Showing posts with label Poland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poland. Show all posts

Monday, November 2, 2015

Polish Football Fans Unfurl 50-Foot ‘Stand And Defend Christianity’ Banner At Premier League Match

by Raheem Kassam and Oliver Lane

Polish football (soccer) fans unveiled an enormous anti mass migration banner at Sunday’s Silesian Wrocław match against Poznań. Images from the match last night show a giant crusader defending Europe from invading jihadists in boats labelled USS Hussein, USS Bin Laden and USS ISIS.

(Breitbart) Just a week after Poland voted to kick out every left-wing member of it’s national parliament, ordinary Poles have again shown the spirit which led them to elect the nationalist conservative Law and Justice party, with football fans unveiling an over-sized anti-migration banner at Sunday’s match.

The hand-painted sheet, which is estimated to have been at least 50 feet tall and 75 feet wide depicts boatloads of migrants preparing to land on the southern shore of Europe. Many of the boat’s crews make the one fingered ‘ISIS salute’.

Defending Europe while clutching a sword and a shield showing the crest of the Silesian Wrocław football club, a St. George’s cross-wearing crusader stands ready to fight the migrants, below writing which reads “While Europe Is Flooded With An Islamic Plague”.

Underneath, another 100 foot wide banner hangs from the stalls behind the goal and reads, in a traditional Polish script: “Let Us Stand In Defence Of Christianity”.

Wrocław football club has one of the largest supporter bases in Poland, and the most politically active. Banners with strong anti-Communist messages are commonly seen at their games – and the fans like to get involved.

As well as football scarves which split space between the crests of the team, Poland, and anti-Islam symbols, banners seen at past matches have also condoned violence towards supporters of left-wing political views.

Wrocław maintains a strong friendship with Legia Warsaw, another politically active football team.

Legia has been fined on a number of occasions by football governing body UEFA over supposed racism at matches, and has displayed banners mocking Islamic jihad.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Exorcism boom in Poland sees magazine launch

(Radio Netherlands Worldwide) With exorcism booming in Poland, Roman Catholic priests have joined forces with a publisher to launch what they claim is the world's first monthly magazine focused exclusively on chasing out the devil.

"The rise in the number or exorcists from four to more than 120 over the course of 15 years in Poland is telling," Father Aleksander Posacki, a professor of philosophy, theology and leading demonologist and exorcist told reporters in Warsaw at the Monday launch of the Egzorcysta monthly.

Ironically, he attributed the rise in demonic possessions in what remains one of Europe's most devoutly Catholic nations partly to the switch from atheist communism to free market capitalism in 1989.

"It's indirectly due to changes in the system: capitalism creates more opportunities to do business in the area of occultism. Fortune telling has even been categorised as employment for taxation," Posacki told AFP.

"If people can make money out of it, naturally it grows and its spiritual harm grows too," he said, hastening to add authentic exorcism is absolutely free of charge.

Posacki, who also serves on an international panel of expert Roman Catholic exorcists, highlighted what he termed the "helplessness of various schools of psychology and psychiatry" when confronted with extreme behaviours that conventional therapies fail to cure.

"Possession comes as a result of committing evil. Stealing, killing and other sins," he told reporters, adding that evil spirits are chased out using a guide of ritual prayers approved by Polish-born pope John Paul II in 1999.

"Our hands are full," admitted fellow exorcist and Polish Roman Catholic priest Father Andrzej Grefkowicz, revealing exorcists have a three month waiting list in the capital Warsaw.

Priests performing exorcism also work with psychiatrists in order to avoid mistaking mental illness for possession, he said.

"I've invited psychiatrists to meetings when I've had doubts about a case and often we've both concluded the issue is mental illness, hysteria, not possession," he said.

According to both exorcists, depictions of demonic possession in horror films are largely accurate.

"It manifests itself in the form of screams, shouting, anger, rage -- threats are common," Posacki said.

"Manifestation in the form or levitation is less common, but does occur and we must speak about it -- I've seen it with my own eyes," he added.

With its 62-page first issue including articles titled "New Age -- the spiritual vacuum cleaner" and "Satan is real", the Egzorcysta monthly with a print-run of 15,000 by the Polwen publishers is selling for 10 zloty (2.34 euros, 3.10 dollars) per copy.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why Just Execution is a Truly Merciful Act

Posted by Ann Barnhardt - April 17, AD 2012 8:20 PM MST

Fr. Z over at (What Does the Prayer Really Say) posted this on Sunday in honor of Divine Mercy Sunday.

In a nutshell, Rudolf Hoess, the Nazi butcher, was raised Catholic but formally renounced the Church as a young man and eventually became a Nazi and then the Commandant of Auschwitz.

After the war, Hoess was captured and tried in Poland. He was hanged immediately adjacent to the Auschwitz crematory on April 16, 1947.

While in his cell in Krakow, shortly before his execution, Hoess could hear the bells of the nearby convent and he remembered the faith of his youth. He asked to see a priest. He partook of the Sacrament of Confession, was reconciled to Christ and His Church, and received the Eucharist.

Let's assume that Hoess' penitence was sincere. Debating his sincerity really isn't a worthwhile activity because we simply cannot know. Only Christ knows Hoess' heart. You can't bee-ess Our Lord.

So, here's the point. Would Hoess have been contrite and sought the Divine Mercy of Our Lord had he NOT been within days of being executed? Was it the fact and full knowledge of his forthcoming death that moved him to repent? Had he been still on the loose, had he "gotten away" would he have had the same conversion of heart? If he had lived to old age, would the passage of time have dulled his recollection of what he had done, and thus even if facing a quiet, natural death as an old man, would he have been moved to repent?
Obviously, the answer to these questions is "no". It was the fact of Hoess' execution itself that acted as the earthly conduit of God's grace. The full, swift application of justice is essential to any civilized society.

Execution can be the most profound act of mercy and charity in a society, and has the power to literally save SOULS. And yes, a man can be forgiven, but still justly executed. Execution is not mathematically opposed to the Lord's Prayer.

But, of course, you'll never hear any sort of discussion like this in today's superfun rockband church, or even in the infiltrated and desperately stupid Catholic parishes - which are trying to be superfun rockband church. And the key word there is STUPID. The Marxist infiltration of Christianity has as its prime tactic the "stupidification" of the liturgy and theology. Superfun rockband church is STUPID. It is INSIPID. It is DIM-WITTED. It is OBTUSE. It is MORONIC.

Think. Think about Hoess and the possibility of the Infinite Mercy of Christ being applied even to him. Think about true justice, and how it must be present in order for there to be true charity.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

A mourner in Hammersmith, west London, lays a tribute to parish priest Reverend Canon Bronislaw Gostomski, who was killed in this morning's plane crash

Grief: A huge crowd of mourners gather in front of the Presidential Palace to pay tribute to late Polish President Lech Kaczynski, in Warsaw, Poland, today

Tributes: Thousands of Poles flooded the streets around Warsaw's presidential palace on hearing news of the plane crash which killed Lech Kaczynski and his wife Maria

Polska zalana łzami - zdjęcia
Polska zalana łzami - zdjęcia
Polska zalana łzami - zdjęcia

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Former Polish president: I would have resigned the presidency rather than legalize abortion

.- Nobel Peace Prize laureate and ex-president of Poland, Lech Walesa, said in Spain this week he would have resigned as president “twenty times” before signing a law that would allow abortion in his country.

Walesa made his statements during the Europe Forum together with Miguel Duran of Spain, who is running for a spot in the European Parliament.

The former Polish president explained he would “never” agree with a law that allows abortion because he cannot accept “the killing of innocents,” although he did recognize that no woman ever wants to “kill her child,” but rather is usually motivated by “other situations.”

For his part, Duran criticized the Spanish Socialist government for its political “opportunism” with regards to these issues, especially in a time of crisis. “It would be more important to devote our energies to resolving the problem of the four million unemployed,” he underscored.

“I am bewildered that a government that calls itself progressive would play around with these issues. The government is unfortunately throwing a curtain of blood over the true problem,” Duran charged.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Catholics to make 57-mile pilgrimage to Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa

Trenton, Aug 7, 2008 / 05:06 pm (CNA).- On Thursday morning American Catholics began their version of a centuries-old Polish pilgrimage with a 6 am Mass in Great Meadows in northwest New Jersey. Their four-day walk of penance, song and prayer is destined for the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, Pennsylvania.

In Poland many of the faithful walk hundreds of miles on foot to Jasna Gora monastery in Czestochowa, which since 1384 has hosted the icon called the Black Madonna. The icon, whose creation is attributed to the evangelist St. Luke, depicts Poland’s patron saint, Our Lady of Czestochowa, bearing a darkened face.

A similar pilgrimage has taken place in the United States since 1988, with more than 2,000 pilgrims trekking to the National Shrine last year, the Associated Press says. Most of the pilgrims walk 57 miles to Doylestown from Great Meadows, though smaller groups take shorter routes from Trenton and Philadelphia.

Pilgrims remain largely unseen as they pray, sing, and walk along rural back roads in lines that often stretch for miles.

"It's amazing," commented one pilgrim, 25-year-old Jolanta Derkacz. "You get to see how much stronger you are as a person, how you can adapt to your surroundings, and the things you feel -- it can change your life."

According to the Associated Press, Derkacz said she has made the pilgrimage since she was nine, explaining that it helps strengthen her faith and her ties with Polish immigrants.

"It bonds people together," she explained. "You hear people say; 'I would love to hear your story.' It shows you wonderfully the power of God -- you meet somebody you may have never talked to because they sat 10 aisles away from you in church."

According to Derkacz, the pilgrims sometimes attract stares and insults while other passersby wave, take pictures, or applaud when the pilgrims move through small towns in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Some towns along the pilgrimage route provide participants with a police escort or stop traffic to let them pass. Homeowners and farmers allow pilgrims to camp on their property each night.

At some locations, nuns nicknamed “Sister Blister” treat pilgrims’ tired feet.

While pilgrims often sing in Polish and are of Polish background, the dark-complexioned Black Madonna icon has attracted groups of Haitians from Brooklyn, New York and elsewhere to the pilgrimage. They reportedly see in the icon’s complexion and distinctive cheek scars, a reference to their African heritage.

Prayers in Creole, English and Spanish are often heard from pilgrims’ lips.

Bozena Bienkowska, a Polish native now living in Trenton, said she did not have a chance to take part in the pilgrimage while growing up because of the then-ruling communist government, according to the Associated Press. She made her first pilgrimage when she immigrated to New Jersey 20 years ago.

"In Poland, I didn't go, I was dreaming and hoping that one day I would join," she said. "I never dreamt we could have this here in the United States. As you see, here, any dream can come true."

According to the pilgrimage web site, the pilgrimage is planned to end on Sunday with a 2 pm Mass at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa.