Showing posts with label Boston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boston. Show all posts

Friday, November 14, 2014

Cardinal O'Malley: Pope Must Act on Bishop Who Hid Pedophile

By Drew MacKenzie

(Newsmax) Boston Cardinal Sean O’Malley has called on Pope Francis to "urgently address" the fact that an American bishop heads a Catholic diocese even though he’s been convicted of shielding a pedophile priest.

In an interview on "60 Minutes" to be broadcast this Sunday, O’Malley told correspondent Norah O’Donnell that the Vatican must deal with the leadership problem surrounding Bishop Robert Finn of the Kansas City, Missouri, diocese.

"It’s a question the Holy See needs to address urgently," said O’Malley. "There’s a recognition of that from Pope Francis."

Citing the Catholic Church’s stated "zero tolerance" policy on sex abuse, O’Donnell told O’Malley that Finn "wouldn’t be allowed to teach Sunday school in Boston."

"That’s right," said O’Malley, the archbishop of Boston, replied during the rare extended interview on the CBS show.

Finn, who has headed the diocese since 2005, has come under increasing fire following his misdemeanor conviction in 2012 for failing to report suspected child abuse in the case of a then diocesan priest who was producing child pornography.

Former priest Shawn Ratigan, who was suspected of sexually abusing a minor, was found guilty in federal court in 2013 of producing child pornography and sentenced to 50 years in jail.

Two months ago, the Vatican sent Ontario Archbishop Terrence Prendergast to Kansas City to examine Finn’s leadership. Prendergast interviewed a dozen people, and his main question reportedly was: "Do you think [Finn)] is fit to be a leader?"

Earlier this year, after the church had come under increasing attack for not doing enough to prevent sexual abuse by priests, O’Malley was named by Pope Francis as one of eight members of the Vatican’s new Commission for the Protection of Minors, which is aimed at dealing with the sex scandal that has rocked the church.

O’Malley was also chosen by Pope Francis to be on the Council of Cardinals — the pontiff’s closest advisers.


Monday, May 12, 2014

Harvard's satanic black mass canceled after outrage

By Joshua Rhett Miller

(Fox News) A Harvard student group’s planned satanic “black mass” has been canceled after widespread condemnation from religious and educational leaders, who called the event an affront to the faithful. reports that The Harvard Extension Cultural Studies Club announced Monday it would no longer hold the event because negotiations broke down between the group and the bar where it was scheduled to be held. The club was unable to find another location to hold the mass.

The group said that the New York-based Satanic Temple, which had co-organized the event, planned to still hold the mass in an undisclosed, private location to "reaffirm their respect for the Satanic faith and to demonstrate that the most powerful response to offensive speech is to shame those who marginalize others by letting their own words and actions speak for themselves."

The ceremony has traditionally been performed by satanic cults to parody the Catholic church, and officials at the Archdiocese of Boston were furious that such an event was originally scheduled to be held on the Ivy League school's hallowed grounds.

“I would say that the event is an attack on the Eucharist, regardless of what the organizers state,” archdiocese spokesman Terry Donilon told in an email. “The event is offensive to Catholics and people of good will.”

The archdiocese called last week for the event to be canceled.

“For the good of the Catholic faithful and all people, the church provides clear teaching concerning satanic worship,” the archdiocese said in a statement. “This activity separates people from God and the human community, it is contrary to charity and goodness, and it places the participants dangerously close to destructive works of evil.”

Robert Neugeboren, dean of students and alumni affairs at Harvard Extension School, said the “deeply disturbing” event is offensive to many at Harvard and called for it to be canceled.

“While we support the ability of all our students to explore difficult issues, we also encourage them to do so in ways that are sensitive to others,” Neugeboren said in a statement. “To that end, the Harvard Extension School has worked with the club’s student leaders to address specific concerns that have been expressed.”

Archdiocese officials had scheduled at least two events in response to the black mass, including a Eucharistic procession in Cambridge. It was unclear whether those events would proceed.

"The best way to combat hateful speech is to overwhelm it with loving and prayerful speech, and that is what we intend to do," Rev. Luther Zeigler, president of the Harvard Chaplains, wrote in an email.

The student club, meanwhile, said in a statement that the performance’s purpose was not to denigrate any religion or faith, but instead to “learn and experience” the history of different cultural practices.

In a statement to the Harvard Crimson, the university’s student newspaper, the cultural club said the event would not silence anyone.

“The complaints are founded metaphysical concerns, and there is simply a disagreement with regards to how this faith is practiced,” club organizers wrote The Harvard Crimson. “The flawed assumption seems to be that because Satan is the representation of evil incarnate for some faiths, that Satanist[s] are part of a hate group and their practice devoted toward denigrating Catholicism … The point of this event is to challenge the stigmatization of marginalized groups.”

Nearly 400 Harvard students and 100 alumni reportedly signed a petition opposing the event.

“This form of satanic worship not only ridicules the central practice of Catholicism, the Mass, but it also mocks and offends all who have faith in Christ,” the petition reads. “Far from being an event that promotes an understanding of “cultural practices,” it, in fact, promotes contempt for the Catholic faith and religion generally. We are Catholics, other Christians, and supporters of genuine tolerance and civility, and we are offended and outraged this event has been permitted to take place at Harvard.”

Harvard President Drew Faust, in a statement released Monday, said it would be “deeply regrettable” if the event’s organizer proceeded despite the fervent opposition by some local residents and students.

“Nevertheless, consistent with the university’s commitment to free expression, including expression that may deeply offend us, the decision to proceed is and will remain theirs,” Faust said. “At the same time, we will vigorously protect the right of others to respond — and to address offensive expression with expression of their own.”


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Boycott Guinness, Sam Adams, Heineken - Catholic League

By Bill Donohue

(The Catholic League)  Bill Donohue is calling for a boycott of Guinness, Heineken, and Sam Adams:

Diageo, the parent company of Guinness, and Heineken, have pulled their sponsorship of New York’s St. Patrick’s Day parade; the Boston Beer Company, maker of Sam Adams, has withdrawn its sponsorship of Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day parade.

None of these companies believe in diversity. No gay person has ever been barred from marching in any St. Patrick’s Day parade, anymore than the parade bans pro-life Catholics or vegetarian Catholics; they simply cannot march under their own banner. The parade has one cause: honoring St. Patrick. Those who disagree do not have to march—that’s what diversity is all about.

The parade is quintessentially Catholic, beginning with a Mass in St. Patrick’s Cathedral. It is this Catholic element that angers those who are engaged in a bullying campaign against the St. Patrick’s Day parades. The bullies also have nothing but contempt for the constitutional rights of Irish Catholics.

In 1995, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 9-0 decision that the First Amendment guarantees the right of private parade organizers to determine its own rules for marching. It is this liberty that the makers of Guinness, Heineken, and Sam Adams want to squash.

I have had my last Guinness and Sam Adams. Heineken was always slop, so there is no sacrifice there. I urge Catholics, and all those who believe in tolerance, diversity, and the First Amendment, to join with me in boycotting these brews.

To contact Guinness, email:
To contact Heineken, email:
To contact Sam Adams, email:


Friday, March 14, 2014

Sam Adams pulls sponsorship from St. Patrick's Day Parade Due to Exclusion of Gays


Gays exclusion led to Boston Beer Company decision 

(WCVB) BOSTON — After its support of the South Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade led one Boston restaurant to boycott its brew, the Boston Beer Company – which manufactures Sam Adams – has pulled its sponsorship from Sunday's parade.

Club Café, in the South End, had announced it would not serve the company's beer because of the ongoing controversy over the exclusion of openly gay individuals from marching in the parade.

Boston Beer Company said that it is disappointed that an agreement could not be reached between the gay rights advocacy group MassEquality and parade organizers that would have allowed a group of gay veterans to march, despite pressure from Boston Mayor Marty Walsh and Rep. Stephen Lynch.
"We share these sentiments with Mayor Walsh, Congressman Lynch and others and therefore we will not participate in this year's parade," the Boston Beer Company said in a statement.

"We were hopeful an agreement could be reached to allow everyone, regardless of orientation, to participate in this parade. However, given the current status of the negotiations, this may not be possible," the statement read.

A 1995 U.S. Supreme Court decision ruled that the South Boston Allied War Veterans Council could include or exclude whichever groups it wanted.

"As a result of this (decision) we are again proud to serve Sam Adams and Boston Beer Company Products," Club Café said in a statement on its Facebook page.

The parade organizers' phone was not answered. The parade, one of the largest St. Patrick's Day parades in the nation, draws as many as 1 million spectators to South Boston.

UpdateThe Catholic League: Boycott Guinness, Sam Adams, Heineken


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Christian Martyr: Martin of Boston at Church

From the Internet:

"PRAY FOR BOSTON: 8-yr old Martin Richard, who died in the attack the day after receiving his First Holy Communion symbolizes our pain and yet at the same time our hope: his 1st Communion banner, with the dove of peace, the Holy Spirit, and the Eucharistic Chalice and Bread, makes us pray to the Risen Lord, Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End, in Whom we place our final hope."

H/t to Ann Barnhardt:
"Cruise over to Orbis Catholicus Secundus where Mr. Sonnen (voted best smirk-weasel in the Catholic blogosphere) is leading the way in reporting on young Martin Richard, the boy who was murdered in the Boston jihad attack. 

Young Martin received his first Holy Communion the day before he died. Mr. Sonnen has pics.
That is a bittersweet consolation. God is good."

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Sleeping Giant Awakens and Stands on Line for Chick-fil-A

From Rush Limbaugh:


RUSH: Raleigh, North Carolina, this is Jay.  Thanks for the call, sir.  Great to have you here.

CALLER:  Thanks for having me on, Rush.

RUSH:  You bet.

CALLER:  I just wanted to touch base with you in regards to what I saw.  I went to a Chick-fil-A in Raleigh, North Carolina, today. It took me 20 minutes just to even get my order placed.  It was packed full of exciting people and a lot of people there just excited to be there.  I've been through that Chick-fil-A a lot.  I've never seen it so crowded.

RUSH: Let me tell you something.  I am being bombarded with e-mail from my website account, the Rush 24/7 member e-mail, with stories just like the one you're telling from all over this country about how crowded the Chick-fil-As are, about how long the lines are.  Get this, Jay, I just got an e-mail from a guy who said where he lives, that on the sign at the neighboring Wendy's, it says, "Today go to Chick-fil-A."  I don't know where this is, but I'll bet it's not the only example of it.  A local Wendy's is telling it's customers, "Today, we think you should go to Chick-fil-A," or something like that.  You know, it's happening all over, and it's political.


Rahm Emanuel and Thomas Menino, mayors of Chicago and Boston, made this political.  And now the people of this country, I'm gonna tell you, you're looking at a microcosm of what's gonna happen on November 6th.  You're looking at a microcosm of the Tea Party.  You are seeing that great silent majority, or the sleeping giant that our first caller talked about.  We have these commercials we do for FreedomWorks, people want to do more than vote.  They want to get involved.  They want to let everybody know how they feel and in what numbers they exist, and this is the latest opportunity they've got, and they are utilizing it.  Literally e-mails out the wazoo today talking about quarter mile long lines.  My cousin Andy in St. Louis sent me a picture of a Chick-fil-A in Des Peres, outside St. Louis, of jammed parking lots, traffic jams, people waiting.  Other stories about Chick-fil-A someplace ran out of breakfast at nine o'clock and immediately started serving lunch.

Now, meanwhile, in Chicago you got the mayor there, Rahm Emanuel, talking about, "Well, they don't represent Chicago values."  And a guy in Boston essentially saying the same thing.  And Ted Cruz, who was supposedly down by 13 points, coming back and winning huge.  Tea Party candidate, in Texas last night, sending a message of generational change to the Republican establishment.  Big Tea Party candidate.  Sarah Palin endorsed.  There is an explosion waiting to happen in this country.  People are fed up, and this is a sign.


RUSH:  I'll tell you what's gonna happen on November 6th, Obama's gonna get Chick-fil-A'd himself.  He's gonna get Chick-fil-A'd, and folks, pictures continue to come in, and I'm asking myself, where are the news media satellite trucks today?  Where are all the man-on-the-street news reports of this?  I wonder if your local news will cover this tonight at five and 11, amidst all the murders and blood and everything else they cover, government corruption.  Wait, they don't talk about -- never mind.  But I'm just wondering, I mean, this is a major, major event.

"The owner of the largest Wendy's restaurants franchise in the world showed his support for competitor Chick-fil-A with a message on some signs in the Carolinas.  One sign in Columbia, South Carolina read 'We stand with Chick-fil-A' on Wednesday morning."

There's another one, I don't know where it is, I wasn't told where it is.  Let's see.  "Today we recommend Chick-fil-A."  Wendy's.  I don't know where it is.  Didn't say.  But I tell you, it is huge, and it's fascinating.  In a way, it's a giant Tea Party rally, and it's not being reported.  It's as if a million-and-a-half people showed up on the mall for a Tea Party gathering, and the media, "Nah-nah-nah-nah, the Park Service says 10,000," and never showed any pictures of it.


RUSH:  I just got an on-the-spot, man on the street report from Cranbury Township, Pennsylvania.  The Chick-fil-A there has everything shut down.  And there are no TV trucks.  There is no media.  It's great to see.  People are sending me the pictures and so forth, what's going on out there.  And totally under the media radar, have no clue.  Many of them probably have no idea why this is happening.  Why would they be upset over what Rahm Emanuel said?  What was so bad about that?

In Line, 8/1/2012


RUSH: This is August 1st, folks.  August 1st, 2012.  It is our 24th anniversary here at the EIB Network, 24 years, starting our 25th year today of talking about and celebrating the wonder of America.  Also happening on August 1st, the Chick-fil-A revolution, supporting the right to voice your religious beliefs.  That's what this is about.  You have two Democrat mayors who essentially said, "Christians aren't desired in our towns."  You can strip away, you know, Rahm Emanuel, Chicago values and all that, all this is about is the fact that the head honcho Chick-fil-A is an open Christian.  He's out of the closet, and Rahm Emanuel said he's not welcome here, we don't want people like that, that's not Chicago.  So Christians are told, don't come to Chicago, don't come to Boston.  Well, guess what?  This is how they say, up yours.  This is how they say, in your face.

So on August 1st, the Chick-fil-A revolution supporting the right to voice your religious beliefs and August 1st also the beginning of Obamacare mandating that religious institutions violate their religious beliefs by providing birth control and drugs that facilitate abortion against their religious beliefs.  August 1st, what a profound day in history.


RUSH:  Well, Fox News just showed a helicopter shot of a line of cars in front of a Chick-fil-A.  Did you miss it?  They just showed it.  It's the power of EIB.  Just a little aside, just a little aside.  Finally got a helicopter shot.


RUSH: This is Barbara in Kansas City.  It's great to have you on the program.  Hello.

CALLER:  Hi, Rush.  This is so exciting for me to be able to speak with you.  My husband got me hooked on you during the Clinton administration, so for me this is such an honor.  I've tried for years to get through and never could.

RUSH:  Well, I'm glad you did today.

CALLER:  I am, too.  Anyway, I was driving by the Chick-fil-A, which is located at the Ward Parkway shopping center here in Kansas City --

RUSH:  I know where that is.  Yeah, I used to drive by there wishing I had the money to go in.

CALLER:  I burst out laughing.  It was packed.  There was a line out the door that was unbelievable.  Cars trying to get it from the Ward Parkway side, the state line side, the 86th Street side, from the Target parking lot.  It was just hilarious.  And I thought, this is so wonderful because there's been no media attention, and it's great that conservatives are able to get out there and say we have a voice.

RUSH:  There's no TV media?

CALLER:  No, there was no TV media.

RUSH:  Right, right.  Because I know KMBZ is all over it.

CALLER:  Yeah.  And I didn't see them there...

UPDATE: Vante Exec Bullies Chick-Fil-A Worker, Gets Fired


Thursday, July 26, 2012

No Building Permits for Opponent of Same-Sex Marriage

From The Volokh Conspiracy:
The Chicago Tribune reports:
[Chicago Alderman] Proco “Joe” Moreno announced this week that he will block Chick-fil-A’s effort to build its second Chicago store … following company President Dan Cathy’s remarks last week that he was “guilty as charged” for supporting the biblical definition of marriage as between a man and woman….
The alderman has the ideological support of Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
“Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago values,” the mayor said in a statement when asked about Moreno’s decision. “They disrespect our fellow neighbors and residents. This would be a bad investment, since it would be empty.”
Moreno is relying on a rarely violated Chicago tradition known as aldermanic privilege, which dictates that City Council members defer to the opinion of the ward alderman on local issues. Last year Moreno wielded that weapon to block plans for a Wal-Mart in his ward, saying he had issues with the property owner and that Wal-Mart was not “a perfect fit for the area.” …
The alderman, serving his first full term, dismissed any First Amendment concerns.
“You have the right to say what you want to say, but zoning is not a right,” he said, adding that he also had concerns about traffic in the area….
In Boston, Mayor Thomas Menino reportedly took a similar view:
Mayor Thomas M. Menino is vowing to block Chick-fil-A from bringing its Southern-fried fast-food empire to Boston … after the family-owned firm’s president suggested gay marriage is “inviting God’s judgment on our nation.”
But denying a private business permits because of such speech by its owner is a blatant First Amendment violation. Even when it comes to government contracting — where the government is choosing how to spend government money — the government generally may not discriminate based on the contractor’s speech, see Board of County Commissioners v. Umbehr (1996). It is even clearer that the government may not make decisions about how people will be allowed to use their own property based on the speaker’s past speech.

And this is so even if there is no statutory right to a particular kind of building permit (and I don’t know what the rule is under Illinois law). Even if the government may deny permits to people based on various reasons, it may not deny permits to people based on their exercise of his First Amendment rights. It doesn’t matter if the applicant expresses speech that doesn’t share the government officials’ values, or even the values of the majority of local citizens. It doesn’t matter if the applicant’s speech is seen as “disrespect[ful]” of certain groups. The First Amendment generally protects people’s rights to express such views without worrying that the government will deny them business permits as a result. That’s basic First Amendment law — but Alderman Moreno, Mayor Menino, and, apparently, Mayor Emanuel (if his statement is quoted in context), seem to either not know or not care about the law... (continued)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Boston College, Cardinal O'Malley, & Victoria Kennedy Protest Sends a Message

From Operation Rescue: Boston, h/t to Carol at The Tenth Crusade:

Pro-lifers from Operation Rescue: Boston and the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts lined the sidewalk outside of the entrance to The Conte Forum at Boston College. Our protest was directed primarily at Boston College, for honoring Victoria Kennedy, and at Cardinal O'Malley for not exercising his authority in this matter; only secondarily at Victoria Kennedy herself.

Catholic Action League Executive Director C.J. Doyle offered an incisive assessment of the matter: "BC Law's choice of Mrs. Kennedy as a commencement speaker and honorary degree recipient [BC Law stated that they no longer confer honorary degrees; as if that excuses them] clearly contravenes the 2004 statement by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, which prohibits Catholic institutions from providing awards, platforms or honors to those who repudiate fundamental Catholic moral teaching. The message BC Law is sending to future attorneys, legislators, and judges is one of indifference and infidelity to Catholic teaching about the sanctity of innocent human life from conception to natural death.
"No rational person can reasonably be expected to take Catholic opposition to abortion seriously when a prominent Catholic institution honors a pro-abortion celebrity in an archdiocese presided over by the Chairman of the USCCB's Committee on Pro-Life Activities. Sadly, that archbishop, unlike his suffragan in Worcester, has remained silent on this issue. Faithful, pro-life Catholics should not be constantly forced to fight a two front war, against a culture of death in secular society, and against a culture of betrayal in their own church."
We got some press coverage from the AP and The Boston Globe. The Globe reporter said another article is in the pipeline for tomorrow.

RIGHT: C.J. Doyle, Executive Director of the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Catholic Journal (Archdiocese of Boston - The Pilot) Withdraws Column that Suggests Devil Responsible for Homosexuality

(AP) BOSTON – The oldest Roman Catholic newspaper in the United States has retracted an opinion column suggesting the devil may be responsible for gay attraction.

The column, which appeared Friday in the Archdiocese of Boston's official newspaper, The Pilot, was titled "Some fundamental questions on same-sex attraction." It was written by Daniel Avila, an associate director for policy and research for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

In the column, Avila says "the scientific evidence of how same-sex attraction most likely may be created provides a credible basis for a spiritual explanation that indicts the devil."

It also says "disruptive imbalances in nature that thwart encoded processes point to supernatural actors who, unlike God, do not have the good of persons at heart." It says that when "natural causes disturb otherwise typical biological development, leading to the personally unchosen beginnings of same-sex attraction, the ultimate responsibility, on a theological level, is and should be imputed to the evil one, not God."

The 182-year-old newspaper withdrew the column from its website on Wednesday, saying it had failed to recognize the "theological error" before publication. It posted an apology from Avila saying the column didn't represent the position of the Conference of Catholic Bishops, whose stated purpose is to "promote the greater good which the Church offers humankind," and wasn't authorized for publication.

Avila said he deeply apologized for the "hurt and confusion" the column caused.

Archdiocesan officials said Avila's apology would appear in the issue of The Pilot to be published this week, The Boston Globe reported.

The Boston archdiocese, the bishops' group and Avila were involved in communications leading to the decision to retract the column, said archdiocese spokesman Terrence Donilon, who called Avila "passionate about his faith and passionate about his church."

"This one," Donilon said, "clearly just got away from him."

Several gay rights organizations, including DignityUSA, an association of gay Catholics, and Mass Equality, a Massachusetts group organized to support same-sex marriage, didn't immediately return telephone or email messages seeking comment Wednesday night.

And from the Archdiocese of Boston's newspaper:
Editor's Note: Daniel Avila issued the following "Retraction/Apology" Nov. 2 in regard to his opinion piece "Some fundamental questions on same-sex attraction" which was published in our Oct. 28 edition. In addition to echoing Mr. Avila's statement of regret, The Pilot also wishes to apologize for having failed to recognize the theological error in the column before publication. The Pilot has removed the column 'Some fundamental questions on same-sex attraction' from its Website.

Retraction/Apology from Daniel Avila

"Statements made in my column, 'Some fundamental questions on same-sex attraction' of October 28, do not represent the position of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the column was not authorized for publication as is required policy for staff of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The teaching of Sacred Scripture and of the Catechism of the Catholic Church make it clear that all persons are created in the image and likeness of God and have inviolable dignity. Likewise, the Church proclaims the sanctity of marriage as the permanent, faithful, fruitful union of one man and one woman. The Church opposes, as I do too, all unjust discrimination and the violence against persons that unjust discrimination inspires. I deeply apologize for the hurt and confusion that this column has caused."

And the first page of the article as it appeared before it was removed:
Some fundamental questions on same-sex attraction

Daniel Avila than once I have heard from or about Catholics upset with the Church for its insistence that sexual relations be limited to marriage between husband and wife. Does not this moral rule force people with same-sex attraction into lives of loneliness? If they are born that way, then why should they be punished by a restriction that does not account for their pre-existing condition? God wants everyone to be happy, and for persons with same-sex attraction is not their happiness to be found in the fulfillment of that attraction? Some seek to change the Church's teaching on marriage or have left the Church because of it. They believe either that God through the Church ignores the needs of people or that the Church misunderstands what God desires.

That is, if God causes same-sex attraction, and yet commands that it not be satisfied, then this is divine cruelty. Or, if God causes same-sex attraction, then it must be the divine will that those with the attraction should act on it and it is the Church that is being cruel in its teaching or at the very least tragically mistaken about what God wants. In either case, the belief that the Church is wrong on this issue starts from a faulty premise. God does not cause same-sex attraction.

The best natural evidence of what God causes and wants for us is our genetic code. Science has isolated certain genetic combinations that are typical to human creation and development. The most basic and the first genetic expression is that which occurs at our conception, when at the same time our individual human life begins our sexual identity as male or female begins. That which is genetically encoded, for believers, points to a codifier, and communicates through its design the codifier's intent. Interpreting from a spiritual perspective the genetic code which supplies our sexual difference, we have to conclude that God wants us to be male or female.

No one has found a "gay gene." Identical twins are always, of course, the same sex, providing further proof of male and female genes. If there was a gay gene, then when one twin exhibits same-sex attraction, his or her identical sibling should too. But that is not the case. The incidence of finding identical twins with identical same-sex attraction is relatively rare and certainly not anywhere near one hundred percent. Something other than the hardwiring found in the genetic code must explain the variance.

So what causes the inclination to same-sex attraction if it appears early and involuntarily and "who," if anyone, is responsible? In determining the answer to the "what" question, the most widely accepted scientific hypothesis points to random imbalances in maternal hormone levels and identifies their disruptive prenatal effects on fetal development as the likely and major cause.

The most recent and most comprehensive discussion of this research is found in a book published earlier this year by a scientist who also happens to be a gay-rights advocate. Even though it discounts other environmental factors that other scientists believe also may play a role, Simon LeVay's publication, "Gay, Straight and the Reason Why: The Science of Sexual Attraction" is worth the read.

LeVay is not interested in the "who" question and describes same-sex attraction as just a variation among other human inclinations. Catholics do not have the luxury of being materialists. We look for ultimate explanations that transcend the strictly physical world and that stretch beyond our limited ability to mold and reshape reality as we know it. Disruptive imbalances in nature that thwart encoded processes point to supernatural actors who, unlike God, do not have the good of persons at heart...
(The article had a second page...)


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pride 'Prayer Service' in Boston


2ordinary adj 3 b : deficient in quality : poor, inferior

Yes, the Ordinary Mass for "Pride" in Boston is turning out to be quite a "drama" - but that was to be expected, right? First, the "Pride" Ordinary Mass was scheduled (see bulletin image - right), then it was vacated by the Archdiocese, then the Archdiocese partly reversed itself to allow a "Pride 'Prayer Service'". And now the local priestly member of the Parish Council attacks all whose "hate" has prevented the Ordinary Mass.

All details in Joe Sacerdo's blog - he has been at the forefront of exposing this truly ordinary Ordinary Mass. (Image on the left: Father John Unni, the twelfth member of the local Parish Council).

Note: anyway, why is "pride" being celebrated at all? Should it not "be carefully repressed"? Is it not "hateful in the sight of God"? Is not the "prince and ruler of this world" the "king over all the children of pride"? Is not pride "the root of all sins"? This in a very cursory reading of the Roman Catechism (Catechism of the Council of Trent). So what is exactly a "Boston Pride Prayer Service"? Is it perhaps a collective display of what this same Catechism recommends: "Humbled in spirit, the sincere penitent casts himself down at the feet of the priest, to testify, by this his humble demeanour, that he acknowledges the necessity of eradicating pride, the root of all those sins which he now deplores".