Eligibility Year:
Cover Illustration, Hardcover
Cover Illustration, Paperback
- Winner: Donato Giancola for Crystal Dragon by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller (Meisha Merlin)
- Daniel Dos Santos for Blood Engines by T. A. Pratt (Bantam Spectra)
- Stephen Youll for Boudica: Dreaming the Serpent Spear by Manda Scott (Bantam Dell)
- Greg Bridges for Emissary by Fiona McIntosh (Eos)
- Cliff Nielsen for Ilario: The Lion's Eye by Mary Gentle (Eos)
- Michael Komarck for In the Cities of Coin & Spice by Catherynne M. Valente (Bantam Spectra)
- David Stevenson for Maladicte by Lane Robins (Ballantine Del Rey)
- Les Edwards for The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Eighteen by Stephen Jones, ed. (Carroll & Graf)
- John Picacio for Time's Child by Rebecca Ore (HarperCollins)
Cover Illustration, Magazine
Interior Illustration
- Winner: James Gurney for Dinotopia: Journey to Chandara by James Gurney (Andrews McNeel)
- Shaun Tan for The Arrival by Shaun Tan (Arthur A. Levine Books)
- John Howe for Beowulf by Nicky Raven (Candlewick Press)
- Brian Froud for Brian Froud's World of Faerie by Brian Froud (Insight Editions)
- Brom for The Devil's Rose by Brom (Abrams)
- Omar Rayyan for The Heir of Mistmantle by M. I. McAllister (Miramax)
- Edward Miller for The Lies of Locke Lamora (Subterranean Press)
- Dave Leri for “Roger Lambelin” (Realms of Fantasy Dec 2007)
- Tiffany Prothero for “A Touch of Hell” (Realms of Fantasy Apr 2007)
- Stephanie Pui-Mun Law for “White Isle” (Realms of Fantasy Dec 2007)
Color Work, Unpublished
- Winner: “Red Sonja”, Donato Giancola (oil)
- “Becoming”, Matt Hughes (colored pencil & watercolor)
- “Cthulthu's Domain”, Bob Eggleton (oil)
- “Doc Savage: The Eye of Terror”, David Palumbo (oil)
- “The Elven Queen of the Golden Wood”, Kinuko Y. Craft (oil)
- “Fall of Tink”, John Stanko (oil)
- “Fossil Mysteries”, William Stout
- “Oracle”, Ruth Sanderson (oil)
- “Rising”, Michael Whelan (acrylic)
- “Spirit & Life”, Tom Fleming (watercolor)
- “Starslayer (Composition in Red & Green #2)”, William O'Connor (oil on paper)
- “Very Early, Very Far Away”, L. W. Perkins
Monochrome Work, Unpublished
Gaming-related Illustration
- Winner: “Vanguard: Saga of Heroes”, Donato Giancola
- “Du'ulora Quori”, James Zhang (interior for “Secrets of Sarlona”, “Eberron” Campaign Supplement, Wizards of the Coast)
- “Holy Strength”, Terese Nielsen (“Magic: Arcana” 10th ed. card, Wizards of the Coast)
- “Kalaak Raider”, Lucio Parrillo (interior for “Secrets of Sarlona”, “Eberron” Campaign Supplement, Wizards of the Coast)
- “Lady Tureya”, Ron Lemen (interior for “Secrets of Sarlona", “Eberron” Campaign Supplement, Wizards of the Coast)
- “Nebin & the Gargoyles”, Carl Frank (interior for “Dungeonscape”, D&D Rules Supplement, Wizards of the Coast)
- “Nova Chaser”, Dan Scott (“Lorwyn” set, Magic the Gathering card, Wizards of the Coast)
- “Oros the Avenger”, Daren Bader (“Planar Chaos” set, “Magic: the Gathering” card, Wizards of the Coast)
- “Riftmarked Knight”, William O'Connor (“Planar Chaos” set, Magic the Gathering, Wizards of the Coast, Oil on Masonite)
- “Scion: Hero”, Michael Komarck (RPG cover art, White Wolf)
- “The Sinister Spire”, Wayne England (all interiors, D&D Adventure, Wizards of the Coast)
Product Illustration
- Winner: “War of Angels”, Todd Lockwood (poster for "Bullseye Tattoo")
- “2007 National Book Festival Poster”, Mercer Mayer
- “Danu of the Celts”, Dean Morrissey (limited edition giclee canvas, Greenwich Workshop)
- “Fantastical Creatures Tarot”, Lisa Hunt (card set, U.S. Games)
- “Fiona”, James Christensen (limited edition print, Greenwich Workshop)
- “Of Course He Hadn't An Inkling”, Alan M. Clark (front page and sub-pages for a web site devoted to the fiction of Bruce Holland Rogers)