Dear Author of Colour,
Your publisher is hurting you, and I don’t mean in that ABC After School Special way. Your publisher isn’t promoting your books like they promote others and it’s killing your reviews and sales. But #weneeddiversebooks! Readers shout it, your publisher tells you they agree. Then tell me why the pitches I receive are so white. And it’s not just books by already popular authors that they’re pitching. They’re authors no one has ever heard of, but the publisher has decided they’re worth promoting even though their synopsis reads like hot garbage. What do you mean, Lisa? Here’s a screenshot of December pitches, a publisher's giveaway and the Goodreads monthly newsletter.
Month after month, week after week, I receive pitches from publishers and rarely do they offer books by authors of colour. On a rare occasion, I come across a black or Latina publicist who offers me books that don’t necessarily interest me, but if they have characters of colour or an author of colour, I’ll likely accept them because I want them to know that someone is interested in books by authors that aren’t white. But why should I have to wait for a publicist of colour for that? In the seven years that I’ve been blogging, I can count on one hand the number of publicists I’ve encountered that aren’t young, white women. And young white women are going to pitch books that interest them. I don’t need another book about any of the Brontes. I don’t give a flying fig about Mr. Darcy. But over and over again, that’s what clogs my inbox.
Now your publisher could do you a favor and make ARCs of your book available online. Oh, you didn’t know they could do that? See, publishers tell you they don’t send hard copies of ARCs out anymore because of costs ̶ printing, postage, the time it takes to package it up and send it, etc., but they can and do make electronic ARCs available on Netgalley and/or Edelweiss. Most of you already know about Netgalley, but when I mention Edelweiss, you screw your face up like
While Netgalley has some of the bigger publishing houses listed, along with a number of indie houses, Edelweiss is a clearinghouse for almost all of the larger publishing houses. Booksellers, librarians and bloggers can read publisher catalogs (and I do faithfully), make note of what new books are in the pipeline, and add them to their to be read or to be bought list. Everything listed in the catalog doesn’t become available to download as an ARC, but a good number of books are. And this is where we run into the problem.
Some publishers, like Simon & Schuster and Harper, do a really good job of making books available to reviewers on Edelweiss. Why? Because they know that if the reviewer likes the book, they’ll write a post about it. If they love the book, they’ll tell everyone they come in contact with in real life and on social media about it. Sometimes I get books six months in advance. That means I have six months to shout from the rooftops about how good your book is. What happens when ARCs aren’t made available? Reviewers have to wait for release date like everyone else, which means there’s no release day promotion for you other than a tweet, a short Facebook post, etc. informing people you have a new book out ̶ not much to motivate people to buy your book. Even worse, there are publishers that list ARCs so that you can request them, but then never respond to your request. Why even list the book if you have no plans to actually allow reviewers to read it? I hate to tell you authors, but some of your publishers are so non-responsive that I move your book down to the bottom of my to be read list when that happens. Right now that list is at 499, so good luck on getting that review in the year your book is published. And there is one publisher I will never request a book from again because they've not responded to any requests in two years. As a matter of fact, I try to avoid reading any authors on their imprint.
I hate to break it to the romance authors among you, but you’re missing out the most. Harlequin and Kensington post ARCs on Netgalley, but it’s not often that your books appear among them. Of 41 books currently posted on Netgalley by Kensington, there is only one book by an author of colour, appearing under the Dafina imprint. Harlequin fares a little better, but not by much. With 66 books posted on Netgalley, three are by authors of colour, published under the Kimani imprint. On Edelweiss, Kensington lists 172 books on their frontlist and several of the 58 on their Dafina imprint are available for download. Harlequin’s catalog is difficult to locate on Edelweiss, but it doesn’t matter because of the 95 books on their frontlist, the 29 under the Kimani imprint aren’t available as ARCs. Though, to be fair, it seems that only 12 books on their frontlist are. Perhaps Harlequin just isn’t concerned about any of their authors.
The bottom line is this, publishers can say they’re interested in diversifying their readers and their catalogs, but they’re not. Studies have shown that the most likely reader is an educated black woman. We buy and read books, yet publishing continues to cater to an audience that looks like them instead of us. The lack of people of colour in publishing is another topic that requires further discussion and perhaps we'll delve into that one day, but I digress. It doesn’t matter how well you write a book, if your publisher won’t promote it to reviewers and/or readers, who will know? I’ll continue to do my part by combing catalogs, looking for and promoting your books, but you’ve got to do your part and demand that your publishers start offering your books to any reviewer that reads your particular genre, not just the ones they think might be interested because we share the same skin tone. Adult women read YA all day, every day and they haven’t been teenagers in decades. I think they can find it within themselves to read a book with characters that don’t look like them if a publisher promotes it well enough.
Showing posts with label authors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label authors. Show all posts
Friday, January 8, 2016
Friday, December 4, 2015
#ColourfulChristmas: Personalized Book Recommendations
It's the time of year when reviewers are posting their top 10 or top 20 books of 2015 and I'll get to that in a week or so. Today, I want to focus on book recommendations. I'm often asked on Twitter to recommend books to people and I try to do that with the information I'm given. Most of the time, I'm spot on. Occasionally, not so much. At any rate, if you're buying books for the people in your life this season and aren't sure of what books or genres they might enjoy, hit me up in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or Instagram and I'll do my best to help you find what you're looking for. I'll also post requests and recommendations in the Read In Colour weekly newsletter.
What books are you hoping to receive for Christmas?
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
For all the talking, tweeting, conferencing and tumbling about children needing diverse books, and they really do, let's not overlook the importance of diversity for adults. On the kids site, I make it a point to search for and highlight books featuring children of colour. It's fairly easy to find books featuring African, Caribbean, Asian, Latino and Native American kids. But I've noticed that as the reader's age creeps up, books that look like them fade out. While it's important that children see characters that look like them, it's just as important that teens/young adults and adults do as well. I wholeheartedly support the We Need Diverse Books movement, but it focuses solely on children's lit and YA.
What I'm looking for, and don't see a lot of discussion about, is literary fiction. There are a limited number of authors whose work makes it onto shelves and is promoted, but there's no push from publishers or the land of Tumblr to propel those books forward into the hands of people that don't necessarily look like the characters those books are about. What I have witnessed is an interesting cross-section of authors of colour reading, loving and promoting each others books, which seems like a win-win situation to me. Not only are they, as readers, stepping outside of their norm, they're sharing those books with their own readers, giving visibility to books that audience might not know about otherwise.
Interestingly enough, the group that often complains about the saturation of white male authors in the New York Times review section are white female authors. But rarely do I see them promoting other authors that aren't white females. That's not to say that they never do, but I follow a lot of the more popular authors and they're more likely to promote an unheard of author that looks like them before an Asian, Latino, African American or Native American author. The closest they come to talking about books with characters that don't look like them is when someone that looks like them has written them (e.g., The Help, The Secret Lives of Bees, etc.). These aren't women that are scrambling to make it to the top, they're big dollar authors that see New York Times Bestseller stamped on their books, but reaching out to authors that look like them and trying to help them get there? Apparently that goes beyond the call of duty.
I don't know about you, but I want to read books that introduce me to another culture, other customs, new traditions. I already know what white America looks like, I've seen it every day of my life. I'm more interested in stories about San Francisco's Chinatown in WWII, Afghani women living as bacha posh, African American teens finding themselves living in Barbados, etc. Isn't the world a more interesting place when you realize it's not all about you and your culture? I encourage you to spread the word about good books featuring characters of colour, whether you do it by posting a review on Amazon or Goodreads, talking about it on social media, or just telling friends about them in conversation. If you belong to a book club, suggest books to fellow club members. Often, authors are willing to Skype with your club or even attend the meeting if they're in your area. Remember, kids need diverse books, but so do we.
What I'm looking for, and don't see a lot of discussion about, is literary fiction. There are a limited number of authors whose work makes it onto shelves and is promoted, but there's no push from publishers or the land of Tumblr to propel those books forward into the hands of people that don't necessarily look like the characters those books are about. What I have witnessed is an interesting cross-section of authors of colour reading, loving and promoting each others books, which seems like a win-win situation to me. Not only are they, as readers, stepping outside of their norm, they're sharing those books with their own readers, giving visibility to books that audience might not know about otherwise.
— Sophia A. Nelson (@IAmSophiaNelson) June 8, 2015
@Dolen It's easy when it's a writer you love (and whose work you love!) @RaviHoward @kima_jones @jabariasim @IAmSophiaNelson @jeanho— Celeste Ng (@pronounced_ing) June 8, 2015
@thenaomijackson Very best wishes to you on your first novel. Tweeted about it! Looking forward to reading it. And, congratulations, Sis.— Terry McMillan (@MsTerryMcMillan) June 9, 2015
See you tonight, DC! An ARC of @TananariveDue's 1st short story collection is my travel companion.— Kima Jones (@kima_jones) June 12, 2015
Interestingly enough, the group that often complains about the saturation of white male authors in the New York Times review section are white female authors. But rarely do I see them promoting other authors that aren't white females. That's not to say that they never do, but I follow a lot of the more popular authors and they're more likely to promote an unheard of author that looks like them before an Asian, Latino, African American or Native American author. The closest they come to talking about books with characters that don't look like them is when someone that looks like them has written them (e.g., The Help, The Secret Lives of Bees, etc.). These aren't women that are scrambling to make it to the top, they're big dollar authors that see New York Times Bestseller stamped on their books, but reaching out to authors that look like them and trying to help them get there? Apparently that goes beyond the call of duty.
I don't know about you, but I want to read books that introduce me to another culture, other customs, new traditions. I already know what white America looks like, I've seen it every day of my life. I'm more interested in stories about San Francisco's Chinatown in WWII, Afghani women living as bacha posh, African American teens finding themselves living in Barbados, etc. Isn't the world a more interesting place when you realize it's not all about you and your culture? I encourage you to spread the word about good books featuring characters of colour, whether you do it by posting a review on Amazon or Goodreads, talking about it on social media, or just telling friends about them in conversation. If you belong to a book club, suggest books to fellow club members. Often, authors are willing to Skype with your club or even attend the meeting if they're in your area. Remember, kids need diverse books, but so do we.
Friday, April 25, 2014
What Book Changed Your Life?
That seems like such a dramatic question, right? Can books change lives? Do the words on pages have the ability to start you on a new path? I think they do and here's why.
Even though I grew up in a predominantly black city, I spent quite a bit of time in a predominantly white world. The number of books I read with characters that looked like me was limited. That's not because my mother didn't take me to the library or bookstore, it's because authors that looked like me may have been writing, but those books weren't readily available for various reasons.
I read the "classics" as defined by American standards and tons of young adult lit while growing up, but for every book like Mildred Taylor's Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, there were hundreds of books with characters that looked like Nancy Drew or the Sweet Valley High twins. So I read them because that's what was available on the shelves.
But in college, I discovered Breaking Ice and it was everything! There were authors I'd never heard of in all my years of private school. Marita Golden, Gloria Naylor and so many others leaped off the pages. I was no longer limited to the few authors that had managed to squeak through and cross over, like Maya Angelou and Alice Walker. I found myself reading stories by people that looked like me who wrote stories about my life and things I could relate to. I looked into the mirror held up by what I found in that book and liked what I saw. I've held on to my copy for 24 years and it's as raggedy as all get out, but I still love it. It's part of the reason why I blog, part of the reason why I seek out books by black authors, part of the reason why I'm so interested in promoting diversity in lit.
So that's my story. What's yours?
Even though I grew up in a predominantly black city, I spent quite a bit of time in a predominantly white world. The number of books I read with characters that looked like me was limited. That's not because my mother didn't take me to the library or bookstore, it's because authors that looked like me may have been writing, but those books weren't readily available for various reasons.
I read the "classics" as defined by American standards and tons of young adult lit while growing up, but for every book like Mildred Taylor's Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, there were hundreds of books with characters that looked like Nancy Drew or the Sweet Valley High twins. So I read them because that's what was available on the shelves.
But in college, I discovered Breaking Ice and it was everything! There were authors I'd never heard of in all my years of private school. Marita Golden, Gloria Naylor and so many others leaped off the pages. I was no longer limited to the few authors that had managed to squeak through and cross over, like Maya Angelou and Alice Walker. I found myself reading stories by people that looked like me who wrote stories about my life and things I could relate to. I looked into the mirror held up by what I found in that book and liked what I saw. I've held on to my copy for 24 years and it's as raggedy as all get out, but I still love it. It's part of the reason why I blog, part of the reason why I seek out books by black authors, part of the reason why I'm so interested in promoting diversity in lit.
So that's my story. What's yours?
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Whatcha Readin'?
How y'all feeling out there? Seems like it's been a long time since we just chatted about random books and what not. There's no book review today because I'm: a) a slacker; b) too busy catching up on TV and music (Anita Wilson has been on constant loop for weeks now); and c) most of the books I've read aren't due out until May or June and publishers asked that I hold reviews until then.
So what are y'all reading, watching or listening to? What books have just blown you away or underwhelmed you? Share with the class so we can add to (or remove from) our "To Be Read" lists.
So what are y'all reading, watching or listening to? What books have just blown you away or underwhelmed you? Share with the class so we can add to (or remove from) our "To Be Read" lists.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
I'm at BEA & You're Not
That was so rude of me, wasn't it? To make it up to you, I've dedicated a page just to live streaming the conference so you can feel like you're there. Not sure of what BEA stands for or what it is? Check out this post, then follow along here or by clicking on the BEA 2013 Live Stream tab at the top of the page.
That's still not enough? Okay, the lists of authors I want to see and books I want to nab are pretty short, so if you click on the links below and find author autographs or books that you want, let me know and I'll make every effort to grab them for you. Limit your requests to no more than two books and one autograph.
Authors at BEA
Books at BEA
I'll try to post on the blog, but I'm not sure how much time I'll have for that. I'll definitely be live tweeting my time at BEA and in New York, in general, so be sure to follow me on Twitter (@Reads4Pleasure) for updates.
That's still not enough? Okay, the lists of authors I want to see and books I want to nab are pretty short, so if you click on the links below and find author autographs or books that you want, let me know and I'll make every effort to grab them for you. Limit your requests to no more than two books and one autograph.
Authors at BEA
Books at BEA
I'll try to post on the blog, but I'm not sure how much time I'll have for that. I'll definitely be live tweeting my time at BEA and in New York, in general, so be sure to follow me on Twitter (@Reads4Pleasure) for updates.
Friday, May 24, 2013
10 Fun Facts About Walter Mosley & His Works
The great one came to town and I was there! This was my first time seeing him in person and I had no idea he was so funny. He read the first chapter of his latest book, Little Green, entertained questions for about 30 minutes and autographed books. Along the way, he dropped some interesting tidbits, some of which I've read in other interviews and some I've never heard before.
In addition to finding out about his wicked sense of humor, here's what I learned:
Interested in hearing more and learning about that wonderful sense of humor I mentioned? Check out the video below. It's chock full of more fun facts and interesting tidbits.
In addition to finding out about his wicked sense of humor, here's what I learned:
- Little Green is his only book about resurrection.
- He's working with Anthony Mackie on a film adaptation of The Man in My Basement.
- The idea for The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey came from dealing with his mother who was suffering from dementia. Samuel Jackson is working on a movie version of the book. Ptolemy Grey will not be returning in any form.
- He never uses a typewriter.
- His favorite character is Twill from the Leonid McGill series.
- The Tempest Tales is inspired by characters from Langston Hughes' Jess B. Semple series.
- He only works on one book at a time.
- He's working on a musical of Devil in a Blue Dress.
- He's working with Laurence Fishburne on a series based on Socrates Fortlaw.
- He's been drawing for 45 years and never really shares it with anyone, but will have several pictures displayed in a show in New York June through July.
Interested in hearing more and learning about that wonderful sense of humor I mentioned? Check out the video below. It's chock full of more fun facts and interesting tidbits.
Friday, May 3, 2013
New York Bound for BEA!
In a few weeks, New York will be overrun with book lovers and I'll be one of them! Ever since I started blogging, I've wanted to attend BookExpo America. Their website describes it as, "the #1 event in North American publishing and the ideal place for content creators and consumers to discover new books/titles, meet favorite and new authors, learn about trends shaping the book industry, and network with those have a passion for books and reading." I call it a chance to hang out with my book blogging partner in crime, JNic aka @litfangrl, while we drool over soon to be released books and stalk some of our favorite authors.
There's also a book blogger's conference the first day, so I'm hoping to come back with plenty of new ideas to keep you guys interested and engaged. If you'll be in the New York area and you're interested in attending, but don't want to stay for the whole conference, there's a Power Reader event on June 1 that will allow you access to the convention floor. I'm planning to take in a few Broadway shows and do a little sightseeing, but if you're going to be around for BEA or live in the area, I'd love to meet you, so please don't hesitate to reach out.
Last, but not least, I've toyed with the idea of providing a monthly newsletter for those that don't have time to read full reviews, but want to know what I've reviewed for the month. I've also thought about a newsletter that highlights upcoming releases. I know Goodreads does this by genre, but wondered if my readers might like something along that line that focuses on authors and characters of color. Fill out the survey below and let me know.
There's also a book blogger's conference the first day, so I'm hoping to come back with plenty of new ideas to keep you guys interested and engaged. If you'll be in the New York area and you're interested in attending, but don't want to stay for the whole conference, there's a Power Reader event on June 1 that will allow you access to the convention floor. I'm planning to take in a few Broadway shows and do a little sightseeing, but if you're going to be around for BEA or live in the area, I'd love to meet you, so please don't hesitate to reach out.
Last, but not least, I've toyed with the idea of providing a monthly newsletter for those that don't have time to read full reviews, but want to know what I've reviewed for the month. I've also thought about a newsletter that highlights upcoming releases. I know Goodreads does this by genre, but wondered if my readers might like something along that line that focuses on authors and characters of color. Fill out the survey below and let me know.
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
The Best in Books 2012
With just a few days left to get in your holiday shopping, I thought I'd give you my top picks of the year. Maybe you'll be inspired to buy them for someone on your list. Now normally I would list everything I gave five purple armchairs, but that list ended up being lengthy this year, which is good because it means I read a lot of good books. However, to keep things simple and to stick with the theme of "The Best in 2012," I'm just going to limit it to books published in the U.S. in 2012. Since all of these received my highest rating, I'm not going to rank them, just list them in the order I read them.
Gathering of Waters by Bernice L. McFadden
I've often said that reading a J. California Cooper book is like sitting on the porch listening to your grandmother tell you a story. Using lush words and phrases that make you long for those days, McFadden's latest will leave you breathless from start to end. Once you start Gathering of Waters, you won't want to put it down until you've finished it.
Perfect for: Fans of J. California Cooper, Toni Morrison & Tayari Jones
Tags: historical fiction, civil rights
My Name is Butterfly by Bernice L. McFadden
Only available as an ebook
Never one to shy away from sensitive topics, Bernice McFadden takes readers into the world of the Trokosi. In simple terms, Trokosi are girls given by their family to a deity as a sacrifice in exchange for better luck, fortune or things along those terms. Adebe Tsikata is such a girl, but she's also a survivor.
Perfect for: Fans of reading about different cultures, Chika Unigwe, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Tags: Ghana, family secrets, deception
In 1986 India, four of the most important determinants of a woman's future were the tone of her skin, her caste, her home village and her family's wealth. Based on these things, Pullamma, at the age of 16, has resigned herself to living with her grandmother forever. As one of three orphaned sisters, Pullamma is the darkest and most unattractive.
I loved this book because Atreya kept me on my toes while reading it. At no point did I ever really know how the story was going to end. And a sure sign that a book has pulled me in, I found myself talking out loud to the characters, knowing good and well they couldn't hear me. If you love learning about new cultures and love a good story, do yourself a favor and give Tell A Thousand Lies a read.
Perfect for: Fans of Anjali Banerjee, Shilpi Somaya Gowda & Shobhan Bantwal
Tags: India, women, colorism
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
A while back on Twitter I began describing certain books as #facepunchlit. They’re the type of books that are so surprisingly good that it feels like you’ve been punched in the face after reading them. You're in sort of a punch drunk haze where nothing seems clear and everything you previously understood to be right about the world is a bit askew. After reading Flynn’s Gone Girl, I had a similar feeling.
Perfect for: Fans of face punch lit
Tags: thriller, suspense, surprise ending
Who is Polly Shine, you ask? She's the healer and giver of sight to those around her. Things on the Satterfield plantation surely changed for the better the day Polly Shine arrived. Prior to her arrival, Granada, the teller of The Healing, only thought she knew who she was.
Perfect for: Fans of Bernice McFadden, Kathleen Grissom & Leonard Pitts, Jr.
Tags: historical fiction, post-slavery, family secrets, women
Miss Dreamsville and the Collier County Women's Literary Society by Amy Hill Hearth
If someone were to ask me to summarize Miss Dreamsville and the Collier County Women's Literary Society, I'd have to say that it's a cross between Fanny Flagg's Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe and the movie To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Love Julie Newmar.
For those thinking that Hearth's name sounds familiar, you'll remember her as the coauthor of Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years. This is her first foray into fiction and she does an amazing job. As Camille O. Cosby says of her, she "Honors and humanizes people and their wonderful diversities."
Perfect for: Fans of Fanny Flagg
Tags: civil rights, women, empowerment
Joe is nuttier than a fruitcake, but he truly believes that he's doing the world a favor by killing some of his victims. But Joe gets too comfortable and lazy. So confident is he that he never sees Melissa coming for him. If you've watched BBC's Luther, you're already familiar with the character of Alice. Well, Melissa is The Cleaner's Alice. If it's possible, she's an even bigger psychopath than Joe and now, she's running things.
Perfect for: Fans of Gillian Flynn, The Usual Suspects & Neil Cross
Tags: deception, thriller, ruthless
Now hit up your local indie bookstore! And if you didn't see the perfect book for the reader in your life, feel free to ask for recommendations below or ask me on Facebook or Twitter.
Gathering of Waters by Bernice L. McFadden
I've often said that reading a J. California Cooper book is like sitting on the porch listening to your grandmother tell you a story. Using lush words and phrases that make you long for those days, McFadden's latest will leave you breathless from start to end. Once you start Gathering of Waters, you won't want to put it down until you've finished it.
Perfect for: Fans of J. California Cooper, Toni Morrison & Tayari Jones
Tags: historical fiction, civil rights
Home by Toni Morrison
160 pp
For the last few years I've told myself and anyone that would listen that I'm just not smart enough to read Toni Morrison. I watch ToMo stans like Tayari Jones expound on her greatness and all I can think is, it must be over my head. The last time I read a ToMo book and was able to comprehend it the first time around was pre-Beloved. I read Song of Solomon, Sula and The Bluest Eye in high school and college and loved them. Then Beloved came along and I had to read the book, see the movie and read the book again before it finally made sense to me.
After that came Jazz, Paradise, Love and A Mercy. I struggled with the first three and didn't even try with A Mercy. So when I saw that Morrison was publishing a new book, I was hesitant to request a copy from the publisher. But they sent it and so I read it. And I loved it! I feel like the ToMo that wrote Song of Solomon is back. Or maybe she never left. Maybe I've just come full circle.
Perfect for: Fans of Bernice McFadden, Alice Walker & Gloria Naylor
Tags: women, South, coming of age, PTSD
My Name is Butterfly by Bernice L. McFadden
Only available as an ebook
Never one to shy away from sensitive topics, Bernice McFadden takes readers into the world of the Trokosi. In simple terms, Trokosi are girls given by their family to a deity as a sacrifice in exchange for better luck, fortune or things along those terms. Adebe Tsikata is such a girl, but she's also a survivor.
Perfect for: Fans of reading about different cultures, Chika Unigwe, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Tags: Ghana, family secrets, deception
Tell A Thousand Lies by Rasana Atreya
352 pp
In 1986 India, four of the most important determinants of a woman's future were the tone of her skin, her caste, her home village and her family's wealth. Based on these things, Pullamma, at the age of 16, has resigned herself to living with her grandmother forever. As one of three orphaned sisters, Pullamma is the darkest and most unattractive.
I loved this book because Atreya kept me on my toes while reading it. At no point did I ever really know how the story was going to end. And a sure sign that a book has pulled me in, I found myself talking out loud to the characters, knowing good and well they couldn't hear me. If you love learning about new cultures and love a good story, do yourself a favor and give Tell A Thousand Lies a read.
Perfect for: Fans of Anjali Banerjee, Shilpi Somaya Gowda & Shobhan Bantwal
Tags: India, women, colorism
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
A while back on Twitter I began describing certain books as #facepunchlit. They’re the type of books that are so surprisingly good that it feels like you’ve been punched in the face after reading them. You're in sort of a punch drunk haze where nothing seems clear and everything you previously understood to be right about the world is a bit askew. After reading Flynn’s Gone Girl, I had a similar feeling.
Perfect for: Fans of face punch lit
Tags: thriller, suspense, surprise ending
The Healing by Jonathon Odell
Who is Polly Shine, you ask? She's the healer and giver of sight to those around her. Things on the Satterfield plantation surely changed for the better the day Polly Shine arrived. Prior to her arrival, Granada, the teller of The Healing, only thought she knew who she was.
Perfect for: Fans of Bernice McFadden, Kathleen Grissom & Leonard Pitts, Jr.
Tags: historical fiction, post-slavery, family secrets, women
Miss Dreamsville and the Collier County Women's Literary Society by Amy Hill Hearth
If someone were to ask me to summarize Miss Dreamsville and the Collier County Women's Literary Society, I'd have to say that it's a cross between Fanny Flagg's Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe and the movie To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Love Julie Newmar.
For those thinking that Hearth's name sounds familiar, you'll remember her as the coauthor of Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years. This is her first foray into fiction and she does an amazing job. As Camille O. Cosby says of her, she "Honors and humanizes people and their wonderful diversities."
Perfect for: Fans of Fanny Flagg
Tags: civil rights, women, empowerment
The Cleaner by Paul Cleave
Joe is nuttier than a fruitcake, but he truly believes that he's doing the world a favor by killing some of his victims. But Joe gets too comfortable and lazy. So confident is he that he never sees Melissa coming for him. If you've watched BBC's Luther, you're already familiar with the character of Alice. Well, Melissa is The Cleaner's Alice. If it's possible, she's an even bigger psychopath than Joe and now, she's running things.
Perfect for: Fans of Gillian Flynn, The Usual Suspects & Neil Cross
Tags: deception, thriller, ruthless
Now hit up your local indie bookstore! And if you didn't see the perfect book for the reader in your life, feel free to ask for recommendations below or ask me on Facebook or Twitter.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Tell Me Something Good!
It's hard to believe 2012 is almost over! This has been a fairly decent year for books and I'll be posting my year in review in the following weeks, but in the meantime, I'd love it if you would take three or four minutes to take the survey below. I'll share the results with you at a later date and use your comments and suggestions to improve
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.
Friday, November 9, 2012
World Book Night 2013
World Book Night isn't until April 2013, but they're accepting sign ups now. If you've never heard of it, you're not alone. It gets a lot of publicity in the book community, but not so much outside of that. Each year, book givers sign up to receive a copy of 20 books that they hand out to light or non-readers. It's completely up to the giver where they distribute them. It can be anywhere from a subway station, a school parking lot to the grocery store.
2013 books include Sandra Cisneros The House on Mango Street, Paulo Coehlo's The Alchemist, John Grisham's Playing for Pizza, Walter Mosley's Devil in a Blue Dress, Alexander McCall Smith's The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Hillary Jordan's Mudbound and Jesmyn Ward's Salvage the Bones, among others. I didn't get to participate this year, but I'm definitely signing up for next year.
Care to join me? Sign ups are here. You'll be asked to choose three books, why you're interested in giving them away and where you plan to do it.
If you could give away any book, not just the ones on the list, what would it be, who would you give it to and why?
2013 books include Sandra Cisneros The House on Mango Street, Paulo Coehlo's The Alchemist, John Grisham's Playing for Pizza, Walter Mosley's Devil in a Blue Dress, Alexander McCall Smith's The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Hillary Jordan's Mudbound and Jesmyn Ward's Salvage the Bones, among others. I didn't get to participate this year, but I'm definitely signing up for next year.
Care to join me? Sign ups are here. You'll be asked to choose three books, why you're interested in giving them away and where you plan to do it.
If you could give away any book, not just the ones on the list, what would it be, who would you give it to and why?
Friday, September 21, 2012
Books: Passports to the World
It's a little early to announce reading challenges for next year, but it requires a little planning and I need your help. I've created the Books: Passports to the World challenge, where the goal is to read a book a week set in a different country. There are just under 200 recognized countries in the world today, my plan is to come up with books set in 52 of those places. Why 52? There are 52 weeks in a year, so each week I'll be posting a review of a book from one of the countries.
Here's where I need your help. I've created a list, and come up with a good number of books so far, but I'm hoping that you've read a book set in a country that I've not already found a book for and will share it with me. The list of countries and books can be found here. Please take a look and submit your suggestions for books that should be added to the list below. And don't worry, sign ups for the challenge are coming soon.
Friday, September 7, 2012
#BookReview: Count on Me: Tales of Sisterhoods and Fierce Friendships by Las Comadres Para Las Americas
The concept of friendship that goes beyond everyday acquaintances is nothing new. Count On Me serves to remind us of those friendships that are so strong and so important that the only word that can define them is comadre. Told in twelve narratives, Count On Me highlights the friendships between co-workers, neighbors, confidants and complete strangers.
In Carolina De Robertis' narrative, Every Day of Her Life, we see her and others step in to complete the book of a classmate turned comadre who died before she had a chance to finish her novel. Though completing someone else's work can be a tremendous amount of work, the deceased Leila taught Carolina and those around her so much about living and loving that they felt the need to complete her love letter to her home country of Lebanon.
In Crocodiles and Plovers, Lorraine Lopez describes her symbiotic relationship with Judith Ortiz Cofer, the mentor she initially rejected, who would eventually push her to recognize her own talent as a writer. In return, Lorraine drives Judith around and offers her conversation or silence, depending on what she needs.
My favorite narrative comes from Esmeralda Santiago in the form of Las Comais, in which she speaks of the relationship between her mother and her comadres. From dona Zena, the praying comai, and comai Ana, the teller of dirty jokes, to dona Lola, the midwife, Esmeralda's mother was surrounded by her closest confidantes. I think I was so moved by this story because it reminded me of my mother and what she calls her O and Ds, oldest and dearest friends.
My mother has known Barbara, Elena and Deidre since junior high. They attended high school and college together and pledged the same sorority. Growing up, they were a constant presence in my life. Even today as retired grandmothers, they still hang tight, getting together for birthdays, holidays and no reason in particular to share a meal and catch up on what's going on. A few years ago we threw a surprise birthday party for my mother. Her O and Ds helped out by telling her they were going out to dinner and bringing her to the venue. Another friend was miffed because I left her out of the planning and proudly told me, "I'm one of your mother's oldest and dearest friends." I'm sure I may have appeared rude when I told her, "You may be one of her friends, but you're not one of her oldest and dearest." Simply put, she was not a comadre.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to anyone that has ever experienced the comfort that comes in knowing you have a comadre that will stand by you through thick and thin, love you when you're wrong, applaud you when you're right and glow with happiness in celebration of your accomplishments.
Published: September 2012
Disclaimer: Copy of book provided by publisher, opinions are my own.
In Carolina De Robertis' narrative, Every Day of Her Life, we see her and others step in to complete the book of a classmate turned comadre who died before she had a chance to finish her novel. Though completing someone else's work can be a tremendous amount of work, the deceased Leila taught Carolina and those around her so much about living and loving that they felt the need to complete her love letter to her home country of Lebanon.
In Crocodiles and Plovers, Lorraine Lopez describes her symbiotic relationship with Judith Ortiz Cofer, the mentor she initially rejected, who would eventually push her to recognize her own talent as a writer. In return, Lorraine drives Judith around and offers her conversation or silence, depending on what she needs.
Comadrazgo fosters mutual benefit, not dependency.
My favorite narrative comes from Esmeralda Santiago in the form of Las Comais, in which she speaks of the relationship between her mother and her comadres. From dona Zena, the praying comai, and comai Ana, the teller of dirty jokes, to dona Lola, the midwife, Esmeralda's mother was surrounded by her closest confidantes. I think I was so moved by this story because it reminded me of my mother and what she calls her O and Ds, oldest and dearest friends.
My mother has known Barbara, Elena and Deidre since junior high. They attended high school and college together and pledged the same sorority. Growing up, they were a constant presence in my life. Even today as retired grandmothers, they still hang tight, getting together for birthdays, holidays and no reason in particular to share a meal and catch up on what's going on. A few years ago we threw a surprise birthday party for my mother. Her O and Ds helped out by telling her they were going out to dinner and bringing her to the venue. Another friend was miffed because I left her out of the planning and proudly told me, "I'm one of your mother's oldest and dearest friends." I'm sure I may have appeared rude when I told her, "You may be one of her friends, but you're not one of her oldest and dearest." Simply put, she was not a comadre.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to anyone that has ever experienced the comfort that comes in knowing you have a comadre that will stand by you through thick and thin, love you when you're wrong, applaud you when you're right and glow with happiness in celebration of your accomplishments.
Published: September 2012
Disclaimer: Copy of book provided by publisher, opinions are my own.
Theme: You Gotta Be by Des'ree
Friday, August 31, 2012
The Good Books are Coming! The Good Books are Coming!
Typically I read books way before the average reader does. It's difficult to hold in my enthusiasm in August for books that won't be published until April. Yes, I'm reading books that you won't be able to get your hands on until April 2013. So while I can't give you my full review of most books until the week of release, at the publisher's request, I can share snippets of my reviews with you and encourage you to pre-order your little hearts out.
Luther: The Calling by Neil Cross: Fans of the BBC miniseries are no stranger to the brooding figure who observes crime scenes with his hands stuffed in his pockets. But they'll learn in Luther: The Calling where that habit came from and why lead character, John Luther, does just that. In this prequel to the miniseries, Neil Cross introduces John Luther before we, as television viewers, come to know him. And in introducing him this way, Cross ties up some loose ends that we weren't even aware of before.
Available September 4, 2012
Count on Me: Tales of Sisterhoods and Fierce Friendships by Las Comadres Para Las Americas: The concept of friendship that goes beyond everyday acquaintances is nothing new. Count On Me serves to remind us of those friendships that are so strong and so important that the only word that can define them is comadre. Told in twelve narratives, Count On Me highlights the friendships between co-workers, neighbors, confidants and complete strangers.
Available September 4, 2012
The Cutting Season by Attica Locke: Lovers of historical fiction, thrillers or both, come near. This is the book for you. In her latest, Attica Locke deftly weaves the history of a Louisiana plantation with a modern day who done it, and you're going to love it.
Available September 18, 2012
The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis: Is there a limit on the amount of love a parent can have for their child? If you have more than one child, is it possible to have loved your other children so much that you have nothing left for the others? Or is it just possible for life to beat you down so much so that you have nothing left to give your children except a place to stay, food to eat and a determination to survive?
Available January 15, 2013
Are there any ARCs you've gotten your hands on that the rest of us should look forward to reading? Any books you're interested in hearing more about before you order it? Drop a comment and let us know.
Luther: The Calling by Neil Cross: Fans of the BBC miniseries are no stranger to the brooding figure who observes crime scenes with his hands stuffed in his pockets. But they'll learn in Luther: The Calling where that habit came from and why lead character, John Luther, does just that. In this prequel to the miniseries, Neil Cross introduces John Luther before we, as television viewers, come to know him. And in introducing him this way, Cross ties up some loose ends that we weren't even aware of before.
Available September 4, 2012
Count on Me: Tales of Sisterhoods and Fierce Friendships by Las Comadres Para Las Americas: The concept of friendship that goes beyond everyday acquaintances is nothing new. Count On Me serves to remind us of those friendships that are so strong and so important that the only word that can define them is comadre. Told in twelve narratives, Count On Me highlights the friendships between co-workers, neighbors, confidants and complete strangers.
Available September 4, 2012
The Cutting Season by Attica Locke: Lovers of historical fiction, thrillers or both, come near. This is the book for you. In her latest, Attica Locke deftly weaves the history of a Louisiana plantation with a modern day who done it, and you're going to love it.
Available September 18, 2012
The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis: Is there a limit on the amount of love a parent can have for their child? If you have more than one child, is it possible to have loved your other children so much that you have nothing left for the others? Or is it just possible for life to beat you down so much so that you have nothing left to give your children except a place to stay, food to eat and a determination to survive?
Available January 15, 2013
Are there any ARCs you've gotten your hands on that the rest of us should look forward to reading? Any books you're interested in hearing more about before you order it? Drop a comment and let us know.
family secrets
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
You Stick to Your List, I'll Stick to Mine
Last week several newspapers and what not published "Summer Reading Lists." I was too busy doing the job I'm actually paid to do, so I couldn't join in on the conversation that broke out on Twitter, but I did read my time line enough to know that people can find something offensive in anything.
Roy L. Pickering, author of Patches of Grey, who blogs over at A Line A Day, answered a question posed by another user.
Fair enough. Question asked and answered. Then Roy's latest post showed up in my reader and it was apparent that he really had issues with books being labeled summer reads. What gives? He commented that he didn't read brainless books and he'd prefer not to get dumber over the summer. Really? There are books that I classify as summer reads, not because they're not smart books or are part of the dumbing down of America, they just tend to match the lighter mood that I find myself in during the summer. I wouldn't call any of them brainless though.
While I can understand Pickering's fear that this is yet another classification placed on books, I'd say it's a sub-genre and not the overall genre of any book. I also feel that there are some books that are decidedly meant to be read at certain times when you're in a certain mood. For example, last summer I tried to read Sapphire's The Kid, the sequel to Push. If you read Push or saw Precious, the movie upon which it was based, you know it was a heavy book with extremely heavy topics. Within the first few chapters I knew it wasn't something I could read and enjoy while the sun was shining, the birds were singing and kids were out playing. I could almost imagine the dark gray cloud hovering over my head as I tried to read it. I moved it to my "to be read much later" shelf and moved on to something that matched my light mood.
Pickering also pointed out that during school days, the summer reading list often included the classics. I filled my summer with Judy Blume books and Trixie Belden Mysteries when I was in school. I don't recall us having a list. But thinking back on my daughter's reading list, in high school she had to read books like Toni Morrison's Beloved and, as much as she loves to read, it would take her all summer to make it through a book like that, yet she sped through books on her personal reading list. Part of it is when we read for enjoyment, we tend to read quicker. When we read because we have to, it feels like a chore and we drag. So I don't think you can compare the summer reading lists of school days to a personal summer reading list. The purposes for reading are too different.
I don't think I'm any less intelligent than someone that spends their summer reading Dostoevsky or Moliere. If that's what you want to spend your days reading, that's on you. I'm perfectly happy to spend the warm, sunshine filled days, whether they fall in the summer, spring, fall or winter, with Mary Kay Andrews, Ernessa T. Carter and Ann B. Ross. In summation, a summer reading label doesn't mean strictly summer. It means, if you're looking for a good book that is likely to enhance your mood, this is the book for you.
Roy L. Pickering, author of Patches of Grey, who blogs over at A Line A Day, answered a question posed by another user.
Mine do not. #JustMe RT @TNBBC: Do your reading habits change in the summer? Everyone is posting their summer reading lists... #confusediam
— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) May 25, 2012
Fair enough. Question asked and answered. Then Roy's latest post showed up in my reader and it was apparent that he really had issues with books being labeled summer reads. What gives? He commented that he didn't read brainless books and he'd prefer not to get dumber over the summer. Really? There are books that I classify as summer reads, not because they're not smart books or are part of the dumbing down of America, they just tend to match the lighter mood that I find myself in during the summer. I wouldn't call any of them brainless though.
While I can understand Pickering's fear that this is yet another classification placed on books, I'd say it's a sub-genre and not the overall genre of any book. I also feel that there are some books that are decidedly meant to be read at certain times when you're in a certain mood. For example, last summer I tried to read Sapphire's The Kid, the sequel to Push. If you read Push or saw Precious, the movie upon which it was based, you know it was a heavy book with extremely heavy topics. Within the first few chapters I knew it wasn't something I could read and enjoy while the sun was shining, the birds were singing and kids were out playing. I could almost imagine the dark gray cloud hovering over my head as I tried to read it. I moved it to my "to be read much later" shelf and moved on to something that matched my light mood.
Pickering also pointed out that during school days, the summer reading list often included the classics. I filled my summer with Judy Blume books and Trixie Belden Mysteries when I was in school. I don't recall us having a list. But thinking back on my daughter's reading list, in high school she had to read books like Toni Morrison's Beloved and, as much as she loves to read, it would take her all summer to make it through a book like that, yet she sped through books on her personal reading list. Part of it is when we read for enjoyment, we tend to read quicker. When we read because we have to, it feels like a chore and we drag. So I don't think you can compare the summer reading lists of school days to a personal summer reading list. The purposes for reading are too different.
I don't think I'm any less intelligent than someone that spends their summer reading Dostoevsky or Moliere. If that's what you want to spend your days reading, that's on you. I'm perfectly happy to spend the warm, sunshine filled days, whether they fall in the summer, spring, fall or winter, with Mary Kay Andrews, Ernessa T. Carter and Ann B. Ross. In summation, a summer reading label doesn't mean strictly summer. It means, if you're looking for a good book that is likely to enhance your mood, this is the book for you.
Friday, May 18, 2012
In Search of Satisfaction
One of the challenges of being a book blogger is finding books that interest you enough to want to talk about them. Some books are just blah and I have a hard time stringing together enough words to interest others in reading them. Some books blow me away and I have a hard time organizing my thoughts enough to get the words out in a coherent fashion. Lately, I feel like I'm reading more blah books and not enough "shiver me timbers" books.
As much as I read as a kid, the college bookstore opened up a whole new world of authors for me. While other students charged sweatshirts to their student accounts, I was charging books. It was there that I discovered Maya Angelou beyond I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings; Gloria Naylor; and the Terry McMillan edited anthology, Breaking Ice.
There was an overabundance of good work and good authors in the nineties. The shelves at The Knowledge Center, the neighborhood bookstore, overflowed with books by Barbara Neeley, Bebe Moore Campbell, J. California Cooper and Lolita Files. When my budget couldn't keep up with all of the good books, the library of the mid-nineties through 2005 or so gave me Grace F. Edwards, April Sinclair, Tina McElroy Ansa, Diane McKinney-Whetstone, Dawn Turner Trice, Tananarive Due, Lorene Cary, Virginia DeBerry & Donna Grant.
Today I can walk in and pick up (or download from home) books by Bernice McFadden, Ernessa T. Carter, Martha Southgate, Mary Monroe, Tayari Jones, Carleen Brice, Beverly Jenkins, Michele Grant, Aliya S. King and Danielle Evans. Do you notice how much shorter that list is in comparison to what awaited me just ten years ago? Yes, there's a flood of self-published and/or street lit authors, but where are the quality writers of the future? Some of the authors of 20 years ago continue to write, but I worry about who will replace them. I don't doubt that there are plenty of good writers waiting in the wing, but I do worry that publishers won't give them a chance to be heard.
Last year saw books like Silver Sparrow, Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Self and If Sons Then Heirs. This year has brought Gathering of Waters, Home and The Cutting Season (okay, the last one doesn't come out until October, but trust me, you're going to love it), but when I look at the publisher's summer, fall and winter catalogs, I don't see a lot coming down the pipeline by writers that I'm interested in reading. Knowing what authors and books I enjoy, who do you recommend I read? What authors have I overlooked in the past that I should give another glance? If all of the good books are already read, what do I read next?
As much as I read as a kid, the college bookstore opened up a whole new world of authors for me. While other students charged sweatshirts to their student accounts, I was charging books. It was there that I discovered Maya Angelou beyond I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings; Gloria Naylor; and the Terry McMillan edited anthology, Breaking Ice.
There was an overabundance of good work and good authors in the nineties. The shelves at The Knowledge Center, the neighborhood bookstore, overflowed with books by Barbara Neeley, Bebe Moore Campbell, J. California Cooper and Lolita Files. When my budget couldn't keep up with all of the good books, the library of the mid-nineties through 2005 or so gave me Grace F. Edwards, April Sinclair, Tina McElroy Ansa, Diane McKinney-Whetstone, Dawn Turner Trice, Tananarive Due, Lorene Cary, Virginia DeBerry & Donna Grant.
Today I can walk in and pick up (or download from home) books by Bernice McFadden, Ernessa T. Carter, Martha Southgate, Mary Monroe, Tayari Jones, Carleen Brice, Beverly Jenkins, Michele Grant, Aliya S. King and Danielle Evans. Do you notice how much shorter that list is in comparison to what awaited me just ten years ago? Yes, there's a flood of self-published and/or street lit authors, but where are the quality writers of the future? Some of the authors of 20 years ago continue to write, but I worry about who will replace them. I don't doubt that there are plenty of good writers waiting in the wing, but I do worry that publishers won't give them a chance to be heard.
Last year saw books like Silver Sparrow, Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Self and If Sons Then Heirs. This year has brought Gathering of Waters, Home and The Cutting Season (okay, the last one doesn't come out until October, but trust me, you're going to love it), but when I look at the publisher's summer, fall and winter catalogs, I don't see a lot coming down the pipeline by writers that I'm interested in reading. Knowing what authors and books I enjoy, who do you recommend I read? What authors have I overlooked in the past that I should give another glance? If all of the good books are already read, what do I read next?
Friday, April 13, 2012
My mirror ain't like yours
Think back to the last book you read that didn't include a picture of the characters on the cover. Before you started reading, did you assume they were of a certain race? Were you correct? If you were wrong, were you disappointed?
I ask these questions in light of the recent flare ups around the Internet in regards to characters in The Hunger Games. I've not read the book or seen the movie, but one of the most beloved characters, who was described in the book as having brown skin turned out to be...brown in the movie. And people were all "boo hiss, why's this little black girl in the movie, she totally ruined it. Instead of an innocent white girl, we got a black girl." The implication being that white equals innocence and black equals blah. I don't even know how you look at this adorable kid and not ooh and ahh over her. She's totally adorbs!
From the audience reaction comes an interesting conversation about what we see when we read. Is it your assumption that characters are white, black, Asian? Why? How do you decide, without a description of characters (and sometimes with), what your character looks like? It would be easy to say that readers project their own image onto characters, but that's not always the case.
As a child, I distinctly remember assuming all of the characters I read about were white unless it was specifically pointed out that they were not. I'm not white, so why that assumption? Because American history and media have dictated that white is the default color and everything else is "other." It's this subliminal messaging that causes readers to disregard descriptions of characters and re-imagine them the way they think they should be.
As an adult, I'm much more likely to imagine characters based on the race of the author (if given no description), with the thought that writers write about what they know. And that's not to say writers have to limit themselves when creating characters. I believe that writers can do a fair job with enough dedication and research to the topic, as I touched on in last year's post Does It Matter Who Writes the Story As Long As It's Written?
So what's your default? When you pick up a book, what do you see?
I ask these questions in light of the recent flare ups around the Internet in regards to characters in The Hunger Games. I've not read the book or seen the movie, but one of the most beloved characters, who was described in the book as having brown skin turned out to be...brown in the movie. And people were all "boo hiss, why's this little black girl in the movie, she totally ruined it. Instead of an innocent white girl, we got a black girl." The implication being that white equals innocence and black equals blah. I don't even know how you look at this adorable kid and not ooh and ahh over her. She's totally adorbs!
From the audience reaction comes an interesting conversation about what we see when we read. Is it your assumption that characters are white, black, Asian? Why? How do you decide, without a description of characters (and sometimes with), what your character looks like? It would be easy to say that readers project their own image onto characters, but that's not always the case.
As a child, I distinctly remember assuming all of the characters I read about were white unless it was specifically pointed out that they were not. I'm not white, so why that assumption? Because American history and media have dictated that white is the default color and everything else is "other." It's this subliminal messaging that causes readers to disregard descriptions of characters and re-imagine them the way they think they should be.
As an adult, I'm much more likely to imagine characters based on the race of the author (if given no description), with the thought that writers write about what they know. And that's not to say writers have to limit themselves when creating characters. I believe that writers can do a fair job with enough dedication and research to the topic, as I touched on in last year's post Does It Matter Who Writes the Story As Long As It's Written?
So what's your default? When you pick up a book, what do you see?
Friday, March 23, 2012
I'm so over you!
Have you ever had a series that you loved or a character that you adored? When you first started reading about them, you couldn’t get enough, right? You anxiously anticipated the next book in the series. You wondered what the characters were doing in their down time. And then it happened. One day the series sucked and you wouldn’t care if your character got mowed down by the cross town bus. So what goes wrong? Has the author run out of new ideas or has the character just outlived their usefulness? Sometimes it’s a combination of both.
Back in 2000 when Kimberla Lawson Roby’s “Reverend Curtis Black” series first started, it was mildly entertaining. It was Christian lit with less focus on the Christian part and more focus on drama. I like to say that it was as close to secular entertainment as good Christians could come without falling from God’s grace. Anyway, fast forward to 2012 and nine books later, Rev. Black is STILL around. Given that she’s still churning out books and people are still buying them, I guess Lawson Roby plans to ride this wagon until the wheels fall off, but I see far too many negative tweets and comments about them to believe that people are still interested in the misadventures of the Rev, his wife, kids and women.
As much as I used to love James Patterson’s Alex Cross series, let my people go! Remember when the series was really good? Before some movie executive thought Morgan Freeman’s old grizzled self made a decent Alex and way before some misguided movie exec thought Tyler Perry (rather than Idris Elba) personified Alex, there were just the books. And they were good. Patterson has been off his game for awhile as far as his other books and series were concerned, but the Alex Cross series seemed to be a sure thing for the longest. I don’t know if, like with his other books, he started bringing in fledgling writers to assist (read: write for) him, but the plots and developed characters are no longer there. The last Alex Cross book I truly enjoyed wasn’t even about Alex, it was about a distant relative of his.
Has Patterson lost the magic all the way around? Looking at the Women’s Murder Club series, I have to say yes. With the exception of the first book in the series, they’ve all been co-written. I think I lost interest about book five. Beginning in 2000, he published a book about them each year, stopping in 2009 with The 9th Judgement. Let's pause to give him a collective thank you.
Another series that used to leave me breathless was Patricia Cornwell’s Kay Scarpetta series. Kay was funny, she was beautiful and she was absolutely brilliant. The series about a medical examiner with both a J.D. and an M.D. who canoodled with the FBI and hung out with a cop that reminded me of NYPD Blue’s Andy Sipowitz was so much fun to read. So what happened? About nine books into the series, Cornwell changed the voice of Scarpetta from first person to third person. Honestly, I felt like I was having a conversation with Bob Dole. After poor sales and complaints from readers, Cornwell admitted that she had been “going through some things,” some of which she blamed on George W. Bush (don’t ask how she came up with that), and returned to writing Scarpetta as the way she was meant to be written. Unfortunately, most of her readership, including me, had moved on to other authors and characters.
So what series are you over? Is there a character that you wouldn’t mind seeing take a long walk off a short pier?
Back in 2000 when Kimberla Lawson Roby’s “Reverend Curtis Black” series first started, it was mildly entertaining. It was Christian lit with less focus on the Christian part and more focus on drama. I like to say that it was as close to secular entertainment as good Christians could come without falling from God’s grace. Anyway, fast forward to 2012 and nine books later, Rev. Black is STILL around. Given that she’s still churning out books and people are still buying them, I guess Lawson Roby plans to ride this wagon until the wheels fall off, but I see far too many negative tweets and comments about them to believe that people are still interested in the misadventures of the Rev, his wife, kids and women.
As much as I used to love James Patterson’s Alex Cross series, let my people go! Remember when the series was really good? Before some movie executive thought Morgan Freeman’s old grizzled self made a decent Alex and way before some misguided movie exec thought Tyler Perry (rather than Idris Elba) personified Alex, there were just the books. And they were good. Patterson has been off his game for awhile as far as his other books and series were concerned, but the Alex Cross series seemed to be a sure thing for the longest. I don’t know if, like with his other books, he started bringing in fledgling writers to assist (read: write for) him, but the plots and developed characters are no longer there. The last Alex Cross book I truly enjoyed wasn’t even about Alex, it was about a distant relative of his.
Has Patterson lost the magic all the way around? Looking at the Women’s Murder Club series, I have to say yes. With the exception of the first book in the series, they’ve all been co-written. I think I lost interest about book five. Beginning in 2000, he published a book about them each year, stopping in 2009 with The 9th Judgement. Let's pause to give him a collective thank you.
Another series that used to leave me breathless was Patricia Cornwell’s Kay Scarpetta series. Kay was funny, she was beautiful and she was absolutely brilliant. The series about a medical examiner with both a J.D. and an M.D. who canoodled with the FBI and hung out with a cop that reminded me of NYPD Blue’s Andy Sipowitz was so much fun to read. So what happened? About nine books into the series, Cornwell changed the voice of Scarpetta from first person to third person. Honestly, I felt like I was having a conversation with Bob Dole. After poor sales and complaints from readers, Cornwell admitted that she had been “going through some things,” some of which she blamed on George W. Bush (don’t ask how she came up with that), and returned to writing Scarpetta as the way she was meant to be written. Unfortunately, most of her readership, including me, had moved on to other authors and characters.
So what series are you over? Is there a character that you wouldn’t mind seeing take a long walk off a short pier?
Christian lit
James Patterson
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