*Cathy of Alex tagged me. I don't usually do memes but she and Swissmiss made me an offer I couldn't refuse (threatened to stop sending me cookies and cakes, and worse: something about having Phil Donahue come over my house..)
*Cathy and companion.
1) What food, even if you were dying of starvation on a deserted island, would you refuse to eat?
2) What is your favorite frozen dinner entree?
3) What is your favorite beverage?
4) What condiment do you use the most?
5) If you were a vitamin/nutrient which one would you be and why?
(Because I'd be in a convenient neutral tasting easy to swallow liquid form.)
6) If you were about to be executed for crimes against humanity what would your last meal consist of?
I tag:
Mom With a Heart For God (See Mom's Food Choices)
Belinda (See Belinda's Food Choices)
Father Zuhlsdorf
Tara (See Tara's Food Choices)