I went looking for a little Jack 'O Lantern inspiration and ended up on a three hour tour of everything pumpkin. There were tips about cutting, cleaning, designing, cooking, and crafting. The most helpful tip I think was to cut the pumpkin on the bottom rather than the top. If you plan to light it at all, cutting the hole in the bottom makes it easy to light the candle or insert the corded bulb or even battery operated light if you simply place the pumpkin over top.
Other than that you can use just about anything imaginable to cut these guys. Serrated knives, Key-hole saws, Dremel or drill or hammer and nails? You name it, use what you have. I think the RotoZip would be my first choice :0}
Check out some of the things I found...
With a freshly cleaned gourd, you can stick with a traditional face or something new or abstract. Here are a few patterns I found online in case you are looking.

These were the first Jack's I saw with hair! What a great idea to add personality, lol!

How 'bout a little Disney in your holiday?
I am DYING to go to Disneyland now that we live in the West again. Please excuse my obsession, even in pumpkin form.

{I can't find original Source. This one will have to do}

You are in luck if you are a Disney fan too.
I found this site with TONS of free carving templates. Check out the source below to see all the designs they have.

These scenes carved into the pumpkins are awesome. I tried to carve a haunted house like the one below many years ago and it ended up dangling pieces with half of them piled at the bottom. One wrong cut and your masterpiece is just a mess. It's OK though, cause there are a couple of ideas down here that can be a great salvage of a mutilated gourd.
This blog has a nice little explanation of how the Jack 'O Lantern tradition was started. Did you know it is an Irish tradition??? And the first Jack 'O Lanterns were carved turnips, not pumpkins???
This village, as a vinyl seller, I adore. You could totally use vinyl for that...or go the hard way and paint or sharpie them all. I choose vinyl ;0}
Um, YES! Fairy House OBSESSED right here. How cute!

The neighborhood of pumpkin dwellers is so sweet. Not everyone has space for a village, but it is totally adorable.

Mhm...as Cinderella's mom this pumpkin coach is a must do...minus the mice.

Remember me saying one of these would be perfect for a pumpkin stencil fail???
This one! I am totally enamored with the idea of a diorama inside the pumpkin!
So many ideas!!!

What is Halloween without Charlie Brown?!?

Prepare yourself for Pumpkin Overload!
These people took Pumpkin creativity to an extreme I have never seen.
We may just have to travel down to Texas and check these out in person!

This one is Canada...Just amazing!

WOW! I would be totally spooked OUT if this house were on my block!
And a little afraid of a fire taking us all in the night.
Crazy amazing though. Seriously. Think of how long that must have taken!

Just Creative!
The next batch of pumpkins were just unique and creative.
I LOVE that there are so many people out there playing with food!

Monogram junkie right here!

No-Cut Pumpkin Fun
Not up for the mess of carving??? I don't blame you.
Check out these ideas. From trendy to kid friendly, I love them all.

Well, I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.
Now, to find the time to play myself! It won't be today. I talked MR. SewCakeMaker into driving to Las Vegas tonight!!! Las Vegas Hot Air Balloon Festival here we come. Totally a fall activity, right?