Pat Buchanan: 'What did Christ die on the cross to save us from?'
By Pat Buchanan
(WND) “Pope Declares No Hell?”
So ran the riveting headline on the Drudge Report of Holy Thursday.
Drudge quoted this exchange, published in La Repubblica, between Pope Francis and his atheist friend, journalist Eugenio Scalfari.
Scalfari: “What about bad souls? Where are they punished?”
Bad souls “are not punished,” Pope Francis is quoted, “those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls.”
On the first Holy Thursday, Judas betrayed Christ. And of Judas the Lord said, “Woe to that man by whom the Son of Man shall be betrayed; it were better for him if that man had never been born.”
Did the soul of Judas, and those of the monstrous evildoers of history, “just fade away,” as Gen. Douglas MacArthur said of old soldiers? If there is no hell, is not the greatest deterrent to the worst of sins removed?
What did Christ die on the cross to save us from?
If Francis made such a statement, it would be rank heresy.
Had the pope been speaking ex cathedra, as the vicar of Christ on earth, he would be contradicting 2,000 years of Catholic doctrine, rooted in the teachings of Christ himself. He would be calling into question papal infallibility, as defined in 1870 by the Vatican Council of Pius IX.
Questions would arise as to whether Francis is a true pope.
The Vatican swiftly issued a statement saying the pope had had a private conversation, not a formal interview, with his friend, Scalfari.
The Vatican added: “The textual words pronounced by the pope are not quoted. No quotation of the aforementioned article must therefore be considered as a faithful transcription of the words of the Holy Father.”
Sorry, but this will not do. This does not answer the questions the pope raised in his chat. Does hell exist? Are souls that die in mortal sin damned to hell for all eternity? Does the pope accept this belief? Is this still the infallible teaching of the Roman Catholic Church?
However one may applaud Francis’ stance on social justice, on matters of faith and morals he has called defined doctrine into question and created confusion throughout the Church he heads.
In his letter Amoris Laetitia, “The Joy of Love,” the pope seemed to give approval to the receiving of Holy Communion by divorced and remarried Catholics, whose previous marriages had not been annulled, and whom the Church holds to be living in adultery.
Relying on the pope’s letter, German bishops have begun to authorize the distribution of Communion to divorced and remarried couples.
Cardinal Gerhard Muller, former prefect of the Vatican office for the Doctrine of the Faith, the position once held by Pope Benedict XVI, says this contradicts Catholic doctrine as enunciated by Pope John Paul II.
Said Cardinal Muller, “No power in heaven or on earth, neither an angel nor the pope, not a council, nor a law of the bishops has the faculty to change it.”
Four cardinals, including Raymond Burke of the United States, in a formal letter, asked the pope to clarify Amoris Laetitia. The pope did not, nor has he addressed the cardinals’ concerns.
Indeed, when asked early in his papacy about the immorality of homosexuality, the pope parried the question, “Who am I to judge?”
But if not thee, who? Is not the judging of right and wrong part of the job description?
Nor is it only in the realm of doctrine that the pope has sown confusion among the faithful.
To legalize the underground Catholic Church in China, the pope and the Vatican have agreed to ask Catholic bishops to stand aside for bishops approved by the Communist Party that seeks tighter control of Christian faiths.
The Vatican has also agreed to approve the consecration of a bishop named by Beijing, whom Rome previously regarded as illegitimate.
The capitulation is necessary for the Catholic Church in China to survive and prosper, argues the Vatican. But what kind of church will it become, asks retired Archbishop Joseph Zen Ze-kiun of Hong Kong.
The Vatican is “selling out” the Church in China, says the archbishop: “Some say that all the effort to reach an agreement is to avoid the ecclesial schism. How ridiculous! The schism is there, in the Independent Church!”
Archbishop Zen concedes his criticism of the Communist Party and the Vatican’s diplomatic efforts are causing problems in closing the rift between the underground Church and the Communist Party-sanctioned church, but he makes no apology: “Am I the major obstacle in the process of reaching a deal between the Vatican and China? If that is a bad deal, I would be more than happy to be the obstacle.”
There is a division inside Catholicism that is widening, between a Third World and traditional church that are growing, and a mainstream Church in Europe and here that is taking on aspects of the Anglican Church of the 20th century.
And how did that turn out, Your Holiness?
Happy Easter!
Showing posts with label Hell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hell. Show all posts
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Judas and Hell
The Vortex
(Church Militant) Monday, we showed the voice of Scripture on Judas being in Hell; yesterday we showed constant witness of the Fathers of the Church.
Today: the witness of the saints in approved private revelation, and specifically, the Church-approved revelations of God the Father to St. Catherine of Siena.
In her famous Dialogue, St. Catherine reveals the following that was told to her by God the Father:
So the despair of Judas displeased Me more and was a greater insult to My Son than his betrayal had been. Therefore, such as these are reproved for this false judgment of considering their sin to be greater than My mercy, and for this they are punished with the demons and tortured eternally with them.Notice again the sin of Judas betraying Our Blessed Lord is not the one for which he is damned, but the despair of God’s mercy. But whatever the sin, he is damned.
From Scriptures, from Doctors and Fathers of the Church, from Church-approved private revelations of the saints — nowhere in 2000 years is there a voice in the Church declaring that Judas was saved.
And if you include Church-approved private revelations as credible sources, then there is actually a three-fold revelation of Judas being damned from each of the Persons of the Blessed Trinity: God the Father to St. Catherine; God the Son as related by the Gospel writers; and the Holy Spirit as revealed to St. Peter and recounted through inspiration in the Acts of the Apostles. Add to this the deep reflection and meditations by Popes, Doctors, and Fathers, and it is simply UN-Catholic to try and hold that Judas was saved.
And as to the objection that the Church does not teach that Judas is damned as part of official teaching — that’s a pointless objection. There are many things the Church holds that are not part of declared dogmatic teaching. Something doesn’t have to be officially declared to be true; it’s just that whatever is declared definitively is true.
Moreover, we should never look to the Church to declare anything definitively that does not bear directly on our salvation. The declaring of someone as being damned does not bear on your or my salvation.
And switching gears here to the question of private revelation, it can never contradict official Church teaching. This is one of the ways that so many fraudulent apparitions are discovered. Our Lady, or whoever the supposed vision is of, says some oddball thing, or in other cases simply never seems to say anything related to Church teaching. It’s one of the biggest reasons for totally dismissing the supposed revelations of Our Lady of Medjugorje.
Having allegedly appeared every day now for over 30 years — including many multiple appearances in the same day to some of the various seers — this means if that apparition is true, that Our Lady has appeared more than 12,000 times, day after day, with no end in sight.
In all those appearances (more than 12,000) she has never, ever — not once — breathed a word about the worldwide slaughter of over one billion children in the womb. She has never said a word about the evil of sodomy and its quickly growing acceptance by even many Catholics. She has never breathed a word about the increase in sin, homosexuality in the clergy and so forth.
But according to the visionaries, she has said things like the differences in world religions don’t matter to God.
That is a fake apparition, regardless of how many people who have gone their have felt about it. Feelings do not make something true. The truth makes something true. The supposed visions at Medjugorje are the perfect apparition for a Church drowning in feel-good emotions. They appeal to Catholics on an emotional level, not an intellectual level, that is to say, an authentically spiritual level.
This is a fake private revelation, especially when you consider that nothing has really been revealed.
But in cases like real apparitions and private revelations such as that of God the Father to St. Catherine of Siena, not only is nothing revealed contrary to Church teaching or tradition — it all agrees with and supports already-existing tradition and teaching.
When it comes to the question of Judas, there can be no private revelation revealing he is saved because such a private revelation would stand in contradiction to close to 2000 years of well-grounded (including Scripture) belief that he is damned.
Even the early fourth-century saint of the East Ephraim said, "Judas was the treasurer of his poison [referring to Satan]; And although Satan’s form is hidden, in Judas he is totally visible. Though Satan’s history is a long one, it is summed up in the Iscariot."
The Holy Spirit inspired the prophets a thousand years before Our Lord to speak of this; Our Blessed Lord Himself spoke of this; the first Pope spoke of it; later Popes spoke of it; the Early Fathers spoke of it; later Doctors of the Church spoke of it; the saints down through the ages spoke it; private revelation spoke of it.
And of it there can be no doubt: Judas is damned.
But the effort to “say it isn’t so” still continues, with feeble attempts to deny it. One in particular has created much much confusion in people’s minds in understanding some fundamental truths of the Faith. It is the subject of tomorrow’s Vortex, and it is the attempt to say Judas had to betray Jesus in order for us to be redeemed. Not a word of truth to that.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Dog Vomit Expansion
By Ann Barnhardt @
1. I tickles me to no end that this dialogue is not only possible, but probable:
Person One: So, what was it that finally convicted you of the truth and caused you to revert/convert to Catholicism?
Person Two: Dog vomit. The thing about the dogs eating their own vomit. Totally.
2. So I posted 2 Peter 2 in the post below, which ends with Peter recalling Proverbs 26:11:
As a dog that returneth to his vomit, so is the fool that repeateth his folly.
Sicut canis qui revertitur ad vomitum suum, sic imprudens qui iterat stultitiam suam.
Now, the story of how that came up is this: I am currently reading “Sermons of St. Alphonsus Liguori”, which I cannot recommend with sufficient strength, and I found myself earlier this week reading “Sermon XLI, On the Abuse of Divine Mercy”. Ever so slightly relevant to the current goings-on, eh? “Oooh. This should be interesting,” I thought to myself. Indeed. Allow me to quote from Section 2, emphases mine:
“When you intend to commit sin, who, I ask, promises you mercy from God? Certainly God does not promise it. It is the devil that promises it, that you may lose God and be damned. “Beware”, says St. John Chrysostom, “never to attend to that dog who promises the mercy of God.” If, beloved sinners, you have hitherto offended God, hope and tremble: if you desire to give up sin, and if you detest it, hope; because God promises pardon to all who repent of the evil they have done. But if you intend to continue in your sinful course, tremble lest God should wait no longer for you, but cast you into hell. Why does God wait for sinners? Is it that they may continue to insult Him? No; He waits for them that they may renounce sin, and that He may thus have pity on them, and forgive them. “Therefore the Lord waiteth, that He may have mercy on you” -Isaiah 30:18. But when He sees that the time which he gave them to weep over their past iniquities is spent in multiplying their sins, He begins to inflict chastisement, and He cuts them off in the state of sin, that, by dying, they may cease to offend Him. Then He calls against them the very time He had given them for repentance. “He hath called against me the time” -Lamentations 1:15. “The very time”, says St. Gregory, “comes to judge.”It was pointed out to me that when Chrysostom uses the pejorative “that dog”, it is far from random name calling. He is referencing the “dog that returneth to his vomit” from Proverbs 26 and 2 Peter 2.
The dog that eats his own vomit; the sow that was washed who returns to wallow in mud mingled with her own feces, that is “mire”, is the unrepentant sinner who has no intention of STOPPING THE SINFUL ACTIVITY.
One more block quote from section 5 of St. Alphonsus’ sermon:
St. Bernard says that the confidence which sinners have in God’s goodness, when they commit sin, procures for them not a blessing, but a malediction from the Lord. O deceitful hope, which sends so many Christians to hell! They do not hope for the pardon of sins of which they repent; but they hope that though they continue to sin, God will have mercy upon them; and thus they make the mercy of God serve as a motive for continuing to offend Him.Pray the Rosary, most especially the Sorrowful Mysteries, the First Sorrowful Mystery being The Agony of Our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane. The fruit of this mystery is SORROW FOR SIN, which is the utterly critical and essential prerequisite for His Mercy and forgiveness. Beg Him to know what every single one of your sins are, and for you to feel a portion of the agony at your sins that He bore in the Garden, such that you may be animated to STOP DOING THE SINFUL ACTIVITY.
Here is my recording of the Sorrowful Mysteries in Latin with the Litany of Loreto and the text file, specifically for the crushing of and in reparation for the Heresy of Modernism.
I hope this helps.
Ann Barnhardt,
St. Alphonsus Ligouri,
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Local Psychologist A Former Skeptic, Now Trains Priests In Exorcisms
By Andy Sheehan
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — So, exorcism might seem like fiction. But did you know that the Vatican has actually encouraged every Catholic diocese to have a trained exorcist on staff?
A local psychologist is an expert who is traveling around the world to train those priests.
Once he was a skeptic, but he tells KDKA’s Andy Sheehan, after assisting in nearly 100 exorcisms, his experiences have made him a believer.
For the past 10 years Adam Blai has been on the front line.
“Basically, it’s a war between heaven and hell,” says Blai. “That’s been going on since Creation started, and it’s a war over us for the most part.”
Fighting over the bodies and souls of the possessed.
“Their mouth isn’t moving and the sound coming out of them is beyond what a human can produce,” Blai says.
A force that’s taken over.
“I’ve also seen bones dislocate spontaneously, and pop out when something animated the body and put the body into a different shape,” he says.
Blai says he’s needed to summon angels and saints to battle what he calls “the kingdom of darkness.”
Sheehan: “So, it’s a war.”
Blai: “Oh yeah, we’ve seen the demon and possessed call out to its brothers and doors blow off and there’s nothing there, but something has entered the room. That happens all the time.”
Exorcism traces its roots to the New Testament Gospels where Jesus frees the possessed, but even Blai himself was initially skeptical.
“Your mind rebels against really believing that this is really real, even after you’ve seen some things,” he says. “But eventually, the evidence piles up, and the pile becomes so large that you really have to accept it.”
A trained psychologist at Penn state, Blai has studied the most violent criminals, but even in serial killers and rapists, he found at least some humanity – not so with the possessed.
“When you interact with somebody possessed by a demon, their heart is so completely and totally black and devoid of any hesitation or compassion that you know in your heart that they would tear you apart and be smiling the entire time,” Blai said.
Blai: “Holy water is something that’s used in every case.”
Sheehan: “Now, if you sprayed the possessed with holy water, would it burn? That’s something we see in the movies. There will be some reaction.”
Blai: “Oh yeah, they have a violet reactions. It looks as though they’ve been scourged with a whip.”
“It really changes you, and to see a full-blown case like they would make movies about — though Hollywood always exaggerates things a little bit – it really kind of straightens out your spiritually life,” Blai said. “And you have to think very hard about what you’re going to do with that knowledge.”
Monday, June 11, 2012
Make Sure You Bleed Out Real Good Part 1
By Ann Barnhardt @
So I got an email from someone last evening stating that I should totally monetize this website and make all kinds of money off of it because even if doing so is indeed sinful, I will never be punished for that or any other sin if I’m “saved”, because once a person is “saved” sin doesn’t matter anymore.
I hear variants on this all the time from neo-pagans who fancy themselves "Bible Christians." It’s the old “once saved, always saved” heresy, and man is this heresy bad, bad, bad. All heresies are bad, but this one is truly from the pit of hell.
As with all heresies, satan begins with a statement that is true, and then twists and perverts it into a hellish nightmare. The true statement that gets perverted in this case is: no person can ever merit salvation. No person can ever, through their own efforts “earn heaven.”
That is true. Christ’s Passion and Sacrifice is infinite. No person can ever come even remotely close to earning, deserving or meriting the Cross, which is nothing less than the total self-immolation of the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.
Where satan now leads people – and let me tell you, it is a massive number of people – is to the conclusion that because the Sacrifice of Calvary is infinite in the amount of grace that it makes available, and because no one can ever fully merit the total self-immolation of God Himself, that people need not even bother to try, and as corollary beyond that, that sin has become irrelevant to a person who declares themselves “saved.”
In short, do what you want, Jesus has it covered.
You people have got to snap out of this, because to embrace this mindset is to completely and totally reject Christ. Let me say that again: to embrace the “once saved, always saved” mindset is to completely and totally reject Christ. How can that be? Isn’t the “once saved, always saved” mindset simply an expression of faith in Jesus? No, it is not. It is an expression of faith in a legalistic abstraction. Jesus is not a legal contract, a juridical philosophical abstraction. Jesus Christ is a Person – a Divine Person. Saying, “If I do x, then Jesus is obligated to do y . . . If I accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior, then Jesus HAS to forgive my sins, so if I get “saved” I can do or not do whatever I want without any further worry . . . .” is not Christianity. It is a perverse, evil form of heartless litigation, and that lawyering bullshit is not going to fly at your Particular Judgment.
For the last 2000 years, there have been many people, later declared saints, who have been given private revelations from Our Lord. There is a remarkably consistent thread that runs through these revelations, and that is the command, and dare I say even the pleading by Our Lord to pray and contemplate on His Passion and Death. It is constant. The Stations of the Cross. The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. Spontaneous prayer focused on His Passion and Death. And obviously, the Mass itself, which is Calvary Itself re-presented by the manipulation of time. Why? Because keeping focused on His Suffering forces us to acknowledge His Humanity and His Personhood. If a person stops regarding Jesus as a Person, or never regarded Him as a Person at all, but rather as an abstract philosophical or legal construct, that person is no longer Christian. They are no longer worshiping God. They are worshiping something inside their minds that does not exist. Non-existent abstractions did not die for you. Non-existent abstractions do not and cannot forgive your sins and reconcile you to the Father. Non-existent abstractions DO NOT EXIST. By staying focused and ever-mindful of the Passion, we are kept engaged and close to Christ’s Humanity and Personhood and from slipping into this apostasy of worshiping a system of contract law that we name “jesus.”
Oh, but it gets so much worse. If you are a person who believes that sin no longer matters, and that no matter what you do or don’t do, it’s cool because “Jesus has me covered – I’m free to live my life and no longer worry about whether my actions are sinful or not,” you will be one of the people who very well may be utterly rejected and turned away by Christ at the Judgment. Remember this verse?
By Ann Barnhardt
Let’s think this through, and I warn you, this is going to get brutal, because you people clearly are not thinking about this or comprehending this.
Jesus Christ is a Person, who is also God, who loves you infinitely. He has freely chosen to suffer infinitely for you – and not just physically, but spiritually. He has volunteered to allow you to kill Him and break His Heart unto complete burning immolation. You do this to Him with every sin you commit. Since He is infinitely good, infinitely innocent, and loves you infinitely, every sin you commit against Him is an infinite offense. And because His Blood is infinitely precious, it has the capacity to cover any sin, and can never be earned or merited by any person. Got it? Every sin causes Him infinite pain.
If you tell yourself that because of this dynamic of infinities canceling each other out that you can therefore mathematically sin without compunction and still be “legally covered”, and that since you can never mathematically merit salvation, you shouldn’t even bother worrying about or trying to avoid sin, you have declared that you by definition DO NOT LOVE JESUS. How? Because you are declaring that you are indifferent to His suffering. You are declaring that you do not care and are unmoved by the fact that you are causing Jesus Christ infinite pain. Not only that, but you are using His infinite capacity for pain as a satanic counterfeit currency with which you happily convince yourself you have an infinite supply of to purchase the legal right to sin and still retain your salvation. And this is what gives satan tremendous satisfaction. THIS is what he is seeking to accomplish. Satan luxuriates in a masturbatory frenzy at the agony of Christ, the God-Man.
Do you know what the opposite of love is? It isn’t hate. The opposite of love is indifference. If you are indifferent to the suffering you inflict on Christ with your sins, you do not love Him in any way shape or form. Your indifference is worse than hating Him. Satan hates Him, but satan fully acknowledges both His Divine Personhood and His Suffering on the Cross. The indifferent man denies Christ’s very personhood and thus is totally indifferent and apathetic towards His very real Suffering.
If some soulless gang-banger walked up to me on the street and started beating the crap out of me, I wouldn't take it personally. It would be a physical crime, but it wouldn't break my heart. You know what would break my heart? If I was walking along with my best friend, a soulless gang-banger started beating the crap out of me, I cried out for help, and when I turned to my best friend, instead of helping me he turned and walked in the opposite direction. THAT would break my heart. THAT would damn-near kill me, not Pookie the gang-banger. Bruises and broken bones heal. Broken hearts? The total indifference of a FRIEND? That would leave scars that would never, ever would go away. That's why Jesus still has His Wounds after the Resurrection, and always will. Look at the holes in His hands, feet and side, and see your own indifference to Him.
If your parent, spouse, best friend, or even a total stranger was hooked up to a torture device and tortured to death every time you sinned in exchange for your life . . . wouldn’t you be horrified and try to do everything you could to not sin, and thus spare them as much agony as possible? And when you did sin, wouldn’t you be wracked with sorrow and tell that person that you were sorry? Wouldn’t you want to get them removed from the torture device, or at least hook yourself up to it too so that you could bear a share of the agony – agony that you fully deserve, but they do not?
Oh, but not you “once saved, always saved” people. No. You would look at your beloved family member or friend hooked up to the torture device, feel absolutely nothing, and then with aloof indifference say, “You got me covered then? Cool. I’m out. I’ve got a life to lead, and since you’ve got me covered, I’m gonna live it up, Baby! Yeah!”
What the hell is wrong with you people? Seriously. This is all the domain of the psychopath. You have the unmitigated gall to call yourselves “true, Bible-believing Christians” and yet, from what I can tell, a terrifying number of you are totally indifferent to what you are doing to Christ by your sins, and even promote that indifference to His Passion as virtuous, and proof of your “faith.”
Well, I guess that’s what happens when you are the member of a schismatic sect and not of the Church. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t believe in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t go to Mass, but instead go to a pagan rock concert and worship yourself. I guess that’s what happens when there isn’t even a Crucifix, or for that matter even a Cross in your pagan meeting hall, so you don’t have even the slightest reminder of Christ’s Humanity, much less His Suffering. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t think or use your brain. I guess that’s what happens when churchin’ is merely a self-serving social and entertainment experience.
You got me covered then? Alright, I’m out. Catch You on the flip. Dude, make sure You bleed out real good ‘cause I’m planning on living it up, Baby! No worries, just doing what feels good and doin’ what a man’s gotta do to make it in the world, cause I know You got me covered, right? I’m prolly gonna need, like, a swimming pool of Blood to cover me, so just plan on that! But seriously, you can't expect me to hang around and deal with this, right? See Ya. I'll call You later.
So I got an email from someone last evening stating that I should totally monetize this website and make all kinds of money off of it because even if doing so is indeed sinful, I will never be punished for that or any other sin if I’m “saved”, because once a person is “saved” sin doesn’t matter anymore.
I hear variants on this all the time from neo-pagans who fancy themselves "Bible Christians." It’s the old “once saved, always saved” heresy, and man is this heresy bad, bad, bad. All heresies are bad, but this one is truly from the pit of hell.
As with all heresies, satan begins with a statement that is true, and then twists and perverts it into a hellish nightmare. The true statement that gets perverted in this case is: no person can ever merit salvation. No person can ever, through their own efforts “earn heaven.”
That is true. Christ’s Passion and Sacrifice is infinite. No person can ever come even remotely close to earning, deserving or meriting the Cross, which is nothing less than the total self-immolation of the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.
Where satan now leads people – and let me tell you, it is a massive number of people – is to the conclusion that because the Sacrifice of Calvary is infinite in the amount of grace that it makes available, and because no one can ever fully merit the total self-immolation of God Himself, that people need not even bother to try, and as corollary beyond that, that sin has become irrelevant to a person who declares themselves “saved.”
In short, do what you want, Jesus has it covered.
You people have got to snap out of this, because to embrace this mindset is to completely and totally reject Christ. Let me say that again: to embrace the “once saved, always saved” mindset is to completely and totally reject Christ. How can that be? Isn’t the “once saved, always saved” mindset simply an expression of faith in Jesus? No, it is not. It is an expression of faith in a legalistic abstraction. Jesus is not a legal contract, a juridical philosophical abstraction. Jesus Christ is a Person – a Divine Person. Saying, “If I do x, then Jesus is obligated to do y . . . If I accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior, then Jesus HAS to forgive my sins, so if I get “saved” I can do or not do whatever I want without any further worry . . . .” is not Christianity. It is a perverse, evil form of heartless litigation, and that lawyering bullshit is not going to fly at your Particular Judgment.
For the last 2000 years, there have been many people, later declared saints, who have been given private revelations from Our Lord. There is a remarkably consistent thread that runs through these revelations, and that is the command, and dare I say even the pleading by Our Lord to pray and contemplate on His Passion and Death. It is constant. The Stations of the Cross. The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. Spontaneous prayer focused on His Passion and Death. And obviously, the Mass itself, which is Calvary Itself re-presented by the manipulation of time. Why? Because keeping focused on His Suffering forces us to acknowledge His Humanity and His Personhood. If a person stops regarding Jesus as a Person, or never regarded Him as a Person at all, but rather as an abstract philosophical or legal construct, that person is no longer Christian. They are no longer worshiping God. They are worshiping something inside their minds that does not exist. Non-existent abstractions did not die for you. Non-existent abstractions do not and cannot forgive your sins and reconcile you to the Father. Non-existent abstractions DO NOT EXIST. By staying focused and ever-mindful of the Passion, we are kept engaged and close to Christ’s Humanity and Personhood and from slipping into this apostasy of worshiping a system of contract law that we name “jesus.”
Oh, but it gets so much worse. If you are a person who believes that sin no longer matters, and that no matter what you do or don’t do, it’s cool because “Jesus has me covered – I’m free to live my life and no longer worry about whether my actions are sinful or not,” you will be one of the people who very well may be utterly rejected and turned away by Christ at the Judgment. Remember this verse?
Not every one that saith to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of My Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. Many will say to Me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in Thy name, and cast out devils in Thy name, and done many miracles in Thy name? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, you that work iniquity.Make Sure You Bleed Out Real Good Part 2
--Matthew 7:21-23
By Ann Barnhardt
Let’s think this through, and I warn you, this is going to get brutal, because you people clearly are not thinking about this or comprehending this.
Jesus Christ is a Person, who is also God, who loves you infinitely. He has freely chosen to suffer infinitely for you – and not just physically, but spiritually. He has volunteered to allow you to kill Him and break His Heart unto complete burning immolation. You do this to Him with every sin you commit. Since He is infinitely good, infinitely innocent, and loves you infinitely, every sin you commit against Him is an infinite offense. And because His Blood is infinitely precious, it has the capacity to cover any sin, and can never be earned or merited by any person. Got it? Every sin causes Him infinite pain.
If you tell yourself that because of this dynamic of infinities canceling each other out that you can therefore mathematically sin without compunction and still be “legally covered”, and that since you can never mathematically merit salvation, you shouldn’t even bother worrying about or trying to avoid sin, you have declared that you by definition DO NOT LOVE JESUS. How? Because you are declaring that you are indifferent to His suffering. You are declaring that you do not care and are unmoved by the fact that you are causing Jesus Christ infinite pain. Not only that, but you are using His infinite capacity for pain as a satanic counterfeit currency with which you happily convince yourself you have an infinite supply of to purchase the legal right to sin and still retain your salvation. And this is what gives satan tremendous satisfaction. THIS is what he is seeking to accomplish. Satan luxuriates in a masturbatory frenzy at the agony of Christ, the God-Man.
Do you know what the opposite of love is? It isn’t hate. The opposite of love is indifference. If you are indifferent to the suffering you inflict on Christ with your sins, you do not love Him in any way shape or form. Your indifference is worse than hating Him. Satan hates Him, but satan fully acknowledges both His Divine Personhood and His Suffering on the Cross. The indifferent man denies Christ’s very personhood and thus is totally indifferent and apathetic towards His very real Suffering.
If some soulless gang-banger walked up to me on the street and started beating the crap out of me, I wouldn't take it personally. It would be a physical crime, but it wouldn't break my heart. You know what would break my heart? If I was walking along with my best friend, a soulless gang-banger started beating the crap out of me, I cried out for help, and when I turned to my best friend, instead of helping me he turned and walked in the opposite direction. THAT would break my heart. THAT would damn-near kill me, not Pookie the gang-banger. Bruises and broken bones heal. Broken hearts? The total indifference of a FRIEND? That would leave scars that would never, ever would go away. That's why Jesus still has His Wounds after the Resurrection, and always will. Look at the holes in His hands, feet and side, and see your own indifference to Him.
If your parent, spouse, best friend, or even a total stranger was hooked up to a torture device and tortured to death every time you sinned in exchange for your life . . . wouldn’t you be horrified and try to do everything you could to not sin, and thus spare them as much agony as possible? And when you did sin, wouldn’t you be wracked with sorrow and tell that person that you were sorry? Wouldn’t you want to get them removed from the torture device, or at least hook yourself up to it too so that you could bear a share of the agony – agony that you fully deserve, but they do not?
Oh, but not you “once saved, always saved” people. No. You would look at your beloved family member or friend hooked up to the torture device, feel absolutely nothing, and then with aloof indifference say, “You got me covered then? Cool. I’m out. I’ve got a life to lead, and since you’ve got me covered, I’m gonna live it up, Baby! Yeah!”
What the hell is wrong with you people? Seriously. This is all the domain of the psychopath. You have the unmitigated gall to call yourselves “true, Bible-believing Christians” and yet, from what I can tell, a terrifying number of you are totally indifferent to what you are doing to Christ by your sins, and even promote that indifference to His Passion as virtuous, and proof of your “faith.”
Well, I guess that’s what happens when you are the member of a schismatic sect and not of the Church. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t believe in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t go to Mass, but instead go to a pagan rock concert and worship yourself. I guess that’s what happens when there isn’t even a Crucifix, or for that matter even a Cross in your pagan meeting hall, so you don’t have even the slightest reminder of Christ’s Humanity, much less His Suffering. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t think or use your brain. I guess that’s what happens when churchin’ is merely a self-serving social and entertainment experience.
You got me covered then? Alright, I’m out. Catch You on the flip. Dude, make sure You bleed out real good ‘cause I’m planning on living it up, Baby! No worries, just doing what feels good and doin’ what a man’s gotta do to make it in the world, cause I know You got me covered, right? I’m prolly gonna need, like, a swimming pool of Blood to cover me, so just plan on that! But seriously, you can't expect me to hang around and deal with this, right? See Ya. I'll call You later.

“And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, you that work iniquity.”
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
60% of Catholics in the Diocese of Camden Believe that Jesus Christ Sinned
The Hell You Say...or Don't Say! - The Vortex With Michael Voris
"The poll revealed that 60%, three out of every five Catholics in his [Bishop Joseph Galante] diocese, get this, believe that Jesus Christ sinned..."
"The poll revealed that 60%, three out of every five Catholics in his [Bishop Joseph Galante] diocese, get this, believe that Jesus Christ sinned..."
Michael Voris,
The Vortex
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Update on burning at the stake the German bishops responsible for this hell of porn
By Father George David Byers
The second headline in lifesitenews is this: German bishops’ company: It’s not porn, just ‘erotica,’ so we’re suing the ‘slanderers’
Of course, their “erotica” is not the commentary on “eros” by Pope Benedict XVI. Instead, the German bishops think that whatever is meant “merely” to privately physically sexually excite someone is not porn. I guess exposing others to a grave temptation against chastity is no longer a grave sin. But it is. It doesn’t take much for the likes of, say, King David viewing Bathsheba. What about the rest of humanity? 2,500 titles of “erotica.” Uh-huh.
Well, I have nothing to lose if I’m sued by these pornographers. You see, I have nothing. I sleep in a corner of a loft of a barn quite open to the elements. I don’t own the hermitage that is only being built at the moment. So, sue me! That would make for a great case. I want it to be heard in the Paul VI Audience Hall right behind the Holy Office. I know the Vatican Gardens really well. I have some places already picked out where burning pornographers at the stake would be most appropriate. I’ll counter sue. I happen to have great friends at the Roman Rota and the Apostolic Signatura… and up on the terzo piano of the Apostolic Palace. Go ahead. Do your worst!
From an email:
I’ve often thought that there are many who go to purgatory because it is just so very difficult to face such things as this. We must never become bitter, looking to ourselves for strength. Rather, we must look to our Lord, and rejoice that He went to greet fully eleven of the twelve apostles He had chosen... (continued)
The second headline in lifesitenews is this: German bishops’ company: It’s not porn, just ‘erotica,’ so we’re suing the ‘slanderers’
Of course, their “erotica” is not the commentary on “eros” by Pope Benedict XVI. Instead, the German bishops think that whatever is meant “merely” to privately physically sexually excite someone is not porn. I guess exposing others to a grave temptation against chastity is no longer a grave sin. But it is. It doesn’t take much for the likes of, say, King David viewing Bathsheba. What about the rest of humanity? 2,500 titles of “erotica.” Uh-huh.
Well, I have nothing to lose if I’m sued by these pornographers. You see, I have nothing. I sleep in a corner of a loft of a barn quite open to the elements. I don’t own the hermitage that is only being built at the moment. So, sue me! That would make for a great case. I want it to be heard in the Paul VI Audience Hall right behind the Holy Office. I know the Vatican Gardens really well. I have some places already picked out where burning pornographers at the stake would be most appropriate. I’ll counter sue. I happen to have great friends at the Roman Rota and the Apostolic Signatura… and up on the terzo piano of the Apostolic Palace. Go ahead. Do your worst!
From an email:
Having trouble logging in to leave a comment for the post about the bishops from Deutschland. Only wanted to say that I do not know what you and other faithful men must go thru when you learn of such betrayal. For myself, the struggle against uncharitableness is great, great indeed. The hatred within seems insurmountable, in a blasphemous sort of way. Especially when the truth holds that the Atlantic doesn’t seperate such filth. Heading out with a rosary for all those who ever received the gift of Holy Orders. What more can be done?The Lord rejoices to bless you for your prayer for us poor priests and bishops! That is exactly what can be done. The more the better.
I’ve often thought that there are many who go to purgatory because it is just so very difficult to face such things as this. We must never become bitter, looking to ourselves for strength. Rather, we must look to our Lord, and rejoice that He went to greet fully eleven of the twelve apostles He had chosen... (continued)
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Radio Replies First Volume - Purgatory

951. I am interested in your dogma concerning purgatory. Must I be a Catholic before I can understand that invention of your Church?
No. You must be a non-Catholic to suspect that the Church did invent it. The idea that there is no purgatory is the invention of Protestants. The reformers corrupted the true doctrine, and many good Protestants, realizing this, are returning to the Catholic religion of their forefathers even as I myself have done. Meantime, if I could discover, or you could show me, when and where the Church invented this doctrine, I promise to spend the rest of my life exposing the Catholic Church as a merely human institution making outrageous claims upon men.
952. Why make people afraid of such a horrible place as purgatory, when you know that it does not exist?
I know that it does exist. And if you deny it because to you it seems a horrible place, you must deny hell also because it is far more horrible. And if you deny hell, you deny Christianity. And is it not a more horrible thought that there would be no purgatory? In that case you would have but heaven and hell. All not quite fit for heaven could not hope to escape hell. It is a much more pleasant thought that there are people not quite good enough for heaven, yet not bad enough for hell, and that these are sent to purgatory until they are purified sufficiently for heaven.
953. What is the nature of your doctrine on purgatory?
It can be summed up very briefly. At death the soul of man, if quite fit, goes at once to heaven; if not quite fit, to purgatory; if quite unfit, to hell. The soul which has repented of all its sins, and has fully expiated them in this life, is quite fit for heaven at once. The soul which departs this life in a state of unrepented mortal sin can never be fitted for heaven, and goes to hell. But a soul which has sincerely repented of its sins, yet has not fully expiated them, secures immunity from hell by repentance, and goes to purgatory until it has expiated all its deficiencies.
954. Does God want to roast you merely because you have the misfortune to be alive? He knows that you had no say in the matter.
God does not want to roast me. It is not a misfortune to be alive, though it is blameworthy to have misused one's existence. Nor did I want a say as to whether I should receive the gift of existence. People can leave me a fortune tomorrow without consulting me. But I did have a say in my infidelities to God's grace, and for that I am responsible and do not wish to excuse myself.
955. Have you been so atrociously wicked as to deserve purgatory?
There is no need to be atrociously wicked in order to need purification, any more than there is need to be on your deathbed before you need medicine. But there is need to attain to a high standard of purity and holiness before one could be fit to enter the glory of God's presence.
956. Do the souls of Protestants go to purgatory?
All souls, whether of Protestants or of Catholics, or of any other religion, will go to purgatory if they are not good enough for heaven at the moment of death, nor bad enough for hell. Non-Catholics may deny purgatory, but that makes no difference to purgatory.
957. Would God destine so good a man as General Booth for purgatory just because he was not a Catholic?
Purgatory is not a final destiny. Every soul that goes there is saved, and is ultimately admitted to the very Vision of God. Good Protestants as well as good Catholics will go there if they are not quite perfect at death. There is no dispensation. And where is the man who has not his imperfections?
958. A man has every chance to repent in this life.
He has. And if he does not, he will not even go to purgatory if his sins be grave. Purgatory is not a place for repentance, but for purification. If two men repent on their death-beds, one of whom broke one commandment and the other, all the commandments often, both are saved by their repentance. But they are not both equal before God. They will suffer relative purifications in purgatory.
959. This dogma of purgatory was invented by Pope Gregory in 600 A.D., and was made an article of faith by the Council of Florence in 1439.
If not invented until 600 A.D. why did St. Monica, in the 4th century, implore her son St. Augustine, as she lay on her dying bed, that he would pray for her soul whenever he went to the Altar to offer the Mass? And how would you account for the inscriptions in the Catacombs recording prayers for the dead offered by the Christians of the first centuries? Or, if you would go back earlier, what will you do with the teaching of Scripture itself? The Council of Florence merely recalled previous definitions.
960. What is your Romish reply to the challenge of Art. XXII in the Book of Common Prayer?
That Article of the Church of England says that the Romish doctrine of purgatory is grounded upon no warranty of Scripture, but is rather repugnant to the Word of God. The reply is that the Article is quite erroneous, and that many Anglicans realize the fact. Thus an Anglican clergyman unsays that Article definitely in his book entitled, "The Catholic Religion — a Manual of instruction for members of the Church of England." He speaks of a place of mercy "provided in the intermediate state, in which evil will be completely purged. When this purification is accomplished, such souls enter into perfect peace," p. 193. On the following page he suggests that, at the Reformation, men were too eager and rejected much that was true — including the intermediate state. In no less than six different places he urges prayer for the dead just as Catholics pray for the dead, and, as he shows from Scripture, both the Jews and St. Paul prayed for the departed. On p. 379, he writes, "Still more desirable is the celebration of the Holy Eucharist for the repose of the soul of the departed." Thus this Anglican clergyman goes back to the Romish doctrine of purgatory. I am not quoting from a book unacceptable to the many. My copy is of the 19th edition, completing 207-thousand.
961. How can an Anglican clergyman, who has sworn to accept the Articles of religion, teach such doctrine?
I do not see how he can do so. Romish theologians are simple children compared with the capacity for mental gymnastics manifested by Rev. Vernon Staley, the author of the book, in his efforts to salve his conscience. He says in effect that the doctrine of purgatory is all right, but that Anglicans must not use the word purgatory. He admits the thing, but not its description. He calls it a place or process of cleansing, but he will not call it purgatory, which means the same thing. It is as if we Catholics had invented the word theatre. Then this exponent of Anglicanism would insist upon using the word playhouse, and swear that he did not agree with the Catholic Church concerning houses of entertainment. In substance he declares Article XXII to be false and unscriptural.
962. You speak of Scripture, but the Bible mentions only heaven and hell.
It does not. It certainly mentions an intermediate state to which the soul of Christ went after His death on the cross. 1 Pet 3:19. This state was neither heaven nor hell, but the Limbo of the Fathers of the Old Law. In addition to this, Scripture mentions the purgatorial state. In any case, it would not matter if the Bible did mention but two places. My mentioning only London and New York could not prove the non-existence of Paris. It would be a different matter if Christ had said, "There is no purgatory." But He did not.
963. But the Bible does not mention purgatory.
It does not mention the precise word purgatory. But the intermediate state of purification described by that word is there.
964. How do you prove the existence of such a state?
In Mt 5:26, Christ, in condemning sin, speaks of liberation only after expiation. "Thou shalt not go out from thence till thou repay the last farthing." In Mt 12:32, He speaks of sin which "shall not be forgiven either in this world or in the world to come." Any remission of the effects of sin in the next world can refer only to purgatory. Above all St. Paul tells us that the day of judgment will try each man's work. That day is after death, when the soul goes to meet its God. What is the result of that judgment? If a man's work will not stand the test St. Paul says that "he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire." 1 Cor 3:15. This cannot refer to eternal loss in hell, for no one is saved there. Nor can it refer to heaven, for there is no suffering in heaven. Purgatory alone can explain this text As a matter of fact, all Christians believed in purgatory until the Reformation, when the reformers began their rejection of Christian doctrines at will. Prayer for the dead was ever the prevailing custom, in accordance with the recommendation of the Bible itself. "It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from their sins." 2 Macc 12:46. Prayer for the dead supposes a soul not in heaven where it does not need the help of prayer, nor in hell where prayer cannot assist it. Some intermediate state of purification and need, where prayer can help, is necessary. And the doctrine is most reasonable. "Nothing defiled shall enter heaven." Rev 21:27. Yet not all defilement should cost man the loss of his soul. Even in this life human justice does not inflict capital punishment for every crime. Small offenses are punished by fines or by temporary imprisonment, after which the delinquent is liberated. Those who deny purgatory teach the harder and more unreasonable doctrine.
965. God would not demand expiation after having forgiven the sin.
What you think God would or would not do cannot avail against that which He does do. When David repented of his great sin God sent the prophet Nathan with the message to him, "The Lord hath taken away thy sin. Nevertheless, because thou hast given occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme, thy child shall surely die." 2 Sam 12:14. To forgive the guilt of sin, and purify the spiritual scar and stain, which that disease of the soul leaves, by expiatory suffering, is better than to leave the soul still unpurified and indebted to God's justice. I too could fully forgive a friend his offense should he have robbed me, yet still insist that he make good the damage he has wrought me.
966. What is the punishment of purgatory?
When the soul leaves the body, that which can think, remember, love, hate, be happy or miserable, has gone from that body. A corpse cannot do these things. And the soul, with these capabilities, goes into a new state of being as a separated spirit. And my true self, separated from the distractions of this world, will perceive clearly and fully its own unfitness for God's presence, a perception which will mean unspeakable suffering. The exact nature of this suffering we do not know, but it is compared in Scripture to the action of fire afflicting a sensitive body. Although it is not defined as a dogma that there is a real fire of purgatory, it is the general opinion of theologians that there is a real fire somewhat analogous to the fire of hell. However it be explained, the fact that purgatorial suffering awaits the imperfect has been revealed by God.
967. When did God make purgatory?
Heaven of course always existed. For where God is, there is heaven. Hell was made when the devil and his followers fell from grace. There was no purgatory for them. Purgatory, then, was made when men began to sin and die with sins repented of, but not fully expiated by the sufferings of this life. Men under the Old Law went to purgatory just as those do who live under the New Law.
968. Where is purgatory?
God has not deigned to satisfy our curiosity on that point, and the knowledge is not of practical importance to us. The fact that there is a purgatory has been revealed by God. And when He reveals a fact, we cannot say to Him, "Well, I for one refuse to believe it until You tell me more about it." God proves a thing by saying it, for He is truth itself. We have but to prove that He said it.
969. How do you know that there are any souls in purgatory?
I know that 100,000 people die daily. I refuse to believe that they all go to hell, and feel quite sure that they are not all fit for immediate entry into heaven. Moreover, you would find far more difficulty in endeavoring to show that there are no souls in purgatory.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
"Ten year old Jacinta lay dying in a hospital bed in Lisbon, Portugal in 1920 when Our Lady said to her: "Certain fashions will be introduced which will offend Our Divine Lord very much. Those who serve God ought not to follow these fashions." Then Our Lady revealed to Jacinta that "the sins that lead most souls to hell are the sins of the flesh." - (source)
Orbis Catholicus,
Squirrel Nut Zippers
Monday, April 27, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Monday, December 8, 2008
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