This year Single Skein September was not my friend. I detailed a few of the oops moments from the first two weeks in this post. Then, woof, it kept going downhill.
I made this fun garter hat. No issues there. Came out great and used every last bit of the yarn. A win.
Then I decided to just cast on a bunch of stitches and knit a reversible pattern for a cowl. I used a chevron stitch chart from Up, Down, All-Around Stitch Dictionary. Except I twisted the cast on and didn't realize it until I was about halfway done. I decided to just keep knitting. The final product isn't terrible but I would have preferred it without the twist.
I then started the Swan Maiden Mitts but eventually had to admit that they were coming out much too large and I frogged my first mitt.
Last, I started a pair of Helix Mitts. I had many, many missteps from carelessness. The pattern is almost too simple. My brain would shut off and then I'd start knitting in stockinette or work my join incorrectly. I have only finished the first mitt. It's not bad but it was hard won. And I can't decide if I want the seam on the inside or outside. Leaning toward the outside.
Now that September is over I'm not sure what to work on next. Back to knitting Helix Hats in the meantime.