph
    • profile unfurl
    • quote block
    • strikethrough
    • website unfurl
    • @ mentions for users and channels


    This example shows inserting grocery items in a list format after providing the setion_id.

        "canvas_id": "F0166DCSTS7",
        "changes": [
            "operation": "insert_after",
            "section_id": "temp:C:VXX8e648e6984e441c6aa8c61173",
            "document_content": {
              "type": "markdown",
              "markdown": "- [ ] asparagus\n- [ ] coffee\n"

    Then, we could update that same grocery list to check an item off. First, we would need to look up the item's ID, using the canvases.sections.lookup method. Using the ID that is returned with that, we can check off the item like this:

        "canvas_id": "F0166DCSTS7",
        "changes": [
            "operation": "replace",
            "section_id": "temp:C:VXX37d27db7718d44e28803566ae",
            "document_content": {
                "type": "markdown",
                "markdown": "- [x] asparagus\n"

    Example responses

    Common successful response

    Typical success response

        "ok": true

    Common error response

    Typical error response for bad content

        "ok": false,
        "error": "canvas_editing_failed",
        "detail": "'content' error: line 28: Unsupported block type (List) within block quote"


    This table lists the expected errors that this method could return. However, other errors can be returned in the case where the service is down or other unexpected factors affect processing. Callers should always check the value of the ok params in the response.


    The canvas you wish to apply changes to is not available.


    Canvas is disabled on user's team


    Free teams cannot edit standalone canvases


    User does not have permission to perform this action.


    The changes to the canvas failed to be applied.


    Access to a resource specified in the request is denied.


    Authentication token is for a deleted user or workspace when using a bot token.


    The endpoint has been deprecated.


    Administrators have suspended the ability to post a message.


    The method cannot be called from an Enterprise.


    Some aspect of authentication cannot be validated. Either the provided token is invalid or the request originates from an IP address disallowed from making the request.


    This method cannot be called by a legacy bot.


    The method has been deprecated.


    The token used is not granted the specific scope permissions required to complete this request.


    The token type used in this request is not allowed.


    No authentication token provided.


    The workspace token used in this request does not have the permissions necessary to complete the request. Make sure your app is a member of the conversation it's attempting to post a message to.


    The workspace is undergoing an enterprise migration and will not be available until migration is complete.


    Authentication token has expired


    Authentication token is for a deleted user or workspace or the app has been removed when using a user token.


    Two factor setup is required.


    The token used is not granted the specific workspace access required to complete this request.


    Access to this method is limited on the current network


    The server could not complete your operation(s) without encountering a catastrophic error. It's possible some aspect of the operation succeeded before the error was raised.


    The server could not complete your operation(s) without encountering an error, likely due to a transient issue on our end. It's possible some aspect of the operation succeeded before the error was raised.


    The method was passed an argument whose name falls outside the bounds of accepted or expected values. This includes very long names and names with non-alphanumeric characters other than _. If you get this error, it is typically an indication that you have made a very malformed API call.


    The method was either called with invalid arguments or some detail about the arguments passed is invalid, which is more likely when using complex arguments like blocks or attachments.


    The method was passed an array as an argument. Please only input valid strings.


    The method was called via a POST request, but the charset specified in the Content-Type header was invalid. Valid charset names are: utf-8 iso-8859-1.


    The method was called via a POST request with Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data, but the form data was either missing or syntactically invalid.


    The method was called via a POST request, but the specified Content-Type was invalid. Valid types are: application/json application/x-www-form-urlencoded multipart/form-data text/plain.


    The method was called via a POST request and included a data payload, but the request did not include a Content-Type header.


    The request has been ratelimited. Refer to the Retry-After header for when to retry the request.


    The method was called via a POST request, but the POST data was either missing or truncated.


    The service is temporarily unavailable


    The workspace associated with your request is currently undergoing migration to an Enterprise Organization. Web API and other platform operations will be intermittently unavailable until the transition is complete.


    This table lists the expected warnings that this method will return. However, other warnings can be returned in the case where the service is experiencing unexpected trouble.


    The method was called via a POST request, and recommended practice for the specified Content-Type is to include a charset parameter. However, no charset was present. Specifically, non-form-data content types (e.g. text/plain) are the ones for which charset is recommended.


    The method was called via a POST request, and the specified Content-Type is not defined to understand the charset parameter. However, charset was in fact present. Specifically, form-data content types (e.g. multipart/form-data) are the ones for which charset is superfluous.


    Need a token? Create and install a Slack app to begin.
    This will make a real API request. Beware of using it with live workspaces.

    API response

    Submit your arguments to see the API response