Metamorph by Jeny Staiman


November 2012
Light Fingering ?
18.5 stitches = 10 cm
in 2-color brioche
US 8 - 5.0 mm
One size
Danish English
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

met∙a∙morph (met-uh-mawrf), n: a being that can change its shape into that of another person, creature, or entity.

This cowl is a double-knit moebius… or is it? What will happen when you undo the buttons? Download the pattern and find out how it works!

Metamorph can take on different forms based on the whim of the wearer. But to make it, you need only know how to knit a tube.

Watch the video on YouTube!

For guidance on varying the height, width, or number of buttons of the basic form, please see the blog post: “The Math Behind Metamorph

Many thanks to Asta Nielsen (anfromdenmark) for the Danish translation.

Error in line-by-line instructions of Keyhole Buttonhole in Round 5 of “Cuff, Buttonholes & Bind off” section. This line should read:
(p2, k1 6 times, M1 3 times in the strand below, k1). This time use the standard M1 increase. Repeat 7 more times to end.

Also, see the original source for Keyhole Buttonhole technique.

last updated 4/26/ 2013