My fantasy Christmas flash story "Global Warming" was published a couple of days ago at the online magazine
10Flash. You can read it for free
And as long as you're at
10Flash, why not check out Robin Graves' flash story, "Unlimited Delta," which can be found
here. Robin is in my Orange County, California, critique group, and this is his first published story. Yay, Robin!
The blog
The Embraced: Scribal Love published an interview with me this week. You can find it
Clare Dargin of The Embraced: Scribal Love gave me a "Versatile Blogger" award, which comes with some rules:
1. Share 7 things about yourself
2. Pass The Award to 15 bloggers recently discovered (or however many you can manage).
3. Notify the blogger recipients.
4. Link The blogger who gave the award.
Thank you, Clare!
Here are seven things about me, most of which I've not mentioned online before:
- My mother never let me babysit; she thought the house could burn down around me and I wouldn't notice because I would be engrossed in a book.
- Of the people whom I consider my ten closest friends, the youngest is 24 and the oldest is in her 80s.
- If I could be any animal I chose, my first choice would be some kind of hawk. My second choice would be a black bear.
- I spend on average ten to fifteen minutes a day looking for things I've misplaced.
- I spend four hours a week in bellydance classes. That's fewer hours than my classmates spend, so I'm close to the worse dancer in all those classes.
- The Riverside (California) Art Museum has a picture of one of my tattoos on display.
My time is short this week, so I'll post my own nominations for the "Versatile Blogger" award another week.
I am eligible this year and next for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. If you are eligible to vote for a Hugo, you are eligible to nominate people and vote for finalists for the Campbell Award. (Last year, I believe, you could vote for your five favorite new writers and later vote for one finalist.)
My name (and associated page) is not up at the Campbell Award Website yet, but it should be soon. I would greatly appreciate your vote if you believe I am among the best of the eligible new writers.
Also, if you are an SFWA member, please consider nominating "The Hunt" for the Nebula in the novelette category. (You may nominate as many as five works in each category.) You can read the story in the SFWA Member Fiction area of the SFWA discussion forum (here). If you were a Jim Baen's Universe subscriber, you may be able to log in and see the story in the February 2010 issue. (The magazine has gone under, and many of the Webpages have been dismantled.)
Coming soon:
* next week: 2010 reading stats
* soon: the bloggers I nominate for the Versatile Blogger award
* author interviews with Kimberly Todd Wade and Valerie Frankel