Showing posts with label luke bott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label luke bott. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

what can line do for you?

This week is the first week of my "for real" rotations with classes. For the next 2 weeks I'll be working with my 2nd & 5th graders, the next 2 with k & 3rd, and then 1st & 4th.

I work through the elements with these rotations. This week the 2nd graders are looking at a few illustrations by designer/illustrator Luke Bott. I share some info about Luke from his website- did you know he HATES onions? Most of the 2nd graders do too:)

When looking at 3 animal illustrations Luke made, we talk about how he used line in a few different ways- to create the animal, to add details and texture to them, and to build patterns on the blankets in them. I write these points on the board for the kids to refer to later when they do their exit slips. We also talk about how the animals Luke chose all can thrive in dry climates. I ask the students if we live in a desert (no, but we're pretty darn close) and that we can see all these animals doing well over at the San Diego Zoo.

I have been rotating through the animals with each group I meet with, so that each class has 2 different animals to hang up in their rooms (I meet with half of 2 classes at a time to give the classroom teacher small group instruction time).

The lesson then goes something like this- we draw out the animal, cut it out, glue it pencil side down, to a colored paper of their choice (4 colors to choose from), add details with a color stick that matches their color, add patterns to the blankets, add a simple background, and do an exit slip.

Boom. Pretty direct, but kids do have choices to make along the way that allow for variety in their visual products.

 Classes that ran long with the project and did not have time for the full exit slip were able to complete an exit sentence on a stickie and leave it for me.

Monday, November 7, 2011

luke bott robot

Kids love robots. And rockets. It's a proven fact:)

Luke Bott is a Kansas based designer who is making very smartly put together images.  He has a keen eye for pattern, shape, and color in his professional and personal work.

The kids and I looked at a few images from the "play" side of Luke's work on his website. They got a kick out of the abstracted bird designs. We identified geometric shapes and patterns in these 2 pieces. They also picked up on how Luke repeats shapes and colors to create patterns.

We then looked at a couple robot rocket designs Luke made. At this point during all 9 1st grade classes there were cheers and a general excitedness filled the room. I love it when they react so strongly to an artist's imagery. Especially when that energy carries through the creation of their project. As long as that energy takes the form of intensely focused, whisper level creation:)

Before starting on the drawing exercise, I also introduced the students to the symmetry present in a number of Luke's designs.

The kids and I folded our papers so that we each had a line of symmetry running down the middle, and then we drew out our robot rockets together. Each class did a different type of rocket that was inspired by Luke's work.

Once the rocket was done, students were asked to add at least 5 patterns to their drawing. I limited their color choices to one of the pairs of complementary colors. Students then filled their rockets with color, shape, and line patterns.

The handling of the background in this project was modified as I worked with the different classes. Students in the first couple classes used marker color and crayons. The later classes had the opportunity to revisit mixing secondary colors from their primary colors. Even though all the classes did a wonderful job with their drawings, I think leaving the background white allows the viewer a better chance to focus on the robot rocket designs the kids came up with.

Thanks for the inspiration Luke and keep the robots coming!