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New Ride: Toy Kingdom's Family Mini Trike

A few weeks ago, we bought a trike for my one year and three months old son Lorenzo. I've been meaning to buy a bike/trike for him for the longest time but I was sort of hesitant since I'm not sure if he will actually use it. But having a fairly big boy who weighs more than 10 kilograms, it's a bit of a struggle to carry him around especially if we are not using our baby carrier. Example, if we are going out for our afternoon strolls. I think it is better if we are using something that will give him a better view of the surroundings. We have a Graco stroller he inherited from his cousin but he is no longer keen on using it hence the decision to buy a new ride.

We got this blue and gray trike from Toy Kingdom (Php 2299.00) because I think it got what I want in a trike for my son.

Removable arm rest
This is to protect him from falling off the sit.

with arm rest up

with arm rest down