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OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International
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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
Mark your calendar - our next
is on Sat, TBD and you will be invited.
Recent Additions
Items in red are new since your last visit
Care and Feeding of Firefox 45.9.0
Care and Feeding of Firefox 45.9.0(5/14/2019)
Password, Hashes and bootable USB sticks
Password, Hashes and bootable USB sticks(1/20/2017)
HyperACCESS Pro for OS/2 with HyperHost
SAMBA for eComStation (OS/2)
SAMBA for eComStation (OS/2)(2/23/2013)
SAMBA for eComStation (OS/2)
SAMBA for eComStation (OS/2)(1/12/2013)
- Using NetDrive and EFSFGUI with the Buffalo NAS
NetDrive and EVFSGUI supports access to Buffalo NAS(5/14/2010)
- Using NetDrive and EFSFGUI with the Buffalo NAS
NetDrive and EVFSGUI supports access to Buffalo NAS(5/13/2010)
- Download! - September 2009
Updates to Firefox/Thunderbird and more updates from Paul Smedley highlight this month(9/1/2009)
- Download! - August 2009
Fight the dog days of summer with updated OS/2-eCS software!(8/1/2009)
- Download! - July 2009
Celebrate freedom from proprietary software with updated OS/2-eCS software!(7/1/2009)
- Download! - June 2009
Give the dad or grad in your life some updated OS/2-eCS software!(6/1/2009)
- Download! - May 2009
Highlights include updated Firefox/SeaMonkey, and more Paul Smedley updates(5/1/2009)
- Download! - April 2009
Paul Smedley keeps busy in March as well!(4/1/2009)
- Download! - March 2009
Highlight of the month; Paul Smedley sure has been busy in February!(3/1/2009)
- Download! - February 2009
Download, your one-stop place to update your OS/2-eCS system!(2/1/2009)
- The Developer's Assistant
Lynn discusses the Developer's Assistant.(2/1/2009)
- Download! - January 2009
Happy New Year! Start off right with updates for your OS/2-eCS system!(1/1/2009)
- Download! - December 2008
Ho Ho Ho! Paul Smedley, Peter Weilbacher, et al bringing gifts for your OS/2-eCS system!(12/1/2008)
- Download! - November 2008
Give thanks for downloadable applications for your OS/2 or eCS system!(11/1/2008)
- Download! - October 2008
Highlights: Firefox, SeaMonkey, Thunderbird, and as always, updates from Paul Smedley!(10/1/2008)