Out of 52 books I'd like to leave room for 12 random reads because something tells me this experiment doesn't stand a chance unless there's room for some amount of flexibility!
That leaves 40 books to select and put on a Prepared Reading List for 2019. In no particular order, these are the titles I'd really like to get to in 2019. Many are from my own bookshelves and there are some I'm probably going to be forced to collect. (Wink)
Starting with the most important read of the year and moving on from there -
1. I'll be using the One Year Chronological Study Bible this year again. I've used it for the past 5(ish?) years and I find it the easiest, most consistent way to make sure I read through the Bible every year. It's laid out by date which is ever so helpful as I'm not trying to keep track of a separate piece of paper and keep track of readings. Why that's a challenge for me, I don't know, but I do know that this particular One Year Bible has been tremendously handy and feel I ought to stick with it!
Account for Flexible Reads -
2 - 13. Open slots for flexibility.
Fiction -
14. The Clockmakers Daughter, by Kate Morton. This title was just released this fall. LOVE Kate Morton. My son gave me this book for Christmas and I can't wait to dive in.
15. The Story Peddler, by Lindsay Franklin. Another gift from another son for Christmas. (It was a very good, bookish sort of Christmas!)
16. Carrie's War, by Nina Bawden. I picked this one up in Scotland because, I mean, how could I not?
17. Daddy Long Legs, by Jean Webster. I picked up the Puffins Classic version because a.) it's pretty and b.) I haven't read this book yet.
18. A Rogue's Life, by Wilkie Collins
19. Golden Lads, by Daphnie Du Maurier
20. Crossing to Safety, by Wallace Stegner
21. Castaways of the Flying Dutchman, by Brian Jacques
22. Along the Shore, by L.M. Montgomery
23. The Gown, by Jennifer Robson (I have a review copy for this one!)
Non-Fiction -
24. Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, by Nabeel Quireshi
25. Victoria and Abdul, by Shrabani Basu (I'm terribly iffy on this one and if there was a book I might change my mind about, this would be the one. I picked it up at the library book sale after hearing about the movie. Reading the back of the book makes me rethink things. We'll see.)
26. The Gift of Fear and Other Survival Signals that Protect Us From Violence, by Gavin de Becker (Came highly recommended by a friend of mine.)
27. It's Not Supposed to Be This Way, by Lysa Terkuerst
Books I'd like to Re-Read -
28. Stepping Heavenward, by Elizabeth Prentiss
29. Hinds' Feet on High Places, by Hannah Hurnard
30 - 41. The Mitford Series, by Jan Karon
To Read With the Kids
42. The Mysterious Benedict Society, by Trenton Lee Stewart (a re-read, but the younger kids don't remember it)
43. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum
44 - 49. The First Five Great Mouse Detective Books, by Eve Titus
50. The Magic Faraway Tree, by Enid Blyton
51. Mr. Popper's Penguins, by Richard Atwater
52. Ramona the Pest, by Beverly Cleary
That's a wrap.
Even just writing down those titles made me realize how little reading time I've carved out for myself of late and how small a stack 52 books really is when all is said and done. Clearly I shall die with a TBR list that's 14,000 miles long. I'm sure you can appreciate the feeling, yes? Writing this down motivates me to read, read, read and see if I can best myself. But. If all I read are 52 books it will be good and I need to be satisfied with that! Here's to books, the places they take us, and how much that they teach us!
Happy 2019 everyone!