Roger J. Wendell
Defending 3.8 Billion Years of Organic EvolutionSM


What's changed or been updated lately
at www.RogerWendell.com?


Updated Ani I continue experimenting, moving things around, and adding new stuff all the time - hopefully I'll remember to list the changes here!



Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for my blog!
Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for my guestbook...


  1. March 2025:
    I added pictures of my mother, and some thoughts about her, and a related Abraham Lincoln quote to my Memorials page. A note from my mom on the inside of my copy of My Side of the Mountain linked off two places on my page about Books. A picture of a communist flag bearing the likenesses of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin added to the top of my page about Marxism. I also added at the top of that page a brief description of Marx and how he was supported by Engels who, in turn, received his money from factory profits. The Hubble Ultra-Deep Field image and explanatory text added to the top of my page about Cosmology. A note about the Banff Mountain Film Festival going woke added to the top of my page about Movies. A quote from Lilies Abounded added near the top of my page about Death. Added my ARRL 50 years of membership certificate near the top of my Radio Memberships and Wallpaper page. Added a picture of my daughter's calendar cover art, from when she was six-years-old, to the top of my page about Art.
  2. February 2025:
    A number of links to ambient, meditative music I've enjoyed listening to added to the bottom of my Music page. I added the correct street address and enlarged the thumbnail for the Wendell Motel on my Pix Miscellanea page. I expanded the definition of Tabeguache and related topics at the top of my page about Pikes Peak. I added two large newspaper articles about Pup 'N Taco (The Register and the Press-Telegram) to the "More Pix..." section at the bottom of my Pup 'N' Taco page and added a Big DoNut map graphic in addition to moving the hand puppets and other graphics around. I also enlarged the masthead graphic (and set it in blockquotes) on my Pup 'N' Taco Letters and Photos pages. A picture of Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Linda Fagan and a brief description of her firing added to the bottom of my Coast Guard page. Pictures of General C.Q. Brown and Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Lisa Franchetti and a description of their firings added to the top of my page about the Military. I posted a link to an conservation between my 89-year-old mother me on my Audio page. The Japanese characters for "Nippon" added to the top of my page about Japan. A quote from the Department of Defense' memo on transgenderism added to the top of my California. I added my ARRL 50-year membership certificate to my QRPp Low Power Amateur Radio page.
  3. December 2024:
    I added a picture of my current QSL card to the top of my page about QSL Cards! At the top of my QRP Award and QRP Recipients I enlarged the award graphic and added a note about the miles-per-watt record that's held by KL7YU and W7BVV. A picture of Senator Mccarthy and a note about his efforts and communism added to the top of my page about Marxism. The communist flag and a quote by Antonio Francesco Gramsci added near the top of my page about Religion. Jesse Kelly's picture and a number of his quotes added to the top of my page about Communism. A picture of George Stephanopoulos and a note about the defamation lawsui he and ABC news lost against Donald Trump added to my page about Media. A note about the "DOGE" (the proposed presidential advisory commission) added to the top of my page about Government.
  4. November 2024:
    A Barack Obama quote about gay marriage added to the bottom of my page about Roger's Rules of Order. A picture and note about the 58th annual CMA awards added to the bottom of my page about Music. A picture of Jesse Kelly and his bullet-points about arguing with a communist added to my page about Guns and Hunting. A Jesse Kelly quote (and his photo) about journalists added to the middle of my Media page.
  5. October 2024:
    A graphic and three paragraphs about Denver having become an insufferable pigsty added to the middle of my page about Colorado. A paragraph describing the UN and a picture of their New York building added to the top of my page about the United Nations. A picture of President Ronald Reagan and his quote about government never reducing its size added to my page about Government. A graphic and description of the Oxford Comma added to my page about Writing. My 10-18-2024 quote, about the democratic party being rooted in evil, added to my page about Politics.
  6. September 2024:
    At the top my Spooks page, I added a note about the second assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump's life - this is near the top of the page about the Secret Service's failures... A sign with the word "Russia" on it, attached to a fence, added near the bottom of my page about Russia. A quote about John Lennon, by Pauli Poisuo added to my page about People. I started a new page about Marxism with a graphic of Marx (and a nuclear explosion) and his Human Pride poem at the top of the page.
  7. August 2024:
    I changed my QRPp masthead photo from the CQC 2014 Field Day CW position to that of me at their 2017 Field Day CW position - moving the 2014 photo down near the bottom of the page. I added a lengthly description of my membership services career near the bottom of my page about the Colorado Mountain Club. John Wayne's quote about "Tomorrow" added to the top of Roger's Rules of Order page. Also on that page, I expanded my definitions and description of the five Bhudhist precepts and added a Jainism graphic in the next section below Bhudhism.
  8. July 2024:
    I added three movies (No Country for Old Men, Hell or High Water, and Hunt for Red October) to my list of all time favorites near the top of my Movies page (the two titles also include a link to a picture from each). After the stupid comments he made, immediately after the assassination attempt On President Donald J. Trump, I added Stephen King's photo to my page about Bad Guys. A picture of disgraced Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle as to the top of my Spooks and Spies page. A picture of President Donald J. Trump and a description of how poorly our media treated him added to my pages about People and the Media.
  9. June 2024:
    A picture of Graham, Gabriel, and me modeling new shirts posted at the bottom of my Colorado Mountain page. A graphic and note about protecting children from evil added near the bottom of my page about Books.
  10. May 2024:
    I made substantial changes to my 14ers page by adding some more descriptive text and updating all of the elevations with the latest National Geodetic Survey (NGS) data. I added a photo and and explanation of gabion construction to the Mount Morrison section of my page about Hiking. A graphic of Thomas Jefferson and his quote about aging (at age 76) added to my page about Death.
  11. April 2024:
    A picture of Robert A. Heinlein and one of his quotes added to the top of my page about Government. On my page about Poetry, I change Walt Whitman's photo and the associated masthead text. I also added personal data (birth and death dates) for Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allen Poe, and Mário de Andrade. A message from a senior NPR about his organization having lost America's trust added to my Media page. A picture of the Soviet spy ship, "Linza" added to the top of my Maritime Radio page along with some accompanying text about military authentication. I added a few more sentences about the history of the "Q-Code" to the top of my page about Q and Z Signals.
  12. March 2024:
    A picture of Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold added to the "dishonest public officials" section of my page about Colorado. Notes about the deaths of Laken Riley and Alexei Navalny added to the "important history" section of my main page. A note about the Islamic State (IS) fighters killing people in a Moscow music hall added to the top of my page about Russia.
  13. February 2024:
    I updated the masthead title and accompanying text at the top of my page about Colorado. An AP title about Americans not trusting media added near the top of my page about the Media. A picture and text about Alexei Anatolyevich Navalny added to the top of my Russia page. A "Fourteener" definition added to the bottom of my 14ers page.
  14. January 2024:
    A 2012 quote about political parties by actress Shannen Doherty added to my Politics page. I moved some graphics and added text to my Transportation page. A paragraph about unruly airline passengers added to the "flying" section of my page about Travel.
  15. December 2023:
    In 2019, Colorado Serenity Magazine interviewed me about the Colorado Mountain Club - I posted the article at the bottom of my page about the CMC. A picture and some notes about the passing of my friend Jane Wodening added to my page about Movies. I added summit photos of Mount Morrison and Storm Peak to my Other Peaks page.
  16. November 2023:
    A quote from paleontologist David R. Raup added to my page about Extinction. A note about leftist, woke, and gender/confusion activism added to the top of my page about Proselytizing. A picture of Paul Newman and his lyrics to Plastic Jesus added to my Lyrics page. A picture of Greg Gutfeld and his quote about woke movies added to the top of my page about Movies. Meriam-Webster definitions for "organic" and "evolution" added to the top of my page about Evolution.
  17. October 2023:
    I added author Penelope Purdy to my Autographs page. On my Coast Guard page I added a note about Veterans Day, Memorial Day, and the Radioman-in-Charge for the units I worked at in Monterey and Hawai'i.
  18. September 2023:
    Gil Folsom's and Sandy Heise's notes and signatures added to my Autographs page. Additional information about Mount Morrison added near the bottom of my About page. A picture of Chief Crowfoot and his quote added to my page about Life. A picture of Jim Cartwright and his family on top of Pikes Peak added to my 14ers page. A picture of Charlie Sassara and Jack Tackle, along with some of the story, posted on my page about Climbing and Mountaineering.
  19. August 2023:
    I added/modifed my "Ranked" and "Unranked" descriptions on my 12ers and 13ers pages - in addition to moving their masthead pictures and titles a bit. I moved the masthead picture and title on my Japan page and added a note about Harris greeting Prime Minister Suga. I added a brief description of the differences between Fusion and Fission to my page about Nuclear Power and added a graphical represenation of a Lithium atom to the masthead. A note about badges added to that section of my CMC page. A photograph and a note about the devastation in Lahaina placed on my Blog and Hawai'i pages. Segal's Law (and an explanation as to how it applies to a GPS) added near the top of my page about Waypoints and Navigation
  20. July 2023:
    I created a brand new Other Peaks and Mountaintops page to provide a home for some of the lower elevation summits that I've completed. Added the Dr. Strangelove quote about a low flying B52 to my page about Movies. I quoted nine points on survival from retired mountaineering ranger Daryl R. Miller at the top of my page about Backcountry Survival. I added a link to "DOWN TO EARTH | The Earthing Movie" and about four page break/bars to my Barefoot page. A note about Apple, Ben & Jerry's, Bud Light, Disney, and Target added to my page about Bad Business. An audio link to the UK dialing tone added to my United Kingdom and Audio pages. I enlarged the masthead thumbnail at the top of my page about Water and added links at the bottom to the "Drink Water" campaign. A brief note about the "Miricle at Philadelphia" added to the top of my page about the Constitution. I removed some missinformation from the City of Boulder, Colorado off my page about Nuclear Power.
  21. July 2023:
    I created a brand new Other Peaks and Mountaintops page to provide a home for some of the lower elevation summits that I've completed. Added the Dr. Strangelove quote about a low flying B52 to my page about Movies. I quoted nine points on survival from retired mountaineering ranger Daryl R. Miller at the top of my page about Backcountry Survival. I added a link to "DOWN TO EARTH | The Earthing Movie" and about four page break/bars to my Barefoot page. A note about Apple, Ben & Jerry's, Bud Light, Disney, and Target added to my page about Bad Business. An audio link to the UK dialing tone added to my United Kingdom and Audio pages. I enlarged the masthead thumbnail at the top of my page about Water and added links at the bottom to the "Drink Water" campaign. A brief note about the "Miricle at Philadelphia" added to the top of my page about the Constitution.
  22. June 2023:
    Davy Crockett's $20,000 "Not Yours To Give" story added to the bottom of my page about the Constitution. I changed my peak completer lists from one column into two columns and moved them to the top of my 12ers and 13ers pages. Notes about Wokeism and corporate proselytizing added to the top of my pages about Bad Business and Proselytizing. A picture of C.S. Lewis and his quote about tyranny added near the top of my page about Government. A picture of Yevgeny Prigozhin, and a news report about the Belarusian President brokering and end to the armed insurrection outside Moscow added to the top of my page about Russia. A quote about drag shows by Denver Mayor-elect Mike Johnston added to my Colorado page.
  23. May 2023:
    A note about Art Hogling including me in the acknowledgments of his Hiking Safety Handbook added to my page about Books. A picture of Tom Hanks and his quote about people wanting to censor books added to the top of my page about Books. A video about their 29 cent menu added to the bottom of my page about Pup 'N Taco. Photographs of Alvin Bragg and Joe Biden added to the top of my page about Bad Guys.
  24. April 2023:
    A picture of moss chloroplasts and an explanation of photosynthesis and chlorophyll added to the bottom of my page about Plants. A picture of the first transistor and lyrics to Hell's Bells Laboratory added to the bottom of my Lyrics page. I added my 20 CMC badges to my page about the Colorado Mountain Club. My description of how a Neutrino might achieve its mass added to the Higgs portion of my Science page. A Christian de Duve quote about a "Cosmic Imperative" added to my page about Life. A Bill Bryson quote about the genome added to the top of my Biology page.

  25. March 2023:
    A picture of J.K. Rowling and her quote about book burning added to my page about Books. Information about Quinzhees added to my Snow Caves page. Added a photograph of a dragonfly on my toe on my page about going Barefoot. A picture of the Andy Griffith Show and a quote about Mayberry wisdom added to the bottom of my Friendly Advice page. A three point definition of cross-country skiing added to the top of my Skiing page. A picture of green leaves added to my section about Plant Evolution on my page about Plants. A picture of Jesse Kelly and his long quote about a Late-Stage Republic and how morons end up running government offices and agencies added to the middle of my page about Government and the Bureaucratic Leviathan. Information on how loud a rocket launch can be was added to the bottom of my page about Noise Pollution. A picture of Vladimir Putin and Sergei Shoigu with a definition of War Crimes added near the top of my page about War. I updated the masthead photo (Peace Through Strength) on my page about Peace. A picture of Malcolm X and his quote about books added to the bottom of my page about Books. A definition and example of Avogadro's number added to the Definitions section of my page about Science. Michael Crichton's photograph added to his already existing quote at the top of my Science page. For my page about Russia, I added a note the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Putin due to war crimes. Lyrics for "Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead added to my Lyrics page.
  26. February 2023:
    A Brian Capon quote about the Scientific Method and his picture added to the top of my page about Science Stuff. I added a link to the WorldOMeters population clock to the top of my page about Over Population (directly beneath the existing link to the U.S. Census Bureau's population population clock). A picture of snow covered communications tower and a list of basic antenna types added near the top of my page about Antennas. A quote from David Robert's book about Domínguez and Escalante proselytizing added near the bottom of my page about Proselytizing. My audio recording of a CMC history promo added to my page about the Colorado Mountain Club. A definition of Wokeism added to my page about Bad Business. A picture of Ronald Reagan and his quote about freedom added near the top of my page about the Constitution. A picture of Mark Levin and his quotes about Capitalism, the Democratic Party, and Corrupt Curriculum added to my pages about Capitalism, Politics, and Government Unions, respectively. President Nixon's picture and 1992 quote about Russia added to the top of my page about Russia. A picture of Fred Rogers and words to "Everyone is Fancy" added to the bottom of my Lyrics page.
  27. January 2023:
    Two quotes from Brian Capon and his picture added to the bottom of my page about Evolution, and a quote from him about extracting energy from foods added to my page about Life. A picture of Mário de Andrade and his poem about life added to my pages about Poetry and Life. Lots of cross-links added to the top of my pages about Biology, Evolution, Life, Paleontology, Plants, and Science. Wordnick's definition of life added to the top of my page about Life. I indented most of the photographs on my KGNU, KGNU Two, Food, and Hunting, Science pages (not very elegant, but I used the html "blockquote" tag...). An Edgar Allen Poe quote about "boundaries" added to my pages about Life and Death. A list of definitions added to the bottom of my page about Plants. "Nothing Good Ever Happens After Midnight" added to the bottom of my Rules page. I tried making a distinction about occupied countries in the "My List of Countries So Far" section of my Travel page. A brief note about Arden's resignation as Prime Minister added to the top of my page about New Zealand.
  28. December 2022:
    A graphic of "Death" holding a birthday cake added near the bottm of my page about Death. A picture of Keegan Young presenting me with a "1,000 times up Mount Morrison" cookie added to the bottom of my Hiking and Colorado Mountain Club pages. An Edward Abbey quote about getting out of your car added near the top of my page about Transportation. Lyrics to Munchkinland and Yellow Ledbetter added to the middle of my Lyrics page. Quotes about botanical disciplines and the plant kingdom by Brian Capon added near the top of my page about Plants. I added Papa Bear Whitmore's name, and a link to his picture, at the bottom of my Colorado Mountain Club page for my participation in their 1997 Wilderness Survival School. A quote about the impact of ski resorts on the environment added to my page about Skiing. A picture and a note about the December 5th fusion achievement added near the bottom of my Nukes page. A note about Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's vulgarity added to my page about New Zealand.
  29. November 2022:
    An explanation about the Yosemite Decimal System (YDS) added to the bottom of my pages about 12ers, 13ers, 14ers, Climbing, Highpoints, and Hiking. On my Hiking page, I updated my entry about the Colorado Trail Foundation and Bill Manning due to his 2022 retirement. Robert A Heinlein's The Green Hills of Earth added to my page about Poetry. A photo of my father with a bazooka at Camp Pendleton added to my Memorials and Pix pages. Added a picture of Donna and me at Colorado's Rulison nuclear bomb/fracking site to the bottom of my page about Over Population (this in response to United Nations' population estimate of 8,000,000 on November 15th..._)
  30. October 2022:
    I added an audio clip of a man complaining about his username to my Audio page. Information about family dogs killing two small children in Tennessee added to my page about Pets. A portion of the First Amendment added near the top of my page about Religion.
  31. September 2022:
    A picture of Queen Elizabeth II and a note about her reign and passing added to the top of my page about the United Kigdom. A photo of another medieval toilet added to my Toilet Matters page.
  32. August 2022:
    A meme and an explanation of the differences between a Republic and a Democracy added to the top of my page about Politics. A Sam Haskins quote added to the top of my Photography page.
  33. July 2022:
    After being on my main page for over two decades I removed the "rainbow" (LGBTQ) flag and replaced it with two protest flags against China and Russia. A detailed note about recent Secret Service personnel problems (overseas, of all places!) added to my page about Spooks and Spies. A paragraph about LIDAR added to the top of my 12ers, 13ers, 14ers, Climbing, Highpoints, Hiking, and Waypoints pages.
  34. June 2022:
    A new picture of Green Mountain and accompanying text added to the masthead of my page about Green Mountain.
  35. May 2022:
    A picture of my swearing-in and a note about my election to the Green Mountain Water & Sanitation Board added to my pages about Politics and Green Mountain. Links to KGNU's 2002 Connections theme added at the top and bottom of my page about KGNU. A picture of Wayne LaPierre and his quote about the wisdom of our founding fathers added to my page on Guns and Hunting. An Elon Musk photo and quote about the Democratic party added to my page about Politics. A note about Jefferson County Open Space starting trail restoration work on Mount Morrison added to my page about Hiking.
  36. April 2022:
    A picture of Ed Sheeran and quotes about his copyright lawsuit win added to my page about Music. A quote/meme from Sweet Home Alabama added to the bottom of my page about Movies. Graphic of a "Choose Wisely" t-shirt added to the bottom of my Guns and Hunting page. Catholic Prayers for a Deceased Relative or Friend added to my Prayer page.
  37. March 2022:
    A quote from me, from a 2019 Denver Post article, added to the top quarter of my 14ers page where I've linked their article about climbing your first 14er. I added a Hitler/Putin meme and a description of Russia's brutality and war crimes against Ukraine to the top of my page about Russia. "Am I a good mother?" meme added to my Humor page. I moved my 1986 Letter-to-the-Editor (about Denver area sprawl) from my Writing page to my Letters-to-the-Editor page. I added a picture to two pills to the top of my page about Movies. Added a picture from on top the World Trade Center to the bottom of my page about Antennas. A note describing time as the process that brings the unknown future into the recorded past, etc., added to the top of my page about Time.
  38. February 2022:
    I added the Ukrainian flag to the top of my Main Page. A Saint Augustine quote added to the top of my page about Time. A Hermann Göring quote about war (moved up from a lower portion of the page), and his picture added to the top one third of my page about War.
  39. January 2022:
    I added a picture of Jimmy Webb, and some of his quotes about song writing, to my page about Lyrics. A "Did you Know? Green Mountain FAQs" article by Cory Grady added to my page about Green Mountain. An anti-public sector union bumpersticker added to my page about Government.
  40. December 2021:
    I added a picture of me, at age 16 holding a vintage 10 meter AM handheld to my page about QRP amateur radio. I enlarged the masthead thumbnail, and the "Karel under a Cactus" photo on my page about Mexico (I also moved some blocks of text around on that page, as well). At month's end I moved all of my files from A Small Orange to HostGator. A Gallup.com quote about American's declining trust in journalism added to my Media page.
  41. November 2021:
    A text description and pictures of me on top of Mount Morrison, for the one thousandth time, added to my page about Hiking. A note about the importance of Judeo-Christian values added to my pages on Religion, Spirituality, God, Prayer, and Proselytizing. An audio clip of a woman ranting against Republicans added to my Audio and Politics pages. "She Don't Use Jelly" lyrics and a picture of The Flaming Lips added to the top of my Lyrics page. A picture of Nicholas Sandmann and a brief description of his lawsuits added to my page about Media. Also added to my Media page is a brief description of Richard Jewell's lawsuit. A quote from a Washington Post opinion piece added to the top of my page about San Francisco.
  42. October 2021:
    Two full paragraphs (and a photograph of their magazine cover) as to why I didn't renew my membership, after 33 years, added to the top of my page about the Sierra Club. A picture of Jack London, with three of his quotes, added to my Quotes page. A Jack London quote added to the top of my San Francisco page. I updated the arrow graphic and linked URL for the Colorado QRP club's 1999 picnic near the bottom of my Morse code page. I enlarged the K1/J38/Christmas Key photo, and expanded the accompanying descriptive text on my Morse code, Morse code Memories, Morse code Alphabet, Hear CW, and Q and Z Signals pages. I added an audio clip from a KGNU listener comment to the top of the "Audio" section of my KGNU page.
  43. September 2021:
    Notes about the US gymnasts testifying before Congress about the FBI's Nassar investigation added near the top of my Spooks and Spies page. I added a "Fast Fourteener Facts" section near the top of my 14ers page. A Mark Twain quote about reading added to the top of my page about Books. General George S. Patton's 1944 weatheer prayer added to the middle of my page about Prayer.
  44. August 2021:
    Definitions for Net Present Value, Oligopoly, Opportunity Cost, Shrinkflation, and Stagflation added to the bottom of my page about Economics. A picture of Carl Sagan and his ECREE quote added to my page about Science. A brief summary of Marbury v. Madison added to my page about the Constitution. A voicemail message from an assisted living resident requesting a ride posted on my Audio page. A D. H. Lawrence quote about the loss of freedom added to the top of my pages about Guns and Politics. A "Simple Formula For Living" added to the bottom of my Roger's Rules of Order page.
  45. July 2021:
    On July 1st I added a note about the current closure on DeCaLiBron and private property rights, in general, to my page about 14ers. Kovach and Rosenstiel's "five intellectual principles of a science of reporting" added to the bottom of my page about Media. Gideon J. Tucker's quote about the loss of liberty when the legislature is in session added to the top of my page about Politics. Laplace's quote about extraordinary claims added to the top of my page about Religion. A definition of Trophic cascades added to the bottom of my page about Biodiversity.
  46. June 2021:
    A picture of Doug Peacock and a link to my radio interview with him added to my pages about Ed Abbey and Bear Safety. Added a new airport experience and then changed the list (89 total) from an unordered to an ordered list on my Travel page. The main points of Tom Rosenstiel's and Bill Kovach's book, The Elements of Journalism, added to the bottom of my Media page. Psalm 91:5-7 added to the bottom of my page about Poetry. Added my "14ers snowfield" quote from the June 19 Denver Post to my 14ers and CMC pages.
  47. May 2021:
    A meme about "Rights" and the 2nd Amendment added to my page about the Constitution. A note about the Holocene extinction (the sixth mass extinction) added to my page about Extinction. Two quotes from Mark Levin, and his photograph, added to my page about Media. A picture of John Muir and a quote about the word "hike" added near the top of my page about Hiking. A not about 39-year-old Laney malavolta being killed by bears, in Durango, added to my page about Bear Safety.
  48. April 2021:
    A graphic and three point explanation for The Federalist Papers added near the top of my page about the Constitution. A note about selection bias added near the top of my Movies page. Another Ed Abbey quote (this time from Doug Peacock's book) added to my page about Death. My thoughts about life added to the very top of my page about A Short Dance. BLM, MLB, and Coke added to my Bad Guys page. A picture of Edward Abbey and a Doug Peacock quote about Desert Solitaire added to my page about Books. A note about "Rights" and the 2nd Amendment added to my page about Guns and Hunting. A Walter Conkrite meme added to the top of my Media page.
  49. March 2021:
    A 1933 photograph of the AdAmAn fireworks display added to the bottom of my Pikes Peak page. Added pictures from The Garden Doctor magazine to the bottom of my A Short Dance page. I added some U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia quotes (and his picture) to the bottom of my page about the Constitution. A socialist joke added to the top of my Humor page. A "Kindly Remove Your Shoes" picture and a quote from Dirk Benidick added to the bottom of my Barefoot page. The song, Everybody Ought To Have A Maid added to my Lyrics page. A Dr. Suess quote and picture added to the top of my page about Books. A linke to the U.S. Debt Clock added to my America, Economics, and Capitalism pages.
  50. February 2021:
    Alone season two winner David McIntyre picture and quote added to the top of my page about Politics. Added a number of video links (about knot tying) to my Climbing page. Created a new webpage about my previously published paper, A Short Dance. Added a "Sports Clowns" photo (Kaepernick and Reid) and accompanying text to my page about Proselytizing. In addition to resizing some graphics, I added a comment about the club's decline to my Sierra Club page. I also added a picture of my Sierra Club Community Service Award to my KGNU overflow page. A quote from David Foreman added to my page about Overpopulation. A note about the U.S. Senate voting that it has the power to do something it doesn’t have the power to do added to the top of my page about the Constitution. Ronald Reagan's quote about leaving the Democratic Party added to my and Bad Guys pages. I added some information about my Raspberry Pi 4B and moved things around a bit on my page about Computers. Added a Richard Henry lee quote (and his portrait) to my page about Guns and Hunting. A note about China banning the BBC added to the top of my China and Silk Road (Uyghur) pages. Roman Emperor Hadrian's "Peace through strength" quote added to the top of my page about Peace. Quotes from a Nature Conservancy article about orchids added to my Plants page. I added some RTDNA quotes about media bias to my page about Media (and the failure of our Fourth Estate).
  51. January 2021:
    Anderson Cooper added to my Bad Guys page. Ashli Babbitt's picture, and accompanying text, added to the "...important history" section on my Main page. I added a note about my most recent theatre experience near the bottom of my Movies page. A quote about time (from a book on Yoga!) added to the bottom of my Time page. Added a "links" link to the bottom of each and everyone of my pages. Sir Francis Drake's, Disturb, Us Lord added to my Prayer page. A quote by Eliana Johnson added to the top of my Media page. A quote and picture (meme) by Alice Cooper added to my page about Music.
  52. December 2020:
    I added a definition and past dates for Earth Overshoot Day to my Earth Day page. I added operating habits (14.060 and 28.060 MHz QRPp CW) to my QRP page. Voicemail from an anonymous party girl added to my Audio page. Added additional Q signals to my A and Z Signals page. A quote about America being the Earth's last hope placed at the top of my page about America.
  53. November 2020:
    BBC Future quote added to the "Anthropology" section on my page about War. The quote, "History Does Not Repeat Itself, But It Rhymes" added to my page about History (author unknown). A picture of Mary Cronin, a link to Carl Blaurock's photo, and a history quote from Stephanie Butzer added to my 14ers page. Added a note, near the bottom of my Movies page that although I don't like theatres it's unfortunate that the pandemic has taken such a huge toll on owners, employees, and patrons.
  54. October 2020:
    My quote about the death of journalistm added to the top of my Media and Bad Guys pages. A picture and accompanying text about KØPV's VHF tower added to my page about Antennas. I placed my list of "Miscreants, Malcontents, and Marxists" in numbered lists at the top of my Bad Guys page. With permission, I posted Jamilyn's letter to me (asking what the "Pup" meant in Pup 'N' Taco) on my PNT Letters page. An Ayn Rand quote, and her picture, added to my page about Capitalism A note about Michael Moore's wealth also added to my Capitalism page.
  55. September 2020:
    My quote about the death of journalistm added to the top of my Media and Bad Guys pages. A picture and accompanying text about KØPV's VHF tower added to my page about Antennas. I placed my list of "Miscreants, Malcontents, and Marxists" in numbered lists at the top of my Bad Guys page.
  56. August 2020:
    I added an extensive quote and list of statics from John Balciar to my 14ers page. An Oliver Stone quote (and his picture) added to the top of my Spooks and Spies page. A meme about socialism added near the top of my page about Capitalism.
  57. July 2020:
    I added a quote by Mahtma Gandhi to my page about Prayer. A picture of me at my barefoot car camp in Winfield, Colorado added to my Barefoot page. On July 29th, shortly after the first series of Congressional hearings into tech monopolies I added Amazon, Apple, Twitter, and YouTube to my Bad Guys page (Google was part of the hearings but I had added them a few years prior. YouTube was not part of the hearing but was deserving to be on my page due to their monoplistic practices, and political bias similar to the other four...)
  58. June 2020:
    I added Congresswoman Diana DeGette's picture and my voicemail message to her office at my Letters (and Voicemail) Unanswered. I added an audio link to the conclusion of my interview with John Perkins to my KGNU page. A picture of Joseph Goebbels and a quote by him added to my Media page.
  59. May 2020:
    A picture of Dr. Duc C. Vuong, MD and his quote about not being able to trust the Chinese government added to my page about China. My email to Al Letson (Center for Investigative Reporting) posted on my Letters unanswered page. Ed Abbey's picture added the bottom of my Music page. Enlarged the masthead photo (thumbnail) at the top of my page about Life. A Margaret Mitchell quote added near the top of my Roger's Rules of Order page. Added an audio link to my composition, "Crums," on my Music page. On the 23rd I noticed that digits.net webcounter I've been using on hundreds of webpages has gone dead with the domain name up for sale!
  60. April 2020:
    A link to a .pdf copy of the World Charter for Nature added to my Insects, Deep Ecology, and Biodiversity pages due the the United Nations' page having been changed from my original link. A picture of Elon Musk and his quote about CNN still being in existance added to my page about Media and the Fourth Estate. A Picture and description on how the Chinese government punished Dr. Li Weinling over his warnings about COVID-19 added to my page about China. A picure of CERN's "Lagrangian" cup and a description off the Standard Model added to my page about Science stuff. A picture of Tom Petty and his quote added to he bottom of my Music page. I enlarged the masthead "Kindly Remove Your Shoes" photo (thumbnail) at the top of my Roger's Rules of Order page.
  61. March 2020:
    Todd Zwillich and Ezra Klein added to the top of my Letters Unanswered page. Added text and a picture of Democrat Senate minority Chuck Schumer to my Bad Guys page for his threat against Supreme Court Justices. A quote from Dr. Drew Pinsky, about media created panic over the China Coronavirus, added to the top of my Media page.
  62. February 2020:
    Photos of Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi added to my Bad Guys page. Enlarged some thumbnails and other modifications to my Hawai'i page. A descripion of "The Tyranny of the Rocket Equation" added to the Miscellaneous Definitions section of my Science page.
  63. January 2020:
    Added the 22 word school prayer and text about the 1962 Supreme Court decision to my page about Prayer. A link to a YouTube death threat added to my Main page. I added a photo of Professor Philip Goff, and a quote about temporal egalitarianism to Time page. A note about the UK finally leaving the European Union (after 1,316 days of political turmoil), added to my United Kingdom page.
  64. December 2019:
    A Julia Corbett quote about city noise added to my page on Noise Pollution. A picture of Newt Gingrich and a quote by him about the Second Amendment added to my page on Guns and Hunting. The audio for my voicemail greeting, that was used at the CMC since 2013, added to my page about the Colorado Mountain Club. I added an audio link to my Society of Barefoot Living interview, with Stephanie Welch, to the top of my Barefoot page. Cleaned up some text and WWV graphics in my page about Time.
  65. November 2019:
    Rearranged most of the quotes and enlarged the pictures of Edward O. Wilson and Dave Foreman on my Biodiversity page. Added a picture of Craig Silverman, and a note about him being fired from radio station KNUS, on my Letters Unanswered page. An updated note of appreciation for Ronald Reagan added to my Bad Guys page. A picture of an anechoic chamber and accompanying text added to my page about Noise. "Hitchen's Razor," and picture of Christopher Hitchens added to my page about Religion. Added an audio link to my Buy Nothing Day page that reminded listeners about Buy Nothing Day!
  66. October 2019:
    Added a picture of me on top of Kataka Mountain to the "Miscellaneous 12er Pix" on my 12ers page. Added another picture of me and John Long to my climbing page. I added five scans of advertisements, from Brian, to my Pup 'N' Taco page. A picture of Chester McQueary and some accompanying text about the 1969 Rulison Project added to my Nukes page. An April 09, 2014 recording of some of my "pledge rap" added to my KGNU page.
  67. September 2019:
    I added a picture of me, at the Taj Mahal, to my Barefoot page. Dead links remain a problem that's getting harder to keep up with (because I have so many of my pages with links to other sites!). I certainly can't list every dead link that I've ever removed but some seemed relatively important and, therefore, hard to believe they're gone. This month's example includes Mount Everest, The British Story. Of course the link is dead but I list it here in case it should ever come back to life again. If it does, I'll place it back onto my Climbing page! And, I also noticed that link to my own son's physics page, where he did his undergraduate work (RVW), has been removed along with thousands of others from the college's servers! Anyway, with literally hundreds of links having died, on my site, I'm growing more and more reluctant to link other sites. I'll have to evaluate this one link at a time from here on out! Picture of a stolen sticker added to my Bumper Stickers page.
  68. August 2019:
    Added a "For Sale" sign graphic to my For Sale page. Updated text and calendar dates on my Buy Nothing Day page. Repaired the 26 broken links to my YouTube videos on the bottom of my Postal page. A picture of a Hong Kong protester holding a sign, and some accompanying text, added to my China, Signs Signs of Protest, and Hunting pages.
  69. July 2019:
    A picture of Milton Friedman and his quote about greed and capitalism added to my page about Capitalism. A "Don't Californicate Colorado" license plate graphic added to my page about Colorado. A picture of Dave Morrison and his quote about raising the voting age added to my page about Politics. A picture of Kathryn Steinle and a text description of her murder by an illegal alien added to the top of my page about San Francisco. Added some additional photos to the top of my Bad Guys page.
  70. June 2019:
    An Internal Revenue Service definition of Libertarianism added to my page about Politics. A picture and note about the requirement to carry your bicycle added to my Grand Canyon page. A note about Commerce City, Colorado voting to become a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary City added to my Guns and Hunting page. The "My Shack" portion of My Station page substantially rewritten. A picture of Edward O. Wilson and a quote from his Letter to a Southern Baptist Minister added to my Extinction page. A picture and text about parents brawling at a youth baseball game in Lakewood, Colorado added to my Sports Zoo page. A link to a Denver Post article (quoting me!), What You Need to Know to Climb Your First 14er, added to my 14ers page.
  71. May 2019:
    I removed the html comment box from my Main page and replaced it with a direct link to my Guest Book page. (the comment box was failing, now and again, and becoming difficult to maintain) I also moved some of the Guest Book's masthead text to the page's top left. Added a picture of Teresa Martinez and information about the Continental Divide Trail Coalition to my page about Hiking. Added a picture and text about Ryan P. Hazel's death, due to a dog attack, to my Pets page. Added an audio link of KNUS' Randy Corporon reading my email about the Coast Guard, NMO, NMC, and NMC6 on my Coast Guard page.
  72. April 2019:
    A drawing of Robert A Heilien and his quote about an armed citizenry added to my page about Guns and Hunting. My letter to author Amy Irvine add to my Letters Unanswered page. Updated some text on my Grand Canyon page. A map of human excrement, and accompanying text, added to my page about San Francisco and California. A picture and a note about Coloradans being weak and full of fear added to the top of my Colorado page. Some text and a picture of me and Colorado Trail Foundation Executive Director Bill Manning added to my Hiking page.
  73. March 2019:
    Added a picture of Bernie Sanders and a thought about socialism to my Capitalism page. Moved some pix and text, along with adding a picture of myself on CW, to my Morse code page. I added a picture, an audio link, and a text description about my 2006 interview with author Robert Cohen (Milk, the Deadly Posion) to my Vegetarianism page. Photographs of the Front Range's so-called "Bomb cyclone" added near the top of my Snow Day page. My letter to the Friends of Mount Evans and Lost Creek Wilderness added to the top of my Unanswered Letters page. Added a picture of my dad and me to my Memorials page. Also added a link, on that same page, to Charlie Oriez' obituary. A Stalin "dark humor" meme added to the top of my Humor page. A quote from Bill Maher (and his picture) about Democrats needing to "Grow a pair" added to my page about Politics. I added a note from 92 year old Jan Waddington about measuring elevation to my page about 14ers.
  74. February 2019:
    Added pix and text from Dean Waits' CMC trip lead to my Pikes Peak page. Some minor editing to my Boulder page (removed an obsolete "protect Valmont Butte" link and changed all of the photo title fonts from size "1" to size "2"). I enlarged the top photo, moved the description of "Tava," and did some other minor photo moves on my page about Pikes Peak and Barr Camp. I cleaned-up a lot of text, moved some photos around, and increased the font size on most pictures in my pages about Ireland, France, England, Scotland, and Wales. A photograph and quote by Savas Dimopoulos added to my page on Politics. Photographs of bobcats in my birdbath added to my Backyard Wildlife page. David Ingebright provided me with a list of ET duties, at USCG Group Monterey, that I added to my Coast Guard page (I also re-sized most of the photo captions in addition to centering photos and moving some text into blockquote...). A picture of the Sombrero Galaxy added to the top of my Cosmology page (the picture of NGC 4535 moved down to the bottom of the page, just about the "Links" section). A note about IQ added to the bottom of my page about Me...
  75. January 2019:
    A picture of Malcolm X and an accompanying quote added to my Media page. A note about the Tabeguache (People of Sun Mountain) added to my page about Pikes Pikes. Later in the month I added a picture of Claas Relotius and some accompanying text to my Media page. Pictures of musicians and poets, from the 30th annual Colorado Cowboy Poetry Gathering added to my Music and Poetry pages. Added a new WWV time format graphic (in two places) to my page about Time. I updated descriptive text at the top of my KGNU page. Updated some text and added a picture of a feral pig to my Hunting page.
  76. December 2018:
    Updated a YouTube video and added additional points to the Good, Bad, and the Ugly section on my page about America. Updated my page about France, unfortunately, with a picture and some text about their recent riots. Photograph and some text about a "God Bless the American Flag" billboard (near Wiggins, Colorado) added to my page about America. Added a picture of me in KGNU's music library to my Music and KGNU Overflow pages. By month's end, my list of movies that I had watched (in their entirety) or finally recalled reached 1,000 so I added that note to my Movies page.
  77. November 2018:
    A picture and note about Jared Polis added to my page about Colorado (also added a brief note about Governor John Hickenlooper having been "sheep-dipped," in Turin, for a presidential run in 2020. Added a picture of Scott Simon, and my letter to him at National Public Radio, to my Letters Unanswered page. Added a question asking what standards are required of journalists to my Media page. A note about Carl Blaurock being the first to summit all of Colorado's 14ers added to the "History" portion of my 14ers page. The petulant propagandist Abilio James "Jim" Acosta was added to my Bad Guys for his disruptive behavior during a White House press conference on November 7th. A picture and text about John Allen Chau added to my Proselytizing page after he was killed trying to convert the Sentinelese tribal people.

  78. October 2018:
    A quote from Jonah Goldman, about the bias of journalists, added to my Media and Fourth Estate page.Some hsitory (and an example) of Lorem Ipsum added to the bottom of my page on Writing.

  79. September 2018:
    I added some links and text about Echo Email Processors to the bottom of my Contact page. Created a brand new Prayer page. Later in the month I also added some personal history about my past email accounts to my Contact page. A reminder about our adversaries added to the top of my China and Russia pages. Added a Constitution Day graphic to my page about the U.S. Constitution.

  80. August 2018:
    A picture of me and "Art by 13" added to my page about Art. A Howard Kunstler quote about the FBI added to my Spooks and Spies page. On my Pets page I added pix and descriptions about a sheriff's deputy who was mauled by a dog and another man who lost his legs and hands due to an infection from a dog's saliva - both incidents occured last month. Added a picture and some text about disgraced CIA director John O. Brennan to my Spooks and Bad Guys pages. A picture and quote about Cody Lundin added to the bottom of my Barefoot page.
  81. July 2018:
    A chronology of events for the Declaration of Independence added to my Constitution page. A couple paragraphs (each!) about Parcom, Comcast and other cable companies added to my Bad Business page. Added Alpine Recue and ORIC links, and updated (for probably the third or fourth time in a decade) the CORSAR link on my Colorado, Skiing, hiking, 12ers, 13ers, 14ers, and Skiing pages. Moved the RATM pix and updated links at the bottom of my Music page. I moved some graphics and updated a lot of links at the bottom of my Climbing page. Pictures of James Comey and Peter Strozk, along with some accompanying text, added to my page about Spooks and Spies page. Added a link to the Monterey Bay underwater soundscape, a picture of fish in a net, and a description about the impact of human population on the oceans, to my page about Fish, Fishing, Oceans & Marine Organisms
  82. June 2018:
    Added James Comey, Peter Fonda, and Maxine Waters to my Bad Guys page. Pictures of the Dauntless Mine and its toilet added to my Toilet Matters page. A note and quotes about Impossible Foods veggie burger added to my page about Vegetarianism. Pictures and some text about Maddie Miller's speed record for all 50 states added to my Highpoints page. Audio from Duncan Campbell's KGNU Field Day announcement (on my behalf!) added to my KGNU page.
  83. May 2018:
    Pictures of me with Hannah Leigh Myers and Nancy Taddiken, along with some text history about Connections, added near the top of my KGNU Overflow page. Pictures of me and Dona Hildebrand, and me and Gudy Gaskill and some text added to my Hiking page. Added a "living under a tarp" photo to my CNMI Agrihan adventure page. A few minor text tweaks and corrections to my Aconcagua page. A Robert Redford quote added to the top of my page about Books.
  84. April 2018:
    Added a photo and audio link for my interview with Edwin S. Rubenstein (Director of Research for Negative Population Growth) to my Population page. I also added cross links tor my KGNU and Population pages. Fridtjof Nansen picture and quotes added to my Skiing page (also enlarged the clear cut, alaw, and jim/Annetta thumb images on that page). A link to our radio interview along with pix and text about Susi Snyder added to my Nukes and Peace pages. I removed google search and the "form method=get whatchanged.html" code from my Main page. Updated the code for google search on my Site index page. Added a copy of the United Nations' Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons to my Nukes and United Nations pages.
  85. March 2018:
    Added a photo of me and Dr. Jon Kedrowski, along with a paragraph of descriptive text, to my 14ers page. Expanded a note about the Banff, Radical Reels, and Backcountry Film Festival to my Movies page. Quote by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt added to my page about America. Labeled all of the pictures and updated some text for my CNMI page. I added to the note about my ermegency communications involvement at the top of my ARES page. Added a link to my YouTube video about the Pup 'N Taco Employee's Manual to my Main Pup 'N Taco page and my Pup 'N Taco Letters and Photos pages. A quote from Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, added to my page about Russia.
  86. February 2018:
    A photo and a text about the Guggenheim Museum's disrespect to the White House added to my Bad Guys and Toilet pages. Added notes about potential FBI political bias, and their failure to act before the Parkland highschool shooting, to my Spooks page. A Peter Boyles quote about the Olympic Games added to the top portion of my Sports Zoo page. Added an historical note (about the price of music) and moved things around a bit on my Music page. Added audio links and a description of my 8,720 miles-per-watt QSO with AE5X to my QRP page.
  87. January 2018:
    Added pix of my slope meter, and extended text about Avalanche Safety, to my Backcountry Skiing page. Added clickable link arrows to the top of my Quote Quiz, Quote of the Quarter, and Quotes pages to connect all three to each other. A description of Fake News added to my Media page.
  88. December 2017:
    Added my Denver Group Service Award to my page about the Colorado Mountain Club. An audio recording from KGNU's "Comment Line," from a listener who heard an opinion she didn't like, added to my KGNU Overflow page.
  89. November 2017:
    My (7 year) Sun Chips compost experiment, on my Recycling page updated with three new pix and a video link. Picture of me and legendary climber Jeff Lowe, at the Bradford Washburn museum in 2014, added to my Climbing page.
  90. October 2017:
    A Leo Tolstoy quote about a aspiing towards a righteous life added to my page about Animals. A list of why "men are just happy people" added to my Humor page. Picture of me and John Long (and two others of John) added to my Climbing page. Quote article on the 75 percent decline in total flying insect biomass in Germany on my Insects page. Added an "Hateful Eight" photo, and linked my other six favorite movie photos, to the top of my Movies page. A picture of me and Jack Phillips, and two paragraphs of description, added to my page about People.
  91. September 2017:
    A picture of me and muscian Ken Crow, and some accompanying text, added to my Music page. President Donald J. Trump's photo and September 2017 UN quotes added to the top of my United Nations page. Added another picture of the National Football League's disrept for our country to my Sports Zoo page.
  92. August 2017:
    Added a humerous CNN sunglasses graphic to my Media page. Matthew Rawlings' "Through These Doors..." photo and text added to my Coast Guard page. Add three photos (climbing barefoot, hiking barefoot, and the barefoot stone on my porch) to my Barefoot page.
  93. July 2017:
    Reid Lance Rosenthal added to my Autographs page. A quote about "unfairness" from Sgt Robert Brown added to the top of my Military page. "Smelly Fact #101" added to my page about Pets.
  94. June 2017:
    A picture of all five "Connections" hosts (at the Tangerine Restaurant in Boulder) added to my KGNU overflow page. Graphic and quote from The Nature Fix added to my page about Noise. My "completer" certificate added to my 14ers page.
  95. May 2017:
    Late April 2017 snow storm pix added to my Snow Day page. Pix and text about an "emergency" dog watering station added to the bottom of my page about Pets. Winston Churchill picture and quotes add to my page about Capitalsim.
  96. April 2017:
    Quote about kids, parents, and sports by coach Geno Auriemma added to my Sports Zoo page. Andrew Skurka picture and GPS quote added to my Waypoints and Ten Essentials pages. Mary Otto qutoes (from her book, Teeth) added to my Photography, History and Did You Know pages. A portion of the CMC's "Fourteener Files" added to my 14ers page. Beer photograph added to my Economics page.
  97. March 2017:
    Photo of me and Hot Shot Brent Dawson added to my ARES wildland firefighting page. My Friendly Advice page updated with a "self reflection" graphic and paragraph about life being too short. Photo of football "stars" Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid refusing to remain respectufl during our country's national anthem added to the bottom of my Sport Zoo and Bad Guys pages. Added the "26 Feet From History" article to my CNMI page.
  98. February 2017:
    Picture and text about Pierce Brosnan and his wife's new environmental film added to my page about Movies. A picture of Chris and me at the one mile high step, at Colorado's State Capitol, added to my Colorado page. Joe Griffith's "Follow That Trail" Trail and Timberline article added to my Waypoints page. a short Zen verse added to the top of my Quotes page.
  99. January 2017:
    A note about the passing of Cydd West added beneath his picture on my Boulder page. Listener comments section (with a new comment passed along from the Membership Director) added to my KGNU page. Picture of me and Chris with Gary McMahan and Liz Masterson added to my Music page. Added a funny holiday voice mail greeting to my Audio page. A Wendell Berry picture and quote added to my page about Spiritual Stuff.
  100. December 2016:
    Picture and quotes from Arthur Schopenhauer added to my pages on Life and Death. Moved some pix around, and resized some, on my Coast Guard and Coast Guard Comments pages. A Harold S. Kushner quote about women changing their names after marriage added to the bottom of my Tidbits and Miscellanea page. A picture of David Suzuki and his quote about economics being a form of brain damge added to my Economics page.
  101. November 2016:
    Picture of John Fielder and me added to my Photography page. Pix of bear proof trash cans and food lockers added to my page on Bear Safety. Green Mountain fire photo and description added to my Green Mountain page. The mauling of 4-year-old Kiyana McNeal by a Doberman mix added to my page about Pets.
  102. October 2016:
    Three paragraphs of history added to the bottom of my page about the Postal Service. The dimensions of Earth (in "Freedom Units") added to my Cosmology page. A carbon print of Alfred Lord Tennyson and his "dust" quote added to my page about Death. Pix and text about a bear attack along the Mount Wilson Trail added to my page on Bear Safety.
  103. September 2016:
    Pearl S. Buck quote added to my page about Books. A painting in progress by Carol Jenkins added to the bottom of my page about Art. A note about quote marks for multiple paragraphs added to the bottom of my page about Writing.
  104. August 2016:
    Advice from an old farmer added to my Friendly Advice page. A Stephen Grellet quote added to my Roger's Rules of Order page. A definition of "Negligible senescence" added to my page about Death.
  105. July 2016:
    A quote about "borrowing from the vacuum" from Professor Roger A. Wendell (Particle Physicist) added to my page about Death. A definition of "Prominence" added to my 12ers, 13ers, 14ers, and Highpoints pages. Unfortunately another act of terrorism had to be added to my page about France. Also added a quote from the movie Annie Hall to my Sports Zoo page.
  106. June 2016:
    Euro 2016 rioting picture and text added to my Sports Sports page. A Washington Post quote about immigrants added to my page about Overpopulation. Slight update to the text describing "The Nation's Best Military Radiomen" on my Coast Guard page. A note about military cemeteries added to my Memorials page. Brexit graphic and text added to my two United Kingdom pages.
  107. May 2016:
    Clint Kaul's climb and trip description added to my CNMI page. Added a "Comments from some of my guests" section to my KGNU page. The Colorado Mountain Club's recommended "Whistle Protocol," with text and graphics, added to my Ten Essentials and Survival pages.
  108. April 2016:
    A couple dozen pictures and extensive text added to my page about our climb up the Agrihan highpoint in CNMI. Enlarged the logo photo and added some descriptive text about its receiver and VOM to my Morse code page. Added pix to my Snow Day page. Donald R. Prothero quotes added to my pages on Evolution and Fish, Fishing, Oceans & Marine Organisms. Emily Dickinson picture and poem added to my Poetry page. Qutoe from Theoretical physicist Professor Lawrence M. Krauss added to my Science page. Elizabeth Marshall Thomas quotes about "The Old Way" (and her photograph), religion, and vegetarianism added to my pages Life, Religion, and Vegetarianism, respectively. Three legal action scam voice mail messages added to my Audio page.
  109. March 2016:
    Letter-to-the-Editor from Peter Fleming added to the bottom of my Australia and Hunting pages. A proposal to strengthen the Death Penalty added to the bottom of my page on Death. Quotes from paleontologist Donald R. Prothero added to my pages on Life, Insects, Paleontology, and Climate Change pages. A picture and quote from Edward O. Wilson added to my page about Insects. Theodore Delevoryas and Donald R. Prothero quotes added to my page on Plants. A Christina Crosby quotes added to the bottom of my Cycling and writing pages. A Tim Travis quote about my interview skills added to the top of my KGNU Overflow page. Cactus Ed quote and graphic, about anarchism, added to my Abbey and Thoreau page.
  110. February 2016:
    A Mark Twain graphic about voting added to my page on Politics. Added a picture of Charles Darwin and one of his quotes to my page on Evolution. Added a picture of Stephen Jay Gould to my pages on Evolution and Extinction. A quote from Fred Spier added to my page about Life. Bill Nye quotes added to my pages on GMOs, Time, Vegetarianism, Extinction, Paleontology, and Death. Definitions for Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells added to my page about Biology. A list of reasons added to my page about going Barefoot. A quote about guns from Eagles of Death Metal frontman Jesse Hughes added to my page about France. Darwin birthday graphic added to my page on Evolution. A Jim Cummings quote added to my page about Sports.
  111. January 2016:
    Added a Ricky Dene Gervais quote to my There is no God page. A quote fro Su Tzu added to my page War and Terrorism page. A definition of "Affluenza" added to the bottom of my Voluntary Simplicity page. Added Nick Logan to my Autographs page. A Bill Nye quote about sexual selection added to my Plants page. Bill Nye quotes added to my pages on Evolution, Health, and Biodiversity. A 1901 summit photo added to the bottom of my Pikes Peak page. St. John Hunt quote about post-war Paris added to my page about France. A picture of Scott Jurek and a description of the Appalachian Trail added to my page on Hiking.
  112. December 2015:
    Two drawings by Jim Stiles added (with permission) to my Abbey and Thoreau page. Added a small TV show rating list to my Movies page. Added a bunch of Unix commands and permissions to my Unix page. A long quote about the relationship between art and science, by Particle Physicist Fabiola Gianotti added to my Music page. Wish You Were Here picture and words added to my Lyrics page. A picture of Jack Kerouac and a quote from Dharma Bums added to my page about Poetry. An Edward Abbey quote about "Rock" added to my Music page. An Annie Dillard quote about an eskimo and a priest added to my There is no God page. Pix of roadside billboards added to my page on Proselytizing. Two pictures of off-axis parabolic dishes added to the bottom of my Antennas page. I updated the terrorist portion (located at the bottom) of my page about France. Pix and a description about my Raspberry Pi B added to both my Computers and Unix pages.
  113. November 2015:
    Picture (of a painting) of Samuel Adams and his "mangled bodies" quoted added to my 4th of July page. Erasmus quote added to my page on Books. Added Nicolette Hahn Niman quotes to my pages on Plants and Extinction. A Thomas Sowell quote added to both my Economics and Politics pages. Added a NY Times quote and pix about Greece, along with moving a lot of suff around, to my page on Economics. Added a picture of Jordan Halliday and an audio clip from our time together on KGNU to my Prosletyzing page.
  114. October 2015:
    Added an explanation of Planck time to my page on Time. Added a list of the 50 states to my Highpoints page. Added a picture and some text about Federico F. Peña to my Bad Guys page.
  115. September 2015:
    A description of the 1974 Aricebo Message and an accompanying picture of the antenna added to my Cosmology page. Lee Billings' quotes added to my Plants and Energy pages. A Franklin Delano Roosevelt quote about public sector unions added to my Government page. Added some additional airport and airline info to my Travel page. Posted a picture of "dueling proselytizers" and added some other text about militants to my Proselytizing page. Added a reminder about the September 17th observance to my Constitution page. Changed a small amount of text and did some organizaing on my 12ers page. Photo of the Jackson Browne statue, in Winslow, added to my Arizona and Music pages.
  116. August 2015:
    Moved some graphics around in addition to correcting a NIST thumbnail image and adding some related text to my page on Time. Added a video and some text about the gravesite for Prospector John C. McKee to my Death page. Moved things around a bit in addition to adding some text about Governor Hickenlooper sparing mass murderer Nathan Dunlap to my Colorado page. A 2011 Discovery Channel quote from Stephen Hawking added to my There Is No God page. Added quotes from Mark Levin to my America, Constitution, and Peace pages. A george Harrison quote about Haight-Ashbury added to my San Francisco page. An Edward Abbey quote added to my page on Overpopulation. French President Hollande's presentation the Legion d'Honneur, at the Elysee Palace, added to my page about France. Oliva Harrison quote about marriage added to my Friendly Advice page. My email exchange about the number of people who have completed all of Colorado's 14ers added to my 14ers page. Added Lee Billings' quotes to my China, Climate Change, Death, and Fish pages.
  117. July 2015:
    Robert Hughes quote added to my Art page. Added some new text and a picture of the county's highest point to my page about Longhorn Ranch. Added "Molon labe" to my Hunting page. A Lee Billings quote added to my page about Life. Posted a video and note from Cinta Kaipat about her song, Falúw kkaa Efáng, on my CNMI page.
  118. June 2015:
    Created a new CNMI page after my return from Saipan. Added pix, text, and audio from my experience at KKMP to the bottom of my KGNU and QRP pages. Thanks to my Agrigan experience, I added a "Near Misses" section to my Highpoints and Topographic Prominence page. Started added bits of text and description about Hong Kong and Macau to my China page (more to follow, as time permits...).
  119. May 2015:
    A Pup 'N Taco video and accompanying text added to my main Pup 'N Taco page and my Pup 'N Taco photos page. Moved things around a bit and changed some text on my Barefoot page. A picture and text about Johnny Cash added to my Morse Code page.
  120. April 2015:
    Penn Jillette's picture and a quote added to my page on Religion. Added a few sentences explaing Earth Hour to my Earth Day page. Eric Chaisson quote about the Principle of Equivalence added to the "definitions" portion of my Science page. I added an Eric Fromm quote to my Capitalism page. Added the 1859 Western Union "92 Code" to my Q and Z signal page.
  121. March 2015:
    Added a quote about "Sitting is the New Smoking" to my page on Exercise. Enlarged my Ribbon Falls photo at the top of my Grand Canyon page and expanded its description. Added a Ryan Anderson quote (and picture) about stem cell research to my GMO page. Added a photo and audio link for my KGNU interview with Dr. Philip Cafaro, PhD to my page on Overpopulation.
  122. February 2015:
    Created my page on the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Embeded Rosanne Cash's "Land of Dreams" video into my page about America. Added a picture of Alim Seytoff and a link to my radio interview with him on my page about East Turkestan and the Silk Road. I added a Lawrence M. Krauss quote to the "Four Questions" on my Main page. Thoughts about the "selfie" added to my Photography page. Added an acoustical map and descriptive text about the National Park Service's quietest areas in the lower 48 to my page on Noise. A note about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac added to my pages on Capitalism, Buy Nothing Day, and the concentraion of Wealth and Power. Quotes from Marcus Tullius Cicero added to my Government and Politics pages.
  123. January 2015:
    Started my Bear Safety page. Photo and an extensive "electricity" quote from Franklin Rhoda added to my Lightning Safety page. Added a more thorough (and modern) explanatory paragraph to the top of my Ten Essentials page. Added the names of 15 unofficial sub-peaks to my 14ers page. A Bernd Heinrich quote added to my Activists page. On my page about Books I added an * note about the benefits of used books and libraries over that of expensive eBooks and hardback editions. Three photos of the "Redding House," from the chickamauga Campaign Heritage Trail, added to my History page. Removed my Contact.asp page since the new server doesn't support Active Server Pages. Added a "Ham" bumper sticker to the top of my Radio Tattoos page. Added a picture of a dragonfly on my toe, in Africa, to my Insects page. Definition of the Wilderness Act added to the top of my Wilderness Defense! page. Added a Michael Crichton quote about consensus to my Science page. Replaced my biological pronunciation guide with the scientific classification in biology on the lower portion of my Biology page. A Jodie Foster picture and a brief description of the movie Contact added to the bottom of my Movies page. Jodie Foster's picture, along with some background on the "Wow!" signal added to my page on Cosmology. Added a Bill Greiner quote, about Europe's economy, to my Travel Two page. James Truslow Adams quote added to my America page. Quoted Jake Abrahamson's article about Matt Dyer on my Bear Safety page. Added more description to the welcome photo at the top of the page about My Station. Added two photos and text about some 1975 transmitter and transceiver projects to my QRP page. Quotes from Alexis de Tocqueville added to my pages on History, Politics, and America. Bono picture and quote about America added to my page about America. P.J. O'Rourke quote added to my page on Politics. Maps of East Turkestan and Tibet added to the top of my pages about the Silk Road, Tibet, and China.
  124. December 2014:
    Started a page about Paleontology. Added a photo and some text about David Johnston and his wife Cari Sayre, along with a definition of prominence, to my Highpoints page. Added some pix and text about a glass summit register on Unammed 12,915 to my 12ers page (borrowed from my 14ers page where it was being used as info about summit registers in general). Also enlarged the logo thumbnail immages on both my 12ers and 14ers pages. Edward Abbey quote warning us about "burnout" added to the bottom of my page on Deep Ecology. Quote from The Shawshank Redemption added to my Movies page. Added a Ram Dass quote, along with a few paragraphs of my own text, to my Noise page. Added a couple of sentences about airline airport lounges to my Travel page.
  125. November 2014:
    Kamioka Obervatory's announcement that Roger A. Wendell has been awarded the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan added to my Cosmology page. Added a David Blaikie quote about ultrarunning, and my own thoughts on running, to my Exercise page. Added a humerous food graphic to my page on Food. Added pictures of Point 12707 and Sentinel Point to my 12ers page. Added a picture of me and Gerry Roach to my 14ers and Autographs pages (including his autograph and a text description!). Started my Arizona page but have a long way to go! Rearranged some scientists' text and quotes and added a number of links to my page on Science. A Robert A. Heinlein quote about Democracy added to my page on Politics. Added a gps constellation graphic to my Waypoints page. Pix and text of Kurt conquering Mount Bierstadt, on one leg, added to my 14ers page!
  126. Octer 2014:
    Added a quote about hiking with dogs, from Backpacking Magazine, to my Pets page. Julia Pierson's forced resignation, as director of the Secret Service, was added to my Spooks and Spies page. Michael Phelps' second DUI was added to my Sports Zoo page. Moved a lot of things around in addition to adding Black Widow spider pix and some Iguazu Falls/South America butterfly and snail pix to my Insects page. Added a John Muir quote to my Animals and Wildlife page. Added a KL7AJ quote about electric clocks to my page on Time.
  127. September 2014:
    I added a note about the Jefferson County Education Association (teachers union) and the teacher walk-out on September 20th to my Overpaid Government page. Added a note about the Scots rejecting independence added to my Wales and Scotland. Quotes from Charles William Beebe and John James Audubon added to my page on Extinction. A picture and quote, from Toki Ohska, about the signifigance of the number "4" in Japanese added to my Japan page. This month it also appeared that digits.com had been sold, so I changed each page's counter over to digits.net.
  128. August 2014:
    Potato Chip bag composting photos and text, for 2014, added to my Recycling page. Added a Chicago Lakes Trail picture of me to my main page and Waypoints page. A Peter Boyles quote about teachers unions added to my Government page. Updated some wording and added an ID photo to my ARES page. A note about the history of marijuana, in Alaska, added to my Colorado page. Gudy Gaskill picture and text added to my Autograph page.
  129. July 2014:
    Pix, KGNU audio links, and info on Field Day and the Fire-Ball Fraternity added to my QRP and amateur radio page. One more picture from my 2012 Wildland Firefighter's training added to my ARES page. 17 Photos (15 from Radio Test Day and 2 from NWCG training) and text added to my ARES and wildland firefighting page. "Did You Know" Bt corn and rootworm piece added to the top of my GMO page. Cliven Bundy added to my Nevada page. Added some text and clarifications about climbing goals and past history to my 12ers and 14ers pages. Dr. Strangelove quote (president's phone call) added as a quote to my Movies page. Updated my talk-show rant for my Media and Bad Guys pages. A picture of me and my GPS added to the top of my Waypoints page.
  130. June 2014:
    Quote from Congressman Trey Gowdy added to my Media page. A new paragraph about the "Tree of Life" added to the top of my page on Biodiversity. Added some information about prominence (in New Mexico) and some Bolivia elevations to my 13ers page.
  131. May 2014:
    A paragraph about Dennis Prager added to my Bad Guys page. A quote from Bill Blunden and Violet Cheung added to my Media page. I moved my Grand Canyon waypoints from my Waypoints page (where I added a number of new Arizona waypoints) to the bottom of my Grand Canyon page. Also added Hoover Dam pix, info, and a waypoint to the bottom of my page on Water. A small rant: I updated a link to FAQs on my Cancer page. Previously I had a set of quality links for a variety of FAQs that have since expired with the domain names going up for sale. Not an unusual occurrence but certainly a nuisance when a person has a few hundred different pages to maintain. Luckily I was able to replace these particular links with what a appears to be a permanent reference at the National Cancer Institute - an institution that I hope will be around for a while. However, I haven't been so lucky with other expired links on my other pages so that's why I'm growing more reluctant to link anything off my site anymore. Hopefully the domain names I'm interested in linking will stay around for a few years but, until I'm sure, I'm going to be very cautious about adding any new links...
  132. April 2014:
    Cretins, Creeps, Crooks, and Criminals updated and expanded upon in my page about Bad Guys and buffoons. NIST Photograph and an atomic clock update added to my page on Time. A robert M. Hazen quote, about the early Hadean Earth, added to my Creation Theories page. Robert M. Hazen quote added to the bottom of my Water page. Provided some additional text and clarification for the William Robert Catton quote on my Population page. Quotes from Bernadine Dohrn, Ann Coulter, and Jeremiah wright added to my Bad Guys page. I added a picture and a paragraph about marijuana to my Colorado page. Started a "Pets Killing Wildlife" section to my Pets page that included a picture and text about the pitbull killing a sea lion pup in California last year.
  133. March 2014:
    Added some text to my Mexico page. A Nick Brandt quote added to the bottom of my Photography page. Added some definitions to the bottom of my Fossil Fuels page along with a lenghtly essay on Fracking. Added a flavicon.ico file to my site. Added a picture of Neda Agha-Soltan and a linked picture of Tiananmen Square to my Main page. Added photos and video links about a strange cake that I found, and the nude climber sculpture in Silt, to my Strange and unusual stuff page. News flash about the detection of gravity waves, pix and text about Mexico's Gran Telescopio Milimétrico, and a picture of Erwin Schrödinger added to my Cosmology page. Picture of Lito Tejada-Flores, and quote from him added to my Backcountry Skiing page. Quote from Immanuel Kant added to my page on Animals and wildlife. Yvon Chouinard picture and quote added to my Climbing page. Added a link to the audio of my interview with former Colorado governor Dick Lamb to my Overpopulation pages. Added my name, Роджер Дж. Уэнделл, to the top of my Russia page. Cleaned up a bunch of titles, text, and removed countless dead links from my KGNU page [I am constantly amazed at how many URLs and links either go dead or get "repurposed" over time - even URLs for people and organizations that I think are well established and somewhat pemanent disappear all the time! As such, it's making me somewhat reluctant to create new links as they're so unreliable...]
  134. February 2014:
    Added a clarification about Snowden and Manning to my Spooks and spies page. Quoted Amie Thao, on my Travel page, about her thoughts on rushing around and foreign cultures. Quoted the Earth First! Journal, about their thoughts on where time goes, on my page about Time. Video and text for my interview last year, on making primitive fire, added to my KGNU Two page. The Elevator Song, from The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. Terwilliker added to my Lyrics page. Added a bit of Barr Camp history, and three new pix, to my Pikes Peak page. Updated and clarified some text about Hickenlooper and his sparing of a mass-murderer's life on my Colorado page. Moved graphics and text around a bit on my ARES page. Enlarged the ham license thumbnail and move some text around a bit on my Extra Class License page. Added the HTML Character set to my Reference page. Added my General Radio Telephone license to the top of all my radio related pages. An extensive personal history account about Jim White's experience at KH6UL added to my Club Stations page. I added a paragraph about Navy CT's (Communications Technicans) to the NMO portion of my Coast Guard page.
  135. January 2014:
    A map and description of the Maidenhead Grid Locator System, along with some information about geoids and ellipsois, added to my Waypoints and Navigation page. Added another Devils Tower photo, and rearragned that section a bit, on my Climbing page. Expanded the list of less-than-desirable organizations to my Donation page. Added John Muir's photo and a bit of history to my Sierra Club page. EarH Hour for 2014 and a note about John Muir's birthday added to my Earth Day page. Added some more information about Karel Karásek's military experience on my Memorials page. Added a note about my taped hands, bare feet, and the passing of Wyoming Bob on my Climbing page. Added a photograph of a sign to my Autographs page. Removed a block of ARES and wildland firefighting items from my QRP page and placed it, along with a lot of new stuff, on my ARES and Wildland Firefight page.
  136. December 2013:
    A brief note about Betty Boyd losing last month's City Council election added to my Letters Unanswered page. Started my New Zealand page. Accessed Google's Webmaster Tools page. Added a small amount of text and corrected numerous thumb-to-pix links for M/V Clelia II on my Maritime page. In the process of removing fushionbot and google searches from my error pages in an attempt to clean things up a bit. Small update to header text on my Overpaid Government page. Added a Scott C. Hammond quote to my Wilderness Defense! page. Updated my Colorado page with information about the senators that were recalled this year and governor Hickenlooper's falling approval rating. Added New Zealand airports and a definition of "Self-loading Cargo" to the airline section of my Travel page. Added a note from Scott C. Hammond, PhD, to my Autographs page.
  137. November 2013:
    A Lee Child quote (from his A Wanted Man novel) about cell phones added to my Spooks page. Ben Franklin quote about poor people added to my Wealth and Power page. Quoted Scott C. Hammond about prayer on my Spirituality page. A note about 2013 election results added to my Colorado page. Lance Armstrong added to my Bad Guys page. Earth, as seen through the rings of Saturn, added to my Cosmology page. Quotes from soldiers added to my Military page. A quote about meditation added to my page on Spirituality. A quote from Jean Arp added to my page about Noise page.
  138. October 2013:
    Quote about the Forbes list of 400 wealthiest Americans added to my Concentration of Wealth and Power Page. Pictures of Steve Blechschmidt (of Two Guitars Telling a Story) and Jock Bartley (of Firefall) added to my Music page. Made some grammar and punctuation corrections and moved and expanded some text related to my NMO experience and the note from John Flores on my Coast Guard page. Added a few extra words (and spelling corrections!) to the top paragraph about California on my San Francisco page.
  139. September 2013:
    Added a Russ Finley quote about Biodiversity to my Capitalism (and its failures) page. A picture and quote from John Muir added to my page on Time. Added a photograph of me holding a "Vote Here!" sign to the top of my Politics page (moved the voter "on fire" drawing to another part of the page). Text and pictures about Nebraska's highpoint, some "front door" advertising, and a "Jews and Jesus" flyer added to my Proselytizing page. One picture of a navigation light on Isla del Sol, Bolivia and 40 pictures and text about my trip aboard the M/V Clelia II to Antarctica added to my Maritime page. Moved a couple of tent photos around and added a YouTube link for tent cleanig to my Camping page. A picture of Tecumseh and his poem posted on my Rules page. Added Hillary Clinton to my Bad Guys page. Audio of Duncan Campbell's forward promotion for my Colorado flooding show added to my KGNU page. Embeded my video abut a prayer wheel and Thur-dag maske on my Spirituality page.
  140. August 2013:
    Updated the header and added pix of Snowden and Manning to my Spooks page. Updated the the header and a small amount of body text on my Military page. Added new header text to my Capitalism page. Amended/updated a small portion of my Deep Ecology definition on that page. Added a paragraph about the Fourth Estate to the header on my Media page. Added some Wyoming waypoints to my Hiking and Waypoints pages. (Also corrected a table height formatting problem for the waypoints on my Hiking page). Added a picture and audio link about the fight to save Chatfield State Park to my Activists page.
  141. July 2013:
    Some small grammar corrections for my Nevada page. Added a quote by Steve Gladbach to my Climbing page (also moved some things around a bit on the top half of the pate). Updated the text (just a few words) on the masthead and corrected the file name to a valet parking tag on my Boulder page. Expanded some text about Donald Rumsfeld, CMC leader Marianne Curtis, and some European stuff on my Travel Two page. Updated a small amount of information about international trips and moved some items around on my CMC page. Added four pix, a YouTube link, and some text about my 995 day (so far) potato chip bag composting experiment and one ReSource picture and two Bolivia pix to my Recycling page. Started my Bolivia page but will be at it for a long time since I'm so far behind on my other pages...
  142. June 2013:
    Added some text and rearranged photos in the "rental" section of my Cycling page. Picture of Internal Revenue Service employees doing the "Cupid Dance" added to my Government page. Added pix and text about my three most favorite movie scenes to my Movies page. Rearranged most of the pix and updated a small amount of text on my East Africa. Updated my Travel page with a few new airports and Bolivia. Sadly, I had to add Steve Gladbach's pixture (and some related text) to my Memorials page. Added Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden to my Bad Guys page. Two Bolivian peaks added to my 13ers page. Slight rearrangement for my text on gun owndership at the top of my Hunting page. Removed the "Bunny on a Cross" from my There is no God page.
  143. May 2013:
    A GPS map of our route up Glacier Peak last year added to my 12ers page. A picture of me and bluegrass musician Tim O'Brien aded to my Music page. A picture of Jesus of Nazareth and a quote from Charles Templeton added to my Bible page. A video and text about 8 feet (2.4 metres) of stringy ice hanging from my doublet added to my Antennas page. Photo of the Bear Creek Lake Park "Coyote Country" warning sign added to my Animals and wildlife page. Changed my CSS cursor from crosshair to auto. Added pix of the Redding House to my page on History. Replaced all the dots and dashes on my Morse Code Alphabet page with HTML character codes (to make each character more visible and readable). Made some minor updates and andded a Chicago Lakes trailhead picture to my 12ers and 14ers pages. Added a Horseshoe Mountain picture and data about Peerless Mountain to my 13ers page. Added a picture of the Ute Creek trailhead to the miscellaneous section on my Hiking page. Diana DeGette and John Hickenlooper added to my Bad Guys page. Added John's RAF transmitter/receiver picture and notes to my Morse Code Memories page.
  144. April 2013:
    Added a couple late March snowfall photos to my Snow Day page. Embedded a YouTube wealth inequality video on my Wealth and power page. George H. W. Bush photo and and campaign quote added to the bottom of my There's No God page. Added my own "Clarification about Atheism" to the top poriton of my There's No God, Bible, Proselytizing, Religion, and Spirituality pages. moved my North and South Dakota pix and text from my Hiking page to my page about Highpoints. Bullet points about public sector unions added to my Government page.
  145. March 2013:
    Audio link, text, and a picture about my radio interview with Dr. Paul Ehrlich added to my Population page. Also added a quote from Dr. Ehrlich to my Media page. Two new audio clips from KGNU's "Comment Line" added to my KGNU page. James Hutton photo and quote added to my page on Time.
  146. February 2013:
    Continued building the union, tax, and bureaucrat theme on my overpaid Government page. A clarification added to the top of my Military Madness page. A reminder about strength added to the top of my Peace page. Updated some text on my United Nations and San Francisco pages. 21 Reasons why English is hard to learn added to my page on Trivia. A nice letter from Canadian Jim Shier posted to my Morse Code Memmories page. Blotted out a portion of my General Radio Telephone Operator license and added some text about my amateur license history and a fire cache photo to my QRP page. Added information about the Pistorius murder charge to my Sports Zoo. A Paul and Anne Ehrlich quote about the collapse of civilization added to my Economics page.
  147. January 2013:
    Added "Beds Are Burning" lyrics, and a Midnight Oil picture to my Australia and Lyrics pages. Also added Beware of Darkness and My Sweet Lord to my Lyrics page. Added the "Don't Tread on Me" flag to my Main page. Updated the masthead of my Colorado page with a critique of the 2012 election results. Added an audito clip of military author Barrett Tillman talking about the USS Enterprise to my Coast Guard, Maritime, and Military pages. (Also corrected a faulty audio link for "iron turnings" on my Maritime page at that same time). Blogger Deborah Mitchell quoted about her children and God on my There's No God page. Made some corrections and updated a small amount of text on my Colorado and QRP Frequencies pages. Added Rachel Maddow to my Bad Guys page. A new graphic and a fair amount of tweaking to my Video page. Added a Denver studio picture to my main KGNU page. Added Dave Ashton's picture to my KGNU Overflow page. Added some arrowed links and moved a few things around on my Acupunture page. Pictures and text about Lance Armstrong and Mati Te'o added to my Sports Zoo page. Some small positioning adjustments and changes in text size for my Coast Guard Photos and Comments pages. Corrected some text and added the following seas line to my main Coast Guard page. Added a new ARES section to my main QRP ham radio page. Added and updated some text to my Music page.

  148. December 2012:
    Added an audio clip of Shelley Schlender doing a Connections promo to my KGNU page. Vision quest and "Ones Without Fires" (animals) quotes added to my page on Spirituality. Added Mt Terlease and Humphreys Peak pix to my 12ers page. Added Peak 13010 to my 13ers page. Added some links and additional tweaking to my Hunting page. Created new Barefoot and Noise pages. Reorganized my Site Index.
  149. November 2012:
    Added three acronyms/definitions to my Cosmology page. Added my election to the Denver Group Council to my CMC page's "giving back" timeline. Petraeus and the Secret Service prostitution scandal added to my Spooks page. A thumbnail sketch history of the King James version added to the top of my Bible page. Added Frasco Benchmark, Casco Peak, and French Mountain pix to my 13ers page. John McDougall quotes about starch added to my Diet and Food pages. A José Alberto "Pepe" Mujica Cordano quote about possessions added to my Voluntary Simplicity page. Added a picture of Dr. Evil and text for "A turn for the Worse" to my page about Colorado. Added cross-linking and small text updates to my Spirituality, Religion, and There is no God pages. Added a CNN quote and information about that country's name to the bottom of my page about Mexico. Added a George Orwell quote to my Media page. Added a picture and signature of author Richard J. Schneider to my Autographs page.
  150. October 2012:
    Created a brand new Highpoints page. Added a picture and text, about Voyager's Golden Record, to my page on Cosmology. Changed the CSS color visited links to a green - not sure if I like it and may change it back to no color change after a visit. Removed a dead link and corrected a small format problem on my KGNU page. Updated a number of my credentials on my CMC page including the addition of my "Prusik Un-Jam" Examiner's card. Created my own History Channel! Added a Bob Sipchen quote (he's editor in chief at Sierra to my Cycling page. Added my Rock'n & Jam'n ID card to my Climbing page. Added pix, text, and waypoint for Glacier Peak to my 12ers page - also added numerous YouTube links for various 12ers.
  151. September 2012:
    Added some old pix from my time on The John Roskelly Show or Polyvinyl Chloride, North Table Mountain, to my Climbing Photos page. Made some small corrections in addition to adding a bear canister listing and related video link on my backcountry Gear page. Did some tweaking in addition to reciprocal links and arrows on my Wind, Solar, and Energy pages. Started a Waypoints section, with Longs Peak, at the bottom of my Toilet Matters page. French, Frasco, and Casco added to my 13ers page. Added the definition of Duopoly to my page about Politics. Richard Dawkins quotes (and pix) added to my Death, There is no god, and Evolution pages. Added a "Booty Recovery" photo, and related text, to my Climbing page. Added a picture of a raccoon, and some related text, to my Backyard Wildlife page. Bill Nye's recent quote about what to teach children added to my Evolution page. Teachers union bully graphic added to my Government Unions page. Teachers union (thanks to their current strike in Chicago) also added to my Bad Guys page. Added a picture and text about Curiosity, the Mars rover, to my Morse code page. Some text updates for my Bad Guys page. A Jenny Brown quote on fish and aquaculture added to my page Fish. An Albert Schweitzer quote added to my page about Animals. Started a waypoints section on my Camping page. Added a long quote from Jenny Brown, from my radio interview with her, to my page about Pets. Brandon Koch's photo (with permission), about a sign in Tacoma concerning dog poop, added to my Pets page. Quotes from my interview with Jenny Brown added to my Pets and Animals pages. Imported HTML Comment Box content(off my main page) into my Guest Book. Moved some audio files around and added an audio clip from the station's Comment Line (about my show with Jenny Brown) to my KGNU page.
  152. August 2012:
    My editor's note redeeming Michael Phelps added to his entry on my Sports Zoo page (also added photos and updated text about Sandusky and Paterno on that page as well). Adjusted the location of a Ron Paul quote and a John Lennon picture on my War page. Added YouTube, FaceBook, and Twitter picture links to my Main page. Added Google Analytics to each page. David Cross quote added to my Bible page. Added Whitney and Rainier pix, along with some text updates and corrections, to my 14ers page. Added a picture of me wearing my new ORARI (Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia T-shirt on my QRP page. Added a note about Julian Assange to my Ecuador page. Made a big correction (half of it was missing!) to a Kurt Vonnegut quote on my Music page. Updated my list of climbed peaks and added the full Centennials list to my 13ers page.
  153. July 2012:
    A Mark Twain quote added to my page about Books. A quote from Lisa Guy about climate change added to my Travel page. Although still "under construction," I added a quote from Peter Godwin, along with my own personal note, to my page about Southern Africa. After having visited Zimbabwe myself, just a few weeks ago, I decided it was a good time to add Robert Mugabe to my Bad Guys page. A quote about missionaries, from Peter Godwin's When a Crocodile Eats the Sun, added to my page about Proselytizing. Some text, grammar, and placement changes for my About page. Started adding 2012 pix and info to my Champ Champ page. The poem "Remembrance," by Emily Brontë, added to my page on Death. Bertolt Brecht picture and quote added to my page about Politics.
  154. June 2012:
    Photo from our People's Fair outreach effort and the "Announcer's Test" added to my KGNU two page. Moved some peak names around and repaired a broken photo link on my 13ers page. Recycling containers from South America and a Sun Chip composting bag update added to my Recycling page. Lots of new text and changes for my Main page. Two new bullet points added to Roger's Rules of Order. A Dave Foreman quote added to my Extinction page.
  155. May 2012:
    Added Garrett Wendell's complete article about Samuel F.B. Morse to my Morse code page.
  156. April 2012:
    Added a picture of Bakersville to my Colorado page. Added an additional Dalai Lama quote to my page on Religion. Changed the name of my Africa page to Eastern Africa and created a brand new Southern Africa page. Added info about the airports, airlines, and new African countries we visited to my Travel page. Added a wave ani to my QRP page.
  157. March 2012:
    Added my Wilderness First Aid card and some descriptieve text to the other images on my CMC page. John A. McDougall, M.D. exercise quotes and photo added to my page on Exercise. William C. Roberts, M.D. quote about why we are natural herbivores added to my page on Vegetarianism. Dave Foreman quotes about Hawai'ian extinctions, Forty Thousand Years of Extinction, loss of megafauna in Australia, Mexico's Chihuahuan Desert, and an empty landscape in the Eastern United states added to my Hawai'i, Extinction, Australia, Mexico, and Biodiversity pages, respectively. A Richard Klein and Bladke Edgar quote about late Paleolithic people also added to my page about Biodiversity.
  158. February 2012:
    Added a scan of an Occupy Boulder thank you note and some accompanying text to my Activists page. A "Punctuation Saves Lives" graphic added to my Writing page. Added scans of my AIARE level 1 and IRCS training certificates to my CMC page. Updated my Ten Essentials pages with text emphasizing the need to carry an avalanche beacon, shovel, and probe in the winter backcountry. Added pix and text about AIARE Level 1 avalanche training to my page about Snow Caves. Photos of 50 centimetres of snow accumulation in my backyard, Tracy Koch's (with permission) photo of a Denver International Airport snowplow, AIARE Level 1 avalanche training pix and cautionary note added to my Snow Day page. Added comment line kudos (about my Polygraph interview) to my KGNU page. Added a compass ani and link to a GPS gif on my Waypoints page. Added Dirk Benedict quote (from his book, Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy) to my my Friendly Advice page. Added a photo and text about William Pluma Barrios to my Memorials page. A quote from BBC Nature online, about super-predatory humans, added to my Hunting page. Also added the compass ani gif to my 12ers, 13ers, 14ers, and Hiking pages. A quote from Steven James, off his CNN piece, added to my Bible page. Added a brief note about Kamchatka, British Columbia, and the Yukon as they relate to Alaska on my Travel page.
  159. January 2012:
    Sir Thomas More's quote about the greedy, unscrupulous rich added to my Wealth and Power page. Added a small amount of text and moved some items into blockquotes on my Postal page. Added a picture of me, as the manager of KH6UL, to my Club Stations page. Added some OIC and training info to my Postal page. Created a new Letters to the Editor page. Added a scan of my Fire-Ball Fraternity certificate to my Memberships page. Small clarifications (to my Ensign and Reid entries) and a test site link added to my Nevada page. Added Google's custom search feature to my Main page and Site index. Updated some of the information about Ken Booker's accident on my Memorials page. Corrected my comment about us being a Constitutional Republic on my page about America.
  160. December 2011:
    A picture of Awake! magazine and some Postal text added to my page on Proselytizing. Updated my note on the Foreign Currency Fee Litigation Settlement Fund and added a John Steinbeck photo and quote to my Travel Two page. Panther Crossing added to my Signs page. Added five new Florida locations to my Waypoints page. Added a great quote from The Crowded Greenhouse and a U.S. energy chart (and description) to my Energy page. Quotes from The Crowded Greenhouse also added to my Population and Sustainability pages. Updated my Health page. Quotes from Goldberg and Blomquist's book, A User's Guide to the Universe, added to my Evolution and Time pages. Moved graphics around, mostly with "blockquotes," and added some dates to my Memorials page. Added a reading glasses gif to my Books page. Added an emoticon to my Toilet matters page. Added a bunch of office pix, and one of a statue in Aspen, to my Postal. A Wallace Stegner quote about rivers added to my Water page. Roger Freed's critical letter-to-the-editor for the American Postal Workers Union added to my Government employee union page (with permission). Added a half dozen new links off my YouTube channel to my Antarctica page. Added some YouTube Iguazu Falls video links to my Argentina and Brazil page. Moved some text around and corrected an ordered list problem in the links section of my Aconcagua page. Added a link to my holiday self-cleaning-trash-cleaner "Stocking Stuffer" audio to my KGNU page and a KGNU holiday party photo to my KGNU Overflow page. Added pix and text about our Woods Mountain climb to my 12ers page. Added a Parnassus picture and moved some waypoints around on my 13ers page. A couple corrections/additions to "The Ridiculous" paragraph on my There is no God page.
  161. November 2011:
    Added Joan McWilliams, John Firor and Judith E. Jacobsen's signatures to my Autographs page. Moved some graphics around (using blockquotes) and added a quote from the aforementioned Firor and Jacobsen on my Climate Change page. Quotes from His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, added to my Spirituality, Religion, and Advice pages. Quoted Bernd Heinrich on my Life, Insects, and Extinction pages. A quote from James Lawrence Powell's book, Dead Pool, about water in the west added to my page about Water. Subway pix from Moscow, London, Munich, and New Delhi added to the bottom of my Transportation page. A desert photo (for a "Comfort Foods" note) and a Dirk Benedict quote and extensive information and quotes about food aversions added to my Food page. Added some Iris Murdoch quotes to my Plants and Cycling pages. Added some text, changed fonts, and moved graphics around on my Colorado page. Dirk Benedict quotes added to my Rules and Vegetarian pages. Added pictures and text links to four books I've appeared in on my Books page. Added a lot of new text and pix to my Postal page but also removed a bunch of text - it'll take me forever to get this page properly organized! Added my "First in Flight" certificate to the flying section of my Travel page. Added a pictures of my newest business card and Ringo Starr to my Contact page. Removed "trailing mouse" script and added a picture of a sundial and picture of Sean Carroll (and accompanying text) to my page on Time. Moved one photo and made a small correction to some population text on my China page. Added pictures and text about Tim Tebo, gas station, potty and Postal Proselytizing to my Proselytizing page. Added pix of my First Aid certificate, Avalanche certification, and BRCS badge to my CMC page. Added some text (about W6MRV's wooded QSL card), pix of my old QSL cards, and moved some other graphics around on my Wooden QSL page. Added some metric conversions to my page about Tibet. It appears the NN8L Amateur Radio Net Ring is dead so I removed the logo and ring box from my QRP and QRP Award pages. Added a lot of new text and a "Trade Winds" newspaper article, from NAVCAMS EASTPAC in Hawai'i, to my Club Stations page. Created a brand new "12ers" page. Corrected some text and moved a lot of graphics around on my Pikes Peak page. Made some big adjustments to table heights on my Hiking page. Copies of my 1987 membership card for the Denver Astronomical Society added to my page on Cosmology. Added 15 "Leave No Trace" principles to the bottom of my Walking Softly in the backcountry page. Added a picture of a passport to the links section of my Travel Two page. Added the World Toilet Day logo and text to my Toilet matters page. Considerable amount of restructering for my Blog that included moving photos around and adding more space inbetween calendar entries. Added a sex offenders and perverts section to my Sports Zoo page - thanks to college coaches Bernie Fine and Jerry Sandusky.
  162. October 2011:
    In the spirit of the "Occupy Wall Street" protests I added the African "We'll take the blanket" jpg to my Capitalism and its failures page. My one paragraph rant against the high price of eBooks added to my, you guessed it, Books page. Small updates and a quote (and picture) about teacher unions from Mike Rosen for my Overpaid Government page. Lots of new pix and text added to my 13ers page. Some updates and corrections for my CMC and Sierra Club pages. A new logo picture (of me) added to my Snow Day page. New picture (of me) replaces the snow/skiing masthead photo on my Main page. Removed the picture of me, at the Agricultural University at Urumqi, from my main page but added it to my Travel page where I also included some Australian airports I had passed through, a couple years ago, but forgoet to list. Moved a lot of pix and text around on my Nukes page. Long quote from Steve Jobs, about death, added to my page on Death. Kudos for Jay Marvian and a complaint about Dan Caplis added to my Letters Unanswered page. True stories and pix about a "Reb" hunting camp, "Party Hunting," and "Deck-side" hunting added to my page on Hunting. A list of bug benefits added to my Insects page. Pictures and descriptive text about religious tracts I keep finding in wilderness areas and restaurants added to my Proselytizing page. My five all time favorites added to the top of my Movies page. My YouTube "Leaf Peeping" recording added to the "Video Fame" section of my Videos page. Union goons, the current NBA standoff, and various structural changes added to my Sports Zoo page. On October 14th I removed the Google Search feature from my Main and Site Index pages because their system believed automated queries were being generated off my site. I replaced both Google search features with FusionBot and will monitor that new feature's performance... Updated and corrected the internal HTML "Content" tags for a few dozen of my pages. Structural "repairs," and a small amount of "Occupy" text added to my Capitalism and Wealth pages. Updated Site Search function for my 404 Not Found Page for the same reasons I did it on my Main and Site Index pages (Unfortunately my "404 Not Found" page had 14,488 hits, as of October 17th, indicating I still have a ton of errors throughout my site...). New Waypoint jpg and accompanying text added to my 13ers, 14ers, Hiking, and Waypoints pages. Hesitantly added AdSense script to each page throughout the entire site. Moved things around and added more descriptive text to my Antennas page. One of many nasty snowmobile notes that I receive posted near the top of my Off-Road Vehicle menance page. Substantial changes and updates for my Contact page. Made a number of small changes to my Cycling page. Moved things around a bit on my Fish and fishing page. Moved a few things around on Tami's 2005 Graduation page. Small layout change for my Hear Morse code page. Small layout changes for my India Two overflow page. Small layout changes for my Japan and July 4th pages. Added an antenna end-pulley picture and updated some text for My Station. Used HTML "blockquote" to move at three or four graphics around on my Music page. Moved the Samuel F. B. Morse's picture, and related text, into an HTML "blockquote" on my Morse code tribute page. Moved and center a Wallace Stegner quote a bit on my Memorials page. Added an Iguazu Falls snake sign and a "Trespassers will be violated" sign to my Signs page. An update to my Population page in "honor" of the world reaching a population of 7 billion people. Moved things around a bit on my Poetry page. Moved a lot of tables, links, and text around on my Reference page. Moved the masthead graphics around in addition to the pictures of Mother Ganga on my Signs of Protest page. Added a picture of His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, to my Spirituality page.
  163. September 2011:
    Fired-up my new Russia page after arriving home from Kamchatka and Moscow. Met Jazz musician Ray Gaskins on the flight home so have added his picture and some text from our conversation to my Music page. Added a photo of a drinking fountain sign to my Water page. Cleaned-up some links, and added new ones, to my Coast Guard and Maritime pages.
  164. August 2011:
    Small amount of text added to the masthead and a half dozen bike-to-work-day pix added to my Cycling page. Added numerous Colorado, Nevada, and California pix, names and text to my 13ers page. Added some text and made some corrections t my 14ers page. Added an "editor's note" about the affects this month's solar flares will have on GPS systems to my Waypoints and Ten Essentials pages (Also added six Antarctica locations to my Waypoints page). A picture and three paragraphs of text about polygamist sect leader Warren Jeffs added to my page on Religion. Added a dozen pix, video links, and a "ton" of text about Utah's Cosmic Ray Telescope Array project to my Cosmology page. Mountain Time Zone signs added to my page on Time. Pix of Bobbie's Buckeye Bar and Brothel (abandoned) added to my Nevada page. completed some "tweaking" on my Memorials page. Quotes from religious "scholars" researching Biblical text changes, over hundreds of years, added to my Bible page. A paragraph or two on the history and total numbers of human population added to the bottom of my Population page. Photo of a public restroom at Utah and Nevada remote archeological sites added to my Toilet page. Added pictures of Feynman and Bondi, along with a quotes Heisenberg and Goldberg and Blomquist (A User's Guide to the Universe) to my Science. Layout changes and new links added to my Sports Zoo page. A picture of me using a hand key at the British station in Port Lockroy, Antarctica added to my Morse Code page. Finished most of my Antarctica page although I'm sure I'll be making changes and corrections for months to come since there are over 200 pix, links, and related text! A paragraph about crooked college sports and the University of Miami added to my Sports Zoo page.
  165. July 2011:
    Pix, waypoints, and text added to my 13ers page about New Mexico's Wheeler Peak, Mt. Walter, and Colorado's Whale Peak. "Farewell to Sharks" picture and paragraph quote added to my Fish, Fishing, Oceans & Water Life page. A paragraph about Natural Selection and the human body's ability to walk and run, plus a George Sheehan quote, added to my Exercise page. Jefferson County, Colorado "There is No Poop Fairy" campaign quoted on my Pets page. Tami discovered a snake eating another snake in our backyard so we added a photo and video link to my Backyard Wildlife page. Pix and text of my trip to Death Valley and Telescope Peak added to my Hiking page. Added another link in addition to some layout changes for my Downloads page. Updated some text, added a drawing by ALAW, and added a photo credit to my Abbey and Thoreau page - then removed the picture, that same date, as the publisher didn't agree with the author's decision to give me permission! Heart graphic and letter from a homesick Coloradoan posted (with permission) on my Colorado page. A link to an audio file, of my interview with Jefferson County about their "No Poop Fairy" campaign has been added to my audio, KGNU, and Pets pages. Brought home a GAP Titan and added its picture and accompanying text to my Antennas page. Tweaked a small amount of text on my China page. Rearranged some text and added small graphics (popcorn and thumbs) to my Movies page. A Denis Diderot quote added to my page on Religion. Ed Abbey quote about guns and government added to my Hunting page. Started a brand new page about the fun I had at Champ Camp! My longtime acquaintance, Yukari Miyamae, made national news this month after an incident with a TSA agent at Phoenix's Sky Harbor airport - prompting me to correct the misspelling of her name on a photograph of the two of us together on my KGNU page where I also added another "Comment Line" audio link. Added some "Champ Camp" pix to my Climbing Photos page. Added Lionel's (F4FUQ) skull and microphone pciture to my Radio Tattoos page.
  166. June 2011:
    Ten fast facts about dragonflies, as provided by the Bohart Museum of Entomology, added to my Insects page. Follow-up photographs and text added to my "240 Day Compostable Packaging Experiment" for my Recycling page. Added more metric equivalents to the heights and elevations on my 13ers and 14ers pages. Added a link for Colorado Outdoor Air Quality to my Main and Colorado pages because the air stunk so badly in Denver this month... Added a picture link for Congressman Anthony Weiner to my Bad Guys page. Activated my Postal page but it is still under construction and has a long way to go...
  167. May 2011:
    Made some text corrections and added Mt. Garfield (Grand Junction) to my Waypoints page. Added Osama Bid Laden's photo to my Blog and Spooks pages within a few minutes after President Obama announced his death on Sunday evening, May 1st. That same day (May 1st) I recorded an interview with Philip Connors, author of Fire Season (Field Notes from a Wilderness Lookout) - added his photo his signature to my Autograph page. An Aldous Huxley quote added to my Music page. 32 More "ponderisms" added to my Tidbits and Trivia page. Added a link to Ted and moved text and pictures around on my People page. A quote from Red Ventures CEO Ric Elias (about his seat on US Air fligh 1549 in 2009) added to my Death page. Added some new points, moved things around and swapped some locations between my Waypoints and Hiking pages. Changed some text and layout on my Colorado page. Added a CNN quote about the beating of a fan wearing the "wrong" colors at a baseball game to my Sports Zoo page. A quote about understanding wind speed added to my Wind energy page. Changed the order of two little letters in don Juan's name on my Death page (I mention it only because I can't believe that misspelling has evaded me for nearly a decade on that page!). Extensive quotes from writer Nicholas Carr about the way the Internet is effecting our thinking added to my Books page.
  168. April 2011:
    My pix of the Parachute, Colorado "Solar Flowers" added to my Solar page. An "Air Travel Can Be Dangerous!" section added to my Travel page. My 1968 Tenderfoot Scout ID added to my page on Hiking. Some additional text and my 1983 Denver Special Police permit added to my Hunting page. Oil drop gif added to the top of my Fossil Fuels page. A picture of me and journalist Joe Goldman in Buenos Aires added to my Media and the Fourth Estate page. A picture of an Argentine Sanitarios sign added to my Toilet Matters page. A relatively large "Power of Your Brain" test added to the bottom of my Trivia and teasers page. Made some page corrections and added a bit about Senator Ensign's resignation to my Nevada page. My now famous "Immigrant Crossing" photo referenced and described (again!) on my Photography page. Added linked pictures of Mumia Abu Jamal and Donald Trump to my Bad Guys page.
  169. March 2011:
    Expanded text and construction for my page about government employees and their unions. A paragraph about my conservative radio listening habits added near the top of my Bad Guys page. A nice long quote from the Sierra Club magazine, along with some drawings I did as a kid, added to my page on Insects. Added a drawing of a flower that I made, when I was about 9 years old, to my Plants page. A nice 1959 photo, and related text, about the opening of Big DoNut in Van Nuys added to my Pup 'N' Taco page. Earthquake condolences and other updates for my Japan page. A Tom Bowles quote, and a quick note about his firing for cheering in the Daytona 500 press box, added to my Sports Zoo page. Added a link and a little more photo info about Commet 17p/Holmes to my Cosmology page. Quote about children and some other text adjustments for my page on Religion. A David Suzuki quote about consumerism added to my Voluntary Simplicity page. Native American code-of-ethics added to my Roger's Rules of Order page. Some text realignment and structural changes for my There is no God page. Some structural changes and a quote about park degradation added to my Grand Canyon page. A Sierra Magazine quote added to my page on Insects. A large rolling do-nut, formerly of Big DoNut drive-in of Los Angeles, showed up in the disaster film "2012" and now described on my Pup 'N Taco and Big DoNut page. A picture of mindless basketball fans placed near the top of my Sports Zoo page. Added a picture of me with bare hands, in Antarctica, to the top of my Travel page.
  170. February 2011:
    Numerous updates to my Antarctica page after having just returned from there. Also created a new Argentina page to cover our visit to Patagonia and Brazil. Code corrections and layout "tweaks" for my 13ers and Climbing pages. Added a photo of Brian on the Flatirons to my Climbing Photos page. Added a video link and text description about Ron Weintrab (the current owner of Randy's Donuts in Los Angeles) to the bottom of my Pup 'N' Taco page. More countries, airports, a new continent and various corrections for my Travel page. An Argentina link and some layout adjustments for my page on Cerro Aconcagua. Updated my personal camera philosophy on my Photography page. One picture of St. Abb's Head lighthouse added to my page on Wales and Scotland. George Harrison's picture and a John Steinbeck quote added to my Travel Two page. More good and bad foods added to the lists on my Food page. Text and pix from Marble, Colorado added to my Snow Day page. A photo of the Port Lockroy, Antarctica bathroom and a picture and text about a bidet that sprayed our Buenos Aires hotel room's ceiling added to my Toilet Matters page.
  171. January 2011:
    Organized and updated my For Sale page. Daryl Farmer quotes about boulder, consumption, air travel, Prairie dogs, Pronghorn, and Nevada added to my Boulder, Voluntary Simplicity, Travel, Prairie Dogs, Animals, and Nevada pages, respectively. A picture of Stephen Hawking and a John Steinbeck quote added to my page about Time. Photo of a "Snow Cairn" added to my Hiking page. A picture and long story about my Vasque trail shoes added to my Exercise page. A quick note about 2001 GDP added to my page on China. A quote from Bill McKibben's Earrth added to my Vegetarianism page about the energy needd to support meat consumption, etc. An employee's sick call added to the voicemail seciton of my Audio page. Added some info about George H. W. Bush's stupid statement regarding atheists and citizenship to my Bad Guys page. A 35 year compare-and-contrast picture and text, between my Nikon F and Canon Rebel, added to my Photography page. I added a Peter Matthiessen quote, about the mountain experience from his Snow Leopard novel, to my Climbing page. Added 37 examples of what a "paraprosdokian" is and 23 "Ponderisms" to my Tidbits and Trivia page. A general list (mostly reminders) of stuff to take along on your next trip added to my Travel page. A Pablo Picasso quote added to my Art page. Kudos to the FBI's January 20th mob busts added to my Spooks page.
  172. December 2010:
    Pix and text related to the drug use of Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire added to my Sports Zoo page. Brit Hume's religious "tip" to Tiger Woods added to my page on Proselytizing page. Somre reorganization and picture links to Benny Hinn and "Bishop" Eddie Long added to my Bad Guys page. Information about a 16-year-old killing three bucks in an hour added to my Hunting page. The case against poles and a Robert Louis Stevenson quote added to my Hiking page. Some housekeeping and reorganization for my Activists page. Started a new Health page and opened it with some quotes from Doctor John A. McDougall. Added a Grand Junction recycling container picture, a backyard solar panel picture (and text), and a note about the 25% increase in trash, that's generated over the holidays, to my Recycling page. Joke about a Texas car stop added to my Humor page. Toilet for backcountry skiers, at Jim Creek, added to my page on Toilets. Two pictures of Colorado Public Radio's Grand Junction studio added to my KGNU page. Created an overpaid Government page. The Buddhist term Pattica samuppada added to my page on Life. A James Lovelock quote, from his Gaia Hypothesis, add to my page on Climate Change. A quote from Daryl Farmer's Bicycling beyond the Divide added to my Cycling page. Euphemisms for Death added to that page. Slight re-organization on my Backcountry Gear page.
  173. November 2010:
    An "I don't dial 911" sign added to the Links section of my page on Hunting. Jack-o-lantern photo added to my Pix page. Small changes and updates to Roger's Rules of Order. A half dozen photos from our Atlantic Peak climb added to my 13ers page. Funny "Hearing Aid" photo added to my Audio page. Added a paragraph of information about the beer can Morse sounder I made when I was in grade school in the mid 60s. Made some font and color changes to the "Hover Over" function in my CSS code. A picture of a Colorado "Stay the Trail" sign added to my ORV page. Some picture text and code corrections for my 13ers page. Time Magazine questions for Stephen Hawking (and his picture) added to my pages on death, Cosmology, and There Is No God. A quote from Mary Roberts Rinehart added to my Travel page. An explanation about the 10/40 Window problem explained on my Proselytizing and Bad Guys pages. Louise Infante wrote a great piece about "1 Perfect Reason to Become a Vegetarian for my page. A new graphic and some "furniture moving" on my Blog. Sarah Palin (with a flag and a cross) Ted Haggard, Eddie long, and Pope Benedict pix added to my page on Religion. With permission, Marshall Emm's Funny Noises piece and Laura Jerpi's Buy Nothing Day piece added to my Morse Code and Buy Nothing Day pages, respectively. "Man and Mouse Pointer" graphic added to my Humor page. Cleaned up a small amount text, coding errors, and links on my Cycling page. I wrote a bit about Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski's recent win, as a write-in candidate, on my page about Politics. Some major remodeling and text update for my page about Books. Extensive quotes about academic fraud, from The Chronicle of Higher Education added to my Writing page. A fair amount of "remodeling" for my page on Pets. Ioana Urma created a Google map of some previous Big Do-nut Drive-in locations for my Pup 'N' Taco page. Some page upgrades and a good quote about why we love to stuff our self with food added to my Diet page. A picture of Derrick Jensen and a quote from him off a Democracy Now interview added to my page on Sustainability. Some text update for the miscellaneous community radio stations at the bottom of my KGNU page. Lots of text realignment for my Tidbits and Miscellanea page. Weird presidential assassination comparisons (between Lincoln and Kennedy) added to my Strange page. Added a recent TSA full body scan image to my the flying portion of my Travel page. A picture and extensive text about my 1993 Toyota Tercel hitting the quarter million mile mark (402,336 kilometres) added to my page on Fuel Economy. Ended the month by updating some links tidying up my Main page a bit - but it still needs a lot more work...
  174. October 2010:
    I transcribed an extensive portion of an interview between Fresh Air guest host Dave Davies and Robert Reich as they talked about Marriner Eccles and his theories on the concentration of wealth and its effects on our economy. A quote about the "smell of death" added to my page on Death. One very rude Bumper Sticker added to the bottom right-hand corner of that page. Quotes (and a picture) about Herschel Walker's fitness, at age 48, added to my Vegetarian page. A proposal for Congressional reform added to my page on Politics. My 1989 submission to the City of Aurora's time capsule added to my page on Time. One of my favorite quotes from Apocalypse Now added to my Movie page. An Albert Ayler quote added to my Music page. Fixed some glaring graphical errors (text in a long vertical line due to poor table construction) and added one Scrabble phrase to my Morse code page. Rules from the No Name rest stop, in Glenwood Canyon, added to my Cycling page. Eisenhower tunnel and No Name signs added to my page about Signs. 15 Scrabble entries added to my Trivia and Teasers page. Picture of machine wash instructions added to my Humor page. Another ATVs prohibited sign added to my ORV page. A "No Hunting" sign from Zenobia added to my Hunting page. A 1971 photo of me and some related text updated on my Morse code and QRP pages. Started a new page on Religion that's pretty much a spinoff of earlier material. Added a photo from Atlantic peak in addition to some minor changes on my 13ers page. The link for Sarlo's Guru Rating Service updated on a number of my religious and philosophical pages. Wholesale link updates on my Creation Theories and Comments page. A Sierra Club survival note added to my Survial 101 page. A quote from the Sierra Club's "Mr. Green," about the energy efficiency of Recycling and a picture experiment to compost a SunChips bag added to that page. links to pictures of Salvador Allende and Dominican Sisters Jackie Hudson, Carol Gilbert, and Ardeth Platte added to my Main page. The International Energy Agency used one of my Wind photos for their 2009 annual report - I added a note about it on my Photography page. A Rachel Carson quote added to my Sierra Club page. Updated some text and aligned some photographs on my Coast Guard page.
  175. September 2010:
    Started pages about Antarctica and Energy but suspect they'll be Under Construction for a while longer... Rearranged my Autographs page. A picture of Stephen Hawking, and a quote about him, added to my Cosmology page. My old (1983) rant about the "dumbing down" the FCC's Morse code requirement updated (mostly spelling corrections!) and expanded on my Hear CW, Extra Class, and Morse code tribute pages. Tidied up all my Links. Tami's Cat-Faced spider pix, and a photograph of a Praying Mantis, on my car, added to my Insects page. A picture of Chevy's "Colorado" pickup truck added to my page of the same name. The Rebuplican portion of my Politics page updated a bit since 2004. A quote about Nature from cyclist Monte M. Lowrance added to my Deep Ecology page. A picture of me and Big Caz (of Bone Thugs n Harmony fame) added to my Music page. Nevada's philandering governor made the news after falling off his horse at month's end so I updated his "bio" on my page a bit. I heard ChChilean economist Manfred Max-Neef with Amy Goodman and transcribed part of his interview for my page on Economics. Test-rode a Surly Long Haul Trucker, in Boulder, and added the pix and info to my Cycling page. A couple of my favorite Movie quotes added to that page. A bunch of new Signs added to that page. Crowd pix from the Further concert at Red Rocks added to my Music page.
  176. August 2010:
    Toilet paper rolls from the trailhead at Grays and Torreys, along with photos from "Joelle's John" at the Vail ski resort, added to my Toilet Matters page. A 44 year old drawing of a dragonfly, that I made at age 11, and and some additional text added to my page about Insects. Nice Vibroplex graphic (and comments) from KR4X added to my Coast Guard Comments page. FBI cheating scandal added to my Spooks page. Redstone, Marble, Carbondale, Hotchkiss, Paonia, Somerset, Delta, and McClure Pass added to the Colorado section of my Waypoints page. A cup photograph and letter added to my PNT Letters page. Photo and text about a "BOOKS" bicycle rack added to my page on Cycling. My photos, and accompanying descriptions, added to my Photography page for a Veterans Administration publication and English Learner textbook I was included in. Text on my War and Peace pages updated as was the "Cost of War" script on my War page Main page. Also added my "Cold War Certificate" to my War page. Extensive euthanasia quote from Derek Humphry added to my page about Death. A dozen new locations and numerous corrections added to my Waypoints page. Photos of Heisenberg and Einstein added to my Science page. A long quote from Cy Jarvis, about "Primitive Thinking," added to my Quotes page. Extensive repairs to my Bumper Stickers page but I still don't think I have it right...
  177. July 2010:
    Red Skelton on Marriage added to my Humor page. Some explanation about the male donkey added to my Amazonia page. A photo and some description about KAFM community radio added to my KGNU page. A photograph and text about a barbed seed (that had burrowed into my skin!) added to my page on Plants. Additional description for a Millipede and "Orb Weaver" spider added to my Insects page. Pix and text about Street Music added to my Music page. A sobering article about the demise of Sushi and the Bluefin Tuna on my Fish and fishing page. Added an pitcure and updated a link on my Lightning Safety page. NOAA's news release that June was the warmest month on record, world-wide, added to my page on Climate Change. John Flores provided some extensive historical information about his boot camp experience for my regular Coast Guard and Coast Guard Photos pages. Big (but not surprising) news about the expense and lack of accountability of America's intelligence networks added to my Spooks and spies page. In late 1990 had the good fortune of recieving correspondence from Dr. Stephen Jay Gould - preeminant paleontologist and evolutionary biologist. I finally found (and with great relief!) a piece of old correspondence that Paleontologist and Evolutionary Stephen Jay Gould had sent me in late 1990 - I'ved posted copies of it on my Evolution and Autographs pages.
  178. June 2010:
    Added a photo of the T1000 backup drive and lots of pix and text about Hovenweep to my Colorado page. Sign to Hovenweep's "Boulder House" added to my page about (you guessed it!) Boulder. Texas bank robber added to my page on Humor. The restrooms at Coal Bank Pass and the Bair Ranch rest stop added to my Toilets page. Text and photos about the overflowing Colorado River added to my Climate Change page. Mosquito .gif added to my Insects page. Car crusher and metal recycling yard (junk yard) photos added to my Recycling page. Copies of the Bible being left in public toilets posted on my Proselytizing page. Added a scan of a recent speeding ticket (a warning, thank goodness!) to my Travel page. A very interesting dragonfly was resting in my garage and ended up on my Insects page.
  179. May 2010:
    Added an ani gif to my Lightning Safety page. Added a ten year old trip report about Mt. Rainier to my CMC page. Billy Simons Judgement Day added (with permission) to my Music page along with some link and text updates. Some notes about death and corruption, along with a "Not Yours" map added to my Mexico page. Some of my photos that are being used by an NREL publican and WarNewsUpdates added to my Photograpy page. Randy's most recent photo of a dragonfly on his porch added to my Insects page. Quotes from Daniel Pink's Surprising Motivation added to my Economics page. A quote from Carl Sagan added to my page about Cosmology. Quotes from a New York Times article about the next "Silicon Valley" added to my Boulder page.
  180. April 2010:
    With Brooke Bagwell's permission I added her name and injury photos to my Lightning Safety page. Added Robert Hoyt's Red River to my Lyrics page. Added some additional text and song selections to my Music page. A long Pat Condell quote on atheism added to my There is no God page. A Sierra Magazine quote about the mercury in fish added to my Food and Fish pages. Added Larry DeSaules' piece about backcountry responsibiity to my Ten Essentials and Survival and pages. Brooke Bagwell's self portrait of her lightning-struck leg, and my photo of the Havasupai Reservation have been added to my Photography page as examples of pictures being used in other publications. "Vow of Poverty" photo added to my page on Humor.
  181. March 2010:
    On my Animals and wildlife page I discuss last month's death of a killer whaler trainer at San Diego SeaWorld. Some historical information about the Penny Lane Coffeehouse added to my Boulder page. Animal "Kill Counter" (JavaScript) added to my Animals and Vegetarian pages. Population Ethics for the 21st Century, by Michael Tobias added (with permission) to my Population page. Clarification about the Neutrino's mass and proper authorship for a Super-Kamiokande Collaboration paper added to my Science page. Made some minor repairs to my Pix page. Added a link to my Earth Hour 2010 video off Earth Hour page.
  182. February 2010:
    Text for 22 different signs added to my Signs of All Kinds page (but it's still under construction). How could I resist putting up pix and text about those two "colorful" (dimwitted) senators on my page about Nevada? My rant about overpriced music added to my Music page along with a quote from techdirt.com on the subject. Also from Mike Masnick are his thoughts about the FBI wiretap situation added to my Spooks page. Recent Transportation Security Administration security breaches added to my main Travel page. 28 new ones added to my Tidbits and miscellanea page. Added a picture of my 17 year old car's frozen windshield to my Snow Day page. NBA Players and their guns added to my Sports Zoo page. Brief text and a link to their pix of Salvador Allende and Neda Agha-Soltan added to the "Remember" portion of my Main page. QuiverFull, Octo-Mom, and the Duggar family added to my page about Population. Long quotes I transcribed, from the documentary Food, Inc., added to my pages on GMO's and Food. Aligned some photos and added some text about cactus Ed to my Memorials page. Added a lot of text, about my public encounter with Edward Abbey, to the bottom of my Abbey and Thoreau page. Added a "Voice-mail" section to my Audio page where I feature a message from a woman who doesn't agree with me with my Bible page. Chris Long's ariel photo of Mt. Meeker and Longs Peak, along with my dad's 75th birthday summit register photos on Conundrum Peak added to my 14ers page. A picture of Invesco Field (from the air) and a description of the sports "Bread and Circus" routine added to my Sports Zoo page. Added RAW's paper, Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillation Analysis With Sub-leading Effects in Super-Kamiokande I, II and III, to my Science page. A note about the ten Idaho Baptist Church missionaries, who were up to no good in Haiti, added to my Proselytizing page. Some thoughts about the nearly 75% of Americans who believe Tibet should be an independent country added to my Tibet page.
  183. January 2010:
    More information about the Christmas underwear bomber added to my Spooks and spies page. Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot added to my Cosmology page. A better explanation about the Flatirons and pix of Seal Rock and the Maiden added to my page about Boulder. Pix and text about Larry's annual New Year's Day Mesa Trail hike added to my page on Hiking. Extensive quote from paleoanthropologist Richard E. Leaky added to my page on War. A funny story about a young pilot at Tan Son Nhut airbase, during the Vietnam war, added to my Humor page. Extensive quotes about climbing, from Bob Madgic's book, Shattered Air, added to my Climbing and Climbing Photos pages. Some rearrangements and editing on my Lightning Safety page. Quotes from the DVD jacket cover for The God Who Wasn't There added to my Bible page. A tip of the hat to Vitamin Cottage, on my Recycling page, for their complete elimnation of grocery bags! (I posted pix of their niffty cardboard box recycling idea) I added Randy's quote about how bad theatres are to my Movies page. Pix I took at the Berthoud Pass snowpack monitoring station added to my Snow Day page. Barbara Jane Miller's pix and goat leaf composting explanation added to my Recycling page. 32 More points of advice added to my Friendly Advice page. Camus quote about the suffering of children, from the movie A Lion in the House, added to my Cancer page. Added a quote about "Burger Roulette, from Sierra Club Executive Director Carl Pope, to my page on Vegetarianism. Military rifle sight Bible verses added to my page on Proselytizing. 545 People, by Charlie Reese, added to my Politics page. Added KDØJJP's Morse code comments to my Extra class license page.
  184. December 2009:
    Lengthy quote about Cactus Ed from the EF!J along with a reprint of their 1987 Deep Ecology article. I added information about a court ruling on beets to my GMO page. Added a story from last year about a U.S. Marine handing out Bible quotes at an Iraqi checkpoint to my Proselytizing page. A photo of mine was used for Bike to Work Week on a San Francisco flyer - I put it on my Cycling page. Golf course info and pix added to my Water page. A 2006 Barack Obama quote added to my Bible page. A report about public school Bibles added to my Proselytizing page. Report on a pit bull attack, that almost killed a 3-year-old girl, added to my Pets page. One photo of Tiger Woods (and his wife) and another of a small girl praying for her grandfather added to my Humor page. "Hey Jude" lyrics flowchart added to my Lyrics page. Trip report from some climbers on Lookout Mountain added to my Lightning Safety page. I posted info and a picture about last month's Secret Service White House security breach on my Spooks page. Earlier in the year Bob Greene wrote a nice piece about the debt we owe older Americans in the current economic downturn - I'm in agreement and quoted part of his article on my Economics page. Added some of Randy Wendell's lightning photographs to my Grand Canyon and Lightning Safety pages. Information about Kilimanjaro's disappearing glaciers added to my Africa page. This summer and elderly couple was mauled to death by dogs in their rural Georgia neighborhood and then a 20 month old boy was killed by a Rotwiler in December - I added quotes from both stories to my Pets page. Geneva Conventions Article 49 (An Occupying Power must allow civilians to return to their homes) added to my War and terrorism page. A report on Sam Sosa's drug useage added to my Sports Zoo page. Quotes from Biologist Richard Dawkins about religion and evolution added to my There Is No God and Evolution pages, respectively. A short list of authors (with text descriptions) who mentioned me in their Books. Photos of Steve Farely at St. Mary's Glacier and me on Bergen Peak added to my Hiking page. Ice fishing photo added to my Fish page and skulls at 10,000 feet (3,408 metres) added to my Colorado page. An article about an Atheist City Councilman added to my There Is No God page. Why men shouldn't write advice columns added to my Humor page. Books with good safety tips added to my Lightning page. Information about meat putrefication and yet another national meat recall listed on my Vegetarian page."Spit Happens" (saliva explanation) moved from my Vegetarian page to Food (still not sure of a home for this piece but I find it darn interesting!)
  185. November 2009:
    Photo of a North American Porcupine and Interstate 70 escape ramp added to my Animals and Wildlife page. Tony Morneau's Panasonic DX2000 pix and text added to my Cycling page. Created a new "Strange and Unusual" page for the naked climber sculpture in Silt, Colorado (other stuff to be added to this page sometime soon...). Allen Greenspan and Samuel Gregg economic quotes added to my Capitalism and its failures page. A quote about the end of fish added to my Fish and fishing page. Pravda (Russia) comments along with the Durango & Silverton train, Woody Creek, and some other Colorado outdoor toilet photos added to my Toilet page. Picture of a "No Dogs Allowed on Trail" sign added to my Pets page. Pictures from the Colorado National Monument and some text about Cryptogamic soil added to my Hiking page. A couple paragraphs of text added to my Autographs page. Some personal history and geography added to my Colorado page.
  186. October 2009:
    I added some information about Jonas Salk refusing to patent his polio vaccine to my GMO page (I also did a small amount of clean-up on that page as well). A Leonardo da Vinci quote, about the killing of animals, added to my Hunting page. A one line rhyme, about time, added to my page on Time. Quotes from Hermann Buhl and Wojciech Kurtyka added to my Climbing page. Olympic figure skater Nicole Bobek added to my Sports Zoo page. "Goat leaf composting photos and text added to my Boulder and Recycling pages. My Antennas page updated with some radiation cautionary notes and links. Michael Moore text and picture added to my Capitalism page. A report about Bible quotes and pentagon briefings added to my Proselytizing page. COHA Quote about oil and the economy added to my Mexico page.
  187. September 2009:
    Stephen Dunn's A Postmortem Guide addd to my page on Death. Gerald Buck gave me permission to post his letter to QST, about Hydrogen fuel, on my Peak Oil page. Added some quotes from Heather Hansman's article on "Zero Waste" to my Recycling page. Some verse from Lone Wolf Circle's Greenfire! song made it to my Deep Ecology page. I transcribed a lengthy outtake from Bill Maher's documentary, Religulous, and added it to my Bible page. Senator Mark Pryor, quoted on my Politics page as saying, "You don't need to pass an IQ test to be in the Senate." Numerous quotes from our founding fathers added to my page on America! A compliment to our spy agencies and a couple of Russ Baker quotes added to my Spooks and spies page. An article about running/aging/aches and pains added to my Exercise page. Lots of new gear and food items added to my Backcountry Gear page. Little 6-year-old Aree Tukta-Botkin's picture, at her father's request, added to my 14ers page.
  188. August 2009:
    Added some pix and text to my Waypoints and Colorado pages. "Joke of the month" feature added to me Humor page although I doubt I'll be able to keep up with it... Coach Rick Pitino added to my SportsZoo page. Waterfalls described on my Water page. Photos and text from Randy for my Insects page.
  189. July 2009:
    Charles Dudley Warner quote and a picture of Thoreau added to my Voluntary Simplicity page. Added a bunch of Edward O. Wilson quotes to my Population, Creation Theories, Biodiversity, and Extinction pages. Catch and release dragonfly added to my Insects page. Jupiter Mountain pix and info added to my 13ers page. Sad to note that the world's population is quickly approaching 7 Billion - thus requiring me to update the "x billion is too many" on my population page. Some new pix, trailhead waypoints, and a grammar correction for my 14ers page. Lots of information about the plight of the Uyghur people added to my Silk Road page.
  190. June 2009:
    Edward Abbey quote found on the back of a bus!! North and South Dakota highpoints added to my Hiking page. Yet another joke added to my Humor page. "Trap 'N Toss" idiocy added to my Insects page. Six new pix and a lot of text about touring added to my Cycling page. "Freegan" definition added to my Voluntary Simplicity page.
  191. May 2009:
    Added a plastic bag counter and other updates to my Recycling page. A nice long Duan Elgin quote and other stuff added to Voluntary Simplicity. Duane Elgin quote also added to my page on Death. Phillip Pullman quote added to There is no God. Boulder Bikeways sign photo added to my Cycling page. Jeremy Mayfield and NASCAR drug testing added to my Sports Zoo page. More on public school and military proselytizing - it never ends... Added a nice QST OP-ED piece on phonetics to my Morse code alphabet page. Two new Rules. More high points and Angelina Jolie's tattoo added to my Waypoints page.
  192. April 2009:
    Put the finishing touches on my Letters unanswered page. Updated This page by removing a lot of the older archive entries! Added a nice quote from Captain Paul Watson to my Fish, Fishing, Oceans & Water Life page. Added a large cyclist's quote to my Voluntary Simplicity page. Overpaid (and underworked) coaches added to my Sports Zoo page. Nanook of the North provided some great film making history for my movies page. RMCM DeGeorge provided a nice bit of history for my Coast Guard photos page. A comparison of decimal vs. binary memory space added to my Computers page. Governor Gibbons' divorce and telephone book brothel advertisements added to my Nevada page. Plastic Bag update for my recycling page. Corn-based toilet paper announced on my Toilet Matters page. Population Biology defined. Some Genus and Species naming history added to my Prairie Dogs page. Carrying Capacity defined on my Population page. Writing as therapy quote. Updated my Snow Day page with pix from the most recent blizzard. Information about dams added to my water page. Information on John Wesley Powell added to my Grand Canyon page. For the 218th birthday of Samuel Morse, Google featured Morse code characters on their main page - I reproduced 'em on my Morse code page.
  193. March 2009:
    Started the month out by adding a few paragraphs to my ORV page about all of the snowmobile deaths so far this year. Then went to my Toilet Matters page and added some valuable information about how wasteful toilet tissue actually is in this country. On my Antennas page I added a huge section about "Electromagnetic Smog" and the dangers of cellphones and cellular towers. "Spit Happens" is now featured at the bottom of my Vegetarianism page. "Bouldering" and "top-roping" are now explained on my Climbing Photos page. Added information about the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society's conlfict with Japanese whalers on my Fish and oceans page. "War is about killing..." added to my war page. To normalize the unthinkable added to my 4th Estate page. On the 19th we discovered a buffalo skull in our backyard - very strange! Nice quote from Stephen Kinzer added to my Hawai'i page.
  194. February 2009:
    Added a comprehensive definition of "Species" to my Extinction page. Also updated my Prairie Dogs page. Posted a visitor's comments on my Q and Z Signals page - very unusual for people to write about that one! The month opened, immediately, with the Michael Phelps "bong" story for my Sports Zoo page (also added some sports info about Jones and Rodriguez) and CNN firing back at Rush Limbaugh for his inappropriate comments (see my Bad Guys page for that exchange...). Just like GW, President Obama received some Friendly Advice from me this month as well. Excerpts from the AARP's "Anticancer Lifestyle" article added to my Cancer page. I also added info, on my Nukes page, about the French and British nuclear submarines that collided in the Atlantic this month. Added a "tracklog" definition to my Waypoints page.
  195. January 2009:
    15 new Toilet photos from India. Also, a nice Mike Rosen quote, near month's end, indicating how "rigged" professional sports actually is - see my Sports Zoo page for that one!
  196. December 2008:
    Everything you ever wanted to know about India plus an Overflow page with even more pix and info!
  197. November 2008:
    Received the owner's permission to post some of his drawings at Toilet Matters. Also some info on the PBS Bible special that premiered this month. Added a great Xerces quote to my Insects page.
  198. October 2008:
    Added a definition for the umbrella term, "Populationist" to my page about America's (and the world's!) huge Population problem. Also added some Tim and Cindie Travis quotes to my Camping and Cycling pages.
  199. September 2008:
    Added celeb pix to my Autograph page.
  200. August 2008:
    A bunch of new 14er pix and a very interesting piece (pix and video) about a Jeep commercial I found being filmed at 11,000 feet 93,353 metres) added to my Movies page. Also added notes about ancient Mexico added to my Time, Creation Theories, and Cosmology pages. Added a Meriwwether Lewis quote to my Prairie Dog page.
  201. July 2008:
    Mt. Baker and other photos added to my Climbing and Mountaineering page...
  202. June 2008:
    Evelyn Waugh and Lewis Thomas quotes added to my Books and Writing pages, respectively.
  203. May 2008:
    An expanded explanation of human history added to my page about Evolution. Knots and North Table Mountain added to my Climbing page
  204. April 2008:
    After a decade on the internet I decided to start noting changes to my website. I added new photos and updates to my Fuel Economy, My Station, Backyard Wildlife, and Green Mountain pages.




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