Showing posts with label Relax. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relax. Show all posts

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The One Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka

A man way ahead his time, Masanobu Fukuoka wrote "The One Straw Revolution" in 1975; his book has been translated into over 20 languages and sold more than one million copies.
The One-Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming (New York Review Books Classics)

His philosophy and the Four Principles of Natural Farming are:
  • No cultivation
  • No chemical fertilizer or prepared compost
  • No weeding by tillage and herbicides
  • No pruning of fruit trees
  • No dependence on chemicals

From just this one straw ... a Revolution could begin.
Masanobu Fukuoka
Unless people can become natural people, 
there can be neither natural farming nor natural food.
Masanobu Fukuoka

To the extent that people separate themselves from Nature, 
they spin further and further from the Centre.
Masanobu Fukuoka

Natural Farming is not simply a way of growing crops; 
it is the cultivation and perfection of human beings.
Masanobu Fukuoka

The One Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka.

An understanding of Nature lies beyond the reach of human intelligence.
Masanobu Fukuoka

Permaculture seeds balls, Fukuoka style.

Masanobu Fukuoka legendary visit to India

Masanobu Fukuoka in Greece (1998)

Keywords to continue your own research: “permaculture”, “seed balls”, “Natural farming”, "Do-Nothing Farming", "Guerilla gardening"

Friday, November 2, 2012

Pinterest business account?

Pinterest formally announced that businesses are now able to create commercial accounts … of course with new Terms of Service and a conversion feature for existing members.

 I like Pinterest (here is our account) but I am not sure how this would work in the long term … so far there are no differences between these services and no visual indication that you are running a “business account” … what I am trying to say is that I don’t want to lose pins and friends just because people would hesitate to re-pin your “business content.”

How long ‘till we’ll start to see “filters” buttons to block “business accounts”?! 

Pinterest is not the first social media company to do this (have different accounts for people and companies), Facebook being another example. How do you “like” the Facebook business page?!?!

Anyhow, it’s worth taking a look at how businesses would use this social networking:
Time Magazine, General Electric, Allrecipes,  even Etsy is using Pinterest now … hmmm.

This is our ScentedLeaf Profile Widget, don't be shy, click on it ;-)

... this is our Geranium and Pelargonium Pinterest Board:

... and this is the miniature Garden and Bonsai Board widget.

Will you create a Pinterest account for your business? Let me know your thoughts. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Honda Celebration of Light 2012 - first show

Did you miss fireworks?

Honda Celebration of light 2012, fireworks Vancouver, 1

I've  missed them so much, but tonight we enjoyed again the magic beauty of fireworks  lightening Vancouver's sky.  The weather was so generous with us, and we were really excited to see the pallete of  dancing lights amidst the waters.

Honda Celebration of light 2012, fireworks Vancouver, 2

 2012's Vancouver's Light Fireworks Festival features 3 countries: this evening was Vietnam's Show, on August 1st will be Brazil's show and on August 4th Italy's show.

Honda Celebration of light 2012, fireworks Vancouver, first nightHonda Celebration of light 2012, fireworks Vancouver, Vietnam night

The name of this year's festival is Honda celebration of Light because of the main sponsor of the competition: Honda. Of course, Province of BC, City of Vancouver, Tourism Vancouver, Vancouver Airport, Seaspan, Vancouver Sun, Telus, ICBC and many others partners bring their valuable contribution to make happen again this amazing festival, too.

Honda Celebration of light 2012, fireworks Vancouver, Vietnam show

The Vietnam's light show started a little bit latter than 10p.m. (as per my watch), but like every year, the English Bay, Kitsilano Point and Jericho Beach were really packed with people waiting with patience for their favorite show.

Honda Celebration of light 2012, fireworks Vancouver, Vietnam night 1

You may see,  in my previous post , pictures of 2010's  Vancouver's celebration of light  ' first night ,  and why not, to compare them with  2012's Vancouver's Light Fireworks Festival first show ;-)

Honda Celebration of light 2012, fireworks Vancouver, Vietnam show1

I am always amazed to see the sky enlightened by dancing  fireworks among the moon and how the water is reflecting the rainbow of colors, don't you?

Honda Celebration of light 2012, fireworks among the moon on Vancouver's sky, Vietnam night

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Short Film, Geranium (Sardunya)

The Geranium / Sardunya  short movie, realized in 2008 by Mustafa Emin Büyükcoşkun, received  " Best Balkan Short Film" award at Filmini 2.0 - International Short Film Festival 2008 held in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Born in Istambul in 1988, Mustafa Emin Büyükcoşkun produced his first short film "The sleep" in 2005,  "Geranium" being the second one of his filmography. This movie is an intriguing story of a street vendor selling pirated movie CDs which was written, edited and directed by him.

The Geranium plant started from a cutting,  grows swiftly and  became the focus point, its evolution marking the time passing. ( I really like the florist's expression:  "We give you a branch, you water it and it turn to a flower in two days." ).

The film action revolves around it until the geranium started to bloom, being somehow detached by the real world, this making an intriguing and original story.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pelargoniums Start to Bloom

Apple- Nutmeg Scentedleaf Pelargonium First flowers of the season
Apple- Nutmeg Pelargonium flowers

Wondering through Vancouver parks and seeing everywhere spring blossoms leads my mind to my scentsy good luck amulets with mauve, pink or white flowers which would protect persons and share scent'sational joy everywhere. (of course, I'm talking about unconventional amulets - the scented-leaf pelargoniums / geraniums)

Miniature Garden with Pelargonium xFragrans in bloom
Miniature Garden with Pelargonium xFragrans ( apple nutmeg scented) in bloom

April marked again to Vancouverites the celebration of beauty of the blooming ornamental cherries through Vancouver Cherry Blossoms Festival.  Dance, Music and Art Exhibitions, Haiku Contest, Tree Talks and Walks... highlighted the brilliance of nature's rebirth and the joys of springtime.

Miniature garden with Apple-Nutmeg pelargonium in bloom
Miniature garden with Apple-Nutmeg pelargonium (xFragrans) in bloom

My scented-leaf pelargoniums start to open shiny their flowers, perhaps inspired by the magic of the pinkish decor, looking like green gems with cream-pink incrustations. 

Citronella scented pelargonium- first flower of the season
Citronella scented pelargonium- first flower of the season

Anyhow, this inspirational haiku tries to capture the essence of season:

"Pelargoniums bloom
Bees began to pollinate
Signs of summer"

Miniature garden with Citronella scented pelargonium
Citronella scentedleaf pelargonium started to bloom

Friday, March 30, 2012

Blossoms to the Spring

O Were My Love Yon Lilac Fair
By Robert Burns

purple Blossoms to the Spring
O were my love yon Lilac fair,
Wi' purple blossoms to the Spring,
And I, a bird to shelter there,
When wearied on my little wing!
How I wad mourn when it was torn
By Autumn wild, and Winter rude!
But I wad sing on wanton wing,
When youthfu' May its bloom renew'd.

Blossoms to the Spring
O gin my love were yon red rose,
That grows upon the castle wa';
And I myself a drap o' dew,
Into her bonie breast to fa'!
O there, beyond expression blest,
I'd feast on beauty a' the night;
Seal'd on her silk-saft faulds to rest,
Till fley'd awa by Phoebus' light!

Pink Blossoms to the Spring
One of the best-known poets of the eighteenth century, Robert Burns is known also as the "Bard of Ayshire". I like his romantic poems more than those about politics and patriotism. I discovered his opera after I've been welcomed by his statue when I walked first time through Stanley Park.

This poem has captured my attention when I've been wondering throughout 'Read book online' website and I featured it because it's really blooming with colors: purple, red, pink, lilac  on Vancouver's streets.

Purple flowers

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tussie-Mussie and Boutonniere

I start thinking again about Tussie-Mussie and Boutonnieres due the request of one of our friends to help them making the floral arrangements at their wedding.

Tussie-Mussie with Scented-leaved Pelargoniums and Bay-Laurel branches
Tussie-Mussie with Scented-leaved Pelargoniums and Bay-Laurel branches

Hystorically, a tussie-mussie  (known also as nosegay) is a small, exquisite cluster of  flowers that can be used for almost any occasion: to express  congratulations and birthday greetings or to decorate festive tables at celebration gatherings.

Boutonniere with rose-scented pelargonium flowers and bay-laurel leaves
Boutonniere with rose-scented pelargonium flowers
I have made bridal bouquets (Tussie-Mussie), assorted hand-held bouquets for maids and boutonnieres for few bridal showers and weddings. Of course, I've used all the time scented pelargoniums leaves and  flowers. I like to combine various scents and even to add small branches in bloom when making them.

The symbolic meaning of some of the leaves / flowers used in those dainty arrangements has been inherited from old times.  There are dozens of floral dictionaries already published, but I mention just the meanings of my favorite plants: red geranium  flowers for health and protection, pink geranium flowers for grace, beauty and devotion, mauve geranium flowers for faithfulness, white geranium flowers for friendship and loyalty.

 Boutonniere with pink roses and scented pelargoniums leaves
Boutonniere with roses

The scents and shapes of the leaves also have kept their meanings over the years:  the rose-scented and lemon-rose scented crinkled leaves for true love and friendship;  balm or lemon-balm scented pelargoniums for sympathy,  pine-scented fern-leaved pelargoniums (filicifolium)   for sincerity , oak-leaved pelargoniums for true friendship, nutmeg-scented pelargonium (xFragrans)  for loyalty.
Of course, in my floral arrangements you may find not only pelargoniums  and geraniums. Talking through their meanings, I'm using also other plants like Bay Laurel leaves for victory,  baby's breath for innocence, roses for preference, friendship and true love, rosemary for remembrance, red basil for best wishes, marjoram for kindness and courtesy and myrtle for fidelity.

You can  let  your imagination and creativity to run when tie flower bouquet with rubber band and strips of fabrics assorted with the theme of the event. It is a delightful task  of playing with colors, textures, scents when arranging flowers and herbs together, until you have the type of  tussie-mussie you want.

Cherry Blossoms Haiku

Pink hours,
Cherry blossoms run-off and dance
Spilling on roads.

 Cherry Blossoms in March on Vancouver's streets

It seems a wonderful gift from Nature to find cherry blossoms in March!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Language of Flowers, 1942

I came across a beautiful 1942's presentation "Language of Flowers" done at Kew Gardens, London.  I was amazed by the shots of the flowers and by the diagram showing the make up of a flower. Did you ever wonder what happens when you press a flower? You can always find pressed flowers in my books like those featured in this clip.

This historic video-clip embedded is shared by "British Pathe" website, one of the oldest media company of the world, in their Cinemagazines collection (they have all rights for it) and I'm sure you'll like it, too.  

"Once in a golden hour 
I cast to earth a seeds. 
Up there came a flower, 
The people said, a weed."
from "The Flower" poem featured in clip.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Merry Christmas Everyone from ScentedLeaf Team! 

 Merry Christmas everyone from ScentedLeaf (Bay Laurel bonsai)

Did you hang up a stoking on your wall?  Santa Claus is coming to town!
Just wanted to wish you and all yours a very happy Holiday.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Santa Claus Vancouver Parade 2011, The Spirit of Giving

Santa Claus was coming early to Vancouver this year ... on December 5th.

 Santa Claus Parade, Vancouver, 2011

Did you attend such an event before? Believe me, the spirit of  Christmas was nurturing in everyone during that happy and festive hour of  parade with a fantastic reaction of people to the beauty and joy, no matter what cultural or religious background they had.

Santa Claus Parade, Vancouver, 2011, collection car of Vancouver Fire Department

Santa Claus Parade, Vancouver, 2011, FALUN DAFA Organization

Santa Claus Parade, Vancouver, 2011, happy feet two

Santa Claus Parade, Vancouver, 2011, Kijiji carriage

Santa Claus Parade, Vancouver, 2011, music band of Vancouver Fire Department

Santa Claus Parade, Vancouver, 2011, wet jet

The main sponsor of this event was Rogers, but was a real pleasure to see all teams who were featuring  the Santa's Parade 2011 to Vancouver (the pictures proved this) :  Vancouver Police,  Vancouver Community Policing Centres,Toys4us, Worksafe BC, Kijiji,  Naden Band from Victoria BC, Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services, Vancouver Ambulance,  FALUN DAFA Organization, Purdy's Chocolate, Genesis Security, International Vancouver Airport, Eagle West, WAR AMPS, Vancouver Aquarium, Gingerbread Lane, Scouts Canada and Spartans.

Santa Claus Parade, Vancouver, 2011, music band

Russian Theater Show was concurred by some music, dancing,  gymnastics bands from Vancouver's, Burnaby and Richmond Schools - so many children giving of their time and skills for the others delight. Media was represented by CityTV, Breakfast Television BT, Mountain FM and Jack FM

Santa Claus Parade, Vancouver, 2011, media cars

Santa Claus Parade, Vancouver, 2011, Vancouver Aquarium

Santa Claus Parade, Vancouver, 2011, carriage with ponei

 Santa Claus Parade, Vancouver, 2011, Gingerbread lane

The Spirit of Giving is in the air.  Stay around for Santa Claus' return on Christmas Eve and join to Santa's and ScentedLeaf Giveaway 2011.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Santa Claus and ScentedLeaf Giveaway 2011

The Christmas Eve is almost here ... and Santa Claus is Coming To Town, ScentedLeaf is helping him and brings you this "SCENTsational" Giveaway:

How would you like to win one of the 5 Great Prizes - pack of 10 Apple Scented Pelargonium seeds (Pelargonium Odoratissimum)

Apple scented-leaf Pelargonium Odoratissimum bonsai

You better watch out ... this "SCENTsational" Giveaway from ScentedLeaf!
You better not cry... There are 5 great chances to win seeds of Apple Scented Pelargonium
Better not pout ... Edible, fragrant, useful, showy, flowering, drought resistant and very forgiving plant
I'm telling you why ... you can win by following this simple instructions
Santa Claus is coming to town ... yaaa, that's for sure

He's making a list  ... Ok, Pack of 10 seeds of Apple scented Pelargonium seeds ... Check!
And checking it twice ... hmmm, there's more: 5 packs of Apple scented Pelargonium seeds!!!

Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice ... be nice and follow us on Twitter and Facebook
Santa Claus is coming to town ... Told Ya So!

He sees you when you're sleeping ... Hurry up ... only couple of days left!
He knows when you're awake ... Don't just sit here reading and singing ... enter this Giveaway!
He knows if you've been bad or good  ... That's easy, follow us ... or even better, ebay from us!
So be good for goodness sake! ... C'mon click already!!!

O! You better watch out! ... What I'm gonna do with you ?!
You better not cry ... Ok, take it easy ... there will be be other chances ... soon.
Better not pout ... Thank you for visiting.
I'm telling you why ...  Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus is coming to town ... Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus is coming to town ... We wish you Merry Christmas ... and a Happy New Year!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Growth of a Tree, by Meish Goldish

Planting a tree is an unforgettable practical experience for any kids. We keep our children attuned to many little gardening projects we do. Few days ago, when we've packed the outdoor bonsai and the seedlings in insulated packs for outside wintering,  we started to talk again about the changing colors of autumn leaves (one of our preferred themes those days).

amazing changing colors of nature in autumn

Then the discussion did take a new direction: what poems and songs they know about trees.

We had fun reciting or singing together many pieces. This one was our favorite.
I hope you enjoy it, too.

amazing autumn colors of maple foliage

"Growth of a Tree" 
                by Meish Goldish.

I'm a little maple, oh so small,
In years ahead, I'll grow so tall!
With a lot of water, sun, and air,
I will soon be way up there!

Deep inside the soil my roots are found,
Drinking the water underground.
Water from the roots my trunk receives,
Then my trunk starts making leaves.

As I start to climb in altitude,
Leaves on my branches will make food.
Soon my trunk and branches will grow wide,
And I'll grow more bark outside!

I will be a maple very tall,
Losing my leaves when it is fall.
But when it is spring, new leaves will show.
How do trees grow? Now you know!

amazing fall colors of maple trees 


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Scented Pelargoniums Seeds available for sale on our Store. Free Shipping !!!

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