Showing posts with label bankruptcy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bankruptcy. Show all posts


Debt cartoon: Plus some cartooning links

Here's a cartoon published recently in a law magazine I work for, drawn to accompany an article about insolvency.

There's not much to say about this one, but if you are craving lots of words on the subject of cartooning from me -- and why wouldn't you be! -- check out the Bloghorn, online diary of the Professional Cartoonists Organisation, which I write for regularly.

Subjects I've written about recently include a time when cartoons played the role of Twitter, an art exhibition that saw cartoons sneak in the back door, and a 30-year-old postcard cartoon revived on TV. There's also a review of Steve Bell at the Cartoon Museum, a piece on the process of cartoonists covering for other cartoonists, and an article singing the virtues of the humble gag cartoon, which is in no way just a plug for my book. Cough.

Plus, there are lots of other cartooning articles, links and opinion pieces by my colleagues Matt Buck, Alex Hughes and Rob Murray. Go and read it all now!