your internet guide to all things catfish
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Ailiidae =
( AIL iidae )
Go to the thumbnail images
is a family of catfishes native to Asia. These
fishes usually have dorsal fins with a short
base and a spine, but Ailia lack
a dorsal fin altogether. Most of these species
in the Ailiidae family were formally in the
Schilbeidae family but were reclassified and
moved by Wang et al in 2016. As of 2019 there
are 13 genera in this family
( ah KHY
sid dee )
to the thumbnail images
This Asian family of catfish are not commonly
imported for the aquarium trade so husbandry
information is a little thin on the ground.
The common name of the "Asian Stream
Catfishes" will give you an insight in
that they are found in slow moving streams
of Southeast Asia. This family contains four
genera, Acrochordonichthys, Akysis, Breitensteinia
and Pseudobagarius.
= (
am blee sip IT id dee )
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This is a small family of only three genera,
Amblyceps, Liobagrus and Xiurenbagrus
which are very rarely imported for
the aquarium trade. These three genera are
found in Southern Asia, China, Taiwan and
Japan. Resembles the loaches in their body
shape and also possess 4 pairs of barbels
with the nasal barbels being very prominent.
Not very easy to keep as they do prefer fast
flowing water, so would need this criteria
in the aquarium to survive. Commonly known
as "Hillstream Catfishes"
( am fill
EE id dee )
to the thumbnail images
Commonly known as "Loach Catfishes"or
"African Whiptails" due to the resemblance
that some of them have to the whiptails of
the South American Loricariidae family. Not
too well known to aquarists as they are only
sporadically exported. A little harder to
keep than their South American companions.
They do like moving water hence their other
common name of "African hill stream fishes".
( an char
EE id dee )
to the thumbnail images
Freshwater catfishes from the island of Madagascar of the east coast of the African continent. There are at the present two genera, Ancharius and Gogo. Was originally placed in the Ariidae family but a revision by Ng and Sparks in 2005 resulted in the new family name.
Distinguished from the Ariidae by having fringed maxillary barbels and a reduced bony plate in front of the dorsal fin. Not seen too often and will probably never be imported into the hobby as most species are endangered in their natural habitats.
( andin
ich thy idee)
to the thumbnail images
Extinct catfishes of the family Andinichthyidae. From Bolivia and northwestern Argentina. There are three genera with four species in this extinct family.
( air EE
id dee )
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This family contains catfish from marine and
freshwater habitats. A few practice an unusual
mode of reproduction of mouthbrooding. Not
popular catfishes for the home aquarium as
some grow too big and boisterous with a rather
dull silver colouration, but a few of the
smaller varieties can be kept with larger
tankmates. Most will need salt added to their
water as
they grow larger.
( az pra
DIN id dee ) Go
to the thumbnail images
This family of Catfish are termed "Banjo
Catfishes" due to their banjo-like flattened
shapes. Two groups are recognised, the short-tail
banjo's with an anal fin the same size as
the head and the long- tail banjo's
which posses a very long anal fin with a longer
body. Very nocturnal and will do better
over a sand substrate where
they can bury themselves.
( as tro
BLEP id dee )
to the thumbnail images
Not commonly kept as they do need very diverse
conditions as they reside in the higher mountain
ranges of the Andes in South America.
There is one genus, Astroblepus,
with over 50 species recognised with identification
of each species quite difficult. Was once
considered a sub-family of the Loricariidae
as they do posses sucker mouths, but lack
the body armour. Have been known to climb
the faces of waterfalls in
their native habitat.
( ow ken
ip TARE id dee )
to the thumbnail images
Contains some of the more secretive members
of the Siluriformes. This family is the only
one to undergo internal insemination and fertilisation.
Known as Driftwood or Wood Cats owing to their
habit of hiding in hollow logs during the
day. Confused sometimes with the members of
the Doradidae family but lack the lateral
bony scutes.
( ow ken
oglan id dee )
to the thumbnail images
genera of the Auchenoglanididae were originally
assigned to the spiny catfish (Bagridae, or
to the subfamily Auchenoglaninae), later they
were assigned to the Claroteidae as the subfamily
Auchenoglanidinae. In the fourth edition of
Fishes of the World, a standard work on fish
systematics, they form an independent family.
Common features of the family are the rounded
to emarginate caudal fin and the position
of the posterior nostrils on the sides of
the upper lip. It contains the three genera
Auchenoglanis, Parauchenoglanis
and Notoglanidium.
( ost
RO glan id idee )
to the thumbnail images
Austroglanididae catfishes, are characterised
by their scaleless, elongated bodies. From
Southern Africa they have three pairs of barbels
(nasal pair absent); strong dorsal and pectoral
spines; adipose fin small. The genus Austroglanis
was formerly placed in the Bagridae family.
There are three species only in this genera
and all are either vulnerable or endangered
due to their habitats being threatened by
stream channeling, water extraction, sedimentation
and introduced bass.
( BAG rid dee )
to the thumbnail images
These catfish are found throughout Asia and
usually sport 4 pairs of barbels. The African
bagrids can now be found in their own family;
Claroteidae. The vast majority of this family
are predators so they should not be kept with
small fishes. Their bodies are naked and most
posess large adipose fins and a small anal
( kal ik
THEE id dee )
to the thumbnail images
The most popular and best known catfishes
from the South American continent. Very peaceful
and mostly undemanding. Bodies covered with
two rows of bony plates and possess 3 pairs
of barbels. Family includes Corydoras,
Aspidoras, Brochis, Scleromystax,
Callichthys, Hoplosternum,
Lepthoplosternum, Megalechis and Dianema.
( set TOP
sid dee ) Go
to the thumbnail images
Commonly known as "Whale Catfishes"
because of the origin of the first name
Cetopis, meaning "looks like a
whale". There are 42 species in this
family and they are not too popular in the
hobby due to their inactivity in the aquarium.
One member of this genus the "Candiru"
is a voracious predator on other wounded fish
in its habitat, burying into the flesh
of the animal.
= ( CHA
sid dee ) Go
to the thumbnail images
There are now four species in this family
which are commonly known as "frog-mouth
catfishes" or alternatively "angler
catfish". The latest from 2012 is C.
serica from southern Borneo. These common
names give away the nature of these catfish
as they are out and out predators and should
really be kept in a species tank on their
own. Will eat mostly live food where they
will "wiggle" their short maxillary
barbels, much like the marine Angler fish,
and suck their unsuspecting prey into their
huge mouths.
Clariidae =
klair EE id dee) Go
to the thumbnail images
This is the family commonly known as the "Walking
Catfishes" owing to their ability to
move overland after their previous home has
'dried up'. These catfish are unique as to
have an elongated dorsal without a hard spine.
Not really a species suitable for the home
aquarium although very hardy. They can be
kept in very large tanks or ponds. Looked
on also as a food fish in its native habitat.
Claroteidae =
( CLAAR O Tee Iday) Go
to the thumbnail images
Was previously a sub-family of the Bagridae,
this group of catfishes has now been elevated
to its own family status. All from the African
continent with the Giraffe or the African
Big Eye Catfish being the more common species.
Sizes vary in this family from the larger
Chrysichthys to the smaller Lophiobagrus
genera of Lake Tanganika.
( Crano
GLAN id dee )
to the thumbnail images
There is only one genera and three species
of this Chinese catfish family. They are large
and the top of the head has rough bony plates
and as the common name suggests - Armourhead
Catfishes-. They posses 4 pairs of barbels
and resemble the family, Pseudobagrus.
( dip LOMY st dee )
to the thumbnail images
A primitive catfish
family from the rivers of Chile and Argentina
so would therefore be considered cool water
catfishes. Very rarely seen in the trade so
there is not much information on keeping the
6 known species in the Diplomystes
genera. Arratia (1987) erected the genus Olivaichthys
for the Argentinian specimens but some authors
still treat Olivaichthys
as a synonym of Diplomystes.
= ( door
ADD id dee ) Go
to the thumbnail images
Commonly known as the "talking cats"
due to the noise they make when removed from
the water. Confused sometimes with the Auchenipteridae
family ( Wood cats ) but they possess a row
of scutes along their sides which is characteristic
of this group. Mostly nocturnal and very secretive
and range from the diminutive Physopyxis
lyra to the large and friendly Oxydodorus
= ( Heptapt ER idee ) Go
to the thumbnail images
Another sub-family of the Pimelodidae, Heptapteridaeinae,
which is now been given full family status.
There are up to 200 species in this South
and Central American family comprising mostly
of the genera Imparfinis, Pimelodella,
Brachyrhamdia and Rhamdia. Most
are predators which vary in size but can be
kept in an aquarium with tank mates that are
chosen carefully.
neust idae) Go
to the thumbnail images
as Airsac catfishes or Asian Stinging catfishes
they used to belong to the Clariidae family
before being put into there own family, Heteropneustidae
Hora, 1936.
= ( HORA
bagridae) Go
to the thumbnail images
is a proposed family of catfishes containing
three genera, Horabagrus, Platytropius
(Pachypterus) and Pseudeutropius.
Horobagrus has been more usually assigned
to the family Bagridae and sometimes it has
been suggested it is closer to the Schilbeidae
which is where the other two genera have been
more conventionally placed.
Ictaluridae =
( ik tah LUHR id dee ) Go
to the thumbnail images
Native to the freshwaters of North America
and into parts of Central America. Ictalurids
are split up into three groups, the catfishes,
bullheads and the smaller madtoms. Will
do better in an unheated aquarium and are
generally a very hardy group
of catfishes. Some species can be too large
for the home aquarium. The larger species
of catfish are important commercial and sport
Kryptoglanidae =
( kryp to GLAN id dee ) Go
to the thumbnail images
Indian cave catfishes. This family and the
genera Horaglanis (Clariidae) are
the only species in India to reside in cave
= ( lack
an TOON ee ah - enn ig MAH ticka )
to the thumbnail images
A new family which was erected in 2005 (Lacantuniidae),
with a new genus and species of catfish, Lacantunia
enigmatica, It was described from the
Río Usumacinta basin of Chiapas, México.
It cannot be placed within or as a basal sister
lineage to any known catfish family or multifamily
clade except Siluroidei.
( lohr ih
care EE id dee ) Go
to the thumbnail images
This is the largest family with about 700
species and still growing with the onslaught
of the L-Numbers. Can be readily recognised
with their overlapping plates covering the
body and the downturned suckermouth. Some,
but not all, relish a vegetarian diet.
Malapteruridae =
( mahl lap tur RUHR id dee ) Go
to the thumbnail images
Commonly known as the Electric Catfishes.
There are now 19 species existing in this
African family, 16 from the Malapterurus
genus and 3 in the Paradoxoglanis
genera. Basically a catfish for the experienced
and dedicated keeper who knows how to handle
a fish that can discharge up to 350 volts
in short bursts.
( moh COKE id dee
to the thumbnail images
Commonly known as "Synodontis cats"
or "upside-down cats" these African
catfish are recognised by the local population
as "squeakers" owing to the noise
they make when lifted out of the water. There
are over 150 species in this family and they
are noted for their feathered barbels and
unique shape which separates them from all
other catfish. They make very hardy inmates
of an aquarium and the vast majority are peaceful
apart from territorial skirmishes.
( nomato
geny id dee )
to the thumbnail images
Contains only a single genus, Nematogenys,
which contains a single species, N. inermis.
The genus is endemic to some rivers in Chile.
The common name for this species is "Mountain
Catfish". Previously in the Trichomycteridae
family with Nematogenys as the subfamily
name and as such is very rare in the aquatic
hobby. There was a fossil which was found
and described from the Miocene, continental
fluviolacustrine deposits of the upper Cura–Mallín
Formation (37–39°S), Chile (Azpelicueta
& Rubilar, 1997). This species was named
as Nematogenys cuivi.
Pangasiidae =
( pan gas IE id dee )
to the thumbnail images
A small family commonly known as "iridescent
sharks" or "shark cats" due
to their shape. They consist of species from
South and Southeast Asia. Includes the largest
freshwater fish on earth, the "Mekong
giant catfish" Pangasiandon gigas.
Can get a bit too big
for the basic aquarium set-up and
can get very nervous if not given enough room.
Possess unusually large eyes and has one pair
of barbels on the chin and also one pair
of maxillary barbels.
= ( reat
obi id dee )
to the thumbnail images
has a long history of different taxonomic
assignments. In the past they have been placed
in seven different catfish families, in the
"Parasitic Catfishes" (Trichomycteridae),
the "Walking catfishes" (Clariidae)
the Whale Catfishes (Cetopsidae), the eel
and coral catfish (Plotosidae) the Olyridae,
the "Pim cats" (Pimelodidae) and
the Heptapteridae , to which Phreatobius
belongs as a sister genus of Gladioglanis
in most of today's classifications.
( pim meh LOAD id
dee ) Go
to the thumbnail images
This South American family is the largest
group of naked-skinned catfishes in the world.
The vast majority are predatory catfishes.
A few species such as the shovelnoses grow
too large for the home aquarium. Distinguished
from the Indian/Asian family Bagridae, as having
no nasal barbels.
= ( ploh
TOE sid dee ) Go
to the thumbnail images
Not a well known catfish family as the majority
reside in Australia and New Guinea. Common
name for the 30 or so species in this family
are the "eel-tailed catfishes" due
to the continuation of the caudal and anal
fin around the body. The most common species
is the marine or "coral cat",
Plotosus lineatus, but the vast majority
are endemic to freshwater.
= (seudo pim meh LOAD id dee )
to the thumbnail images
The sub-family of Pimelodidae, Pseudopimelodinae,
is now considered a full family status of
Pseudopimelodidae and is of course closely
related to the Pimelodidae family. Mostly
contains the smaller to medium pims such as
the South American Bumblebee, dwarf marbled catfishes
and the larger Cephalosilurus species.
Relatively easy to keep in the aquarium, can
be predatory to the smaller inhabitants, but
if tank mates are chosen carefully they will
do well.
Ritidae =
( RITI id dee )
to the thumbnail images
in the Bagridae family the Rita genera
now have there own family. They occur in South
Asia: Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal,
Bangladesh, northern Myanmar and western Thailand.
vast majority of this family are predators
so they should not be kept with small fishes.
There are at the moment (2024), 7 species
in the Rita genus.
Schilbeidae =
( SKILL bid dee )
to the thumbnail images
This family of catfish are in the main, midwater
swimmers, and are commonly known as glass
catfishes due to some of them having transparent
bodies. They can sometimes be confused with
the Siluridae family but the Silurids do not
possess an adipose fin and their dorsals are
usually very small. Quite easy to keep in
the aquarium as the vast majority will accept
flake food.
( scol OPLAS idee )
to the thumbnail images
Commonly known as the
"spiny dwarf catfishes". They are
known as one of the smallest
catfishes to be found and are not common in
the hobby due to there very small size and
there placement amongst leaf litter in clear
and blackwater habitats, including oxbow lakes,
backwater pools, and well-vegetated streams.
are only six species in this genera, Scoloplax
baileyi, S. baskini, S. dicra,
S. distolothrix, S. dolicholophia,
and S. empousa. Scoloplax
is the only genus in this family.
Siluridae =
( sy LUHR id dee )
to the thumbnail images
This family like the Schilibidae are also
called "glass catfishes" or sheath
fishes. This is quite a diverse family, from
the midwater shoaling Krytopterus to
the predatory Wallago and the European wels,
Silurus glanis. The difference between
the families is quite straightforward, the
Silurids do not posses an adipose fin and
most of the Shilbids do. The Silurids also
have a small notch between the anal and caudal
fin whereas the Shilbids have this joined.
= ( sis SORE id dee )
to the thumbnail images
This is the largest family of catfishes in
Asia with around 100 species known. They are
not too well known to aquarists as they are
only sporadically exported. The most common
being the genus, Gagata, Bagarius
and Glyptothorax. Known collectively
as "hill stream catfishes" due to
many of them being found in fast flowing rivers.
The Sisorids vary in body shape and are probably
the hardest family for the aquarist to identify.
= ( trick
oh mick TARE id dee )
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This South American family are commonly known
as Parasitic Cats or by the local indigenous
populations as "candiru". Stories
abound on the notoriety of this family due
to their habit of lodging themselves in the
gill cavities of other larger fish and biting
the gill filaments, thereby feeding on the
blood. There has also been instances where
they have entered the human urethra, probably
by mistake, of bathers and mammals urinating
under water. Not a lot is known of them as
aquarium fish and only experiences with them
in a larger group could bring further information
to the catfish enthusiast.
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feel that you would like to donate monies of any
denomination, you can by credit or debit card
through PayPal. This will of course go towards
the running of ScotCat and hopefully keep it going
for a good few years yet. Thanks in advance.