Annual Classic Car Show at Rolling Oaks Mall
Antonio, TX
September 12, 2004
The South Central Texas Chapter of
the Pontiac - Oakland Club International hosted its 5th annual
Classic Car Show at Rolling Oaks Mall on Sunday afternoon
September 12th. The day was bright and sunny as the cars
came streaming in and parked in the designated areas for their
particular class. There was a $20 entry fee for
participants to register their cars with goody bags, t-shirts,
and other items given to the entrants. There were many
classes and categories for the cars to enter in and a panel of
judges went through and tallied up the winners. Profits
from the event were donated to the Simon youth Foundation.
At about 11:30 am, they stopped entering vehicles and those that
were in at that time were eligible for the judging and awards
and trophies. Many late comers or just others that wanted
to stop by with their old cars came out and parked in the
surrounding parking places outside of the designated show car
parking. We were told there was a total of 230 entries for
the show, however there was a good number of other nice old cars
present that were not entered in the contest. Cars ranged
from just about anything you could imagine, new , old, street
rod, race cars, and a little of others in between. The sun
beat down and certainly heated things up for the event.
The location was very nice as there is a large parking area all
around the Rolling Oaks Mall, but just does not offer much in
the way of shade. There wasn't a tremendous amount of wind
or breeze of any kind to speak of, so needless to say it was a
nice hot Texas day. The one nice benefit with having the
event at the mall was that you could sneak inside the mall to
enjoy the air conditioning or get a bite to eat from the food
court if you wished. Of course for some of those who
didn't care to stay out with the cars the entire time either,
they could find their way in the mall and shop or browse through
the various stores. The club plans on hosting the event
again next year, so look for more info on this event and make
plans to attend for yourself.
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Some trust in chariots and some
in horses,
but we trust in the name of the
Lord our God. - Psalm 20:7
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