Showing posts with label Pattern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pattern. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Pinterest Pattern {Love}

For lack of a better way to save this board, simply for myself, here is a pinterest board that is SO FULL of amazing Christmas stitchery/applique patterns I don't even know where to start pinning.  

I wish Pinterest had a section you could save favorite boards you find, not just see future pins to this board, or some way to import ALL of someone else's pins, but until then, I am saving this board here.  I was looking for a new pattern and here I found hundreds.  There are dozens and dozens from Art to Heart, on of my favorite pattern sources.  I can't wait to give some a try!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

So Tweet

I made these little guys to cheer up my friend in the hospital.  They are pretty easy to cut out {if you skip the shells} and even quicker to paint.  I cut two sets and took them in so we could paint them together and take away some of the hospital monotony.  



I threw in the pattern just in case you need to brighten someone else's day ;0}
Don't cut wood?  Give me a call.  I can get you some chickies for your craft party!
Vanessa.cam5 at gmail dot com

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Owl Always Love You

Finished and available on Etsy!  Get your Owl pattern today.  It is a total "HOOT!"

I made this pattern up just a little bigger, a little smaller, and then included the pattern for my little midget owls shown below.

I haven't shown you those yet!  I have a cute little tree branch that goes along with them, but it, sadly, is not included in the pattern.

You can go to my Etsy site, TheBubbleBox, to find the pattern or check out my post last month when I showed off my little doorstep critter HERE.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

New Pattern!!! Sir Hops-A-Lot

Remember this darling little guy that warmed up my porch last spring???  Well, FINALLY, I have finished the pattern!  That is right.  After so many requests, you can now purchase the pattern and make one for your self!  This guy is big, but the project is fairly low stress, as wood projects go.  So don't be afraid to give him a try.

I even made two versions in the same pattern.  You can have Sir Hoppy holding the Easter egg you see here, or a nice giant carrot to stick more to a Spring theme.

Where can you buy the pattern you say???  Well, on my Etsy site, of course ;0}  I am such a fabulous sales person, right?  No.  I know that I am not.  But, I do know that I totally love my big bunny on my door, so let me know if you want one too.  The pattern is only $4 and is available as an instant download.  Don't have a saw???  Not a problem.  I can get you a kit or even a finished bunny.  Just convo me on Etsy or email me at

I hope your week is a hoppy one!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Birthday Baubles

I just got an order for a couple of these the other day and went today to find the pattern but couldn't find it!
After a little digging, I found this blog post and decided it was worth re-posting.  If nothing else, maybe I will be able to find it easier next time ;0}

I made these a couple of years ago to use as birthday gifts for the ladies at church.  My heart is heavy today though, because my good friend serving in the presidency with me at the time, she passed away last month, just one week after giving birth to a beautiful little girl.  I just ran across a picture of her in a different post, and now looking at these cute birthday baubles makes me think of her sitting by my side...and how she never will again.  So sad.

As for the business end of this post, 
The cupcake is cut from a 2x4.  I cut the frosting from 1/8" mdf {HomeDepot} with paper mod podged to the front.  I inked all edges with my permanent ink pad and applied a top coat of the mod podge to seal it all up.

I thought it would be cute to use a dumdum sucker as the cherry on top.  I drilled a hole as deep as I possibly could and it happened to be just deep enough.  The sucker fit completely inside, then I tied the curling ribbon on for added festiveness.

The present is just a smaller version of my Christmas Present.

They turned out super cute.  I also cut these from a 2x4.  I glittered the "ribbon" sash for a little bling.

I am still debating wrapping a sucker in the curly wire just to make things fair.  

Just for kicks and giggles I made up a pattern for anyone that wants it :0)

Click on the image to make it bigger, then right click and save.  

Now I will print that pattern out myself and hit my 10 degree garage for as little time as it possibly takes to cut my current order out.  All the while I will try to remember the happy times with my dear lost friend and try to remember our fun-filled moments together.  Happy and cheerful like these birthday baubles.  That is how Season always was.  Smiley and happy, and bubbling over with sweetness and concern for all.

Monday, August 12, 2013

New Pattern For Sale!

I did it!  I am so proud of myself!!!
I said I would publish this pattern today and I did :0}  Yay for small victories!

I have the new pattern, Watermelon Picnic for sale on my Etsy site for $4.  It includes all patterns and instructions for the watermelon door decor...

And for the watermelon toting Ant Army...
 Plus a smaller version of the watermelon door hanger for use on a shelf or a mantel.  

It could all be yours for just $4....and a couple of hours of work :0}
Totally worth it!
Email me with any questions or comment below.  I am happy to help where I can!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Summer Spruce Up

I finally took a break from my crazy life one day in an attempt to do a little summer sprucing up.
I made a new door decoration!!!
I love it :0}

I made the body of the watermelon out of bead board plywood, then added the seeds and lighter squiggle of rind cut out of 1/8" mdf.  With all the moving and unpacking and traveling and helping, I have been going through woodcraft withdrawals!

I am no bow maker, but I sure love my new door decor.

I hung it up on the front door, right next to my....
gigantic ant army! 
LOvE iT!
I will have the pattern available Monday.  It will be for BOTH the watermelon AND the ants :0}  Super simple, super fun projects for a little late summer splash of color.
See you tomorrow!

The Ants Go Marching...

I was all excited to get my wooden ants done and out on the porch, then I realized I forgot the watermelon seeds!  How shocking!!!

Oh well, I will get those on there tomorrow.  For now, I just wanted to show your my cute little army of creepy crawlers.

I put them outside while the family was gone oh-so-briefly yesterday.  Madison about had a heart attack when they got back.  She caught glimpse of the ants and thought they were real.  I guess they are a little too close to home.  We have some massive ants living in the backyard.  I just laughed that she actually thought we would have real ants THIS BIG :0}

I know we are a little late in the season, but I just had to take a little time this week and work with wood again.  All this wedding stuff is fun, but nothing is like playing in my garage with a pile of wood.  I will have the pattern for sale on my Etsy site Monday if you are interested.
Until then, Keep Calm and March On.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Is At Our Door

I feel like I have been painting for four days now.  I finally got to some wood projects Monday between running children, napping {still trying to recover from our "vacation"}, and trying to get my house clean enough to show {YeAH rIgHT!  Like that is ever gonna happen!!!}.

I cut out this handsome devil and about a thousand other projects :0)
The number of projects cut out is why I didn't get Sir Hops-A-Lot finished and on my door until today.  We are leaving out of town today...did I mention that!

That means I won't even get to enjoy seeing his cheery face upon my door step, but my neighbors can wink at him for me as they drive by.

I made the majority of my bunny out of 1/4" mdf plywood.  I cut him out, sanded the edges like I love on my disk sander, then painted him up, sanding again, then gluing him all together.

This door is not mine, so I haven't hammered a hole in it to hang my projects.  That is why I have the unsightly wreath hanger, but when we move, I am hoping to put it to rest. 

"Emmers.  I am still taking pictures, Love.  
Can you shut the door please?"

Emmalee's response: 
"Oh, so sorry to ruin your picture Mom!  I thought you were finished."

Mom's response:
"Darlin', you could NEVER ruin my pictures :0) 
You are my dolly!"

We in the Sew*CakeMaker household wish you a very reflective Easter weekend, 
Not all about the bunnies, but about the love and sacrifice that inspired the holiday.
Oh, and have a very Hoppy Spring!

p.s.The pattern is for sale, only $4 and instantly downloadable on my Etsy site.  Let me know if you have any questions ;0}

Monday, October 15, 2012

New Pattern!

I don't know how many of you remember this little Manger Centerpiece I made a while back, but I have some good news!  After a little prodding I have finally finished the pattern!!!  Yea!

I have it available for purchase on my Etsy site.  Feel free to stop by and check it out :0)  Christmas will be here before you know it!

Novelty Print Quilt Pattern

I have had a hard time finding good quilt patterns for novelty prints the past couple times I purchased them.  I made up this pattern so tha...