
Change of Address

A client who wishes to change his address   has to intimate the DP in writing about the same. The specified forms are available at any of the Saraswat Bank branches. The following documents are required to be submitted for change of address:

  1. A duly filled form for change of address.In case of joint holdings, all the holders must sign the application.
  2. Proof Of new address along with original documents of the new address.

The Saraswat Bank Official will verify the document pertaining to the new address along with the original and affix the stamp verified with original. Any one of the documents mentioned in the Account Opening module may be submitted as Proof of Residence.

Closure of Account

A client who wishes to close his demat account should make a request in the required form. The account closure form is available at any of your nearest Saraswat Bank branches.Please ensure the following things :

  1. The account closing form is duly signed by all the holders.
  2. There are no holdings in the account
  3. There are no outstanding dues in this account.


  1. Where the Demat Holder does not wish to operate the account for long span of time he can freeze his account by giving a request in writing in a specified format duly signed by all the holders.
  2. Account can be defreezed similarly, if the client wishes to operate the account in the normal course.

Please contact us at user.demat@saraswatbank.com or Tel- 022-68327310/ 11/ 12