
Click the picture to see all the tutorials in that category:

Click here for 

Other ideas!


  1. Thank you for organizing your tutorials this way! It's so helpful! I love your blog and feel like were kindred spirits! Too bad we don't live closer! I'd so be your best friend... well your husband would be your best best friend! You get the picture! I have sewed for a long time, but not many of my friends know how to sew, so you give me tons of ideas!! Thanks for sharing!
    Nikki :)

  2. ooh this is great!! Thank you!!! This will make it soo much eaiser to go back and visit all your wonderful creations ;)

  3. Wow - this was so nice of you! It makes everything so easy to find. I saw some tutorials I didn't know you had. How fun!!! Thanks!!!

  4. The most awesome tutorials ever! I just love these! I'm getting off the computer now to make some stuff and I'm also following your blog now! Thanks so much!

  5. Thanks for all these wonderful tutorials!!!

  6. I made 3 gifts with your great ideas. God bless u, love from Ä°stanbul.

  7. Disney, how do you make the collage with the words on it and then link each picture to its post? What do you use, and can you share any tips???thanks!
    san at http://the4rsRamblings.blogspot.com

  8. The pictures don't actually link to their posts, unfortunately. The collage just takes you to the "women's tutorials" page. You can make image maps that will allow for certain areas to go to different links, but I think you have to have a special program. I wish I knew!

    1. Hi Disney!

      I have excellent news for you! :)
      I was wondering the same thing as The4Rs, so I did some research and found a super easy way to link pictures to posts. I was so excited.;)

      Here you go:


  9. wow.................such a good idea:)
    I came across your blog today & now I am following you:)

  10. I love you blog! It really inspires me to use my creativity. I have to tell you I live in a rural community in Texas and I could not find any elastic thread anywhere (not even the local fabric store which is really a quilters gossip shop)... I ended up ordering it on line from Hobby Lobby, I went a head and bought several rolls. I am off to find something that needs shirring!

  11. dall'Italia...fantastico il tuo blog. Grazie, grazie, grazie dei tuoi tutorial!!!Continua così. Bellissimi.
    Ciao Francesca

  12. I love how you've organized with these links. How did you add the links for your own postings on this page? I'm so new to blogging and yours gives me great ideas!

  13. I love this page! You make sooooo cute thinks!!!
    Greetings from Germany

  14. Hey Disney!
    I found your blog two days ago and I really love it! Thanks for sharing these great ideas. :-)
    Greetings from Germany, Lotta (15)
    ps. You have such a great humor! :D

  15. Hi, I chanced upon your blog as I was looking at ways to 'save' a nice pastel yellow Tshirt blouse which has been stained with patches of pink in the washing machine. And i have not been sleeping these 2 nites - just hooked! ... it's nice to be inspired just by your passion - the crafts, your girl, photography, and a lovely home (which you redecorate every month?!!).

    It's 3.45am in Singapore and I just want to say i'm glad I found your pages. With 2 little toddler boys at home, I don't think I'll have the time to try your tutorials (boys clothes are not as exciting too, sadly), but i'll definitely be visiting often just to be inspired! ...I love bookshops but not reading too!

    Good luck. Stay warm in winter! :)

    - Peiling, Singapore (yes, somewhere in Asia!)

  16. I just found your blog and just had to say..."I love it!" I have enjoyed the reading and sewing instruction. Love the tutorials too! Fabulous.

  17. All of your tutorials are so elegant and lovely! I am so glad I found your blog. Thanks so much for sharing your heart and your passion with the rest of us. I'm off to create your garden at dusk tank....or jersey skirt....or ruffle lamp shade....I don't know which to do first!! XOXO

  18. Disney, I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!! i have been tryinng to learn a little about sewing, in fact, i actually have bought 5 different sewing books in an attempt to be abble to sew but every book had such hard terminology and stuff, i was totally letdown beacuse i couldnt do anything. your blog is so helpful, you've helped me be able to actually sew (something i have been logning for for a few years and i just was never able to do it well) THANK YOU!!!!!

  19. I absolutely love your blog and tutorials! I am practically checking everyday for updates! Thanks for the great description and pictures. ;)


  20. Just love your ideas, I'll be making a felt pillow (going to use mini felt pinwheels instead of butterflies) and one of those dandelion lamps ASAP! Thank you for the super fun, EASY, affordable ideas!

  21. Grazie mille! I tuoi tutorials sono fantastici e mi hanno ispirato molto! I adore your blog and your tutorials too. Thank you very much to share it with us!


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